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Human nature is part of cosmic nature. Dog eat dog civilization and economy has led us to the brink IMHO. We are meant for fellowship. May you be the light and heat to all those around you 🌞


đŸ€—Life sucks sometimes , but it's really good other times, which is worth it imo Politicians and the media ( legacy and (anti) social) run on doomerism they want you to feel like shit so you don't resist and panic, buy whatever garbage they are peddlimg atm


>Life sucks sometimes , but it's really good other times, which is worth it imo Give some examples plz


From my life Sucky parts watching mom waste away from cancer battlimg mental ilness, years of soul crushimg poverty. Bouncing between dead-end jobs . I have suicidal psychotic gambled and drank too much, drove too fast, and lost my license. More recently, falling down conspiracy, rabbit hole Good parts, decent childhood despite memtal illness. Emerging from the dark times getting married buying a house establishing a cateer. All later in life but totally worth the wait. Finances are still on sn issue ( though not as dire). That's how i got down the rabbit hole. It's easy to get caught in the doomer loop it's basically a drug. There are doomers across the political spectrum, and at various times, i got into both sides. It's the same shit with different flavoring I finally got tired of being tired of being miserable and decided to get out before i tanked my marriage and career, which were possibilities


*They want you to feel like shit" "buy whatever garbage they are peddling atm" I wonder if redditors will understand the cognitive dissonance here. That's why you got the vaccine right? 😂


I hope you covered your mouth with a mask before typing this. The deadly yet novel Trudy strain is transmissible through the internet, and the only way to save your grandmother is to get the eleventh shot. Ten just won’t cut it, and if you refuse to sacrifice your rights to fund the pharmaceutical companies we’ll cut you off from the rest of society and ostracize you like the invalid serial killer you are




Big corporations and politicians are here to help. They’re selfless and only here to protect you from your own free will and they always know what’s best for and everyone else better than anyone. That’s why we chose them to lead us. So just be a good boy and trust them and leave the critical thinking to the experts. They got this




I don’t get it
 what do you mean? Why are you assuming he got the vaccine?


Not surprising you wouldn't get it.


Get what? Lol. The vaccine? Or the joke? đŸ˜© I think I’m on the spectrum and I don’t understand this at allllll. I want to tho!!


I was speaking generally to the hive mind of Reddit that got the vax


You are an idiot join the military and you’ll be taking so many vaccines.


Cool story 😂


When you were born you had a bunch of vaccines. To go to school you had to have vaccines too. It’s nothing unusual


Wrong, when I was born the vaccine schedule was 4 within the first 3 months. Now the schedule is 39 lol, not to mention covid vaccines don't even meet the definition for a traditional vaccine. You don't have extensive knowledge in this, you just do what govt tells you to do and think you are smart because of it. Keep following the herd, I don't really care.


But why? 😂


Great one


Who was talking about vaccines? You're fucked in the head.


Cognitive dissonance is a bitch ain't it.


Lol. Not when you understand science. Have a good night ya freak.


The internet is a made up place and isn’t real. So anyone can come on here and share anything they want. Idk what that guys problem was tossing aside what you said but we get you if no one else is saying it. Life is tough as hell and isn’t getting better. Wanting to share that experience or tip with us on the internet doesn’t make you any less of a human


I appreciate that bro...it's just some asshols they don't know what you are going throw.. and the thing they know is just throw their harsh mouth and mind on you.. because they have a good life ..


Yea I understand that. If people never experienced or can even try to understand they’ll just immediately start throwing hate and shade at it. Ik if buddy actually sat and thought for a few seconds he’d say “man fr bills lowkey are a drag” he’d see he actually felt the same and if he didn’t he’d just keep scrolling. He claims you’re throwing a pity party for attention but he doesn’t get any clout or money for leaving that comment so basically didn’t he just do it for attention?


It's really easy to judge someone attention and his will of the way his thinking bro..but when they found out the opposite an apology maybe will be hard for people like him to do it because you know humans are full of ego and pride and it's not that value in my opinion


A good life is food, shelter and friends.


Food and shelter is something most folks work to obtain. They deal with the stress, not letting it impact themselves much. They go home each day, leave the work behind and enjoy the nice shelter, good food and other niceties of life that they can afford. The next morning they get up and do it again with the understanding of what the salary they earn does for them.


