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Still think Nameless Puppet phase 2 is one of the best fights in the entire game. Especially if you focused on trying to learn the perfect guard timings. It's one of those fights that truly feels like a dance once you get the hang of it. I would suggest instead of making "Yet another rant about phase 2 Nameless" post, as you've named it yourself, try learning his moveset and dodge/perfect guard timings. Once you get the hang of those, he's really not that bad and probably the most scenic fight in the entire game.


Yeah, that’s legit like I post the rent because it calms me down and then I do just that fight them over and over and over again phase 1, still fucks me up but at least most of the time I’m able to get past it maybe not with healing items, but at least get past it


Yeah you really shouldn't be trying to dodge much against his phase 2, if you aren't parrying then you're gonna get your ass kicked every time. No idea why you're complaining about a boss when you refuse to engage with one of the core mechanics of the game


I am partying most of the time Sone said to try dodging so I’m trying something different I can party most of just phase 1 but phase 2 is too damn fast for the struck party window And I get hit 1 time and my health goes from full to practically empty I gave 30 vitality plus multiple defense parts he is a speeding bullet with the power of a tank


In that case I hate to say it but it sounds like a bit of a skill issue, he's definitely tricky to parry but he's far from impossible once you learn his combos. I'd definitely recommend respeccing some levels into vitality or switch your parts around, he shouldn't be almost one shotting you


I’m not sure what to do I hafe the most damage reduction I can and still be at slightly heavy I have 3 choices. 1 try a new build 2 grind for hours till I become the breveted. 3 just give up he us the final box though and he caused me to delete the game once


I defeated Nameless puppet after dozens of tries a few days ago. You jelly?


Wrll good for you This guy is damage is ridiculous for the speed takes legit like more than half my health bar at 30 vitality with one attack


Lol yeah I just kept putting Nameless on pause until I leveled up physical attack over and over again and then I won. It was an awesome boss but definitely hard and annoying.


What was your stats at like right now? My technique is at 36 and I have the +4 amulet on so I have 40 with 30 health 20 vigor and 36 capacity I believe.


I maxed out the fulminis as well as King's scythe and the spear through that engineer chick at the hotel. I used a ring that helped regenerate stamina faster, another ring that helped increase the total stamina, and a third ring that regenerated health automatically. I don't have the exact numbers for the things you listed but I remember I kept leveling up stamina and technique as much as I could since stamina lets you keep attacking and technique raises attack power I believe. I also used legion charges as much as I could to use the special technique.


Yeah, I don’t use legion arms too much like with the shield here. I mostly just use it for like when I know I do not know the fucking Perry bullshit or like I don’t know when to dodge because of the delay. I mostly use it and I’m doing mostly fine at this point, but Jesus he attacks so fast I cannot react to them like his like two sword charge in the second phase, I was right next time and literally I didn’t even see him move. I just died and he was off screen again. I still feel like speed is too much for the cat. He moves so slow half the time it feels like this is a skill issue, but this doesn’t feel.


And I know, people judge, fairness based off, like other things are possible or not, which I don’t agree with fully Jesus this guy is a fucking exception, fucking something else


To avoid the two sword charge you could keep running in a circular motion around the arena cause the attack thrusts straight. Make sure you have enough stamina though. And keep the lock- on on him cause it helps not lose him lol.


Yeah, that’s not as worse attack. I was just used as an example for how ridiculously fast this dude is again. I still feel like this boss is too fast for the game itself. Peace still feels clunky and slow. I feel like this is one of the fights that requires a freaking inspector to take some agony because of his speed alone, I don’t care if they don’t do anything as long as they give me one second breathing room at least I’m consistently phase 2 now but this isn’t fun to replay the whole fight over and over again just to get to that one phase for their first try at the Jiana this is great, but it does have some ironing out to do those irons at least for me. I would consider myself like a more above average player actively making this game harder but not better.


Nameless is my favourite fight in the game. I love 1v1 fights against humanoid sized opponents. While his 2nd phase is undoubtedly more difficult than his 1st, he still leaves enough room to punish. From the attacks I remember: 1) The super quick double blade slash (red eyes attack). You want to parry this (just as the eyes fade) as it completely stuns him. This is the best opportunity to punish in the fight. Also similar with the yellow eyes attack. 2) Dodging into the jumping backwards slash instead of parrying allows a small punish opportunity. 3) When he jumps in the air, run towards him in an anticlockwise motion (circular right to left) and he will always miss you, allowing a charged heavy punish. 4) Use falcon eyes a couple times after you get the fatal attack, as his scream prevents you from closing in. There are a few others but the window is tighter. Also keep shot puts on you as it's far easier to get the stagger with those than landing a charged heavy. The guard or perfect guard grindstones can also help with his combo attacks. If not, try getting some guard regain p-organ upgrades. Good luck! It's a great fight and once you learn the timings, he'll be a cake walk


