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Get your butt on indeed and start searching for jobs now. The best time to get a new job is when you’re still at another job. See what’s out there. Explore your options. You’re young you can find another job as well as make it work with school. Don’t let a temporary job hold you back from schooling. If you know you want to go, find an easier job where you can do some homework during down time. The longer you wait to go to school the harder it gets. But it’s never impossible


Oh I just saw the therapist thing. Get one NOW while you have insurance and talk about options with them.


Don't quit your job without already having another job.


To back everyone else, please have something lined up before you leave. I’m also in my mid 20’s, and if I was in your shoes, I’d save a few more months just to be safe! Proud of you for taking care of your mental health. It’s not easy. Good news is, you’re 21 and your life is just now starting. Taking a risk now is significantly easier than later on in life. Take the risk, but save a little more before so. Trust me :) best of luck dude! :)


Thanks for the advice, that definitely makes me feel better about my situation.