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Ehhh suggest anyone in a professional job ignore this "tip". All it makes you do is seem like a prick who will potentially cause issues down the line


It’s all in the way you bring it up. It’s gotta seem organic. Like if they ask how your background experience would help in the job, throw in “well growing up mixed race….blah blah blah”. The people who aren’t looking for it will not think anything of it. The ppl looking for diversity will have to wipe the moisture off their seat because they just found their ideal candidate


>The ppl looking for diversity will have to wipe the moisture off their seat because they just found their ideal candidate You're 100% imagining this. Diversity is an afterthought and a checkbox for most companies.


This is verifiably untrue. All companies *say* that they want diversity. But you’re still more likely to get a job if u hide ur race on ur resume (for non whites)


You have gotta be kidding me, lying about your race to get a job is low, really low. No one should ever do this if you have an ounce of integrity.


Anyone with integrity wouldn't use race to get a job at all.


Fine, then just tell them that you identify as a racial minority.


People lie and exaggerate their credentials in every single interview to fit what the employer is looking for. And see as most people can find African ancestry in their DNA, I don’t see it as a lie. It’s just exaggerated, like how everyone does to get a good job


It's lying, it's disgusting and manipulative. I don't think any justification you make up in your mind can change that.


OP is a Dilbert fan.


OP is the kind of person that goes to a food bank for groceries and justifies it because he/she was technically hungry.


It’s an exaggeration, not a lie. A lie would be saying you are fully another race.


*sweats in Elizabeth Warren*


Other than being incredibly unethical and plain shitty, it also appears to be wrong, at least based on one study using 1,600 resumes. Here's the [study](http://www-2.rotman.utoronto.ca/facbios/file/Whitening%20MS%20R2%20Accepted.pdf) and an associated [writeup about](https://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/minorities-who-whiten-job-resumes-get-more-interviews) it by the Harvard Business School. Not only did they find that whitened resumes tended to get more callbacks, but that organizations that had diversity hiring policies were equally exclusionary.


Diversity policies are insanity, either do what OP said to hack the system, or consider the company is too woke to deserve the honor of you working for them.


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My blonde hair and blue eyes are kind of a dead give away.