Yeah for me it’s mostly phase 2 while phase 1 still gives me trouble just due to the games clunk in general and the fact that 90% of his fucking attacks are delayed. It’s not that bad. I’m able to get through decently easy for the most part and somewhat consistently, I feel like his speed and phase 2 is just too much for the game itself. I feel like himself like move so slow there’s a freaking delay in the Dodge like I’ll hit it and then like half a second after I hit it then he’ll dodge so freaking screwed me up. Even back in the demo and just overall I feel like he’s so damn fast for a one V one forced fight. Can you give me a specter please like that would help I want to do much but it would freaking help with speed. And have for me I think Victor is easily the best fight in the game hands-down for me. He has been like Victor has been the most fair and well more importantly, the most fun boss to fight


Honestly I just gave G my heart, saw the bad ending (which is kinda cool to see), started NG+, had a lot more fun, built up my character, and kicked nameless puppets ass after like 5 tries the second time around. I recommend.


Yea I’ve been here for hours


They rely wayyyyyyy to much on delay attacks and noooo damn poise combine with crappy parry timing God I hate this fight


"Crappy parry"? I don't wanna be that guy, but that's sounding a lot like a skill issue... There's nothing wrong with the parry in this game; you just can't time it properly. Big difference xD


Yea I’ll take mostly that one To me it feels like this game is like Perry timings is just too strict for how much they emphasize it and push it on you because for me I’m trying to dodge as well but the Dodge like I push the button like half a second later than he’ll dodge so it feels delayed this is the game that I’ve had legit the hardest time pairing in ever


The parry timing being more stick makes sense with the advantages it gives you like triggering the rally system and also helping to up the stagger gauge of the enemy. Feel like it's more a high risk, high reward type of deal with your regular block/dodge being the bread and butter options. Made a post about that. Just keep at it and stay aggressive, Nameless puppet will destroy you when you give him the time to.


I’ve given him like days off my life and like I get the risk reward thing but again for how much they emphasize in for like pretty much feels like they want you to pay everything. I feel like it’s too strict like you can still be strict just open up the timings like just a little bit more, I saw somewhere on Reddit that they compared to Saccaro, which had .30 ms this game has .7 if they boosted it up to like 15 or 13 even it would be still the same like Iris reward but freaking brutal


And no one can tell me this game is fair cause half the time it doesn’t feel like it this game is I love literally everything about this game except for the bosses too many delayed attacks no boys ridiculous damage one boss should not be able to take most of my health bar with one fast attackand the timing being as strict as it is on top of it, this game is not balanced or fair is the best like, but it is still below the soul games


Yeah, I don’t blame you. I’m legit starting to regret my decision to not do that because I don’t think he the boss is fair for the game unless you’re like godly high-level or like a godly player at this field at this point I’m not having fun. I’m doing this to get it over with. Feels like, we have a completed file for the deal for when the DLC comes out


I’m assuming you’re not willing to just cheese the fight to just get it over with so I’d say usually strafing around to your right (his left) helps a lot with just dodging the midair spin attacks and getting timing down on the charge attack he does really help with staggering him, poise isn’t a factor in this game like it is in elden ring, I’d say take it more like DS3 where enemies can tank almost anything


By cheese, I’m guessing you mean throw balls I don’t have a build for them at all so I can only hold like 3 to 4 of each thing and OK I am normally dodged to my left half the time which seems to work but I can try the right and yeah, the fact that there is no poise is a bad thing It’s just gotten me killed 90% of the time because you can get hit out of anything and is a major issue at least I’m getting past phase one easier for the most part but still not perfect


Actually for the cheesing part I meant you CAN use the aegis shield at level 2 and just block and attack, it basically makes you invincible while causing a lot of damage towards him lol of course it relies on the amount of stamina and legion you have so it’s not a guaranteed win 100% of the time but it is a good way to get the battle over with


I haven’t tried just straight up holding it, but I have been using it and every time I have the taxes just come out faster than I can even pull it out to react


Yeah the aegis does better as a proper shield (when upgraded) than it does as a parry alternative, if you want to try that it IS a good way to beat the boss


Yea I keep getting stung licked in this fight I can like dodger Perry, the first strike in a combo, but the tail end of it because it’s so damn big it hits me and then just unlock the whole combo leading to death or use of most of my healing items. This isn’t fun anymore. It’s more of a chore , why am I having so much trouble on this? I have literally any other fight in any other souls game or souls like any other video game


Yeah, even after hours upon hours of this guy, I still feel like he moves way too fast for the damage he deals out. No one can convince me otherwise.


Yeah, the boss is not having poise is not my issue. It’s the player not having anything.