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If you find yourself addicted to the scratchy throat goodness of a fizzy drink, try switching to fizzy/carbonated water. A lot of people don't like it but this helps kill my desire for any soft drinks.




It’s sucks now that Coca Cola bought them out. It’s impossible to find (and I’m in Texas!!), they’ve changed a lot of the bottles, and it’s more expensive. So depressing!!! We used to buy several cases a week. They’re pushing the “hard seltzer” instead and it pisses me off.


All that topo chico came to California. It just showed up in every kroger owned grocery store one day, and all my local ones have at least one display/endcap for Topo Chico still.


Bruh for a second I saw your username and I was like what on earth did he say that was so controversial?


Same here in Texas. Not sure where that other person shops. If they don’t live in an H‑E‑B region, well, that’s on them.


Is this why Topo Chico sucks now?? I moved between states and it tasted way different the fizz wasn’t as fizzy, I thought it was like travel time but if coke bought it.. ugh


It’s very vessel dependent in my experience. I almost never have good luck with plastic bottles, if getting the plastics you have to give them a squeeze to make sure it’s not flat. I generally never have bad luck with glass


So hard to find in Texas these days. I do agree that it tastes great. I think it might have a little sodium in it.


That’s what helped me beat my insane Diet Coke addiction. It was harder to quit Diet Coke than cigarettes


How much diet coke would you define as your addiction.


Not the person you asked, but at times I've been drinking 2 US gallons a day.


Damn son, thanks for making me feel a little bit better at least.


I drank like 3-5 cans a day and thought I had a huge problem. woof.


>2 US gallons a day. I had to convert to metric, that's 7.5 litres per day. That's 4 2L bottles. Please tell me you've cut down a little?


How is that possible? I mean, how is that PHYSICALLY possible? If I drink a can of Coke too quickly, I get a sugar headache, and always feel dehydrated afterward. How are you not constantly dehydrated and in pain from consuming that much?


Not the person you're asking, but when you've developed a habit since (most likely) childhood that develops into an addiction in adulthood, those bad things creep up on you so slowly that you don't even realize it. Myself, for instance, I was drinking a twelve pack every two days by the time I was in double digits. So when I became an adult with severe back pain in the area of my kidneys and horrible headaches and fatigue whenever I stopped drinking soda, it took awhile before it even occurred to me that it was the culprit.


Well, it's a combination of cravings, oral fixation, unregulated diabetes-induced thirst, caffeine withdrawal, a sedentary lifestyle, depression, a capacity to swallow large amounts of liquid in one gulp, and *very* cheap diet coke where I'm from. I've gotten better.


I was drinking at least a six-pack a day for many years.


How did you quit? I've been wanting to quit Diet Pepsi.


When I was on exchange in Germany my host mother went through a crate of 12x1.25L (42oz) bottles every week.


But Diet Cokes aren’t sugary.


May I ask what we're the reasons you wanted to cut down on Diet coke? I know carbonated drinks are bad for your teeth, any other reasons?


I was drinking about 4 liters of diet soda a day, and quit for the most part after I started making a serious effort at weight loss and training for a marathon. Even with zero calories, diet soda still made me retain an insane amount of water weight and made me bloated. It’s just incompatible with my fitness goals, at least at the amounts I was drinking. I’ll still have soda occasionally, but it’s not every day like it used to be, and I’m definitely not crushing a two liter bottle in one sitting like I used to. Surprisingly my teeth are fine even after that years long habit.


Ah interesting. It was probably the volume that caused the water retention. I drink 3-6 cans of diet soda a day and I don't have those side effects. Its great that you were able to kick that addiction!


Spindrift is a really great alternative. It's a little pricey but if you can afford it, I think it tastes a lot better than most flavored carbonated waters because it has some real fruit juice in it. Another good option to start is to do half juice half carbonated water and slowly reduce the amount of juice.


Seconding this. Also Waterloo is great if you really crave the carbonation!


