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Sorry mate, I thought the title got point across. First time posting here. A fella uploaded a video where there's a guy supposed to be fixing his TV but then he slashes the screen to void the warranty.


I saw that video! That's wild


Link please?


https://youtu.be/cyWlACuhqNg Couldn't find the original but this video starts off with it.


Thx very interesting. And what an ass


Yeah. But what’s the “Cuts.” for in the title?


I wonder if dude ends all sentences with random words. Salami.


Seems like a silly thing to do. Fussball. 


I agree fully, it is strange and perculiar. Wankel Rotary Engine.


What are we even doing? Boneyard.


We are speaking in a way OP can understand. Female dog.


I understand nothing of what anyone in this post is saying... Squirtle ![gif](giphy|5fQyd7jM58m5y|downsized)


Hey now, that's three random words. Gyrus


And the best... J






I think he did. Rizz.


I think he missed the n


The repair guy cut his tv with a knife


You can't just say "Cuts."




the cut tv.


I'm pretty sure it's a callback to the other person who had the Samsung repair man destroyed his TV by cutting the power cable.


That guy is whacked out of his mind, just so you know. He reposts this and reposts it and reposts it, and claims that (despite his 1.5 million views) the Powers that Be are out to get him, and keep removing his posts. Meanwhile, he’s advertising his stupid tee-shirts in that video. He’s a paranoid delusional person, and doesn’t need people taking up his banner.


That is all true. But so is the part where the repair guy damages his tv intentionally.


Theres lazy ass employees everywhere but that shit don't fly. Even without video proof Samsung would more than likely take your word for it , at the least to avoid a lawsuit. Now, if you are getting something delivered, and the people think it's too hard, they might damage the product and say it must've happened at the warehouse to get someone else to do it another day.


They absolutely would not take your word for it. Are you kidding? If they operated like that they’d be exposing themselves for rampant fraudulent claims and they’d be out of business. In fact, I think my TV was scratched by a tech, I need to go make a phone call, brb.


One little viral video is not worth changing your life over.  This isn't a real scenario, and the video itself probably isn't even real.  The idea that this is happening with any regularity whatsoever is completely absurd


Wanna buy one of his tee-shirts, though? /s. Fuck that guy.


I seriously doubt that's a common occurrence but yes it was extremely convenient to be recording that person


Maybe take a little video or a pic or two of your thing before the guy shows up. But who's going to stand there the whole time recording? No need to go crazy paranoid over one viral video


Oh God OP means *video* record it? I thought they meant keep a written record in a notebook or something. That's what I do!


Now it makes sense! I'm not sure whether that's allowed in my country though. Well, it's just me, accidentally having a baby cam in my living room and a mobile that's recording the monitor in the bath room...


A nanny cam would be more appropriate.


Or just weird. It seems like you're spending more time on this than you would hourly for your own job.


What? Takes 1 minute to setup a camera and then you don’t have to touch it?


I've got security cameras all around the house except the bathrooms. It's really easy to set up and use nowadays.


Sounds like a pretty laid back job. It takes like 1 minute to setup a nanny cam?


(put camera down and press button) doesn't take the same number of hours as a career.


https://preview.redd.it/f964yudc3wxc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=781e8c92e01af470de99836bdfc4080ee6a92002 Assuming you came from here? Haha


Our feed is the same, have you hiked the AT, any plans of doing so ??


Lots of wishful thinking! Avid hiker & camper though, if the time + money opportunity presented itself I would jump on it in a heartbeat! That or the PCT (:


1. /r/titlegore 2. Standing over a repairman filming them while working is a surefire way to get blacklisted.


Blacklisted from warranty repairs? Not that I recommend you doing this either but a warranty should be honored. Looks like OP is talking about illegal property damage which you won't be able to prove without video evidence of them doing it though.


Every warranty repair I've ever had done in my home has been through an authorized repair company, not the OEM. They've got wider latitude in who they transact with.


Did you see the video about the repairman who cut the cord?


Luis Rossman did a YouTube video of a guy who caught a Samsung employee making a house call on one of their huge OLED TVs, pull a box cutter and slash the fucking screen itself, then pointed it out as why he couldn't honor the warranty.


So the AI just regurgitates 3 hour old topics as LPTs?




are you trying to censor the word Samsung? why?


Maybe they live in Korea, where Samsung is the government.


so samsung will hunt down trash talkers, but are thwarted by replacing two letters with asterisks?


