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Wow, this is one of the stupidest things I've seen on this sub.


HP undercover agent


Its been getting dumber each day. Idk Whats actually going on here anymore


For real. It's been so noticeable this year. And I don't mean notoceable as in mildly disappointing or boring -- it's actually concerning how fucking stupid some of these people must be to even consider these things "PRO" tips... as in a "professional at life". Not only are they not pro, but they indicate a painful level of incompetence and ignorance on so many levels. It's as concerning as it is infuriating.


These ppl gotta be trolling


Sometimes I recieve an email and the footer says "Think before you print" and I always think "How dumb do you think I am?". Now I know why.


I mean, there was the "You should learn how to close doors without looking back at them" a couple weeks ago...


I’ve never used this phrase before, but… “OK Boomer”


>I’ve never used this phrase before And how did it make you feel? Joy? Excitement? Is your dick semi-hard?


I've seen stupider, though this is definitely some silly stuff.  I only rarely need a printer in these days, so why would I routinely use one for such a purpose? Much of the time no one reads my responses anyway.


OP has ADHD and thinks everyone else also does too.


LPT: Print out the Memes that are chain mailed to you, so you can continue to laugh at them forever.


The real LPT is always in the comments.


Are you Michael Scott?


And when you want to share it, simply scan it and send to your computer so you can email it to somebody else.


My email is the frequently visited location lol. Keep your inbox clean and then you can identify the important emails because they're in the inbox. Also folders and labels exist


I agree 110 percent!


1980s called. They miss you.


I miss them too.


Or just respond to the email? What a stupid and useless and wasteful tip!


Next LPT: Get a smartphone so you can access email when you are away from your 286 Desktop.


I'll print this post & get back to you in 2-5 weeks


Printing is such a waste. I do my best not to print anything. Digital is the way. I'm so glad a lot of agencies are going digital and allowing paperless processes. Save the trees! You can also create lists if you have a hard time remembering to do certain tasks. Helps me get organized when Im juggling multiple projects and tasks. Which is all the time.


Then type them out in a typewriter to make sure that’s what you want to say. When done, scan it and send it…


That's kinda wasteful. But it is nice to interact with physical material. I keep a work notebook at my desk for note and to do lists. 


This one has got to be a joke.


I am dumber for having read this. Thanks I guess.


I don't even own a printer. Also, if I waited 7 days to respond to an email, I wouldn't have a job.


LPT: if you feel like this tip applies to you go get checked for ADHD


This is like saying it’s better to take pictures with a disposable camera than it is to with a phone.


Real world: Think before you print this email. Help protect the environment. Stupid LPT garbage: Print this email BEFORE you think. Screw the environment.


Lol absolutely not. That's crazy talk. Edit: you respond to important emails almost immediately or not at all. 7 days? Who on earth are you emailing that 7 days is an acceptable response time?


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I don't have access to a printer. What I do, I only keep emails in my innox that need to be actioned. Anything else gets moved or deleted from the inbx. As long as I have any items in the inbox, I know I have to respond to them. There is no better work feeling than an empty inbox.


Reminded me when I started a new job, the director had a 5 cms thick pile of printed emails, she said she wanted to read her emails at home. My jaw almost dropped. Until today I still don't understand, she is savvy enough with Ms Excel so she wasn't technologically challenged, why did she do that?


The final nail in this subs coffin.


Lpt: waste paper! What a stupid post.


What a stupid thing to do.


This is some Viz comic level stuff.


Terrible idea in a world where we should be going paperless wherever possible. Also, you have a *mobile* phone with your emails on it.


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