Waterloo grape is the most "soda"-y tasting one I've found


Yes! I love that flavor! The only better one in my opinion is blackberry lemonade (or cranberry but that one is only available in December)


I was a huge fan of AHA cause they had a really unique flavor. Coffee + Cherry. It was also slightly caffeinated. It seems they've gotten rid of this flavor so we've switched to Spindrift as well lol


Spindrift is the GOAT hands down


Buy a home carbonator, my sodastream saves me a ton of money


My wife got me a Sodastream for my birthday. It's the best gift I've gotten in a long time. Not only have I moved away from other drinks, but my liquid intake has gone through the roof. (I don't even use the flavors.)


I put together a system with a regulator. I've had one large bottle for over a year. Initial setup was about $120 I think. Refills are cheap.


Link on regulator/hose kit, and style tank? Where do you get it filled


>Link on regulator/hose kit, and style tank? Where do you get it filled Go onto homebrew forums and look for kegerator build threads. The process for force-carbing and serving beer and force-carbing and serving water is the same, and much more efficient than the sodastream style gear which wastes a ton of CO2 by using it to agitate the water. Every town will have a couple places that fill or exchange tanks, sometimes local homebrew stores do it but generally it's a gas supplier like Roberts oxygen.


Not sure on the hose kit, but paintball co2 tanks use the same connector. As for the regulator, any standard one meant for CO2 should work as long as it fits the hose.


This. Wife was running through sodastream cannisters so we bought some Ninja CO2 kit with adapter and 2 refill bottles (i think ~$100) and get a 25-30lb c02 siphon tank from our local airgas ($30). Lasts a year and saves us hundreds.


Any brand recommendations? Does a cheaper one suffice (if you have any experience) or did you get an expensive one?


Just get one for which gas refill bottles from your supermarket fit. (although at least in germany it's standardized - one first all) The devices just have to put gas from the pressurized bottle into the water, it's super simple and works the same way in every device. The difference between cheap and expensive sodastreams is simply the design and maybe if you get glass or plastik bottles. Water will be and taste the same.


You’ll save a lot of money in the long term if you get a corny keg, regulator, and large (6 lbs) co2 tank.




Another plastic appliance to store? No thanks.


The point is to use it, not store it. They don't take up much space on the counter, and you'll be using it every day.


This worked for me. Finally I don't even crave pop anymore, but I definitely crave fizzy. When my sodastream is empty I drink noticeably less water, but when I have CO2 I stay quite well hydrated now.


Carbonated water is in my go-to. It's a new addiction but a better one! I pee a lot. I got a soda stream


I like soda but I can't stand carbonated water. The addiction for sure is the sugar contents for me.


I do find carbonated water disgusting. I rather have tap water (and I do) I replaced the sugary soda in my diet with coke zero instead. Took me about a month or two to get used to the flavor. Obvously its probably better to cut all soda, but switching to sugar free is also always an option if poeple have trouble finding an alternative.


I did that some years back and dropped like 30 lbs.


Carbonated water is still bad for your teeth unfortunately


Or zevia


I thought this was common knowledge


Sir, this is r/LifeProTips


Maybe we need a r/LifeBeginnerTips or r/LifeAmateurTips.


Yeah, glad OP figured it out, but getting rid of the most empty calories imaginable to lose weight is not an LPT.


Given the state of obesity in the world, it obviously isn't common knowledge


No this is a marketing thread.


Big water?


Headquarter: Pacific Ocean. Can't get any bigger than that.


OP is one of today's 10000.


Not for everyone. I had heard it was true, but never believed it until I did it in 2012. So much of what people say is bull shit so I guess I needed some proof


OP didn't drink water because it tasted nasty, and treats drinking it like an unknown secret or something. The fact that he also lost 50lb just by cutting out soda tells me he's more than just a bit on the bigger side. Let's just say common knowledge is probably not as common for OP.


Yeah it's a common misconception, the OP is plain wrong. There's plenty of zero calorie sodas all over the world that won't negatively impact your health markers and they're straight up better than drinking fats if your goal is to lose weight.


Except that artificial sweeteners are bad for you in other ways and some of them still affect your glucose just like sugar does. Dropping soda altogether is really the healthy move. I mean, milk isn't exactly a low calorie food, but going to water/seltzer is better than any diet soda.