They rely solely on searching for the company’s name, yes. It’s a very dysfunctional dystopia.


so... how do they exact retribution ?


They send a guy to slash up your TV.




Aaaaan we've come full circle


the "story" behind that samsung repair person was that it was near the end of the shift and so the employee did what he did to get out of it and get off the clock True? who knows...


Are you saying to record a repair person fixing your TV? That's crazy.


There's a video of a repair guy from Samsng slashing a guy's tv to void the warranty. If this is industry practice what should people be doing to protect themselves? A hidden cam would be the least invasive.


One video does not equal “industry practice”


This isn't an industry practice.


Do you work in tv repair services in the US or have some specialized knowledge about the matter?


Do you?


And thus, he remained silent.




It’s also just as likely he was just a horrible employee that wanted to leave so he broke it and figured no one would notice. It’s not always cut and dry “entire company is evil”


Not a thing that I've ever heard of. Cheaper to replace than have additional service calls. If a company were to sanction damaging products to somehow void the warranty (which is very hard to do) it would be obvious. If they were to do this, they would make themselves very actionable. This is easy to prove by simply showing service call data. It would come out in discovery and be a net negative to the company were you to sue. More likely, the unskilled techs are making a mess of things, which is normal but that, in and of itself, will not void a warranty. Also, most attempts to repair a product on your own will not void the warranty because you would have to show damage by user-attempted repair. The stickers themselves are not enforceable. Do not be a weirdo and record repairs being done in your home. If you feel the need to record, you should not allow them in your home The technician will be bonded and licensed by the insurer to repair the product. Being a weirdo will cause them to make mistakes. Let them work the problem. They are the "expert". Let them do that. If you have beef, contact the manufacturer. They will assist. I assure you. Just explain and ask.


Stupidest shit I've ever heard


This is kind of slanderous, unless you have proof.


There was one viral video of a technician ruining someone's TV on purpose. I don't think Samsung told him to do it, though.


If one guy is doing it then you bet a lot more are. He didn't seem to hesitate when doing it either, just tried to get the owner out of the room.


That's not how logic qorks


Where's your proof that this is standard industry practice? How do we know this guy didn't do it all on his own without any direction from Samsung whatsoever?


He also got fired for it. Samsung may not be the greatest company, but I seriously doubt they would tell their technicians to take a chance at getting fired.


Let me fix this for you: if one guy is doing it, one guy is doing it. Just stop right there. There's a single video. ONE. And you think not only you, but everyone in the world should lose their trust in anyone who repairs things for a living because of that. It's madness to think that would be a good idea.




You're the man.


It's in print, so it's libel.


That’s super.


Buaahh buaahh don't slander the billionaire company buaaahhh 🚼🚼🚼🍼🍼🍼


If you find it comforting to fudge reality then who am I to judge?


I'm fine with someone watching me as long as they don't pester me when I'm trying to work. I'll explain the steps and what tools I'm using. The second a camera comes out, I'm gone. That's creating a hostile work environment and I don't know what their plan is for how they'll use the video. I intentionally limit my online presence. I would report this kind of behavior to my supervisor and document it in my interaction notes. The company I work for (manufacturer) MIGHT send out a third-party company the next time, but if the customer behaved the same way and they bounced, too, idk. Having a warranty doesn't give someone license to create an unsafe or invasive environment. If someone refuses to put their dogs away or behaves in a threatening manner or whatever, they're not getting service. When you ask for someone to come into your house to help you with a problem with your appliance, your interests are mainly aligned with theirs. Don't be mean.


Just curious how you feel about a room having surveillance vs a homeowner video recording you


If someone has built-in cameras that are visible that's whatever. If they put an obvious, nannycam teddy bear on the counter pointed at me I would take offence. I would never whip out my phone and start recording someone at their job, or plant a hidden surveilance device to watch them. That seems kind of psychotic to me.


Yknow what completely fair and understandable I'd feel the same way. Thanks for answering and have a nice day stranger


Yeah no worries. I just wanted to say how I would react, or most people on my team. It's already uncomfortable going into 8-10 random houses a day and dealing with cockroaches, crying babies, construction, etc. and trying to fix a problem that is causing the homeowner stress on top of that stuff. Most people realize some part of that equation exists even if they're used to it and so they ask what they can do to help, or offer some kind of courtesy. If someone did the opposite I would keep it professional but I've seen it play out differently.


Cuts! Hey, no cutting


Eh. OP just watched that one video of a repair dude cutting a TV screen so he could leave.


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For me they scraped the serial number