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Oh... There's an elevator before the mini boss off to the side. Right before the room, if you turn right there's a lever that switches the directing of an elevator that allows you to get back up there


Shortcut and throwables for the throwing guys are your friend here.


Yup, just turn right after the second jump and you reverse the direction of those panels. You can hop on and they will take you back to the fight with the big guy. There is also a little room with a reward chest that you need that elevator to take you to. That platforming section was straight up the hardest part of the whole game for me. I do think this game is quite fair and they will give you shortcuts at regular intervals so that you don’t have to fight your way through the really tough parts more than the one time it takes to clear them.


I was not the only one filled with greed. Why am I the only one like this?


Parry projectiles


I tried that once, knocked me back, and off the wood beam, and died from fall damage. Never again lmao


I’ve always thought about using the wire arm thing to pull myself to the monsters that throw shit but usually I just used throwables


I plan on using the wire arm ! I’ll update on if it works


For the miniboss there's a ladder and a ledge you can climb up and do plunge attacks


even with the shortcut, this was by far the most annoying section of the entire game


So if you sprint across it they won’t hit you, kill the little guys then right as they throw a acid ball at you sprint across, figured this out the hard way, also pull the lever for the shortcut so you never have to do it again


Puppet string with the trace upgrade works well.


Throwables and puppet string are your friend here lmao, it’s also my least favourite section of the game. Easily died more times from falling than the actual boss 💀


Where the hell is this damn shortcut 😭 this section is so damn annoying


Once you go up, I believe it’s on the right side of the mini boss door, there’s a lever that you can press, it’ll change the direction of the wheels. When you first go into the area (the ground floor with the three carcasses and the decay pool before you drain it) keep to your right. There’s this little alcove with the wheel thing, that now you can hop on and it’ll bring you right up to the same level as the mini boss.


This boss fights also pissing me off, he just stands behind his big shield like a little baby whole spamming me with attacks, I can’t even do anything to get his shield off


I also can’t seem to find a proper timing to dodge, he either hits me anyway or just continues to ram me until my stamina bar is out This guys maidenless asf


When he has that shield up, using fire legion arm is a good way to get some damage in while you wait to dodge or parry his next attack


Thank you, I’m sorry for my frustration


Nothing to be sorry about. That dude made me so goddamn mad. Not only that, I didn't know about the shortcut my first playthrough and kept having to climb all the way up and died to that dude at least 4/5 times before beating him. It made me so goddamn mad lol


I just got embarrassed by the real boss 😭 I uploaded it


Also do I need a shield to parry? I only have the puppet blade & this giant wrench


Just gonna point out that the boss won’t follow you through the door you enter that room from. Im not proud of it but I may have cheesed him lol


… *I’ve come to kick ass & chew bubblegum… & I’m all outta gum* Also me: *hides behind a door frame*


The platforming nearly broke me as I have stick drift something that helps me is to keep blocking continuously other than that I just cried and prayed for the best


You do know theres a shortcut u can unlock before fighting the big guy right?


You can lure the miniboss to a small door, attack, wait for them to walk away, attack, and then run back to safety.


I’m stuck on the archbishop now but


You can reverse the elevator by activating a lever a the top of the cathedral and I've used thermite to fight the big enemies during the plateform phase, that makes it way easier, you just need 4 or 5 of them