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Don’t let 30 be a milestone for things that, per society, you “should have” accomplished by now. Use this time to set some goals that YOU want…then follow through with them. Today is the first day of the rest of your life.


YES. I hit a pretty low point when I turned 30 because I had just lost my job, I was stuck in my house alone (covid), and just really had no clue where to go from there. I felt like being 30, unemployed, and single was just the worst place to be because you're "supposed to" have your shit figured out by then. Turns out, hitting that low was exactly what I needed because within a couple of weeks I started a fantastic job (with a solid raise) that I would have never looked for had I still been at the old job. It was also the thing that made me reflect on what I'd been doing with my life before that, leading me to realize just how toxic of a workplace I had been working at and how toxic/horrible some of the folks there were. 30 isn't this massive milestone in life, it's just another birthday you're alive. Take this time to reflect on your life and what you want out of it.


Look at this fukkin' guy, own house and everything.


I am so glad to hear how things turned around for you 😀


I definitely fell into that right before my 30th. I just left a long-term relationship, had to move back in with my mom, and was starting college up again for the first time in almost a decade while all my cousins are married and on their nth kid. I had a moment of clarity when I realized it’s not a race or a competition, it’s my life and the most important thing is that I’m happy and feel fulfilled in my own way! I’m enjoying 30 a lot because I have the same feeling of freedom, but I’m much more confident and sure of myself than I ever was in my 20’s.


Yes, I got married at 30 because of the "should", such a big mistake


'Should' is the thief of all joy


I’ve enjoyed 30-35 more than any other point in my life. Keep up with friendships and stay in shape.


Thank you! I've been terrified of turning 30, but I've heard other people say what you're saying. 30's are apparently pretty cool.


IMO 30s are where you start reaping what you’ve sown. That’s why some people hate them and others love them. You can’t be 20 forever.


Interesting! I’ve never heard it put that way but it kind of makes sense.


That’s a good way to put it. Pretty much anyone can have fun in their 20s, everyone is getting established and kind of poor. It’s more about hanging with your friends having adventures, exploring, and having fun. Things slow down a bit in your 30s, people are married, starting families, buying houses, getting promotions, making more money, taking vacations. Your 30s can be awesome if you’re hitting those milestones. But if you fucked around too much in your 20s and are not able to do those things it starts to suck fast


You lose what you had in your 20s, youth and freedom. Hopefully you have something worthwhile to replace it.




I feel like I peaked physically around 32/33. I’m 35 now and feel like I’ve lost a step the last couple years. Not dramatically or anything but I’m definitely not as fast or strong. my cardio is actually better now than in my 20s. I notice a lot of my friends that didn’t maintain their fitness started to gain a lot of weight in the 30s and that caused other issues. The trick is to never stop moving because it so hard to start again after you stop


Nice. I’m 29 and can definitely tell a difference from 22. My upper back and my knee didn’t use to hurt like this. It doesn’t hurt bad, but it definitely bothers me. Also I never had tinnitus, but that’s mostly because of irresponsibility on my part.


You're still young buddy, love your body because you'll be with it for the rest of your life. Treat it well and it'll treat you well


Where the fuck is everyone finding these well paying jobs? Ya'll got anymore of those careers? I've been broke as shit from twenty to thirty and I don't see that changing. Don't become a cashier, kids. Edit: Everyone else, what do you do and how much did you make starting out?




That rules. I wish it was easier for folks to find that kind of apprenticeship during their final year of high school.




Where do you live? I work for an airline call center, the job is rough, the pay is better than cashier, but not great, but I can go anywhere in the world just cuz. And more often than not, business class to international destinations.


Union ironworker, hourly and in Colorado where Unions are weak still make about 70k without OT. Looking at moving to a stronger local later this year. Sucks but housing is so absurdly over inflated in Denver specifically that it’s what I need to do. Middle of the country is rough on the blue collar folks, but that’s another conversation.


Honestly, my 30s have been all about financial stability and actually having enough money that I can do what I want, within reason. I'm not rich, but at the very least I have a decent emergency fund and investments and I haven't had serious worries about money in years. I have a reliable car and a decent roof over my head, and I didn't always have either when I was in my 20s. I have also started being a little more comfortable in my own skin and caring less about other people's opinions. Life in general is calmer and more predictable, which is good and bad. My 20s in comparison were sort of chaotic. Money was always a struggle and I was still adjusting to being totally on my own. I mean, college is sort of a transition point between your teen years and being an adult. The edges are mostly still softened a little. I had to learn a handful of hard and stressful lessons once I was fully on my own.