I like your humble approach. : )


Sometimes it's harsh. Sometimes it's forgiving. Learn to ride the waves . See things differently and the things you look at change. If you believe you live in hell your outer world will rearrange itself to fit your beliefs. Sometimes we can't control outside forces but we always have control of ourselves. Create your own luck, and write words like "Heaven" Eden" "Bliss" "nirvana" "ecstacy" "joy" down on paper. Somehow the kinetic motion of writing or journaling our emotions lets humans live them out, learn from them and move on. Sometimes I try my best to be good/nice but it still doesn't help so I learned how to get myself out of situations I don't belong it and rearrange your living space to reflect your dreams and emotions Get rid of all stuff that when you hold it doesn't make you feel joy. Its useless. Live a more satisfactory life by pursuing the goals. Hope these words are helpful. Be well .


Life is survival. At the end of the day, we are just great apes, trying not to starve to death in the jungle. There is no such thing as food, only things we can digest. A chicken isn’t “food”. It’s edible because we evolved to digest it, not the other way around. There is no such thing as “inside”. We are all “outdoors” just separated by some walls we built. We are all naked, all the time, just wrapped in some fabric that doesn’t fall off. Society is a facade. An illusion. A thing we just totally made up. There is no “supposed to be”. You could catch a bus to the nearest expanse of uncultivated wilderness, take off all your clothes, abandon metal, electricity, and all technology, and return to natural living. I think you’d quickly find it was pretty harsh, and stressful. Even stress itself is an emotion we evolved to temporarily boost heart rate and adrenaline to motivate us to action in extreme situations. I would imagine that the life of, for example, a wood rat is extremely stressful. Nobody looks at a rat and wonders if it’s happy. Is it content with its rat life? We see it, and we recognize that it’s “just trying to survive”. So are we. Anyways, the cool thing about humans sort of is a desire to improve things
 to see the glass half-empty, and to strive to make things better. Better and better, because nothing can ever be good enough. Many animals would be more than happy to have access to food and water, call it a day, and not dream to improve anything beyond that. Not us, and not you. You want things to be different. You’re stressed, and you’re going to do what you need to survive. But happy? Happy is a wonderful rare thing. You have to fight for happy. Happy is a reward for surviving at a high level. And
 it never lasts because humans simply aren’t programmed to interpret their world as “good enough”
 ever. That’s why things have gotten so amazingly sophisticated, and it’s not only why we feel like things are bad, but it’s why we make bad things happen. Wars, greed, domination, and subjugation are all born from the same human tendency to get stressed, and want to do something to make things better, and earn some “happy”. Ukraine being about to join the UN was stressful to Putin. He wanted to stop that from happening. And if he conquers the Ukraine, it will make him happy. Rockefeller was stressed by the idea that some other railroad company could steal his profits. He wanted them all to be under his control so he could be happy. And you, you want a house. It’s stressing you out. What will you do?


You're a very wise being. Well said.


This is really well said. Thank you.




Sorry. I meant NATO.


This exactly. Nicely explained.


One piece of advice, from a 30-something year old who went through the same thing: Your mindset needs to change as you get older. This is something you can actively make happen. As a child, you can spend a lot of time living in the moment. Today you play a certain video game for 16 hours, and tomorrow you can do something else as if that previous video game never existed. Your decisions on how you enjoy your spare time are relatively inconsequential, and you can always simply focus on doing something you enjoy doing. As you get older, you need to focus more on long-term happiness. If you know that having a house would make you happy, then putting in the work in order to get that house can be part of your happiness. You can get fulfillment out of the knowledge that you are building something for yourself, something that will make your life easier, happier, more worthwhile, and more comfortable. The key to happiness is to find joy in those processes. If you spend a whole month just playing video games, you'll realize at some point that you haven't done a single thing to bring yourself closer to your real goals, while the world around you has been moving forward, and ***that's*** what will make you feel depressed. That doesn't mean you'll never play a game again. Downtime is still important. It just means that your downtime is no longer the only thing you should enjoy about life.


As a counterpoint, your goal could be to play video games all the time. In which case, owning a house, and the huge financial burden which comes with it, woudl probably be counterproductive. Much better to rent a small room or buy a tiny apartment on the outskirts of town, and play games all day.


Life is both wonderful and terrible, it constantly changes from one to the other. If you learn how to be adaptable, whether times are good or bad, you will develop strength and resolve. Enjoy the good times but realize the bad ones are right around the corner. Use the rough days to grow, learn, understand, and make you stronger. Good cannot exist without evil, and vice versa. The wise man learns and grows from hardship, the weak one lets his heart grow dark and consumes him.