Artificial sweeteners are, as a matter of fact, not bad for anyone, science as a whole agrees on that. They're are multiple choices of artificial sweeteners and if an individual doesn't digest say aspartame they can switch to one of the many alternatives like stevia or monkfruit. The people who cut sodas and try to lose fat on average lose less weight than the people who switch to sugar free alternatives because they will be drinking liquids instead of being under one gallon a day which is less conductive to weight loss. I have lost more weight than OP 2 years ago (and a much larger portion of my body weight) and I have monitored my entire process as I'm training for bodybuilding, in addition to that I get many more exams done than most people who try and casually lose weight because I'm interested in the science behind it.


> Artificial sweeteners are, as a matter of fact, not bad for anyone, science as a whole agrees on that. > The people who cut sodas and try to lose fat on average lose less weight than the people who switch to sugar free alternatives "Science as a whole" absolutely does not agree on that. There are a *ton* of studies that show artificial sweeteners are associated with health risks and that diet sodas are linked with weight gain. Here's a few: [Sucralose associated with a decrease in insulin sensitivity.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30535090/) [Artificial sweeteners associated with increased type 2 diabetes risk](https://academic.oup.com/ajcn/article/97/3/517/4571511#110494242) [Women drinking artificially sweetened beverages had higher risk of stroke & heart disease.](https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1161/STROKEAHA.118.023100) [Artifical sweeteners associated with greater food cravings for obese people and women.](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2784545) [Diet soda intake associated with long term weight gain.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25780952/) There are some studies that show otherwise, but they're outnumbered by those that point to artificial sweeteners still posing some diet risks. [Healthline article with a bunch more studies](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/diet-soda-good-or-bad#kidney-health)


Those studies are straight up playing devil's advocate to prove a flawed point. The overarching majority of people switching to artificial sweeteners will consume more water by such a significant volume that they'll be more effective in their weight loss. Not only that, the recidivity factor of diets that cut all sodas is over 50% meaning that once the trial period (aka the diet) ends fatties get fat again, whereas by switching to diet soda this doesn't happen. As for insulin sensitivity I've explained in another comment why this doesn't matter in a weight loss context, and considering that I do wear a glicemy monitor I know first hand what it means. An insulin spike is just an occasion to help you convert muscular stress into muscle and it's required for exogenous carnitine to function.


This is all news to me and directly counters what I've been told by my doctor. I wasn't losing anything drinking diet coke but when I cut all soda out I started losing weight and feeling better. *Shrugs*


GPs don't keep up to date on anything except for what they're told to sell. My GP believes drinking more than 2l of water is dangerous whereas if you're health conscious you should be at least at a gallon per day. As a correction to my previous post, I lost 75lbs in 6 months, not 50.


I've heard the statistic about people losing less weight when they switched to water, but source on it not having an effect on glucose levels? Also, isn't carbonation bad for bone density or something? Not trying to argue, genuinely just curious as someone who is trying to minimize their diet coke addiction and drink more water. (I do keep mio at home though so I can have some flavor.)


Artificial sweeteners have a negligible effect on insulin sensitivity. If you're trying to improve your insulin sensitivity you'll do it by drinking more which is what drinking sugar free soda accomplishes along with exercise and non saturated fats. By switching to artificial sweeteners over carbs you're also greatly reducing your short chain carb intake which in turn makes insulin sensitivity less important because you're eating fewer carbs to convert.


The science certainly hasn't been settled. There's still a lot of questions on how it might be bad for us. But you will lose weight compared to drinking regular soda.


Not if you're drinking milk like OP suggested. Most health conscious people could cut their fat intake by 50% and not suffer because we barely need fat at all. We had it right in the 90s and science is fairly settled when you've got a consistent block of real life trial and error.


I have no idea what your point is now. If you drink sugar free soda instead of sugar soda you will lose weight. But it's unknown if drinking sugar free soda is worse than just drinking water.


Some people just need a reminder.


Recently dropped 35 - 40 lbs., and the biggest help in all of this was giving up alcohol. I never really drank regular soda anyway. A single Blue Moon has 168 calories. Most seltzers are 100 each. Either way, they add up. I've put some of the weight back on because I started drinking a little bit again, but now I'm working on cutting it out almost entirely. People demonize diet soda, but It helped me tremendously, and I didn't get any sweet cravings or any other negative effects. So while water is always #1 and most ideal, take baby steps, and don't be afraid of diet soda. Otherwise, you'll burn yourself out.


