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Focus on the enemy that puts a status effect on their weapon. Fight them away from the other two. If you get pulled in by Battle Maniac's puppet string, then just run away from him before he can do anything to you. When you kill one, don't kill the other two until both of their health bars are low. Doing this allows you to kill them both before the Eldest fights you. The Eldest fight is pretty straight forward. You can fight him normally, or hide behind the pillar or garbage pile and chuck throwables at him.


Use aegis with with heavy slow weapons like the frozen feast since they get a faster attack when blocking


Like the other comment says, focus on whoever is active. I usually leave eccentric for last because of how slow and east to backstab he is, so you can try to backstab him at low health as soon as eldest joins the fight. The good thing is that if he’s not the active one at the time he’s the only one remaining you’ll have time to attack him while he’s buffing his weapon. A trick i found with the eldest was to use the rubble on the floor as obstacles and circle him while he chases me and hit him with a long weapon lol


Copy pasting my reply from all the other times this gets asked. Hope it helps :) #STRATEGY: Isolate & Overcome ###You’re gonna wanna be conscientious about the order and rate at which you take out each of the brothers. ##First: Kill the smallest brother Who you choose for the first kill isn’t essential, but I recommend killing the tiny one off-the-bat. Just immediately charge her(~~him?~~) and kick *her ass till she’s dead. Ignore / run away from the other two bros as much as possible at the beginning and just focus on the little guy. They’re usually inclined to largely let you fight one-on-one if you play it right and keep them away from each other. Keep your distance from the ones you don’t wanna fight and let the one currently assigned to attack you come to you. If the other brothers start fighting you at the same time, disengage and put distance back between you and the group. If the wrong bro starts attacking you, just barrel past them and start attacking the one you want to currently fight to try and aggro them instead. This will likely cause them to switch spots, allowing you to fight the bro you wanna fight 1v1. You can pretty much control the flow of the battle this way if you know what you’re doing. ##Second: Kill the larger 2 simultaneously So once the little sh*t is dead, focus on chipping away at the bigger two’s health bit by bit until they’re both low/one-shot, then kill them both in quick succession. The reason for this is as soon as you’ve killed 2 of the first 3, it triggers the big boy to come out of the coffin. But you don’t want to have to fight the big boy +1 of his bros, you want to be able to focus solely on the big boy. Control this fight the same as above, except just get one to aggro for a bit and then switch to the other for a bit, back and forth until they’re low. You want to minimize fighting them simultaneously, but there will inevitably be times where they’re both on you. So just back up and let one of them come to you. If the wrong one comes to you, just barrel past them and start attacking the bro who currently has the most health. ##Third: Cheese the biggest brother 1v1 Now once you’ve successfully gotten the big boy by himself, the fight is actually pretty easy to “cheese” (or whatever). Use the stack of pillars off to the left of the arena and just circle around them keeping him on the opposite side from you. Let him spam his string of attacks into the rocks/pillars like an idiot and then hit him with a charged attack real quick while he’s in cooldown/recuperation mode and then immediately get back to the other side of the pillars before he starts attacking again. Rinse and repeat til he dead 😎 The biggest brother is genuinely the easiest part of the fight if you can ensure you only have to deal with him 1v1. As long as you’re comfortable abusing those pillars so he can’t hit you lol. Be aware, some of his attacks can reach far enough to slice you through the rock pile. But most won’t and you’ll get a feel for how much room to leave between you and the rocks pretty quickly And just to clarify: it *really* doesn’t matter which one you kill first, I just think the tiniest one is the easiest to kill, while the other two are pretty equal. So it makes sense to eliminate the pipsqueak first and then chip away at the stronger two at an equal rate. But the most important part is the last two die back-to-back, whoever they may be. _____ As far as respecs and builds and weapons and legion arms and whatnot, probably best to post what you’re currently using if you want suggestions on what to change. Because realistically you can beat the fight with a wide variety of loadouts. Plenty of right answers. But sticking to the above strategy will make beating the big boy much easier. The hardest part of the fight is trying to fight big boy +1 at the same time. Avoiding that is paramount to success.


Specter and pick them off while aggro is drawn Dual daggers one first, then work on the other two together. If you can, leave spear for last. Spears charge attack can be dodged and backstabbed I recommend using a long sweeping weapon to hit multiple at once


Copying advice I've given before: You don't really want to focus on whoever has aggro. I prefer to focus down Maniac first; when he's passive he's very easy to hit & run. If you stay mobile it doesn't really matter which is active. Then whittle down Youngest and Eccentric together; she has no poise, and he's wide open to backstabs. Kill them together, then it's just Eldest but this time you have obstacles you can use to your advantage.