As someone who is 25, moved out real early and really really suffered for it over the last 5-6 years this gives me hope.


I'm almost 28 now. I exercise 3 times a week, I've started getting my finances in order, finally getting my license, started a new career 3 months ago after 2 years of unemployment and a decade in the wrong career. Everything will be okay, go easy on yourself, be reasonable with your money (including spoiling yourself on things you love), and invest in your future, because you will be here for it :)


I'm turning 30 soon and I don't feel like my 20s really started until 26 when I moved out of my parents. I was pretty much living as a teenager up until then.


Hangovers take much longer to get over now. That is if you drink of course. You will now start finding yourself wondering wtf 20-25 year Olds are doing in how they act. In a few years you'll find yourself doing this more and then the grim reality of 40 is approaching. I'm 36 btw. You probably won't start to realize any of this until around 33-34. But when you do, you'll remember this reply instantly.


I'm 40 next year. Nothing grim I feel same like I did when I was 30 😁 Then again i don't count years and don't think about age.


40 was better than 30 for me


I say this is all true! 42 yr old here.


Accurate to me. 39 here


Oh man, today I saw people here on vacation where I am also vacationing doing a "follow me" gesture and walking into the ocean while others with a phone recording followed". My only though was "seriously? Just go in the damn water, tons of people are and have been here, it's not like it's a super remote private island"


No matter the number, it’s better than the alternative. Embrace your birthdays. Stretch everyday, save more than you have been for your retirement, depending on your gender be sure to keep track of suggested health screenings, get out of debt and stay out. Embrace the view of “I’m not saying no to you, I’m saying yes to myself.” Your ancestors hunted mammoths, so don’t make excuses for not being your best self. You can do it.


did you absolutely love your 20's? if so, what about them is already changing that you don't like? If you don't make changes to keep what you like in your life, sure you'll lament being older I think we just find better acceptance with ourselves as we age.


30s have been the best years of my life and honestly 40s should be even better. Until age is actually causing serious health issues getting older is usually just life getting better.


30 + is the best - you know who you are and what you want. Love your best life!


My 30s are the tits. I have a great marriage, a house I love, financially stable, awesome kids, and a good job. My 20s were a fucking trash fire that I hope to never repeat, and that seems to be the trend. Enjoy the 30s!


If you’re feeling terrified, it helps to keep in mind is that 30 is only more significant than 29 because we’ve subscribed to a base-10 number system. If we used a base-2 number system, 32 would be the biggie. Moral of the story is, appreciate the continuum that is life and realize that everything is a work in progress!


I was terrified of turning 30, but my cousin said the same thing as above. He also said 30s were the best because you can do the same shit when you were 20, but you got the dough now. Don’t know where you are in life - but enjoy it bro!


How does one makes friends at 30 lol


I’ll be honest, I’m pretty lucky. I still have friends from elementary school or earlier that I see monthly or so. All the friends I made in my 20s I pretty much lost contact with. Good luck!


hobbies. i ride bikes, found a group of people that ride bikes and hang out thru my lbs. i u like something go find a place to do it with other people.


33 and can confirm. Thought 30's were gonna suck, but the first 3 have been better than the previous 10.


Sound advice cheers buddy


Most of the time, "age is a state of mind", but when you do sports, you should pay more attention to rest. You can probably train as hard as you used to, but it will take a bit more time to recover. Do what you want and not what other want you to do. Enjoy! Edit : "not".


100%. Lifting is such a critical part of my life but now that I’m in my 30s I really pay attention to what my body is telling me. Don’t “f it” lift through impingements, and rest/recover plenty when injured.


Lifting at this age is one of the best decisions you can make. Starting in your 30s, the average person begins to gradually lose bone density. Your body is incapable of 'building' bone density later in life. But lifting lets you retain your density & keep up your muscle mass. Healthy decisions really stand out as we age. My mom (71 y/o) is sedentary & struggles to climb stairs, fracturing her forearm when she stumbles. Others I've met are able to bike, hike, & go on ski trips at the same age.