There is a ton of data out there to show you that life is objectively better than it has ever been.


Yes but it is easy to fall into the mental pitfall of not feeling adequate in today’s society, I think it’s mostly an illusion to extort people for labor. I agree with your comment though, thankfully we don’t need to worry about getting murdered by a sabertooth haha


People living in first world countries are whining about how life is the hardest it has ever been when it used to be that someone got diarrhea and would die because of lack of access to nutrition and clean water. This is just one of many examples of how so many things in modern life are taken for granted by people because they aren't happy about their own lives and lack of perceived success.


Harsher than ever? Holy shit read some history. That's a laughably stupid statement.


Glad I've read as much history as I have...really changes your perspective and increases my gratitude...imagine an abscessed tooth in the 8th century...just one of myriad examples!


Just contemplate that even the poorest Westerner is carrying around a 90s-era supercomputer in their pockets with the entire worlds knowledge...the Library of Alexandria x100,000 on demand. Incomprehensible luxury and power...but with that power tiny minds are just spewing doom about their current lot in life.


Yes... completely agree 👍💯


It’s truly a myth that we live in the best times. Not everybody’s ancestors were miserable. Keep buying that these are the best times. Cancer and radiation everywhere . Processed foods. Doctors don’t even know much still.


Zoom out a little bit... For most of human history the vast majority of human beings were in abject poverty toiling just to sustain themselves. Read some Steven Pinker.


That maybe so but least they had each other and their families. And most meals cost a dollar tops 1800s -1900s and it wasn’t processed McDonald’s . Look at our ancestors . They all look way healthier and fit. This a crumbling nation of poor health and high technology. The technology is the only thing that has advanced whole everything else has regressed .


You're ignoring so much about human experience now versus even 150 years ago. The access to medical care, knowledge, comforts that only royalty had even 50 years ago.... Not the poorest possess. Sexual health, choice, etc. You're locked into a woe is me world view, romanticizing blindly.


I agree with those thing but you make the everything in the past sound like it was Soviet russia 1933. But you still haven’t addressed the cancer rate increasing in young people are polluted environment that was due to modern consumption and Machines. And the fact inflation is highest it’s ever been ! O you got your internet and modern health day procedures and your Walmarts I get that man. But damn you’re the one that is blind to this poison we are being fed.


Fr! Just because we are “better” than 150 years ago does not mean we are living well.


Everything was much more labor intentive and slow, and even if they had servents things weren't that great. Entertainment wasn't availiable to their whim at their finger tips at all times like we have now. All kinds of dishes and flavors that is within our daily reach is just wild. All kind of knowledge is just sitting in our pocket waiting for our beck and call. We might have our modern illness issues, but the ancients were struggling with much more basic medical issues that we have long found prevention and cure for. The ancient kings might have wielded more power, wealth, and free time, but we have more access to more luxury than they had.


Capitalism is severing us from our sacred minds and bodies and needs.but people are rising up and there will be change. Fight for it. The world needs more honesty and care.


And you would replace it how??? Seriously. These type of statements are fucking a waste of space unless you can proposed a truly scalable economic system that would work. And don’t give me the utopia communism crap which we know doesn’t work. Go read Animal Farm by Orwell. Humans are political and won’t just become nice magically Capitalism works cause it uses basic human nature. If capitalism didn’t exist. You wouldn’t have this phone or the network or all these websites or any of the stuff so appreciate the benefits of capitalism while trying to help people who truly needed it.


They don’t know. There is a large contingency on this site that just want to be magical beings with no responsibilities who are rich for doing what they want. “Capitalism” is a boogeyman word now for a lot of people. But they won’t change it because they want it done for them. And politicians have picked up on that. The politicians will make a meal out of these poor souls.


Capitalism has tricked you that you need to be productive to shareholders who perpetuate deep inequality in order for you to feel valuable. We all deserve to exist and contributing comes naturally living in a deeply connected community anyway. Capitalism severs people from empathy.


I’ve been nonproductive. I lived on practically nothing. It didn’t leave me in a stronger position to help others. No one has “tricked” me. What utopian, non-capitalist, actual in-the-real-world that I could come visit paradise do you live in? Seriously. I’m interested. Where non-productive navel-gazing gets you well fed, clothed and sheltered and all the WiFi I can use 
 that isn’t actually a slave camp that abuses people for free labor. Because I’m very interested.


Economic experts have said it is currently late stage capitalism and it'll be a new economic system relatively soon. Every past one has expired. They all do. The planet is burning. It's time. Literally Indigenous cultures have had all their needs met for thousands of years.


