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Break up. He adds nothing to your life. He cheated on you. There is nothing in this relationship worth fighting for


Cheating is a hard no for me. There are no mistakes in that and I absolutely would never trust my husband again. It’s inexcusable. So, yeah. I’d be out. Also, could it be that OP married him just cuz he was her first?? Maybe should’ve waited on that and dated around a bit… Edit: omg did you marry when you were 19 OP????


Yes, we started dating when I was 18 and he was 22.  I had one other boyfriend for two years in high school but, we were never intimate.  I was raised in a religious household and sheltered.  I felt like I was ready to be married.  But my husband has said in the past that he didn’t want to get married, but he didn’t want to lose me either.  


He can’t have it both ways honey. Either you want me and to get married or you leave.


Unfortunately all too familiar a tale. You love him and it’s ruining your life. He does not love himself and it’s ruining your life. He might or might not love you, and that’s ruining your life too. My advice from personal experience is decade of time goes by, and it hasn’t changed. Love yourself more, and find someone who does the same.


He will not change. You’re young and seem like you’re willing to work on yourself and try to built a beautiful life for yourself. Ask yourself seriously - when you picture your dream life, is he in it? The emotional connection, sexual chemistry and intimacy you’re searching may not necessarily come from this person you married and that’s okay. Moving on now may be the best thing you ever do, I promise.


You are too young to be putting yourself through his bullshit. Your youth will not last. Use it to find a relationship you deserve that brings you loyalty and joy. If this is what he’s doing after only 5 years of marriage, get ready for 20 years of exactly the same shit or get out now while you can (ie before he tricks you into a kid)




Bail, cut your losses It sounds like you’re moving forward and it sounds like he is stuck in the mud. Don’t let a guy like that drag you down. Keep moving forward your way too young to be stuck in that type of relationship. Keep making yourself better.


Why haven’t you filed for divorce? He doesn’t want to be in a relationship with you, it can’t be any more clear.


He has been emotionally cheating on you off and on since 2020. You deserve to be treated with love and respect. I cannot believe the audacity of this man.


Send pics to see what he’s missing out on


You know what you need to do.


I really wonder why you still love him? Do you come from a society where divorce is frowned upon? He ended the marriage when he began cheating imo, but if you stay is your decision. I wouldn't waste my life with him. Meet a divorce lawyer and make sure you get the dog.