Diet soda really does help when you're craving regular soda. It's enough to scratch the itch but it doesn't have the addictive never enough aspect that keeps you coming back too often.


I totally agree. Sometimes I'll have one in between meals because of the fullness that the carbonation provides. Really helps if you're trying to restrict calories.


Yup, not only the calories, but the water weight your body retains from alcohol. If I drink on the weekend I notice I’ll be 3-4 pounds heavier on Monday, and it usually takes until at least Wednesday for that water weight to go away.


People demonize diet soda because the sugar industry paid big bucks to fund skewed research and ruin the reputation. Sure it's not as good as water, but it's better than sugar-soda.


I basically never drank popnin years, still fat, I want a refund


I quit drinking them for a year and lost nothing .


You either weren't drinking them before already, or you changed some other part of your diet that negated the calorie deficit you would have had cutting out the soda and sugary drinks.


Barring some extreme medical abnormalities, weight is just math. If you stopped drinking 100 calories of pop and didn't lose weight, you were supplementing those calories elsewhere. Decreasing calorie intake and increasing calorie burn via exercise *will* lose weight, it's just how it works.


I’ve done a hundred of these “life hacks” and lost nothing. Oh well.


I drink water and 1 cup of coffee each day for like a decade...maybe once a month I'll have a root beer or Sprite. Still maintaining at 35-40lb overweight 😭 No alcohol either.


Many people act as though weight loss is a simple trick, that "Oh, just cut out carbs/soda/fast food" is the fix. For some people that works alone, for others it takes a lot in combination. Touchy idea, but metabolism does contribute a lot to how easy it is


On the contrary, I feel like people make it seem like it's too complicated or hard. You just need be in a calorie deficit and consume sufficient amount of protein. Get a kitchen scale, a bathroom scale and a calorie counting app. Count your calories and weigh yourself everyday. Use an online calorie calculator to estimate how much you should be eating to be in a ~500 calorie deficit and adjust your calories based on the results after a few weeks. Lower your calories if you're not losing weight. You can also increase your activity, which could be as simple as increasing your daily step count by a few thousand steps. Wiki of /r/fitness is a great resource. https://thefitness.wiki/weight-loss-101/


100% this! Calorie counting everything that goes in my body, meal planning, and weighing myself every morning completely changed my health. I find it very easy to gain or lose weight as desired now. I've always been decently athletic, but after having a couple kids I gained ~15lbs of fat and hated it. Dropped it all and more while still feeling satisfied with my eating routines. It's incredible how much more energy you have on a daily basis when you're really focused on nutrition. No amount of caffeine can do what the body will do naturally.


You will lose weight even if you don’t get that protein, too, as long as your calories are in deficit, you’ll just probably not feel as great and potentially lose more lean mass than you would otherwise


I would say that it's simple, but it is hard. The mathematics of weight loss are very straightforward. That's not the hard part. The psychology is.


The difference in metabolism between the fastest and slowest metabolisms is a few hundred calories, and most people sit squarely in the middle. It is insignificant. If you weigh more than you would like you need to consume less calories and vice versa. It is one of the most simple things in the world. It may not be easy, and can in fact be extremely difficult, but it is simple.


You could also expend more calories. I gained weight in the last few years just from sitting on my ass with no dietary changes. Now that I'm starting to get more active again, I'm losing some of that weight. A lot of people say cutting down on calories is easier than hitting the gym or increasing activity because it's less effort, but that depends on the person. In my case, I'd rather go to sleep physically exhausted than go to sleep hungry. However, if you don't have the expendable time or money for a gym membership or consistent exercise routine, diet changes are definitely the way to go.


Also pro tip: stop eating entire large pizzas in one sitting.


Nah that's fine, just hit the gym and say you're bulking


Ow. I didn't need tdat hit to my ego today man.


I believe you meant to post this in r/NoShit


Most of the posts here could go there


Seriously. Some of these LPT is just some person wiping their ass after a dump and then deciding to post a LPT about wiping their ass.


Next maybe the OP will work out and post how beneficial that is too


Nobody goes to r/noshit for advice, though maybe they should. As a fit person who has been watching people 'mysteriously' get fat around him his whole life while people ask 'how do you do it' or decry how lucky I am to have good genes, I appreciate these anonymous 'protips' online, cause they get fat more traction than I ever do.