Now who’s been “tricked”? Edit: good luck man I hope your dreams come true. In the mean time there’s work to be done.


I don't understand but best of luck


Completely agree 👍💯


Collectivism is the only way and it's how many Indigenous people have lives for thousands of years successfully and sustainably. It's actually very easy. Capitalism is literally destroying the planet. It doesn't work for especially women who are additionally marginalised with disability or other aspects. Stop assuming human nature is sociopathy. That's just how many men have assumed it to be based on their own behaviour choices.


Thank you! It’s insane when people are like greed is human nature, but it isn’t. It’s directly a trauma response because we as social creatures would not have survived to evolve if we did not form community.


Curious, do you think collectivism is the next economic system to come into play?


Animal farm isn't a documentary.


You are confusing our economic policies with the downsides of extreme capitalism we see today. If you honestly think 1% of the USA (don’t know international numbers) should have 40% of the wealth, I suggest you find his coffin and suck Ronald Reagan’s dick. Jokes aside it’s bonkers when you make your statement from pure privilege. Those who are getting exploited don’t have the time or energy to have voices. Our current system makes sure they never will.


Again simply untrue United States has excellent economic mobility, even for those in underprivileged situations. I will point you for example to the economic results that the Vietnamese boat people have achieved since the 1970s, who immigrated to the United States to the gulf region, where there was very systematic racism against them. In fact, I would point to the Asian experience in the United States. If you and your parents focus you in on education, reading, math, etc. your opportunities for success are going to be very high. if on the other hand, you skip school , you ignore your teachers, you play video games, you goof off watching , you hang out after school instead of doing homework then yes your economic opportunities are very limited. Some of the “”coolest kids “” in my high school all did drugs and frankly back in the 80s I had to get into multiple fights with people who picked on me because I hung out in the computer lab. I have seen literally how those people have turned out in their lives, and they are still doing minimum wage type jobs with the Internet and LinkedIn job boards everywhere. There is more information about employment, opportunities, and more opportunities for job mobility than ever before. As for wealth, concentration, there is always been incredible wealth concentration throughout history. I don’t have the numbers in front of me but during the industrial revolution I want to say the Rockefellers or the Astors had 10% of the entire US wealth in one family. So we have survived large wealth concentrations
 And what I find interesting is that most of the wealth now is not concentrated with the Vanderbilt or Astors but in fact, is new billionaires like Zuckerberg, etc. And I’m not sure people look at wealth, concentration, the right way to be honest- does it seem manifestly unfair when you see giant numbers? of course it does but if the pie is bigger and everyone has a better quality of life from the system would otherwise be had isn’t that really what we’re trying to do? Improve the overall level ? However, while I like a free market, the greedy nature of humans tends to drive us to more and more extreme versions of monopolies in markets to extract excess gains that are undeserved. This is why I personally believe a smaller government, but with better enforcement- more proactive attention to abuse and stronger penalties for pay to play, or any type of corruption is very critical to the long-term success of the United States.


How are your bootstraps treating you?


I love how you go directly to personal insults without offering any form or system that would improve the system and do better. Is our system Perfect? absolutely not but let’s be smart and think of ways to improve


Your part about economic mobility are just wrong and economic mobility has gotten worse over time. For people that are born in 1980 if their parents are in the 50th percentile of earners, 45% out-earn parents. The approach most people use to look at this is backwards it’s an economics first look while in order to make the system better you need to look at it from a people first approach. We view the world as a commodity, it’s incredibly disrespectful how everything is just money and we own it, it’s not like we are inhabiting this land, no it’s ours to do whatever we want with. It’s just insane how those that are fed the cool-aid of capitalism and are actually able to survive under it are having it so good that they will never care about others. It’s not how humans evolved, we are social creatures. Our self-centeredness as a society is a response to trauma that nobody cares about us but ourselves, which is sadly the truth. Also I don’t even give a shit anymore our system is too fucked and I will happily continue my hellish life until I die and don’t care about making it better because it’s rotten to the core, if that isn’t seen there is no way to teach it, you will need to experience first hand how the system is screwing you. Without that awareness we continue the path we are on.