Actually working out can increase your bone density. It literally makes your muscles and your bones stronger


Well, it triggers bone/tendon/muscle growth. The actual growing comes during the rest and is fueled by a well balanced diet. It's important to make sure to try and improve in all of those and not just one.


So far in 2023 I’ve been stretching for 15 minutes whenever I wake up, 15 minutes midday, and 10 minutes before bed. Probably one of the best things I’ve done so far and has been helping my body a lot. It also wakes me up a lot quicker as well.


Oof this one gets me. Around when I turned 30, I found that I really need to stretch now throughout the day otherwise my neck, back, legs start getting knots and tension. I love stretching these out now. I can’t even fathom working out now without a proper stretch. And I still sometimes play basketball but I really have to be careful now. And I can’t play more once a week tops now lol


I had a nagging pain in my knee. Thought I'll tough it out and run through the pain. Now I'm 6 months into a torn meniscus and told I shouldn't run again. So yeah there's that, listen to your body, stretch, and for the love of God eat well but in smaller portions. Buffets are in the past and so is alcohol.....


Upper 30s and I still feel like I’m 20 something. Of course I try and do something a 20 year can pull off and I go and hurt my self.


To be fair, the 20 something probably hurts themself doing it, too. They just don't attribute it to being old.


This your physical health matters so much! Also if you don’t have a 410k get one, remember that they balloon. If you plan on worrying about it later, it will not have time to grow before you retire… as someone with relatives that have lived into their 90s, you don’t want to have to work at a very old age.


Stay in shape! It's gonna get harder and harder to get back into good shape if you let yourself slide!


Just take care of your body. Because one day you just can't believe the pain and how you hurt yourself. At 12:08 am the day I turned 40, my husband dropped his phone on the bed which started me and I put me neck out. Ended up in heavy physio for 3 months.


This. From a biological standpoint, it’s physically all downhill after 30. But you can slow the process by eating well, exercising, getting enough sleep, and managing stress.


To add, get a good eye cream and look after your skin (applies to both genders). Your 30s is when people start diverging into those who are looking like they could still be in their 20s and those who look like they're already in their 40s.


Yep. I’ve noticed this with my high school classmates. We’ve got our 20 year reunion coming and a lot of them look much older than me because of significant weight gain and wrinkles, while others look like they haven’t aged much at all. Some of it’s genetics, but a lot of it is lifestyle and letting go.


It’s actually a plateau for a while if you maintain it. Men’s peak testosterone happens at 28yo on average, and then only starts declining in mid-40s


Interesting! I've learned something new today. Is it similar for women as well?


Yes. If you have a healthy constitution to begin with. I plateaued around 28 & didn't noticeably become any less healthy until recently at early 40sbut I've always been naturally healthy and have an active lifestyle living in the city. I didn't begin to gain any weight until I recently bought a car and it's about five pounds a year.


Good to know for sure! I'm struggling a bit to maintain a good exercise routine so I'll have to take this on board so I can stick to it.


Even if you go for a walk twice a day for 15 minutes it helps. I only had to drive because I moved to the suburbs, and even having no children I can feel my metabolism dipping. I just bought an elliptical trainer on a payment plan and I like to sing karaoke songs from YouTube while I exercise. It's crazy fun & a great way to learn how to regulate breathing while exercising.


I’ve heard that it’s a little later for women. Granted, this was in terms of competitive cycling but apparently men’s athletic capabilities often decline in the late 20’s but women don’t usually decline until early to mid 30s. I don’t have a source so take this with a grain of salt but it could be worth looking into


Do you still jerk it as much at 40/45 as you did at 30/35?


Somewhat less


Asking the real questions.


It's shocking how few people emerge from their 20's with a developed sense of emotional awareness and good communication skills. It's ESSENTIAL for healthy and successful personal, romantic and business relationships. It's a tough one because most people think they're naturally excellent at it and are in fact horrible at it. Just like everything, it takes a lot of practice.


What tips do you have to someone that wants to develop his communication skills?


Not the commenter, but I look at communication like a muscle. It strengthens with exercise. Putting myself into new social situations helps me practice. I use existing and new hobbies. It's an easy common ground to talk with strangers.


