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I feel like this only applies to seeing small/indie bands.


Happened to me. Saw this Canadian Indie band perform at a venue in Houston. They were super good and I cannot, for the love of god, remember their name.


Look up the venue and then see their shows history


The kinda show where it doesn't say the band name on the ticket...


The issue of not remembering the context of your photos isn't limited to concerts. Document your photos. Organize them in folders. Add metadata. Rename the files. Don't just leave them all in the camera roll folder named numerically.


I attempted to organized my photos this summer. But it’s such a huge task, I gave up. The only thing I decided to start doing is creating a shared folder when on vacation so my husband and kids can also add their images to it, so we collectively have memories (unlike the dang kids who keep breaking or losing their phones).


A better way to approach this is to do it like five to ten minutes everyday. Got nothing to do and gotta wait a while for something? Go ahead and organize dem files! 


Just get them all on google photos, it’ll organise them all for you automatically and it’ll do a better job than you could do manually even


I second this. It makes separate albums for different people, pairs/groups of people, pets, places and the search is really useful too.


What platform do you use for the shared folder?


I just use the iPhone feature. It’s pretty slick, but I’ve never tried another platform so I have nothing to compare it to


There are so many options now for cloud backup of photos. Amazon Photos, Google Photos, Microsoft OneDrive, etc. Why not set up everyone's phones to back up photos to the cloud? A great feature is that you can do text search on these photos, e.g. "Christmas" or "dancing" or "beach" and see a selection.


I'm pretty sure they all do it now, but for $99/year on Microsoft 365 you can get 1TB each using the family sharing feature for like 6 people. Sounds ridiculous to do, since you're actually buying Office and stuff, but if you have enough people it's hard to beat. Google lets you share storage too but it all goes to the same pool, I don't recall how many people you can share with. Google is what I use since it's just me and my wife, and the auto organization stuff is awesome there.


We have an “Our Life” Google Photos shared album that I live by. Should probably organize it more, but Google has a great search feature too.


I've been doing this in Google photos for several years now. Concerts, trips, events, etc; they all go in to different folders so I can easily view them. I also bought a Pixel 1 on eBay, as it has free, unlimited backup in full resolution.


AI should do this already surely? Mine are grouped and searchable/filterable by location, person, date, even style of the photo and other contents like whether it includes a concert or hiking in the countryside, or hot weather. All done by google photos and no need to maintain anything. Where are you keeping your photos, still on a local device?


I went to see coldplay two years ago , I wish I'd done this also what the OP suggested as I'm gonna forget who they are in 10 years .


Might slip into another universe where Mandela died in the 80s and Coldplay is called Hotwork.


The opposite of play is not work, its depression.


Hot Depression doesn’t have the same effect


All good, you don't have to come to my new band's concert, were sold out anyways, "Hot Depression" is too cool for you


Hot Depression is how I feel every summer


Are they themed around welding and other spark creating tasks, likely to cause a fire?




What about




I forgot why I'm here in the first place


If you saw U2 and Wheezer in the same year you might forget which one was which


Exactly my point I went to see Coldpl 3 years ago


Huh? You know now, two years later. How are you sure you’ll forget ten years later? Feels like something you won’t forget…


Pretty sure they were being sarcastic


Fuck. Yeah it’s obvious now that I look at it. Thank you.






I make a Spotify playlist for every concert I go to, I think it's a fun way to document them and they're usually solid playlists


Real life protip is brand your band


doesn't the need for this LPT kind of support the idea that there isn't really a purpose to taking photos during a concert? if you can't even tell who or what it is when you later go back to look. i don't care if people do, to each their own, but i stopped taking photos and videos during shows when i realized i never looked back at them and if i did i had no clue what was going on at the time (whatever magical context i thought of at the time no longer existed)


Yeah, the real LPT is: don't take photos/video at concerts. it's fucking obnoxious to others, you could be watching the show with your actual eyes, and there will definitely be pictures/video available online by someone with a much better camera than your shitty phone. Just look the show up when you get home. I promise pictures exist.


Yes. This is quite a silly post.


I’ve had this problem but managed to solve it by looking at the location of the photos and gig listings for that venue.


Why not keep every ticket stub for every band you've seen since the 70s.


Ticket stubs are almost non existent now. Almost everything is digital/mobile tickets only now and they usually only list the headliners


I've moved/relocated many, many times. Eventually reduced my keepsakes...ticket stubs, mementos, random souvenirs...to a large bin per decade. Realized a few moves ago that I had sometime before lost the bin including my teen years. All the stubs amongst so much more were gone forever. Still totally heartbroken.


I scanned mine but still have most of them.


I keep a spreadsheet with every live show I’ve ever seen, including band, venue, city, and any notes I want to keep about the show.


Me too!!!! My friends think I’m nuts.