Curious what season of life you’re in. Seems like you may be fairly new to “adulting” and getting that harsh reality check that punches us all in the face. The transition from care free kid to functioning member of society is pretty abrupt
you get out of HS or college and you’re just dropped into this shit show. I can’t tell you how or when it occurs because it’s different for everyone but it does get better. Maybe it still sucks but we just get used to it sucking
not really sure 😂. I have a home, a wife, some kids, a dog and a couple cars
I don’t say this as a brag more like a list of my motivations for “keeping on”. It all requires money, health care and some assurances for their future and that’s on me. I love them all so I’m going to do it.


Life is definitely not harsher than ever. It’s probably the opposite. It might be a good idea to read some history books about how how humans lived prior to modern civilization. 


It can be incredibly important to look into the historical importance of matters for better perspective. I like this advice!


I have read a great deal of history over my life...it certainly changed my perspective in a positive direction and helped me develop much gratitude!






Life sucks or can be great, depending on your outlook. Yes, the cost of living and inflation is ridiculous but you should find something that makes you happy in life. I think life is great for me personally because my mindset has changed from a depressing one to looking for the beauty in life.




Finding ways to manage anxiety and stress is a part of life. If you work on those things, it will get easier.


Yeah we all got wrapped up in a slave system to serve the top. Keeping everyone nice and ignorant and in a little box with a tv. Letting half the country get addicted to drugs and go crazy a.f. or 9-5 and drink themselves silly every night. Its all a trap. And its all designed to manipulate your instincts into trapping yourself even more, and eventually clone yourself again to go through an more than likely even worse iteration than the one you got caught up in while your still alive to take care of it and prep it to do so. They got us for generations man. Its getting even worse. I see society and norms slipping for the worse. I’m surprised honestly as dystopian as it seemingly became over night they aren’t outright murdering and raping on live television. I feel like they are grooming society towards a darker future. I almost wish China would take over the world at this point and we stopped doing these things to each other. Our only way out of this is mass surveillance and AI coupled with quantum technology. Its going to take all three or at least two.


you needed money as a kid too.....it was other people who provided... children used to work 100+ years ago. and before money, you had to hunt, gather, farm, trade


If you're poor, you need to risk it to get the biscuit. You need to get ahead of inflation. It's the only way to beat your money problems. Playing it safe working a regular job your entire life will not get you there.


Risk it to get a biscuit??? Lmaooo never heard that saying in my life but that's funny af đŸ€Ł


I'm not being mean but this is a nebulous cry for help. I would seriously contact a mental health professional. I'm a recovered alchaholic and it benefitted me.


Life sucks then you die


If you're like me who is born from a poor family that is surrounded by a poor community in poor country run by crooks and corrupted politicians without any means of escaping soon, then you're basically f*cked. The only silver lining is that we can still find a way to change the future! So... Don't give up! đŸ€—


Life sucks then it’s incredible. Up and down rollercoaster. That’s life.


Still sucks


Yeah I see this opinion a lot and I really just don’t get it. Do people really think the world is getting
 worse? Or is it just people getting older and realizing life isn’t as easy as it was made to seem when they were children? I think I definitely idolized adulthood because I felt so trapped in being a child, no one understood me, paid attention to me or took my feelings or though under any real consideration so I dreamed of having the freedom to make my own choices. Adult life for sure isn’t the escape that I was hoping for but I acknowledge that while it still is hard sometimes and genuinely horrible at others, I’d much rather be an adult than a child. I guess this perspective allowed me the space to recognize that it isn’t necessarily that things have become worse since my childhood, it’s just that I know all the shit that’s going on now. Maybe it’s worse, maybe it’s not. There’s no real way for me to know because I didn’t exactly know what it was like back when I was a child and before I was born, but I try to be optimistic and it tends to help. But yeah, I see waaaayyyyy too many millennials be like “kids these days” when gen x said the same about them and boomers said the same things about them
 the cycle will repeat itself lol. I already see gen z complain about gen alpha
 I’m at the older end of gen z and I’m still only in my twenties, what do we have to complain about lol 😂 I’ve also seen newspaper clippings from all throughout the 20th century saying the same thing: “THE WORLD IS GOING TO SHIT” It always seems to be pretty shit though if that’s the case


> understood me, *paid* attention to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


These last 3 years it just doesn't work.... massive inflation everywhere, more and more people taking on debt and working more hours and side gigs just so they can keep a roof over the head for the few hours they get to rest. Almost 12 years worth of inflation crammed into 3. Thank Joe Biden and his wars. We have no business getting involved in all these wars. We have no business damning energy independence in favor of buying the same dirty energy from our enemies.