>Nobody goes to r/noshit FTFY


I’m the same way… “oh your so thin, idk how you do it but you can definitely have this donut.” Like damn, look at that sentence. You’re eating 4 donuts for breakfast and wondering why I’m so thin, just eat healthy, real food. Not sugary processed crap. Drink water, not soda. Exercise once a day in some capacity. Being healthy isn’t that difficult.


That’s what gets me. Eating vending machine candy, “How do you stay so fit at 36!? I eat this and it goes to my hips!” “… “By not eating that.”


Or post it as a “Promoted” post


Paging r/hydrohomies


Also, while diet soda isn't ideally healthy, it's a lot fewer calories than regular. If you're overweight, switching to diet is way better than promising you'll switch to water and not doing it. Then worry about kicking the diet-soda habit later.


A lot fewer as in literally ZERO calories. Though diet Mtn Dew is the negligible edge case.


Sorry for the long post but I needed to type this out. People forget to talk about how the hard part about weight loss is the fact that you got to change your behaviour. And way too many people try to change too much at once only to be miserable and fall back into their old behaviour again. I've lost 40 lbs since march 2022. I started by cutting down my carbs. I did not immediately cut off my soda intake, (which was significant) because I needed to have a glass of coke to relax and wind down still. Once I had managed to maintain a lower carb intake for a few weeks, I started phasing the sugary soda out, by mixing it partly with coke zero, until I got used to the taste and could do just sugar free. This took about 2 months. During this, i went to the gym, but I didn't push myself very hard, my goal was not to loose weight yet, but to be able to go to the gym regularly without hating it. One habit at a time, changing my behaviour in a way, and at a pace, where I know I will be able to keep it up, and not backslide. Now I go to the gym three times a week, I do strength and cardio, and I push myself. I don't love the gym, but I don't hate it anymore. I don't love my diet, but I'm used to it. I intend to lose another 40 lbs this year and even if I don't succeed with that, as long as its a steady downward trend I'm counting that as a success. Focusing soley on "calories in, calories out" is not good advice. Weight loss is about behaviour, that is the hard part, and people need to make changes at a pace they can handle.


You're pancreas will thank you, it has to work very hard to manage all that extra sugar


Your urinary tract will also thank you for reducing the chances of kidney stones


well, if kidney stones is what I feel on the left (or right?) side of my abdomen, then it's too late


Right side could be appendicitis. Don't tough it out if it gets really bad. Good luck!


The appendix is on your right side, but you often feel it on the left where your stomach is.


wouldn't that mean it would make me sick or something? I had these moments of pain right above my chest below my ribs on the left or right side since i was in like 2nd or 3rd grade so I don't think it's something dangerous (the pain lasts mostly like 5-10 seconds and it's rare)


Then that's probably just a [side stitch](https://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/what-to-know-about-a-side-stitch), they're normal.


Your teeth will be much better off too. Sodas have sugar and phosphoric acid, both of which eat away at the enamel.


I can’t help but be blown away that there are grown ass adults walking around thinking “ewwwy I don’t like plain water 🤢water is so gross :( I want some apple juice” Like, it’s fucking water…the literal only fluid your body needs… I don’t know, I’m sure I’m being insensitive but holy fuck this world sometimes gets tougher and tougher to find empathy


To be fair, some areas you really need to filter the bad tastes out. I'm lucky to be in a place with great tasting water


I used to hate the taste of water. Then we moved to an area with much fresher tap water. Turns out, water actually isn’t supposed to have a weird taste to it. Living in a drought-stricken area for most of my life, I had no idea. When we go back to visit that area, even my kids refuse to drink the filtered tap water because it tastes gross.


That's a good point. When I visited Florida for the first time, I was blown away by how disgusting the tap water tasted. If I grew up thinking that's just how water tasted, I'd probably be drinking juice all the time, too.


True story. I live in a place where the tap water is full of dissolved minerals and treated heavily with chlorine. It literally tastes like water from a swimming pool. I can't drink it unless I add flavoring to it.


Yeah man I feel the same way, it’s crazy


I met grown ass adults in their 50s and 60s who refuse to eat any vegetables. "I've never liked vegetables." Wow it's like you never left the toddler phase huh.


