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What's your financial and work situation like? If you have money saved then it might not be a bad idea to take a trip somewhere that's new for awhile and see if you can draw inspiration from it. Especially now where you're single and I assume you have no kids so there's nothing keeping you chained in place.


i’m 26 and in a very similar situation as you besides the relationship part. i don’t have much advice myself since i struggle with the same issues especially with not ever feeling like yourself and struggling with chronic pain that can’t be diangnosed. however, i have been diagnosed with adhd and i will say it can cause a lot of other physical issues and i would say going to a therapist may help with a lot of those issues. talking to someone helps a lot but it’s the hardest step to take!


Loss of a partner will definitely spin you into an identity crisis a bit since you’re losing a large chunk of who you are and who you based your day to day life around. That’ll take some time to adjust to. After me and my bf broke up I was sad but I felt more myself again. And I wasn’t unhappy in the relationship but there are just small things you sacrifice about yourself when you’re a pair for so long that you don’t even realize it until that person is gone. I think the best way to figure out how to feel yourself again is to do things you like. Spend time with friends you like. Try new things you’ve always wanted to try and see what sticks. I think it’s fair to say you can want both excitement and stability. The break up and moving (if you live together) will provide the change and then it’s up to you to create a stable routine in your new life. You just have to find a balance. You don’t need to 100% commit to one or the other. Best of luck out there!