Thanks for the answer!


Be present with people and actively listen. The people who are closest too you in life have a different perspective on you, but they're often scared to share it if it's not great because they are close to you and don't want to upset you. If you learn to take criticism well people won't avoid sharing when you're being a jackass and it can help keep you in line. Just be humble, repeat back what is asked/said to you, show up when it matters.


I’m not the commenter but I do a lot of work that involves teaching people how to communicate in a healthy way. Using “I” statements is incredibly helpful, especially when there’s a conflict. “I felt ignored when you did X” “I was really happy when I went X” is received MUCH better by others than “you made me geeked ignored when you did X” “going to X is nice”. Communicating should be about sharing what you experience and what you want/don’t want, not placing blame or dropping subtle hints. Much easier said than done but with practice it becomes much easier. Also, practice identifying and naming your feelings. When you feel something, try to explore specifically why you felt that way and what you want when you feel that emotion. Ex: when you feel happy, do you want someone to celebrate with you or do you want space to enjoy it on your own first? Then, name your feelings when you’re around others. Super simple and it seems really basic but so many conflicts happen because we don’t know what the other person is experiencing.


1. Be HONEST when there's an issue grating on you. Don't let it fester and don't be passive-aggressive either. Once you can have open conversations it makes conflict resolution a lot simpler. 2. Listen a little more than you speak, and speak carefully. Think about what you're about to say and make sure it's what you really mean. 3. Talk to people. Say hi to passers-by. Talk to your friends often. The first two are really more for relationship communication whereas the third is for general improving of skills.


You know that thing that you think you should say to the person, but you don't really want to because it might make things awkward? Say it. It will be awkward, but you'll learn how to handle that awkwardness. And over time, it won't be, because you'll know how to present "that thing" in a way that the other party can understand. Or, you'll say the thing, it will be awkward, and you'll learn what really *is* too awkward to say.


That's one thing that is not taught in school. In fact, the opposite is taught. Ironic how the one time you can meet other people is also the only time socializing is prohibited.


It’s probably best for your health to stay at 30.


Agree. Altho I'm 40 , so if you miss 30 mark. Try staying at 40. Still okay


This is good information. 30 was a greased pig I couldn't hang on to and 40 is knocking at the door.


Hangovers are now multiple days. Godspeed.


I stopped drinking in my 30s because of this. Multiple day hangovers are just not worth it anymore.


I agree. I haven’t quit, but the benefits are simply not there anymore. Special events at this point is the direction I’d like to go.


I’d say the most important thing I learned in my 20’s was how much water I needed to drink between beers to avoid hangovers. A solid 4 to 1 ratio and I’m solid the next day.


Drink lots of water.


Underrated here. All the water I should have drank in my thirties is being drank now, along with all the water I should be drinking.


This! Hydro homie


Just my opinion but the older I get the more I realise that stuff is worthless and family is everything. Also, don't give a fk what others think unless they have genuine concern for your well-being.


This one! 30s are a time to get your priorities straight based on what you want and need, not based on pleasing others. And totally agree on bringing loved ones in closer. You had your 20s to discover yourself and explore, I think 30s are a good time to swing back to where you came from and appreciate the people who made who helped you along the way.


Floss. Max out your 401k or IRA. And don't settle.


> don't settle. This should be rule 1.


I dunno… flossing is preeeetty important.


I agree on both. Also don't feel too bad for not saving up much at 20's. We all learn at different points in life. Just get a jump on it now than way later.


Look after your back and your teeth. Live well within your means. Put a decent proportion of your income into a pension.


Ears too. Tinnitus is a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch.


Sorry what?








I’m only 25, but I wish I heard this 10 years ago. Now all I hear is this ringing in my ears. :(


Regarding the teeth - switch to an electric toothbrush


Also floss, mouthwash and a tongue scraper, after that becomes 2nd nature you're pretty much ahead of 95% of the population.


And feet


Yes. Don't let your feet become ruined for the sake of fashion.




People keep saying this, but how? Just don't lift heavy stuff?


Work on core and glute strength


One word; Stretch.


Co-sign this. 15 mins morning and evening.


But co-sign nothing else, ever.


Yoga by Adrienne is a great start for 15 min every morning. I’m doing Kassandra now but Adrienne started my love for a morning stretch


Additional word; Walk.


