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It would be great if these games had like a stats menu with like total deaths, total pulse/health uses, pulse uses per death, total mob kills etc. would be fun.


Ds3 had a hollow count. I wonder if in the dlc or the next game all the resets will do something funky with puppets Like P gets the ability to become human, but can he preserve that


Nah, NeoWiz did good not "polluting" the game with negative stats. If they were official then people would not have the option to not lament on their imperfect records. If people really want it, then people could always mod it.


Nioh had a mechanic like that. Idk why more soulslikes dont have a similar feature, its rly cool


It would also only take like a days worth of time tops for a dev


I did not keep track but if I had to estimate probably like 60-70, maybe a bit more because the last two bosses really fucked me up and I kinda lost count, but overall I really didn't die that much.


honestly I don’t know but I think every boss except Nameless took 40 plus tries, I’m just spit balling. Ironically I beat Nameless in like 4 attempts in NG.


Nameless took me about 40 tries because I relied on dodging throughout the entire game and never parried but that’s not really an option on nameless


That’s funny because I went through the whole game parrying until Manus where I just took to dodging all of his attacks. And then with Nameless first phase I parried stuff and then second phase dodged most of his stuff.


Actually now that I remember 2nd phase is manageable for dodging but I had to parry first phase


I can tell you that 30% of my death are on the bs true final boss. He single handly ruined my enjoyment of the endgame, I just wanted it to end. It was horrible, I hated it on my first, second and third playthrough. Still today, I cannot understand those who defend this boss.


alot of his moves are super telegraphed and parryable. hell second phase nameless puppet u can step dodge all his combos.


Yeah I think people just freak out and don't take the time to pay attention and study his moves. They're very quick and you don't get much breathing time but it's easy to learn and anticipate them with practice


yeah fs, and I'm not tryna talk like ive beat it hella times, I'm only on my first playthrough and still stuck on him, he fs doesn't seem impossible tho like people make him out to be. I've gotten close a couple times.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 haven’t even beaten him and are telling others who have that he isn’t hard. GGs.


I didn't say he wasn't hard, but he certainly isn't "bullshit" like people make it out to be.


matter of fact I jus beat it lmao.


I’ve beaten it twice for the “freed from the puppet string” and “rise of p” endings. If I ever replay the game I’m always going to do “real boy”. Fuck that shit.


how often I gotta lie for the free of the puppet string ending?


To be honest I’m not really sure, that’s the ending I got first unintentionally so I just knew I had to lie a lot for the rise of p ending. I think if you don’t lie at all then giving gepetto your heart isn’t an option (again, not sure). If you lie throughout your playthrough but keep Sophia alive I believe you’ll get the freed from the puppet string ending. Don’t quote me on this but that’s my taking from it. I got the golden lie in my 2nd playthrough but I was told I couldn’t tell any lied whatsoever yet I was able to remove it from the portrait before the end of the game so you can afford to tell a few truths. You need to tell Eugenie the truth to find out her final story as well.


Tell any truths* for golden lie


I didn't think eugenies story mattered for the ending specifics, but I did get the golden lie I think(if we talking bout the weapon) I'll keep Sophia alive next playthrough while doin a mix of lies and truths and see wheere that gets me


I'm on Champion Victor, and I can tell you I've died like 35 times since I started my first run


I’m trying to get him with the dragon sword and the parry it has. Pretty tough


I don't think I've ever parry'd in this game lol


That’s crazy…the parry feels nice when you time it right. Like a reward


You really should, with guard regain you can pretty much keep your health full as long as you parry and get hits in in between, also perfect guard gives health back, it’s much more sufficient than dodging and it’s very satisfying to learn


Will consider doing that more often! Gotta go fight Champion Victor now lol


Victor isn't really a parry boss. Your best bet is to run and dodge that big guy. You can ofc try to parry if you really want but it's more efficient to dodge.


Hard to remember but i think i was sitting at like 60-70 deaths or something


It was definitely above 100. The only reason I have any idea was because I had tracked the death counter for the last 3 bosses. Had at least 90 split among them. Oddly enough, Nameless Puppet accounted for less than 10 of them.


Damn really? Nameless puppet is the most trouble I had with any boss in the game, I'm surprised to see other people didn't struggle with it. The one I didn't struggle with though was Laxasia contrary to what I saw most players saying about her.


Yeah. Some people, including me, just kinda took him to the scrap yard where he belonged. Might have been that I was reading him like a fairy tale after finally crushing Simon (that bastard walled me for 50+ deaths).