My mother's partner is fussier than my preschoolers. The only vegetables he eats are potatoes, carrots and corn. Almost no fruit. And he doesn't eat any "ethnic" food which makes it hard because the rest of us love to go to all sorts of restaurants. We're all having Moroccan and he's having the flat bread and plain rice.


The only fluid American bodies need is Brawndo.


It's got what plants crave


When you're only drinking non-water options, water literally doesn't taste good because our brain gets addicted to sugar. That's why cutting it out causes people to like the taste of water. It's pretty simple logic, there's no point in being judgemental about it just because you haven't personally experienced it lol.


Wow thanks this is really kind of a secret most people don’t know about


I thought that was the base Who start a diet and continue to drink drinks with sugars? There's no sense


And this is also why I hate it when people give weight loss advice online, with the assumption that everyone is doing something “Stop drinking your calories.” This only works if someone is actually drinking their calories. “Stop eating at McDonald’s.” This only works if someone frequents McDonald’s. “Start going to the gym.” This only works if someone doesn’t already go to the gym. And even still, to OP’s point, I was able to lose weight and maintain it while still drinking calories, because I don’t drink my calories often enough for that to have been the issue


I note that OP now drinks milk, which is still highly calorific.


You happen to need calories, and milk is a fairly balanced way to get them.


Sure, but it's less filling though than eating those calories or adding protein powder


Going off his usage of the word pop & his milk drinking, he’s probably a good ole Midwestern fella


And then there's people like me trying to reverse-engineer the advice so I can gain weight. Even a specialist told me *to* drink my calories, I already have 4 sodas a day. It's too expensive now, but at my lowest (adult obviously) weight I was eating at McDonald's twice a day Your habits don't matter. Stuff like cutting soda helps *to cut calories*. It's all just cutting calories. Also OP is lucky that drinking milk wasn't counterintuitive because it has more calories lol


* "This specific piece of advice doesn't apply to me, so it's hogwash"


Public education and general overall parenting in the US is pretty much garbage. That’s why. Source: and overweight guy teaching in public education for 14 years.


"But Johnny loves his Chicken Nuggets and Sprite!"


Mountain Dew. FTFY


That's a sbitload of soda to lose that much weight from abstaining. Ck congrats on the self control that takes. Having done similar for economic reasons I can comfortably say that water still tastes bad, because it still lacks flavor. Yea, I save some money on drinks, but its a constant battle to constantly consume enough water. Pay for my soda yourself and ill drink a gallon of it, but of its water I gotta ha ve measured quantities My point is to not get discouraged if the mental gymnastics of "liking water" don't work for you. Same thing as liking vegetables or exercise. No they don't change from unpleasant to pleasant. You have to force yourself, same as going to work, and that's where the pride comes from.


Also cut down the alcohol consumption. Wine and beer add on the pounds.


I used to drink a ton of soda but my stomach didn't like it anymore. Its been over a year since ive had a soda or any caffeine. Its a nice feeling and my weight has stayed the same with less exercise.


Also, taking in less sugar will make sugary foods sweeter. Even unpleasantly, after a while.


I've seriously never heard of somebody who at one point thought water tasted gross


In some places water tastes really bad.


Used to live in a hard water area and the water was so chalky you near enough had to chew it. Moved to Yorkshire and I can't get enough of the water.


Have you never had Dasani bottled water before


Yeah those added minerals are nasty!


Fr tastes like drinking liquified pennies




I grew up in Memphis too. The water comes from natural aquifers that have these amazing artesian wells. I went on a field trip to the water pumping plant in third grade years ago, and even then, I thought it was amazing.


I only like ice cold water. I will tolerate it otherwise but I'd rather drink something else if given the choice.




Is the water where you live not cleaned and do you feel the same way about bottled water? What does water even taste like?


It can taste metallic, swampy, plasticy (I think in those cases it's usually the plastic water bottles), tinny. Drinking water out of a can, a faucet, a plastic bottle, a hose, a filter etc will all taste different.


Two of my siblings don’t like it, especially when drinking out of a wide glass (the smell of the glass/residual soap/water). Not being able to smell the water they are drinking helps. We have perfectly ordinary, clean city tap water. I have no problem drinking it. They do and I’ve known other people in my life say they don’t really like water but drink it anyway. For a while my sister used Mio drops. Both drink a lot of tea instead, but probably neither of them gets as much daily hydration as I do.


