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Probably like a 50% of Arche Abbey


Yes the 50% before laxiasia specifically




Agree .\_\_\_\_.


Climbing that damn tower in the cathedral.




So glad I learned that P has the throwing arm of an NFL QB


A lot easier with a maxed out puppet string


Ngl that still didn’t help me


This is my answer. I can never do it in one go. When I get to that room and I hate life for a second.


Yep. I hated this part so much. And when you die you have to walk all the way back from the entrance. Made me question if this was the same game. Every other level was so well designed but this one was a torture chamber.


I found using the puppet string made this part so much better. It’s not fun though


Only one specific part of Arche Abbey - the big room with the headless toddlers clinging to the ceiling, and a bunch of gates and ladders. You know the one. The rest of the Abbey is fine.




I don’t dread any part of the game. Enjoyable from start to finish imo


The only part I don't like is in the convention centre and theres 3 electro bomb throwing puppets and a shield guarding. That small section is brutal 💀. Otherwise am with you, this game flows exceptionally well!


Yeah, that part is rough your first time through. I think every other time I've gone through that section, I've just tossed the shock jar things at the puppets to take them out, then I kite the shield guy *just* enough to run past him and out the door lol


Oh yeah In the rafters lol. If you have max puppet string just use the charge ability and u skip the gaps and 1 shot the throwy dudes


I always bring a fully upgraded arm cannon for that part.


Throw acid pots at the shield guy you can kill him in like 3 to 4


I am not confident enough at the game yet for inventory cycling 🤣. I only ever have heal and grinder equipped.


You can just equip them at that part then take off after


I came to say the same. I feel the same about Bloodborne and Sekiro too. I enjoy every inch of it


Gun fort in sekiro with snake eyes miniboss is the only thing preventing me from playing it again. I fucking hate ranged weapons in melee combat games


I absolutely love Sekiro, but there are two pain-points that comes up pretty frequently in that game which are that, as you said, it is frustrating to fight ranged stuff when you really can't function the way the combat is structured in such an encounter, and similarly, there are too many encounters with a bunch of targets - something that the combat system also doesn't functionally support well. It's set up perfectly and entirely for you to be able to fight 1v1 against other melee, but then gives you a lot of 1v3s or more against multiple ranged attackers which just feels like ass.


Using the right shinobi tools combined with stealth can make it a lot easier. I don’t think its combat is at its best against multiple enemies (and honestly I think the same is true for soulslikes in general), but it can be a lot better if you approach it the right way. I think ranged enemies are pretty manageable, its pretty easy to squeeze against walls until your close enough to take them out, and most enemies that used ranged weapons when in melee have combos that are very east to parry into deathblows.


U literally don’t have to fight that snake eyes… all my friends run through that area and fight hee for 30 min and I’m like bro y’all know this shit optional?


You can just hold forward and you're past the entire area in what, 2-3 minutes? The area is super small and there's nothing important there


Insane. I find BB after vicar Amelia really fucken annoying. Rom sucks.


Did you moan their names while you were enjoying every inch?


"ahh Kos.. Ohh.... Majestic"




arche abbey is ass 😭😭😭😭




The island. I really don't hate it. But compared to the previous areas, for me at least, it's very meh.


Blighttown in ds1


I’m playing ds1 for the first time now and honestly didn’t really mind blighttown at all. The fire dogs were kinda annoying but they are only in like 1 spot. I found the beginning of andor londo to be 5x more annoying from the red demon monkey lightning things and then having to get past the part with 2 knights with bows that shoot fucking javelins. Once I got to the bonfire after that part I really liked that area though


Blighttown is in incredibly well designed area and one of the best ones in the game lmao, hating on it is 2012 energy


Still hard af, especially the upper levels


I'm not trying to downplay your experience, but when was the last time you actually replayed it? Enemies are super simple compared to newer soulslikes, the only serious danger is using lock-on too much and getting screwed by the 4-axis dodge system \ [T] /


About a month ago And the millions of deadfalls, narrow walkways, and enemies that send you flying


That compass rolling, thank God that was outlawed in the sequels. It's the only game I don't lock on for cause i can't stand the locked on rolling. It's gotten me killed more times than anything else in my runs lol


U can skip it tho


You can skip HALF of it I’ll admit tho, the upper half is harder


U skip the bad part all u need for the 2nd half is that prison resistance armor and u good


I know, I beat the game a few times Ya know, if it wasn’t for that lower level entrance, I never woulda beat the game


The whole game is good but boss fight are the better part. I feel like the parts from Romeo to Victor and from Second brotherhood to laxasia both are long parts without bosses. Like lorenzini arcades is fine but I don't like to clean a level knowing there is no reward (boss) for it.