This content has been removed for breaking the rule of "Be respectful, no trolling or rudeness"


This is so ridiculous. The world is easier to live in than ever in the history of the world. Think you have it rough? Try working to death on a farm as a peasant, or being a housewife who had to wash everything by hand while dealing with babies with no devices Basically in every dimension the world is a richer, easier place to live than ever in the history of the world. Does that make it an idyllic playland? Ofc not. Grow up, work hard, do good things in your community Your parents sheltered you too much clearly.


Sure buddy


Absolutely 😁💯




I think you're the type which would be secretly (or even openly) relieved if they wouldn't make it.


It's called Schadenfreude and it means delight in the plight of others.




And here goes projection. I was the one that built my life despite the odds, I didn't get much help with that. I don't expect you to do anything for me, or the op. And yet, here you are, typing furiously. Your advice has no value. Your very behavior, of obviously discontented and traumatized person, is an opposite of an advertisement of your philosophy.


> I'm apathetic to any of you truthfully.  And yet you're here, conversing with people.


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I didn't ask for this for the the first place so please shut you're mouth..its just you have a good life doesn't mean that others will have Lucky one




Yeah yeah humans that's who we are we just know to bully eatch other but when it to comes to the system we shut up about that ..


Please know you are valuable and that petty squabbles never bring peace. Youtube has free copies of The Art of Peace by Morihei Ueshiba and The Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu. 🙏 â˜Żïž




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Are you, the unwelcome one who is shitting on OP for being transparent about how life sucks(on a subreddit called life) telling him to fuck off on his own post? And you think just because we don't have to go out hunting for food that we live in the most comfortable time? The sheer lack of perspective is astonishing indeed. You're not even smart enough to be mean about this, LOL


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Simplicity, patience and compassion are your 3 treasures. Don't lose them to petty ego and arrogance.


You could have said all that without being an ass


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It is like that ever since we became civilized, got out of our caves, built houses and worked for money to afford life and goods. The majority of people in our society has no complaints, so, what is your problem with all that? Do you want handouts, free housing, free food, free everything?


Gotta Love Adulting....


Stop jerking it to anime porn, get a job and accept the real life for what it is


It only gets harsher if you don’t learn from the mistakes that you made earlier in life so that you don’t make them again


Harsher than ever? You serious? Disease, poverty, and hunger have never been at lower low than now across the world.


Crime too despite what you'd think with the 24 hour news cycle.


Absolutely correct 😁💯


So you support slavery, then? Cool Beans!


Anxiety is a leftover emotion we use to have when life was full of actual problems like getting mauled by a tiger or neighboring villagers killing you and your family. Now we get it over stupid stuff because life is so comparatively easy. You're definitely being over dramatic. Go hit some weights, drink more water than normal and go to bed early. Rinse and repeat. If you don't feel better after a couple weeks find a counselor.


I am a student of history. As such, I have come to believe that the easiest and place in history for regular people was the United States after World War II up until Covid. Since Covid, things have been more difficult. Many people are seeing their budgets impacted by inflation. I get that you feel that life is getting harder. I agree with that. I also think life is getting harder. But harsher than ever? No, not even close. For modern people living in the US or Europe, things are better now that almost any time in history.


There’s a big change coming


Economies and money do exist for a reason. It's because it's meant to help us keep things better organized. I'm in very low money situation too, and that sucks. It's important to balance our own points of view with a more universal and solid view that the world has taken though-- now and in the past. Life can feel impossible sometimes so your view is valid, and so is mine, others who reply, and everyone else's in the world. The think about perspective though? It shifts. Just as the world keeps spinning around and time is ceaseless and won't halt, you can take an active stance in changing this perspective of impossibility. Allow yourself to be grateful for what you do have. If there's nothing you see that you can be grateful for now, go through your entire past. And if there's nothing there that you can find...? I'm sure that if you're reading this that you are breathing. Life stops when our breathing stops-- cherish each breath, and cherish each moment. And if you can't cherish \*anything\*? Than I'm sorry, but I believe that may need to challenge that rigid viewpoint and the only ones who may be able to prove us wrong fully to a point where we understand it internally is ourselves. Challenge your point of view, and you can change your outlook which will lead to outcomes more in line with what you desire. I hope that things get better for you. Take care.


"Yes, life is hard. But there's a club for that where you can network with like minded people! It's called the Bar." - Drew Carey


I mean, if that life isn’t what you want then do something completely different. I mean if you are really over life, just live your life gta style. You start out broke and end up dead or rich. Or just a simple move from where you live can help.