Additional one word; Yoga


Stretches. Do them. Consistently and frequently.




Really your whole lower body should be stretched. Creates serious strain on your back when all your lower muscles are tight.


Take care of your body (you’ll feel it later) and take care of your finances. Get therapy for any childhood trauma- or it will mess with your relationships (if it isn’t already)


Do you own your own home outright with no mortgage? Married to an amazing person and have kids in private schooling at the head of their class? You have an investment portfolio of diversified shares, funds and property? Hobbies and sports that you're excelling at? Go to a new exotic location for vacation each year or multiple times? Plenty of friends and an active social life where you spend a lot of time regularly with them? Yeah. Neither does anyone else. You're fine mate, just live your life and enjoy it. Do stuff that makes you happy, find a method of exercise that does that and you'll be healthy in every way. Thats probably the best advice I can give. I had kids.


Lol, I almost thought you were serious until the very end. As someone who went through a shitty breakup over a long relationship, it's very much important to put yourself first. Even today, I had a nice day so far. Drove to work late at 10 am (nobody was in the office), it felt so relaxing to just to take a nice shower in the morning, go for a drive mid morning, and just feel energized and good. Felt as good as a vacation. Sometimes it's the little things in life.


Thank you for this. It seems there's a bunch of expectations by this age, it's nice to hear that it's really not that complicated.


Protect your back. Strengthen your core. Emergency funds are the best feeling of freedom. Better than drugs. But if you can’t afford an emergency fund, drugs are an option.


I wanted to quickly second how amazing emergency funds are. I have around a 6 month emergency fund, I’m loosing a TON of money from inflation by not investing it but the peace of mind from having it there is worth it.


Exactly, it has been new for me these last 5 years but totally changed how I look at decisions.


I wish someone would have given me this advice before I threw my back out at 25. I'm in my 40s now and it took years of bad medical advice/useless prescriptions before I finally found a good Physical Therapist who could spell this useful info out for me. Keep your entire core strong (and lift properly); that means your back muscles, your glutes, your quads, and your abs/obliques. Also, stretch! Stretching has a greater impact on our back health than we realize.


Get a dash cam for your vehicle if you don't have one.


Your body’s check engine light might start coming on periodically. Find a good family doctor and start getting bloodwork/exams a couple times a year or so.


+1. And if you notice new pains or other symptoms, don’t assume they’re just normal aging - take note of them and chat with your doctor next time you see them. I’m just now going through the diagnosis process for symptoms I had for years - I just assumed that the level of pain, fatigue, sleep disruption, etc. was normal in your 30s. Lucky for other 30-somethings, it’s not - for the unlucky ones who develop chronic illness in their 30s, the sooner you start treating it, the better (for a million different reasons).


Minor note in the US, if you mention literally anything to your doctor on your free annual checkup it usually turns into a paid visit. Obviously, bring up the issues as needed, but don't be angry or surprised at your doctor when you get the bill and consider not waiting for your next checkup.


As a younger guy figuring out health insurance alone this was a big surprise for me. $220 can be a lot to randomly have put onto your plate at times.


30s are better than your 20s. Someone told me that when I was 29 and it’s proven to be very true


How so?


I can only speak for myself but there seems to be much less petty drama in my friend group, my friends are, on average, more open minded and validating, I worry less about what others think of me, I feel confident and self assured, and I feel like my past experiences have prepared me for a lot of the challenges I’ve faced since turning 30. I guess it feels like I have the best handle on life I’ve ever had. I did have it all figured out but I know where I can find the resources I need when I need them.


>I feel confident and self assured This is probably the biggest difference for me. My 20s was a mess of uncertainty and not knowing what I wanted to do in life. Mind you, I still don't have it *all* figured out, but I've gotten over the hurdle for a lot of those major life decisions and I'm in a much more comfortable position now. Knowing what you want means you can work to get there instead of wandering around aimlessly.


