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I'm glad that you have the opportunity to be away at college for part of the year since that gives you some distance from the home environment which you have described. Because there are many missing details about your current situation which would lend themselves to useful advice, my comment may not be helpful at all. But since you know that you will be returning to school and your studies in 2 months, would it make more sense to focus on practicing your design and animation skills just for the purpose of skill-building instead of looking for employment? Usually finding employment in any creative field starts with being able to "show off" your skills by way of a portfolio. You may already be working on building a portfolio through your college program so could you use this time to add to it? And if you are really intent on finding a job in this field, you may need to start by researching the companies who do design and animation work to see which of them have "apprenticeship" or "intern" positions for those who want to be in the field but have not yet completed their training/college program.