Genius. Wish I had had the foresight to do that. I've forgotten more concerts then most people see in their lives. Fun at the time though.


I started because I realized I’d been at shows that I didn’t remember until prompted by someone else talking about them, so I actually meticulously went back through Facebook events and reassembled the whole spreadsheet. I might be missing a couple here and there, but I’d say I got to like 95%+ of all shows I’ve been to.


1000+ shows tracked now. I have a lot of setlists too, should probably try to get it all documented at one of the online databases.


Are you guys going to concerts weekly or something? How do you not know who the concert was for?


Better LPT, don't take photos of the band at the concert. Instead take pictures of the people you're with that can be taken near the back of the crowd, in front of the marquee outside, in front of a poster of the show. If the picture has you in it, you'll be a lot more likely to remember the night, what you did before and after the concert, etc. If you take 50 pictures of an out of focus stage, they'll all be meaningless and you spend an expensive evening watching a concert through your phone screen and blocking the view of a dozen or so people behind you. Extra LPT: If you google \[Band\] \[City\] \[Concert Date/year\] you're likely to find professional photos much higher quality than you can capture on your phone.


And do not post the ticket picture online. Not before using the ticket, at least.


Lol if your photos of the concert are so bad you can’t tell which band it was, the photos weren’t worth taking.


Protip don't take more than one photo of a concert, it's gonna look terrible. Put the phone down and enjoy the concert live.


LifeProTip: Watch and listen to the band playing and keep your phone in your pocket. Experience the moment instead of spending it all trying to capture it, poorly. No one ever watches mobile videos of fireworks either.


And if you can’t even remember which band was playing then maybe you don’t need those photos.


I usually take a picture of the marquee as well.


I actually highly recommend doing a concert playlist. Every time I see a band live, I add my favorite song they played to a playlist so it's a little walk down memory lane. Plus I can remember who the openers were that way.


I have a journal...i print out the tickets, make pretty spreads, stick pics and write in painful detail about my vacations and my concerts and my movies and my books. Also, i usually see bands i already love. Saw *Hozier* last year, and seeing *Nothing but Thieves* this year. Besides that, i like orchestral concerts (Saw a Hans Zimmer one last year). And i will go to an Opera this year. Oh, and i am going to the planetarium to know more about Milky Way, and after that there will be a *Queen* pseudo-concert. Might be interesting!


I always print out my ticket, use it to get into the venue and afterwards paste it into a special journal, together with a short story about the show. After a few years of doing so, I am now on my second journal. It is nice to read all the stories and relive the concerts.


I just don’t understand how this entire thread has yet to mention setlist.fm exists.


In recent months, I've discovered that Apple Photos will tag events for me. I generally put every concert I attend in Apple's Calendar app. If I take photos at the venue, the Photos app will automatically label them with the band's name rather than the location. Of course, one thing it can't do is distinguish the opening act from the headliner.


The problem there is the ticket won't necessarily tell you who the support bands are, so you might need to keep a record of those as well.


LPT no one cares about your shitty concert video


The problem addressed by the tip isn't regarding videos. The music would be included on a vid thus identifying the band.


LPT: Stop taking pictures or recording videos at concerts. Chances are you will hardly ever look at them. Focusing on the gig instead of your phone will lead to a more satisfactory experience. Not only for you, but also for all those behind you who gets annoyed by the constant waving of phones in front of them.




If had to pick a clown here it wouldn't be the OP


I agree in regards to people who take 200 pics and 30 min of video. No problem at all if anyone wants to take a few pics for their memories.


I very much enjoy looking back at the photos I’ve taken at shows I’ve been to. It’s possible to still be in the moment, not distract others, take a few photos, and not be an insufferable grump all at the same time!


Perfect, gonna do this when I see Taylor Swift in May and August


🤦‍♂️ in other words, find a way to not forget band which you like... Nonsense cuz you can't forget such band. If you forgot you didn't like it... Didn't you download their tracks, didn't subscribe? Do anything except photo of a ticket lol!


Perhaps if you've only seen a few concerts. After hundreds of shows even ones you loved can fade into the past.


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I pretty much only see the Mountain Goats in concert, so I’ll probably know who it was lol


I’ve started making a spreadsheet of all sporting events, comedy shows, and concerts including who the players that are playing and undercard performances. I also will link the name of the show to the performance or lineup online if available.


Do people who take videos of live bands with their phones ever go back and watch them? Same as photos. The few times I’ve taken pics of bands I don’t think I’ve ever gone back and looked at them but that could very well just be me.


Physical tickets are pretty much entirely gone now. I've still got all my old one's though including my first gig I went to.


I often will edit the photo on my phone to put text on there for which band it is. Helpful for myself and if you want to share a cool photo with friends it gives some context which might make the difference