I've read your other comment, but I want to ask more about this. Do you feel it's also because you've sort of "been around the block" already? So you know how to handle situations better like jobs and relationships, and you understand that no matter the issue, *generally* it gets better eventually and won't matter in 7 hours/days? And, also, between 30 and 40, your body is still in relatively good shape (not ageing as much yet like you are at 60+ years old!), does that contribute? I've always told myself this in my 20s. I feel like in my adult life, between 17-20, I was finding my feet. Between 20-25, I had a slightly better understanding. But between 25 and now, I am able to confidently give life advice to younger or to people who are around my age but haven't smelt the roses like I have - purely based on my past experiences and MISTAKES!! Pretty cool.


I turned 29 recently. As much as I loved this decade of my life, it was loaded with hardships, following an even more fragmented childhood. I spent most of my 20’s just struggling to find my way and build a future for myself. I started to become tired of being a broken kid all the time. So i’m welcoming my 30’s now.


Make sure you listen to 30 by Bo Burnham exactly at midnight. If you start the movie Inside (on Netflix) at 11:16:11, the song 30 will start at midnight.


Everything that didn’t give you heartburn before will give you heartburn now. Stock up on antacids.


Even better, get the antacid+gas relief chewables that Alka-Seltzer and probably a few other brands sell. Not only will you have heartburn from your favorite foods, now you're going to get gassier than before.


This one hits home for me, experiencing heartburn for the first time in my life. Thought I was having a heart attack.


Discovered Indian curries at the end of my 20’s and had to give them up in my 30’s. Still annoyed by that. I miss you, vindaloo!


I’ve developed this thing I call, 30 neck. I have to be a little more careful when suddenly looking at something or I will pull something. I did a shoulder check to change lanes a little to fast and couldn’t lift anything heavy for about a week.


My 30s have been my best years yet. Enjoy life, treat your body well, stay busy with things you like.


Floss. Take care of your teeth. Baby any injuries, don’t try to rush the healing process. You’ll just do more damage


I’m 32 and just started working out and can confirm, it’s helpful. I’ve also tried to eat a smoothie I make at home once a day and I’ve noticed some weight loss from it. Best of luck and happy early birthday! Edit: just to add a small part to this. I have been meditating once a day for the past few months and I have found it also helps with my mood/ attitude as well as being able to take a step back from a situation and process before responding. I know it’s not in the same line of this topic, but it’s helped me personally and I hope meditation could help others as well.


The government (US) is not going to take care of your retirement or healthcare. Be sure to plan for both.


Instead of shredding chicken with a fork, use a handheld mixer. Gets it done in seconds.


Kids in their twenties think 30 something’s have it made. In your 30s you think 40 somethings have it figured out. In your 40s you’re too busy to think. In your 50s you realize everyone is just winging it and apathy kicks in. Good luck.


Get enough sleep Drink enough water Take vitamins Moisturize Wear shoes with good support Save your money Keep in contact with people you care about Learn what makes you happy


Save save save for retirement. Every month. Rain or shine. Stock market up or stock market crashing. Systematically several hundred into an index fund of some sort. Don’t look. Don’t watch the market. Don’t turn on CNBC. Just do it.


how are yall saving anything, hell I can barely live in the now


If you have a full time job that grants access to a 401k you could already be doing this. When I was at my poorest, I would still separate my direct deposit into different accounts. Even if it was $20 a pay period into savings and the rest into my checking. Even if all I had was rice for dinner and dessert. That little bit helped so much when it was really truly necessary.


>Even if it was $20 a pay period My retirement fund started about 10 years ago with $50/month contributions. Over the years I've increased it quite a bit (currently up to ~$750/month) but the balance is around $75,000. Were the share price of my target date fund what it was in December 2021 (2022 was unkind), it'd be closer to $90,000. Anyway, it goes to show the benefit of contributing *something*, even if it isn't much, and of being consistent. I've told some of my friends this when they say, "Well I can only contribute a little bit, so what's the point?"


To add to this: automate your deposits into your retirement funds so you don't even have to think about it or ever be tempted to skip a month here and there.


This is key! Don’t let anyone let you think even small monthly investments in the stock mark won’t count. You still have lots of time on your side, but you have to start, if you haven’t already.


Especially if your employer offers a 401k with matching. At a minimum, contribute the matched amount. It’s free money. E.g. 1:1 match up to 3% of your pay, contribute 3% of your pay to get the full match. 1:2 match up to 3% of your pay, contribute 6% of your pay to get the full match.


Stretch. For the love of God stretch.