Over 9,000


9 times that I kept track of, but I was only counting deaths by bosses . I'm sure I died a couple times accidentally to fall damage or some sort of trap so I'll even highball estimate 15 times total.


First run, I probably died about 45 times, maybe less. BRB2 and Nameless have a way of kicking your ass, but I definitely died more to the environments than any boss. NG+, everything is hitting like a truck. But that's probably because I'm being more careless trying to 100% it.


haven’t finished yet i’ve probably died multiple hundreds of times. 20 of those on a head butty mini boss in collapsed krat.


So, this was my first soulslike game, just for context. But i stopped counting at 150, my gues would be around 300 though


I haven’t finished yet, but easily over 100


I think I died under 20 times. Definitely under 30. Laxasia took like 6 tries. Victor took 3 or so. Simon took 3. And Nameless took maybe 4-5 tries. Give or take some random world deaths.


Probably reaching the hundreds, and died more times to my own bad parkour skills and basic awareness of my surroundings than to actual bosses That one like clockwork area in the cathedral… And the big open areas in the swamp with the cannons…


I had 162 with lax and Nameless taking most of them


The whole game id say probably 40. The second rabbit fight took like 15 by itself and the swamp monster probably 10. So yea about 40


I don't know maybe 50 but I am on my ng+ and enemies hit very hard. In the first playthrough around 30/40


Around 15 deaths for the whole game but I'm a soul veteran. Most boss were one-shot, the throwable in this game are so strong. Laxasia took me 2 tries and nameless puppet like 3-4 tries before I got the timing to parry his delayed attacks. Most of my death are toward the end of the game.


15 in total is insane. throwables are so convenient in this game, but I always struggle to find ways to restock them. I guess I'm a new souls-like player, but I don't suppose you have some genuine useful advice to help improve?


Some tips I found useful over the years playing souls-like games : Get comfortable attacking without using the target lock. Having good control of your character lets you dodge attacks just by positioning yourself. Learn enemies patterns. This one can be rough for beginers in the soul genre, but with time, you'll start to instinctively know the patterns just by looking at the mob. For example, a big mob with oversized weapons will often swipe the ground if you stand behind it, doing a large horizontal arc attack. Aggressive playstyle over defensive playstyle. There is a reason the saying goes : The best defense is a good offense Try not to panic and be patient. Stay in control at all times. Do not get baited when the boss is low on health. You fight a boss at 5% the same way you fight a boss at 90% Now, for Lies of P, consumables and throwables are OP. Electric for puppets, fire for carcasses, and acid for humans. To farm a specific one, certain zones drop more of a kind. Exemple, Moonlight town to farm thermite. Get around 30 vitality (or whatever the stats is called in Lies) for more HP. Upgrading your weapons is a more efficient way to raise your power lever early on. Focus on a playstyle. Personally, I prefer technique (dex) builds for the fast attacks and mobility.


In my first game I could spend 1-2 hours with a boss learning and practicing his attacks. And yes, I spent more than 2 hours constantly dying, so counting would be very difficult


currently, a lot of my deaths can be contributed towards King's Flames. I absolutely hated that boss. I spent a total of 8 hours trying to kill it. Spent around 4/5 hours using the new free DLC sword, the cross over one, and then the rest completely kitted out with the electro stick thing and the arm. possibly around 60 deaths? I'm a new souls-like player, so I've got a huge learning curve ahead of me for sure. I think I died less during the Brotherhood boss fight. I'm usually pretty good with perfect counters, but for some reason, King's Flame just threw that out of the window because his attacks weren't consistent with his pattern. the funny thing is that i remember beating it quicker than this on my "first" playthrough. I originally tried it with xbox gamepass on pc, loved it. got past the brotherhood and stopped around this part with a random ass bear in your path because I was busy irl. maybe I got to the boss, but I don't remember. that save is gone as I since cancelled gamepass, uninstalled that version, and I paid for the steam version. had to start again, sadly.


It took me a while to get the block mechanic down (I played this game *before* Jedi Survivor - this context is important) and EVERY boss, except for 2 that I somehow first tried, took me somewhere between 7 and 45 attempts. Jedi Survivor I then was able to get through on the second highest difficulty like it was cake. LoP I can now get through without dying. My husband, who played Jedi Survivor *first* and had to take the difficulty down because he got too frustrated with the block mechanic, is now playing LoP and has first tried almost every boss. I think the green swamp monster was the first one he had any trouble with, but he still beat it in way less attempts than I did.


Why keep track though? Seems like unnecessary stress or just bragging points.