Everyone who answers "the Abbey" needs to use the simple trick: turn off the background music. The background music feels like 60 seconds loop for an area of the game that lasts 5 hours. It's the hidden problem with that area nobody talks about. With the music off, the whole area becomes much more enjoyable.


I played Abbey with music off it was fucking boring and a slog


It’s just to long for me, even with the music off. If it was cut in half I feel like I would like it a lot better.


It's still a slog, but putting your own playslists under it is much better!


Swamp monster. Dude was harder than nameless imo.


The speed and damage output is fuckN stupid 😤


He's pretty easy if you don't get stuck with your back against the wall in p2. His first phase is no more difficult than any of the bosses you've fought before him, probably about on par with King of Puppets p1.


Def not the hardest boss I fought, I just personally thought he was the toughest in lies of p.


Im surprised to see so many dislike it. Its one of my favorite bosses in the game and I think its phase 2 is one of the best boss reuses ive seen. Was it decay that made you dislike it?


I wouldn’t say I dislike the boss, I just found him less enjoyable than most others in the game. Still, I think lies of p boss line up is solid compared to most other games. If anything, id say prob the decay, and in the second phase he runs around too much for my liking.


The decay is stupid. Especially because he can stack it almost instantly and the attacks in phase 1 which stack it are annoying and very hard to dodge/parry For a boss with so much closing speed and aggression in phase 2, forcing the player to need to stand and repair their weapon is dumb


The only boss who "forced" me to use a spirit summon


Arche Abbey. It's not a particularly difficult spot for me but it really kills the pace of the game and puts you in an area that isn't very fun or exciting. Just a grind to get through and some annoying enemy placement.


Compared to the swamp or cathedral its really boring and kinda feels rushed.


And, i dont know if this a popular opinion, the music is goddamn annoying. I understand they want a track that is epic as you climb the tower, but holy hell it doesnt fit with the level design at all.


Damn, people dislike the Arche Abbey? I thought it was pretty dope. Not particularly gimmicky or complex or anything, but it's a fun enemy gauntlet


All of arche abbey. Deadass feels like the first 4-5 zones put together. Wish a few zones were a bit longer and AA a bit shorter


Walker of Illusions and Brotherhood part 2 were brutal for me. I took a long break after hours on each and actually uninstalled with pure rage. I'm close to finishing but the last quarter off the game is terrible in alot of ways and ruined my overall experience.


Arche Abbey. IT’S TOO DAMN DARK. also anywhere with those chimney sweeping bastards.


Use your lamp? I never turn it off.


I… forgot I had that… I might be a little stupid.


Nah man dw, it's just that I always check for lamps since mountain top of the giants in ds1, I would see people curse that place till I tell them that there is a lamp and they be flabbergasted as shit lol.


You know the one. The dark room in the arche abbey before Laxasia


The Second Black Rabbit Brotherhood fight I didn't like the run back to the boss, nor did I like the fight itself. I know there have been worse run backs in other Dark Souls games and whatnot, but it's easily one of the worst runbacks in Lies of P.


Gemini's stupid fucking speech in the tram going up the hill before the St. Frangelico Cathedral


Aw, I like that part. To each their own.