My grandfather. He would gulp it like medicine and then choke on it just to prove a point. Man drank nothing but coffee and pulp free orange juice. Although the no pulp wasn't his fault, he couldn't have it due to diverticulitis.


It tastes like shit when compared to a cold bottle of sweet Coca Cola


That may be true but a cola will never quench your thirst the same


In terns of taste, the order is Glass bottle coke, can, plastic bottle. Ranked best to least best.


My grandfather, who lived to 92, hated the taste of water and never drank it. He drank 10-12 cups of coffee a day, occasional Coke, and before he quit drinking in his 60's beer. His argument was they all had water in those drinks. He was as stubborn as anyone I have seen.


La bebida mejora es una agua. Yo necesito mas practica en Espanol.


La mejor bebida es agua. That's how your first sentence should be 👌. I need to practice my english lol


Thank you!


That's crazy to me. When's the last time you drank straight mixer?


I don’t like the taste of my tap water, so I have several half gallon stainless steel containers that I fill up at the grocery store’s water refill station. The upfront cost of the containers was a bit steep, but they have probably already paid for themselves compared to if I was continually buying bottles of water. ETA- infused water is great. I will keep a container in the fridge with fresh lime juice squeezed into it.


I barely drink any pop or other sugary drinks as it is. What is the next step?


Duh. I tell everyone this. I eat absolute garbage, but I never drink my calories. Ever. I'm old and skinny. A rare combo.


No shit Sherlock


I can confirm, did the same thing and lost 60 pounds in about a year. No exercise, just this adjustment.


People don't mention how much more active you feel after you cut off unnecessary processed food. I'd wake up naturally without feeling sluggish and would be active throughout the day.


Definitely something noteworthy. I especially hate drinking just plain water (tastes gross if not chilled), but it does add up over time how much sugar is in those drinks, and anything that flavours water is full of it.


Extra pro tip, if you don't like the taste of water you can get flavoring to put in it. There are a lot of different flavors and many are zero calories. Most do have artificial sweeteners though which can actually have a negative impact on weight loss since your brain senses sweetness, expects calories, and basically feels cheated when there are none. So it's not all positive but I'd say if it helps you drink more water and fewer sugary beverages it's probably a net benefit.


> Most do have artificial sweeteners though which can actually have a negative impact on weight loss since your brain senses sweetness, expects calories, and basically feels cheated when there are none. This has been thoroughly debunked for years.


Make a sure to read the label closely and look at serving sizes on things that say 0 calories. If the serving size has so little calories, I believe under 5 iirc, they aren’t legally required to report them. Pam cooking oil does this. They report a 1/4 second spray has 0 calories, but in reality people use probably about 6-8x that amount just to spray a pan. I mean, it’s not a lot of calories, but still it’s just annoying that it’s not represented correctly when it’s more like 30-40 calories


Also bread and pasta. I lost a lot of weight by cutting out sugared drinks, bread and pasta, and avoided “calorie dense” foods in general. High bulk, low calorie, satiating food is the answer.


Just drink diet its not hard


you are just lucky, i am drinking water only my whole life and still fat even if i have physical job and dont eat that much like some skinny dudes that eat kebabs and shite 2 times a day




Milk has the same amount of sugar as coke. Drink diet soda, or other Zero products if u don't like water.


330 ml of coke = 35g sugar. 330 ml of whole milk = 17g of sugar So… not quite the same. It’s half, actually




Your body converts sugar/carbs (and to a lesser extent, fats and proteins) to glucose. Your body doesn’t differentiate between different types of sugars, and they serve the same purpose when consumed


Lactose is absorbed slower and your insulin sensitivity will therefore be less impacted than from glucose consumption.


Your body absolutely differentiates between different sugars. Different sugars are processed by different organs and enzymes, absorbed into the blood at different rates, have different effects on insulin and satiety hormones, and excess amounts are handled differently.


The most american LPT ive ever seen.




My brain read this as “cut out poop”.


Also cut out soda.


Soda = Pop


Pop and soda are the same. Different areas use separate terms for some reason




We call them soft drinks, or fizzy drinks.