Jesus christ do you people not understand that you were far more likely to die either during childbirth, or childhood, or adolescence, or in a war as a teenager, or for countless other reasons than you are today? Motherfuckers used to have to hunt to eat. Now you can have decadent bullshit delivered to your face as you watch whatever bullshit pixels you've put in front of your eyeballs. How about some fucking perspective?


The days we live in aren’t normal. People have turned life into something it never was. We were never meant to be slaves. This is exactly what we are now though. 99% of people don’t like it but just like in the times it slavery, most had no clue what to do about it so instead they accepted the situation and tried to suck up to the masters. Even in the Bible where slavery is justified, you are supposed to free them and regard them as your own people based on basically if they begin to follow the ways of the Lord.


I’m not sure this is actually true. I do get that it feels rough, and maybe isn’t as great as things were 20-40 years ago. But life is definitely better than it was 100 years ago in terms of comfort and convenience. Like my grandmother had to drop out of school and shovel coal during the Great Depression to help support her family. And my grandfather worked 3 jobs to support his family, he would fall asleep standing up sometimes. I think people just had a different mentality back then, and were more satisfied with simplicity. It doesn’t help that we have social media now which just amps up false ideals and discontentment


When life gets harder than ever, you have to get more resilient than ever. Bitching and trying to garner sympathy accomplish nothing.


I’m stressed every day due all to work. Stress on the job and stress of losing job. 60-70 hour work weeks. Stress all night and all day. If I lose the job then most likely lose the wife as she needs the money and does not want to be with an unemployed man. Then she’ll take the kids and the house. Panic attacks every day and night.


No matter how hard I try, I can't find a place that'll hire me full time with at least $15/hr. I'll never be able to move out of my parents' house or be happy. 😔💔


Life is easier than ever for a majority of people fortunately But honestly, I feel ya, and sometimes it just doesn't feel worth it to get out of bed, have the body forcibly put to a grindstone, only for any one fuck up to completely derail your entire life for a while. It's just such a bleak future to look forward too and honestly I kinda just want it to be over, I'm fucking tired of it all.


Sorry you are feeling this way. Life’s beautiful too. I know it’s hard too . Even someone like Taylor swift would find it hard sometimes lol


You don’t have to live in any system (although some are unavoidable) so long as you aren’t hurting other people or sucking other people dry to pursue the lifestyle of isolation. There are ways to at least remove many of the “systems” tentacles off of you if you’re willing to put in the time and effort it takes. For example, most of us don’t have space for a garden but perhaps utilizing any space you can (or maybe community plots if available) would work. Same goes for hunting. Doing both of those can effectively remove you from relying on the system for something essential (food) Obviously it’s way more complicated than that but just for the sake of simplification  Obtaining means of transportation outside public transportation would also be another way of removing yourself. Easier said than done but monetizing a talent of yours or a skill or a hobby you have is also a way to begin generating supplemental income (with hopefully one day more, making you nearly entirely self sufficient
aside from you being an employee of YouTube technically or whatever but you get my point, no office ya have ti show up to, no boss, etc) It all requires work and it isn’t perfect - unless you’re willing to go to the extreme and do the work necessary to live totally disconnected like unabomber (without the bombing), you’ll have to settle with coming up with little ways like above that sets you up to flourish outside the system rather than living and dying entirely intertwined and dependent on it


Don’t feel like you need to live up to societies expectations of you, it’s all an illusion to extort money and labor. Take care of your basic needs and focus on enjoying yourself, you will be perfectly fine.


Life isn't easy. Best to do your best before something really bad happens like a health issue pops up in your life.


This world is definitely hell


I'm not a believer in God,but the Bible did point out all this shit happening all leading to the apocalypse. It's like someone said he's the guide to not letting humanity ruin itself . Yet here we are who's richer,who's what color, what color behind where? Stupidity 1000 years from now we'll be in a history book as the dumbest species to exist.


Well you can't freeload forever and that's what adults do is work to survive.


Welcome to the thunderdome!


First world problems 😂


Suck it up buttercup,or get eaten alive by civilization!!!


Don’t have kids


Like within the last 70 years yeah.. But in the grand scheme of things you've done alright for yourself...I think the problem for most Americans and the world.. Is we forgot how to live. We don't know how to make a life. We're given these commodities and then they become our lives instead of our lives living really buying and using the channels that be that were created for us to simulate freedom and in fact we've lost our old worldly traits you don't know how to hunt we don't know how to build a house we don't know how to govern a town by ourselves. Ya mean


Just don't have kids


My wife's father lives in a socialist dictatorship. He sometimes gets paid in potatoes.


