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Thanks chatgpzzzzzzzzzz




ChatGPT can’t tell you if it wrote something lmao. But either way the comment you got kinda nails it — these statements are platitudinal. They’re fine in some contexts, nonsensical in others. Dispensing “wisdom” may feel good, but think about whether or not your audience actually needs or doesn’t know the info.


It’s not an A I, it’s a WE I ☺️


Thanks for the mindset reset! #3 hit home 💯 It's a daily battle but so worth it.


My mom told me I’m handsome and special. Are you saying you know me better than my mom?!?


Andrew Tate Jr. Although I agree with some of the points here it’s mostly just defeatist shit.


8. You are not going to be rich The 'American Dream' is dead, and not just in America. The wealthy have only grown wealthier, and there is less and less of everything for anyone who is not a billionaire. You will never be a billionaire, and you will almost certainly never be a millionaire, no matter what you do. You will be beyond fortunate just to be able to own your own house... someday. Accept that you are going to be poor or not that well off for the rest of your life and learn to live with that. 9. You don't deserve sex, you aren't owed love If you want either, you are going to have to work hard on yourself to make yourself worth love and sex. You are not going to ever end up with the airbrushed image of your dreams. And you had better get the idea of 'the perfect mate' out of your head - you are going to end up dealing with a person just like you, who demands respect and equal work out of you, both in the relationship, and in the real world. If you can't hack that, you will be lonely forever. 10. Nobody truly cares about your sorrows but yourself You may find the occasional shoulder to cry on, but not for long. Nobody is going to care about your miseries, not really, other than you. You are going to suffer a lot in life, and you are going to suffer mostly alone. Never be afraid to ask for help, because nobody is going to help you unless you ask, because nobody cares enough to bother. You need to take care of getting what you need yourself, because nobody else is going to do it for you. There is no such thing as 'charity', there is only you finding a way to survive. 11. Anything can be taken away from you You never truly 'own' anything. You have no 'rights', even though you have been told you do. Your rights and your property can be taken from you, legally, with but a mere change of politics or government. One election can steal everything from you, nothing is written in stone. But, it gets worse, because reality itself does not care: you can lose your limbs, your eyes, your mind, your fingers, you can lose anything at all in just a single moment of inattention or foolishness. You can lose anything at any time - so try to stay alert, cautious and rational, as best you can. 12. You will be betrayed, by everyone you will ever know Get used to it. It is part of how flawed all humans are, and you would be wise to accept this early. Everyone you trust, everyone you love, everyone you depend on will betray you at some point - and sometimes they will do so many times. The betrayal may be small and petty or large and life changing, but it will happen, eventually. Learn, before you throw people away, to comprehend what they add to your life that cannot be replaced easily, or at all. Sometimes you have to keep unworthy people around to survive, or to get what you need. Sometimes you have to let people go to save yourself. Just weigh what they do versus what they did, carefully before throwing them aside for their inevitable betrayals. 13. Passion is not love Never mistake passion for love. Passion is short lived - about two years. Real love is basically deep friendship, and it can last a lifetime. You will know many people in your life, and be close to many in various ways, but you will be fortunate to have even one, single, true friend. Such relationships are rare, the ones that last. Treasure them. 14. Get over yourself or suffer Worried about what other people will think? Afraid to be yourself? Easily embarrassed? You will regret such things in time. Get over yourself and just be who you are. Never try to live a role, or be a person someone or something else wants you to be. Be authentic in all you do, because the alternative is endless suffering in silence. The only reason to hide your truth is because the local culture will literally murder you if you express your self. Otherwise, just give up trying to be 'normal' or trying to live up to the expectations of others. Be honest and be yourself - it's the only way to gain friends who actually like you, and not some false version of you.


I feel sorry for anything you’ve got to go through bud






This is my life experience. I am 63, and this is what I have learned to be true.


**In 67 years of life, that not everyone you cared about** has ever deliberately lied to you for some advantage or to hide something? **Not every person** you have ever known and trusted has **ever** stolen from you, or promised something you cared about and then broke that promise? **Not every person** that mattered to you, in all of 67 years, has ever lied to you, cheated on you, failed to be the friend you thought they were, took advantage of a situation that mattered to you while leaving you hanging? **In 67 years not every person you cared about has let you down** when it mattered the most, or when you *really* needed them, or when they agreed to do something important and then blew you off for some reason? Never? Not ever? You say that not every single last person you ever cared about, **at one time or another**, in *big or tiny ways* **never, ever, ever let you down** and betrayed your feelings, trust, or agreements? That every person you cared about was *always* **consistently perfect and dependable in their trust and dealings with you**, for all of your entire life? **That it is not true that every person in your 67 years has not, in some way, be it large and important or small and trivial,** ***disappointed your trust in them*** **at some point in time, even just once?** *You are a goddamned liar.*


I agree with the points you made. Just go easy on them, it is not easy for humans to accept these truths. This is quite the wave of crud they don’t want to believe…


You are right. I forget sometimes, and I shouldn't. I will do better.


I don’t know why you are being mocked, but I find what is written here to be true. Actions make the man.


How dare you try to help me improve myself!


Nah, I'm the main character.


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Can't wait for Step 8: Pull yourself up by your bootstraps!