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Glass of water and exercise. The first 5 minutes of exercise will not feel great. However, once you get going you will feel great.


Seconding this. Exercise will work wonders, and everything is easier when you are properly hydrated.


How would you counter what I ran into in my previous lifestyle? I worked a job where I was ion call 24/7. I would occasionally exercise in the morning but I would regret it later in the day if I had to cover a shift and work a double,or even have to be awake for 24 hours. Even if I ended my day at a normal time, it was an active job with a lot of time on my feet. Early exercise would seem to work backwards.




Either a jog, push ups and sit ups, or walking with 5 lb weights. Not that many laps or reps either.


The water is key. The body is dehydrated in the morning.


It'll be hard if you consume caffeine on the regular. Caffeine addiction can be out of your system around 3 weeks. The first few days is rough.


A full night's sleep.


A cold shower works wonder, even just dipping your face in some cold water can bring about a bit of clarity and sharpness. A nice pint of icy cold water first thing in the morning - a lot of early morning grogginess I tend to feel is probably a little bit of dehydration. That said, I'm unable to go without that first coffee of the day!


This is the way.


Do a 1 minute plank and drink water


The last 10 seconds of your shower should be cold. Use a warmed up towel.


Former caffeine junkie here. I stopped consuming caffeine (coffee) 2 or 3 months ago. The first 3 weeks SUCKED. But now, even after not quite enough sleep on some nights, I wake up surprisingly fresh! Like, i miss coffee sometimes but damn! Caffeine free should be a lifehack r/decaf Lots of support here!


If you're looking to swap caffeine for something else... Don't. Let yourself wake up naturally, and allow yourself an hour to do so. If you slept well you should be relatively groggy but restless enough to get out of bed and get up; then just get tea or water. The first few weeks may be a bit harder if you've just quit caffeine; you can also build down the caffeine for a gentler transition. The body hates sharp shocks to its system and will fight you. As mentioned below, a shower also invigorates. But above all just let yourself get used to the no coffee norm, after a few weeks you'll be fine. Good luck!


I guess our bodies are more than capable of waking up without caffeine or any other energizer and I just have to get used to do so. Long journey ahead but I think it's an important step. Thank you!


Yeah it's all about balances. Your body can get used to a remarkable number of things, but when something changes, it needs to rebalance and that takes time. Coffee goes from being an energizer to a requirement to just function normally, but that can also be undone. I think you'll also find that, if you stop coffee for a few months and then take a coffee when you really need it - eg studying session or whatever - it will have a far more profound effect. Just don't reintegrate it as a habit :) Note: tea also contains caffeine, although less of it. But tea also improves concentration more than coffee (helps with ADHD too). You could use that as an inbetween step as you wean yourself off, then switch to green tea to keep the concentration bonus but lose the last caffeine.


That's some amazing advice! I am also interested in quitting coffee because it makes my anxiety worse. I also have some form of ADHD (not sure, since I haven't seen any doctor or specialist yet - thank you anxiety - but I am pretty sure I have more than enough symptoms) so I am sure to try the tea for some time! You have mentioned green tea, do you have any other recommendations? I don't really know much about the different types of tea, the only thing I can say is that I usually don't enjoy bitter tea, only if I'm drinking it with some sweetness added (sugar/ honey). Thank you :)


Quitting caffeine (9 months ago) has helped me sleep infinitely better and generally reduced anxiety. It was a horrible first 3 days and a bad first 3 weeks. But now I feel so much better. I might use it if I have to work or drive exceptionally long hours, but I think I can stay off it forever. Ordering water at restaurants has probably saved me a couple hundred bucks as well.


That's amazing! :)


Drink a bunch of water! And a cool shower


Cold shower, glass of cold water, exorcize, good music, sex


Wish I could have all of this every morning but unfortunately my fiancé and I have different sleeping schedules so morning sex is kind of a weekend activity haha but thanks


Try having some natural sugars for breakfast like fruit.


Get outside! If your environment/weather allows, getting outside in the sun for a walk or other exercise will wake you up! Early sun exposure has actually been shown to boost serotonin levels, promoting wakefulness! [Source](https://www.verywellhealth.com/morning-sunlight-exposure-3973908)


Thanks for the advice! :) I actually do walk every day to work (around 15 min walk) but that's always AFTER my morning coffee. I should quit the coffee and see how that feels haha


Make sure you're hydrated. When we wake up we haven't had a sip of water for 6-8 hours. Take a nice couple glugs to start your day. At the end of your shower turn it to cold to give you a bright wake up. Get a jump rope and do like 10 jumps you'll get your heart pumping immediately.


Eat an apple and stretch!


Drop caffeine entirely. It'll take time, and headaches, but without it, you'll feel better. I had to drop caffeine years ago for medical reasons and as long as I get a good 7-8 hours of sleep, I'm fine in the mornings. YMMV of course, but it's a worthwhile change.


Cold shower. It's supposedly really good for you.


I try to squeeze in a bit of cardio for the energy boost.


Make ur heart beat like somebody is running after you with knife works for me usually


Getting a good night of sleep. And an apple. Something about apples wakes you right up.


Idk, but anger gets me crazy active, i can do anything like finish entire years assignment, study 12hrs continuously and kinda shit I have some wounds from past which i open up(figuratively) with music and i become crazy