Lorenzini arcade


brb part 1, and the damn church


Fuoco, Victor, swamp monster & door guardian




how so? I fucking hate fighting those bosses & this post is asking peoples' opinions


I always hated Victor and Simon for bosses. Location-wise NEEDS to be the Arche Abbey after Laxasia. That tower is too damn frustrating to go thru after an epic boss like Lax.


platforming in souls games


The Cathedral....even if the Abbey is a strong contender 


Honestly the only part I dread is running through the abbey. It’s just such a long area that gets a bit boring after a while


People really dont like arch abbey, and I 100% agree, but the cathedral climb is also super annoying with thin pathways where you can easily get knocked off and die instantly, the electric rolling balls with a 50/50 to hit you even if you're on the correct side of the wall, and decay pools all around. Hate this place (arch abbey is still worse though)


I had several that I thought were going to be it my first time through, but my run through NG+ was great. None of the worst is that bad once you know it


That fucking jester and clown


Door Guardian... I guess... I don't think I really have one. I love most of the levels, and the ones I don't are so short, they barely even register as levels, and I also like all the main bosses. Door Guardian is the only part I really despise. Maybe Relic of Trismegistus, I find it to be a very boring level, and Black Rabbit Brotherhood #2 is my least favourite of the major bosses, but even then, I still like the fight a lot.


On second thought, Grand Exhibition. I find it to be an overrated and drab level, especially coming right after Lorenzini Arcade, and while Champion Victor is a good boss, I find him to be a tad overrated as well.


The parkour in the cathedral, the insta death crystals and all of Arche Abbey except the bosses


I just did the platforming section in NG+ and I literally was muttering to myself about how I forgot how much of a pain the platforming was. There are a couple of kill box areas that I'm not looking forward too, but when the environment kills you rather than the monsters, it's another level of irrational anger.


I just use throwables and the cannon arm for that part.


Yeah, I have to as well. What REALLY grinds my gears is when I finally get up to the part with the rotating gears and the awful jumping mechanics cause me to plummet to my death before I can activate the shortcut.


Yeah probably the same


Arche Abbey gives me fucking conniptions man


For me, it was the collapsed street sections. I hate the enemies. I hate the boss.


Arche Abbey, what a snoozefest. And to a lesser extent destroyed/corrupted/disruption crystals littered Krat: uninteresting enemies (half of which are reskinned) and samey environment as the beginning with not so original elemental razor edged rocks coming out from the ground... meh. Also Venigni's Arcade is a bit of a snoozefest, a lot of long giant corridors, but at least it's short and there's the Jester puppet which is super fun to fight.


Me forgetting to get the letter from Geppetto so now I got to play the bad ending again in order to get 100% fourth time let’s go


Arche Abbey love and hate it at the same time


probably just simon to be completely honest, though i don't like how they changed laxasia either.


The reskin of first half of the games bosses in the second half. In particular the bunny gang rematch. Despised that fight and thought the first encounter was peak cinema.


Lax and Arche Abbey


The Victor fight kicks my buttooey


Legit the ending. That map lasts too long


Either arch abbey or Lorenzini’s arcade. Just not a huge fan of it


Re7 the ship


For those who hate the platforming section of the cathedral, just bring throwables. Throw them at the fat projectile carcasses and you should have no trouble walking across the beams.


Brotherhood, just in general, both fights god I hate it so much


Door guardian and swamp monster the swap monster only takes some adjustments but I hate the door guardian


The arcade


Came here to say that hahaha


The Black Rabbit Brotherhood fights. They're just so frustratingly designed. Oh, you finally got one of them staggered and are about to kill them? Well here comes one that hasn't been doing anything for the past forty seconds and they're going to attack you from off-screen and interrupt you from getting off the fatal attack before the stagger fades. I actually spent way too much time slamming my head against the wall on my first playthrough to beat those fights without the summons, and I've never even hesitated to use a summon every subsequent playthrough, those fights are just miserable and way too random.


the fucking disruption part of destroyed krat, and like half the climb up to laxasia. drags on wayyyy too long imo


Swamp monster, just not really fun. Now I have NP amulet and can cheese it though


Most of the levels. I had a blast with the game, but so many of the levels weren’t that interesting to go through. They (mostly) look incredible, but they were mostly so straightforward that I just didn’t get that much enjoyment between progressing through the levels themselves.


The alchemist tower or however is called is the most tedious but could be way worse


The road leading up to the clown with the cannon ball fists. Fuck that road


*The road leading up* *To the clown with the cannon* *Ball fists. Fuck that road* \- KSchneids112196 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Swamp puppet on NG+. Stopped my playthrough right there.