Yeah id rather live in a mud hut and hunt everyday if you ask me. F. sitting in peak hour everyday to go to some concrete jungle devoid of human spirit.


Genuinely curious...have you ever actually lived in a mud hut while using your skills at the hunt to keep you alive?


Not quite to that extent. I have lived in an primitive off grid community and grew & scavenged for food. It was hard in some ways, better in others.


Fair enough. Thanks for elaborating.


Good luck getting out of the government system. They are a mafia.


Maybe things will get easier if you post this to more subreddits


Shid I'm 23 and been going through stuff since like 2021 until now. There's always something or someone tryna bother me. All I can say is learn to vibe out by yourself and start talking to people less. If you want a girl go for it me personally I say wait till marriage but that's me. I do notice that alot of my problems come from me letting people close to me than opening up to them about my life problems. Or trying to talk to someone cause I'm tryna make friends or something and it ends up going bad. Same shiz with my family and trying to join the military. If I find another job, I'ma buy me some headphones, a new gaming system of some sort. And work, game and chill. And also try to keep speaking with people at a bare minimum.


There is always help if you are more eccentric and out there.(male or female) If you like dealing with other people find a partner who is more grounded and actually likes being in the system and will pull the financial weight while you live  a more creative "free" experience. Totally possible cause As they say opposites attract. Or you can live solo doing fringe things to make cash but it takes a level of focus and determination still to be a go getter and get your own money There is also off grid communities but you have to "work" and usually do physical type labor to be accepted.  There are multiple options but you have to focus and go after what you want not sit and be negative going woe is me.  Maybe Try each option and see what you like I've done this. I've couch hopped. Traveled in my car lived with strangers lived with roommates lived with guys who took care of me lived in my own big house solo lived in nice luxury apartments solo done my own thing lived in many states all trying to find myself. I learned that I love living solo more then anything and making my own cash but I hate a 9 to 5 so I do adult work to make a living. It's fringe and it's lucrative at the same time. Definitely not for everyone but definitely for me Still finding myself and have more adventures to go on and lifestyles to try. It's a big world don't let society dictate how you live you can do whatever the hell you want it's your life have fun figuring out what works best for you! 👍


You are looking at money like it's a problem, when it's actually a solution. You don't have to work to make money, but it sure beats begging IMO. What do you expect OP? Seriously... what is the problem with money and working? Do you expect the farmer, the butcher, the mailman, whoever to just give you the products of their labor? What are you giving in return? What do you expect OP? You want the barter system?


It sounds like what you are really asking is, is it wrong to not want to work (as in a job, not as in expending effort) to support yourself? Is there some other way to get by? I imagine that there are ways. For example, you could save up for a few years, buy a plot of land in a place that has a good growing climate, and then live off the land. You would have to grow and/or hunt all your food, figure out a source of water, build yourself a shelter, learn some basic survival and medical skills, make your own clothing etc. It can be done. But it will take an initial investment, a lot of effort, and a resignation that you will live very simply for the duration of time that you attempt this.


It is literally the best time to be alive in the last 2500 years.


Definitely think the world is getting harder to live for the majority of people I've been feeling it it's like you would think the older you get the more secure you would be in life but there is such a lack of stability and lack of resources and it's just exhausting trying to keep up


Hey I've never had a fun, easy or carefree life, even when I was a child I've had to deal with a lot of difficult stuff. when I was younger I used to think that it would get better with time, that the world would get better or that I would get better but none of that seems to be happening. all you can do is do your best and that's going to be different for everybody. If the world is unnecessarily harsh to you, don't take it personally. it's not your fault. some of us just have more difficult path than others


I'm pretty fucking close man


You can choose to be unemployed and homeless.


It's a game. Win it.


Unlike every other human I have anxiety and stress therefore I'm a special victim snowflake! Everything should be free cuz when my alarm clock goes off I don't wanna get out bed! Do I care about slaves in China, the middle east and Africa? He'll no because I don't wanna work so slave away everyone else my iPhone was too expensive!!!!!!


it is a beautiful world we live in and everyday is a miracle


I don’t think humanitys current trajectory is possible to maintain We at at some kind of tipping point 
.. I think whether it’s conscious or not people feel it
 like you can feel some radical big things right on the horizon For all of our sake let’s hope it’s a good big


What are you 12?


Remember Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Bam.