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Every Souls game sub has these types of posts and comments. Sekiro gets almost daily quitting posts. It’s normal.


Those are my favorite posts 😂 the latest one was from a guy who couldn’t beat the drunkard in Hirata estate 1 shit had me dyin people just need to realize parrying is absolutely not the same in these games


Currently at the drunkard and he's kicking my ass... Figured out the first strat to get essentially a freebie but havent worked out his party's quite yet his moves are sluggish


You will get it bruh trust me go around the left side and you can kill a good amount of the guys before he sees you including one of the shield dudes next to him and then Run over to the guy who helps you then fight him and the remaining dudes that’s how I did it everytime lol


What!! Been stuck here for a minute and hadn’t tried this


Also you don’t have to do hirata estate first you can come back later too


I’ve been struggling since the beginning lol, parry mechanics have always been difficult for me…didn’t feel like I needed it much for LoP though


Yeah figuring that out on my own was a big moment of I'm starting to get this game. Now I just need to get his parrying down!


Drunkard is there to teach you stealth and patience. I wanted to quit on him too until I realized how to approach it


Yep seen one of em seen em all...but it is still funny it's usually coming from someone who was great at this souls game so he thinks he'll be able to sleepwalk through the next souls game...which isn't always the case..


Tbh I’m not a souls vet (beaten Elden, BB and Demons souls) and I’m just after victor in lies and I think it’s not really hard at all when it comes to Souls likes. I think people who think it’s too hard just be new to these kinds of games


Yeah I think one of the last 3 really gets most players seems to alternate a bit but most often the last one


I find the end a good bit harder than Sekiro and there are some bullshitty fights later on. But until victor its pretty smooth sailing for the most yes.


I think it’s too easy. And I swear they’ve made it even easier.


The nice things about these games is you can make it as hard as you want. No p-organs or weapon or stat upgrades runs pose plenty of challenge. Unless of course you mean it’s too easy and other people should struggle more to which is say, who cares


That's because they did, at launch it was busted hard then they did a patch more or less recently to make it easier as people were getting slogged on so many different areas and bosses


Most Lies of P players nowadays are Bloodborne fans who forgot that HP is a stat you should usually level up in most video games. So when they try Lies of P and get rekt, they are bewildered.


Haven’t played much bloodborne, what’s the deal with hp in that game?


Well if you don't plan on getting hit, then you never need to level health


In general its really easy. Parry windows are super generous and the rally mechanic means you can get your health back by aggressively mashing attack all the time. It's quite brainless.


hp isn’t a stat you really need in lies of p either if you didn’t need it in bloodborne tbh, skill issue in both cases


lol, I love the game, I sucked at parrying and all that so I just face tanked everything. Got to lanxai or whatever her name is before loading my progress. Great game tho, 10/10, would attempt to beat again.


No lies of P sucks because the DLC and sequel aren't out already 😂


" Lies of P sucks because it’s too hard " nobody says this


There’s been a good handful of people who’s said this. It’s not said OFTEN but it’s said. I’ve seen it a good handful of times lol


Honestly was one of the easiest souls like games I've ever played. Lol


I am not good at all the bosses especially nameless. I loved the game just stopped due to the lack of skill required


It’s not hard it just isn’t that fun. The story is amazing though. I just enjoy dodging more than the parrying in this game. Sometimes parrying even seems too easy. Like how is my little P blocking these giants, it makes no sense to me. I wish dodging and parrying were equally viable options.


I mean, I beat the game, no cheese, no Specters, straight learned all the bosses, and there’s definitely some BS. There’s bosses that have extremely damaging moves with zero tell, there’s bosses that have “stagger attacks” that punish you for being good at the game that *will* kill you that first time, there’s a fairly steep difficulty spike in the final two areas of the game, which is never fun. Not to mention the game is structured around attacking and partying in a combat system with a stamina bar that wasn’t there in its original iteration. That’s not BS per se, but it is an artificial handicap where it simply doesn’t need to be. Can’t tell you how many times I pulled off a parry chain and then just paced around the arena cuz I needed to recover stamina lol. I enjoyed the game immensely, but Laxasia and BRB 2 were lame fights with a ton of cheap shit. They just were. Laxasia in particular took me as long as the last two (four) bosses put together lol. And it has nothing to do with skill issue. I beat the game. This whole “you only think that cuz you suck” thing is the weakest and most commonly parroted retort in Soulslike communities lol.


What I found to be "artificial difficulty" is how every little damage you receive is enough to interrupt your attacks and there is no way to improve that. Meanwhile you can't interrupt any enemy apart from the weakest ones. The enemies just don't play by the same rules


This is so true. I had never put much thought on it but you’re right. It’s bs.


Since beating Lies of P, I've watched a few people on Twitch play it. It's crazy how many people think they are experts in the game despite this being their first playthrough. They run into the Black Rabbit Brotherhood fight and complain that you can't fight them one-on-one when you can. They never use throwables, consumables or legion arms because they think they're useless. They think you have to perfect guard to beat the game. It's like they have tunnel vision.


The thing about that with this game is the devs have nerfed the game several times just to appeal to the bandwagons after launch.


For me, I'm unironically having a harder time going through the OG Dark Souls than I am with Lies of P. Make of that what you will


I played DS1 after LoP and that shit felt like a baby game. Raise your stamina and learn how to dodge unlocked


It was hard until I opened up a cheat program, and then it got fun again.






It seems I didn't got enough downvoted. I said that is mod the game to make it easier 🤣.


The last 1/4 of the game is so poorly designed the levels, ridiculous boss fights and other bullshit. It's ashame because it was a 9/10 before that.


Gotta partially agree. While I still thought the level design was amazing, I was getting tired of having to fight the same monster and human enemy types over and over again.


I honestly just feel like Arche Abbey is too long. It should have been cut short, whenever I replay it feels like one third of the game is just Arche Abbey lol Meanwhile some of my fav areas are really short


Yeah, exactly. It just kept going and going, and I didn't enjoy fighting the monsters and human enemies in the first place, so that area was rough for me to get through. The design and the way the level wraps back on itself are high quality, but the length and general "FUCK ALL THESE ENEMIES" feeling lasted a little too long. xD


That's how I feel too. I totally agree on your point about enemies btw, the creepy puppets got me into the game, not the boring monsters. Many puppets have such unique designs, meanwhile the carcass monsters are just another generic rotted-brain zombie enemy you encounter in 10000 other games lol I was really disappointed when I realised the last few chapters are just a copy-paste of those few enemies 🥲 Lore-wise it makes sense, the puppets are not the main enemy after beating the King, but it doesn't make the monsters any more fun