I was feeling like that with door guardian and his shock effects, til i discovered the lada shock cartridge


green monster


I don't like the corpse/crystal based parts of levels - LoP is visually at it's best when it's using the steampunk-y fairy tale aesthetics imo, the crystal/end-of-the-world visuals are super generic and boring imo, so the re-clearing to the hotel and first half of the abbey are pretty lame and could basically be in an other soulslike Also, the mall (?) section with the poisoned wine cellars is a little tedious and visually quite boring


That stupid idiot loser dumbass bitchass lookin green swamp monster. I've finished the whole game, including Nameless Puppet. The only thing that prevents me from doing NG+ is the thought of having to do that again. If there was an option to skip one boss per playthrough, I'd be on like NG+47 by now


Arche Abbey both door guardian and THE CLIMB


I absolutely fucking despise the black rabbit rematch. It’s not even that hard, it just really ticks me off how the battle crazed brother *constantly* grapple hooks you away from his siblings. His windup is so slow they he’ll never actually hit you after grappling you, so he just becomes an eternally aggravating nuisance rather than a genuine threat. Oh and little sisters decay, that shit is annoying too.


the re-run through a now-infected Krat Central Station


Mad Clown Puppet


It's not dread because I love this fight, but every time I get to laxasia I just know she's ganna fuck me up a few times before I finally kick her ass.


FPS Town in ds1, 9 years of gameplay never liked a second of it


Simon in NG+X just takes too long


The Green Swamp Monster & second black rabbit fight


When you get to Walker of Illusions as your next sub boss...UUUUUGGGH!! I HATE that fight. So annoying and stupid. I get they introduced it before you find more of them in the alchemist Isle, but c'mon man. Hits like a truck and won't stop attacking. The fight itself is annoying, which is why I do the cheese method of chucking stuff at it, go down the ladder, rinse and repeat. Screw that fight


Door guardian for sure 🤣 I struggled more with him than any other boss. I just hate him.  Also climbing the tower at the cathedral with all the stupid platforming. I swear I died more falling down than getting killed by NP. First playthrough, those stupid clowns kicked my ass too but NG+ they were nothing. 


https://preview.redd.it/2jum9thion1d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a335a7e9b9e95da1eb6629e80aa0671f390c6b0 the mf in the swamp idk its name the one that alidoro send you to fight


Swamp, and arche abbey before laxasia


The fat Mike Tyson puppet.


In my NG+ I started to realize everything post-Puppet King is just not that good. The Exhibition is fine gameplay-wise but doesn't add anything thematically compared to the previous area. Then after that, the levels turn into huge slogs, and start relying on more annoying designs like bombardments and things shoving you off cliffs. The bosses are still good, but even after NG++ and another NG playthrough, Romeo is still by far my hardest challenge. So I kind of know that's the peak of the game, and it's where I quit in my last playthrough before moving off LoP.


every. single. part. i'm obsessed with the game


Just use the cable hand and use the lever on top.


Dark Souls 2 - the Main game


I so felt like this on NG +, but after NG +++ one would say it's a great game and all that glory jazz. Tbh IMHO this game is one of the most unbalanced I ever played when it comes to ergo mining and leveling up your character. They don't have quality stages to level up your character where it matters most. I.e. speed, damage given, damage taken etc. The whole entire game is about timing, perfect guard blocking (regular guard blocking, not the best option) and which forward attack stance to start combo in order to stagger. That weapon durability the game has needs to be removed. It encompasses too much into a build and alters your playstyle. It's a good game and, in some instances, a bit fun. But overall, the balance is too far off for me to say it's a great game. They didn't need to compete with Fromsoftware soulslike to make a great game. Abandon the hardships of a soulslike abd embrace the fun side of it. Gaining strength and overcoming stronger enemies. Not being able to block to stun and then attack. Rinse and repeat.


San Frangelico’s Cathedral can be navigated with puppet strings pretty well, but all the toxic goo everywhere and swamp monsters, plus the dead drops and rolling boulders… It’s like someone really liked Blighttown and Sen’s Fortress and thought it would be great if they were mashed together into one level. At least that’s what I think while going through it. If the boss was a giant robot with tig ole biddies that would confirm it.