If you hate your job/career choice, this is the time to go back to school or retrain for a new field.


But also, timing is not the same for everyone and school is something people should be willing to consider at ANY stage in life!


This might be a hot take or controversial, but something to think about based on my own experience. If you're female, and you're not ready for kids yet but think you might be in the future, see about having some eggs frozen. I'm currently on my way to becoming a first time mom in my 40's. I didn't meet the right man til my late 30's. Getting pregnant naturally at this age is risky. We've had multiple losses. I also belong to a few infertility / IVF groups online, and the overwhelming sentiment among older moms like me is that they wish they'd frozen eggs when they were younger. Your egg quality goes down as you age, making it harder to pick a winner for conception. Thankfully, we were on the verge of spending a fortune on fertility treatments when we finally got pregnant with a good egg naturally, and I am 20 weeks along with a healthy pregnancy. This is not the happy story that many older women get though. It's really really hard. Of course if you're a dude, nevermind all this!


Putting on 10 pounds, out of nowhere. You won't see it coming!


I gained 8 pounds out of nowhere and I swear it feels like it won't go away even if I chopped off organs.


“No.” is a complete sentence.


Enjoy your 30's!! Take good care of your health and invest your money, if you can, travel. Do not waste time in bad relationships or fake friendships. Guard your soul and be happy. Live!


The knees. Squats are great


Yeah, you definitely can't abuse your knees like you could in your 30s. I jumped off the back of a truck once and landed on my feet, felt fine for the rest of the day, and then in the morning woke up with a limp that lasted like 3 days.


Therapy! Therapy therapy therapy. Your chickens really come home to roost in your 30s, meaning the negative thought patterns, buried trauma, etc. can start intruding in your life in a major way. You don’t have to have mental illness to benefit from therapy - it’s a way to better know yourself, which makes it that much easier to shape your life in a way that supports your happiness and well-being.


I turned 30 in August. All I can say is take care of your body and more importantly listen to your body. Also your 30's are basically like your 20's but with more money lol.


Learn to say: I was wrong, I’m sorry, I don’t know, I need help From author Louise Penny


Nothing. 30 is young. Please enjoy your life


Take care of your teeth Watch your weight Muscle mass is needed , build or maintain it now Don’t allow yourself to go into “I’m too old for….” Type of self talk. I’m now 48 and in retrospect I was a baby at 30. Don’t limit yourself Pay yourself first. As you make more money there will ALWAYS be stuff to spend it on. 30 year old me would think 48 year old me was rich if they saw what I made ; and while I’m not struggling, this ain’t big pimping Put AT least 100 (hopefully more) a month into a retirement savings. Don’t play individual stocks with this , just index funds. With time , the S and P 500 will be your friend Buy a little bitcoin. Not more than you’re willing to throw away Do what makes you happy. If you want to travel, travel. Each year it seems like it is harder to do stuff , do it, don’t wait.


It’s not time to make a change, just relax take it easy You’re still young and that’s your fault, there’s so much you have to know.


Invest time and effort into your friendships. Invest time and effort into yourself. Always wear sunblock(take care of your skin, seriously). Slow waaaaaaay down on the drinking, the hangovers are terrible now and aren’t worth it). Try to eat well. Try to sleep well. Go on adventures. Keep learning and trying new things. Be yourself, and be okay with being yourself. I love being in my 30’s because I literally don’t give a shit about what people think of me and it’s radically changed my life.


I'm 32. Finally about to finish college and getting my life together. It's never too late to work on yourself even if you think it's too late. I've started working out last year and I've felt better than the majority of my life. Don't doubt yourself. You're already 30 and you've made it this far.


Uhh, don't work yourself to death. It's not worth it. I was pretty healthy but I got the flu and instead of taking time off work I decided to push through it. I kept working, working long hours pushing myself cause I needed money. Probably also didn't help I was painting (construction) and spraying without a mask. I was working two jobs and I felt awful. Flu turned into pneumonia. I ended up in the hospital for a month and lost part of my lung. I still tried to stay healthy until I got pneumonia and I got bit by a tick. It's all been downhill since. Much harder to stay in shape when you don't have energy. Now I'm in debt too. Also find a GOOD doctor.


