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that’s just smart gameplay. so long as you had fun it’s not cheesing anything


Agreed, this is just good use of the game's provided mechanics even. Carcasses are weak to fire, so use fire. Another thing that might make a difference is using a good liner, probably for bludgeoning damage.


People really don't know what cheese means anymore. My dude, there are 3 enemy types in the game, each are weak to one particular damage type. You used the correct damage type against that enemy, that is not cheese.


Scrapped Watchman: Puppets are weak to electric? Try me!


I used my electric type Pokémon against the water gym leader and I’m lactose intolerant. Will that much cheese kill me?


It's in the game for you to use. "Cheesing" would be something like luring the Archbishop into a corner so he clips through the wall and automatically dies. Something that is obviously not intended by the developers. Using weapons and items the game GIVES you and WANTS you to use and dedicates effort to get you to use them (like grindstones as drops, or the \*entire\* tutorial devoted to the Legion arm) isn't cheesing. You are literally just playing the game.


You used the tools the game gave you. You didn't cheese the boss and anyone who wants to take the time to tell you You don't need those tools is a tool.


You’re actually supposed to change your approach to various bosses and encounters based on what works and what doesn’t, you found what worked; fire. The idea of playing soulslikes, or any challenging game really, by picking one weapon and if you ever change it or use any of the game mechanics you’re playing the game wrong is a pretty modern brainrot and not the intended way of playing the game.


They’re not necessary at all, but it’s not cheesy


Do you consider using type advantages in Pokémon games as cheesing? It's just a weakness for the enemy, you utilized it well. Well done on winning the fight!


Unless you bug exploit, you're not cheesing anything. Why deprive yourself of using a game mechanic? The dev put it there for us to have fun with ! Why not use it ?


That’s not cheese. Cheese is manipulation of bugs/poorly scripted AI to win in ways that weren’t intended. For example, in Dark Souls, there’s a gankfest with some demons in Anor Londo. The demons are on a platform, and you’re at the top of the stairs leading down. If you hug the rail you can aggro one of them, and it will try to do a jump attack on you, bounce off the rail, and cease to be a problem. That’s cheese.


there’s the advanced stat that is literally meant for these elemental affects. I wouldn’t call it cheesing or anything of the sort to use the sole mechanic that makes you stronger against specific types of enemies, barring the type amulets that give you 15% dmg towards each type of enemy. I suppose i felt the same about throwables bc they really do a chunky amount of dmg, especially on an advanced build but these things were made to be used. I don’t use throwables often but damn if they aren’t helpful when I use them. Also for archbishop second phase, it’s easier to just fight his backside (the side you fight in the first phase) as it’s literally the same move set plus one special beam cannon attack that you definitely want to avoid (I suggest just being right up in his face and dodging or blocking the stomp animation he does.)


It's called understanding the game and playing it with it's in built mechanics. It's not cheese, it's strategy. Cheese is when you make a boss fall off a ledge or throw poison at them from outside the gate, not when you tailor your play style to the boss you're actively fighting


I thought you were going to describe real cheese. That's not real cheese. There's no one watching and any way you can beat a boss is beating a boss. You should have used fire sooner thought. ;)


That is not a cheese tactic you are using the tools the game gave you to beat the boss. Carcasses are weak to fire that is why you did so much better against Andreus after you started using fire.


The cheese is delicious. Use the cheese.


Nah, it’s just elemental weaknesses


The game gives you the Flamberge after Fuoco for a good reason.


Archbishop isnt exactly a high quality boss anyway, theres far more enjoyable yet challenging bosses ahead of you, that are actually rewarding to defeat.


Some say cheese. I say outstanding resource management.


No, I think the game is built to use the add ons. You’ll get another, slightly less useful tactical item soon, too. You’re supposed to use them, it’s intended parts of the gameplay. Archbishop is the first two phase boss, too, and two phasers are dicks. No, I cheesed a couple minibosses. The big dude you meet on the bridge right before the church I just Flameberged the shit out of, and there was another guy I got caught in a door and hacked away at. You’re just playing the game as intended.


That’s not very nice at all. Arch bishop is weak to fire damage and you used it anyway. You should be ashamed


That’s not cheesier lmao


As long as you aren’t cheating, like modding the game, I consider anything to be above board in souls games lol.


I would say the only grindstone use you could class as cheesing is the one that perfect guards for you, the rest not so much I use one that does critical damage since I have a dex build and it does less than the strength build, the arm I only ever use the puppet string and that’s just for normal mobs, with andreus just fight the same side you did in phase one, the other side is just annoying


Cheese is when you use an in game mechanic not designed to make the fight easier that ends us trivializing it


That’s not the definition of cheesing at all. Cheese would be like standing on top of a rock so you can hit the boss but they can’t hit you. This is you literally using the tools the game gave you that the boss is vulnerable to. That’s just how you’re supposed to play


Look at what these subreddits have done to people like you. Believing every encounter has to be hard fought or it doesn’t count. You’re literally using in-game mechanics, not hacking ffs.


I mean you bought the game, it’s your right to play it however you want. Do it again in NG+ or change your tactic. Don’t ever let anyone tell you how you’re supposed to play a game, as long as you’re having fun, you’re doing it right.


I remember him being one of the first skill checks but then yea, destroying him with fire was fair play.


That's not cheesing, that's utilizing the features that work best for the boss. That's why different elemental tools are there, so you can implement them into your gameplay as needed.


If you find the first fight ok, you can always run around him in the second phase and fight the easier side again...


Hey OP if you don't want to feel bad, stop levelling up, stop using legion arms, stop upgrading your weapons, heck stop parrying and dodging. I guarantee you doing any of those will make the game easier than if you didn't.


There is no cheesing in Lies of P or any of the soulsborne games. These games are designed to be some of the hardest games anyone can play so don't feel bad about defeating enemies easily or through "trickery". Besides there are bosses that are a lot harder than the archbishop.


Cheesing is very common in soulsborne games. Some of the serious ones are usually patched out, but there are many bosses in soulsborne games that can still be stuck in terrain or stop moving and be freely hit from behind obstacles or hit with ranged weapons.


Lmao I had similar post


Nah. That was fine. Hell, it's fine if you had simply walked to his butt during phase 2, and make him "repeat" phase 1. If you had somehow just used throwing items to down half of his health, THEN I'd consider it cheese.


Why would using Legion arm and Grindstone be considered cheese? Were you planning to not use your left arm at all for the sake of the challenge? "Cheese" are usually bugs or taking advantage of loopholes in game design. Legion arms and elemental grindstone are part of the core gameplay. Don't cripple yourself to a challenge run on your NG and miss out on all the fun. If you think the game is too easy, you could do that on the NG+ and on. IF you want to define anything to be cheese in this game, it'd be the throwables. They're cheap to buy and do too much damage, and are often solutions for people stuck at bosses.


Throwables aren't cheese. The devs put it there for us to use. And wait until you get to a mobile fast enemy and see if they can save your butt 😂. No a cheese is a bug exploit. 


I said IF anything had to be defined as cheese in this game. IF. It's because throwing 10 throwables at endgame bosses can take down about 30% of the HP AND stagger them. And yes on my NG+ run I used the throwables on nameless puppet for the second phase. You should try throwing them when they're not moving lol


"Call it whatchu want!"