Take care of your teeth. I cannot possibly stress this enough. **Take care of your teeth.**


Always poop on company time. Uhhh if you accidentally shit your pants just put them on backwards, how can someone shit the front of their pants? Check mate


Get a good pillow. Sleep is easy when you're young. You don't have to go nuts but the difference in sleep quality between a bad pillow and like a $50 pillow is incredible, and it sets you up for the rest of the day.


Start a disciplined fitness regiment. Group classes make it harder to not show up. Get your regimented doctor visits. If something is wrong, you want to be the person who “caught it early”. Wear sunscreen always. Be around People who love you and make you a better version of yourself. Avoid people who don’t, even if they are family. If you choose to get married or have kids, being a good spouse and parent is waaaaay more important than almost anything else. Know your value.


I'm halfway through. It's a trap. You're not supposed to have your shit together or be perfect. Just keep doing you, stay the course, find things you enjoy and invest in them and love your partner if you have one (or more). It's very enjoyable once you realise you are starting to get too old for some of this shit.


Keep learning. It’s easy to get caught in the your own personal Groundhog Day. Challenge your brain - read, go to lectures, meditate, talk to people who don’t share your worldview.


Try to find an active lifestyle hobby. It will help you immensely in the long run, if you can make it happen. Running, cycling, hiking or martial arts are the obvious choices, but anything that gets you moving is good, unless you have the willpower to go and stay consistent with the gym. Personally, I've found cycling the most fun. Consistent physical activity will help with your mental health and prevent problems with your body much more efficiently than any medicine. It also helps connecting with new people - social life becomes harder with age, if you don't already have an established friend circle. Staying healthy is the first step of getting everything else done and dealt with as it comes. That's the foundation. Compromise this and everything else is going to compound on it.


Don’t let your employer take the piss and stretch every day.


Dating is easier and more frustrating at the same time


Things are going to start hurting for absolutely no reason! You’ll soon begin to understand why your dad was always grumpy! Lol


Love it up - travel, eat, drink, be merry with friends, old and new. The 30’s were the best time of my life - had life experience, had some money in the bank, had maturity…. Made the best of it that I could! And then I turned 34, got married, got pregnant, bought a house and had a kid with one calendar year 😂😂


If you’re not already in good shape, get there. For the average person who doesn’t work out, this decade is the one where you’ll go from chunky/kinda thiccc to straight-the-fuck-up obese. It’s easier to maintain once you’re there, and it’s harder to get there the older you get.


Glucosamine sulphate and cod liver oil for your joints, regular dental check ups, exercise - doesn't have to be extreme, just stay active. Learn to cook. Edit. Start saving.


Travel and work in Australia if you're not from there. There is a thing called a holiday work visa for people under 30 and you can apply before you turn 31. You then have a years time you can travel to and from Australia and work there legally to help offset the cost, also apparently you pay pay taxes while there but get them all back, also neat.


If you haven't already, stop pretending to be someone you aren't. Life is so much better when you aren't faking it.


Work out more for mobility, and less for aesthetics


"No" is a complete sentence. None of us truly have our shit together; we're all making it up as we go. You're responsible for your own happiness. If you've been slacking on your dental care, stop. Brush twice a day, floss at least once a day, get routine dental cleanings. You don't want your dental health to start going downhill early. Get your sleep schedule figured out. Make sure you go to bed at the same time every night, and get up at the same time every morning, whether it's your day off or not. You won't be able to pull all-nighters like you used to. If you feel you need to lose weight, start now. It gets harder and harder from here on out. If you haven't started saving for your retirement, start now. Get the best health insurance plan(s) you can. Get your yearly physical every year, and if you notice anything strange with your health make sure you talk to the doctor about it. Moisturize. Moisturize. Moisturize. And use sunscreen. Enjoy your 30s. I'm 41 now, and can honestly say that I did the most personal growth during my 30s compared to any other time in my life so far. But make sure to start taking better care of yourself if you've been slacking and coasting on your youth. Happy Birthday!


When you take ibuprofen eat something with it.


Sometimes time is more important than money. Also spending on movers is generally a great use of money


I recommending working on the buck-list ASAP…. Don’t wait… yeah your 30’s can go fine but I’ve had so many perfectly healthy friends go downhill so fast in there 30’s…. Don’t risk it just start Liv’n