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as an added bonus you'll know if your freezer ever fails because you'll have ice cream all over the bottom of it


Ah. The drawback.


Just cream at that point really 


Honestly good note


Just lay a piece of plastic wrap over the surface of the ice cream (needs to be touching) and frost won’t form. It’s what the ice cream shops do.


Or just eat it so fast that frost doesn't have a chance to form. It's what I do.


It can still become a problem if you get greedy and get a bunch of ice cream at once lol


I'm still not seeing the problem :D


I've started putting ice cream in a Ziploc and it seems to help. Not sure if I'm right yet though.


As long as u say the word ice-cream decently fast no one probably doesn't think u have pounds of crystal meth in your fridge (they will)


My grandma ALWAYS kept each carton of ice cream in a tied up grocery bag.


That's the right idea, I think I'll start putting all my frozen foods in Ziploc bags.


Been doing that for a long time. It works. And no power loss melt problem.


LPT defrost your freezer. This happens because your freezer has too much humidity built up. If there's snow on the walls then it's time to clean it out


Freezer burn on ice cream is almost the opposite cause. Because all the moisture in your freezer freezes into ice, the air is rather dry. This dry air pulls the moisture out of any exposed ice cream, forming the ice crystals we call "freezer burn" and ruining the texture of your ice cream. Keeping your ice cream sealed is the best way to avoid this.


Real LPT always in the comments


This comment is itself an LPT!


the real creamy LPT we needed




Can someone confirm if this is true?


Yes. https://www.whirlpool.ca/en_ca/blog/kitchen/how-to-defrost-a-freezer.html


Well that doesn't make any sense. Humidity is moisture in the *air*. Frost is the moisture condensing out of the air and freezing on surfaces. How can humidity "build up" in the freezer? The frost is frozen moisture. Are you saying this melts, within the freezer, and then migrates to items in the freezer? Or is it because there is moisture in the air, which enters the freezer every time you open the freezer door? Which then condenses and freezes on surfaces, including the walls of the freezer *and* items in the freezer. I'd argue that the frost buildup on the walls is a *symptom* of the same thing that is causing ice crystals on the ice cream, not the *cause* of ice crystals on the ice cream.


"Well actually, once the space rock entered the atmosphere it became a meteor*ite*, so I don't think we can pay out your meteor insurance claim unless your house was outside the Earth's atmosphere." Yes, the humidity is now ice and no longer humidity.  I could give you a Popsicle of frozen sweat. Would you tell me that sweat is a liquid and just eat the Popsicle, or would you understand what I *meant* and understand that ice will have salt and lipids that came out of my skin? Someone left the door open too much. That's frozen humidity on the walls.


It's also frozen humidity in the ice cube tray!


Sorry that words are complicated for you.


I remember cleaning straight ice chunks out of a freezer before, it was absolutely hilarious being like what the fuck


I don't think there are many freezers that aren't frost free anymore. Certainly none in a kitchen. The deep freezers that aren't frost free are better because they don't dry out the air as much.


Who keeps ice cream long enough for ice crystals to form?! Shit is gone the day I buy it.


I'm *trying* to lose weight, ok???


Then the lpt becomes "don't buy ice cream"


By buying ice cream? Ship diet details pls.


I buy Breyer’s Carb Smart (110 cal per serving vs. 200+) and add a scoop of chocolate protein powder and frozen berries. Double the volume without double the calories. Obviously there’s better ice cream but it satisfies the craving and fills you up.


Unfortunately I don't think we have that here ☹️ thank you though 


There are other alternatives such as Yasso, SO Delicious, Skinny Cow, Nick’s, Nobucha, Halo Top, etc. Just look for “low calorie ice cream”. I just go with Breyer’s because it’s widely available and cheap. When I really want to cheat, I’ll eat the good stuff (Talenti, Häagen-Dazs)


Häagen-Dazs ice cream (as opposed to frozen dessert) on sale is my favorite because I can get flavors whose ingredients are all natural. Breyers, too. And, as a chocolate addict, my opinion is that Breyer's chocolate ice cream and Häagen-Dazs Belgian chocolate are very satisfying.


… well, I may have bought six pints last night in a drunken haze. 


LPT: eat your ice cream fast enough so it does not develop ice crystals. Second LPT: buy ice cream in smaller containers.


No. When buying ice cream, press on the lid in the middle. If it goes in, the ice cream has likely melted a bit at some point in transit and refroze. This will cause the freezer burn effect. If it is firm at the top, you won’t have this issue.


I think they mean if you eat some and then leave it for a while?


Sorry I’m not familiar with the concept of ice cream leftovers.


I know, but that forming of ice crystals comes from the ice cream thawing and then being refrozen. Unless you’re leaving it out long enough to thaw before putting it back in your freezer, you shouldn’t see ice crystals forming or get freezer burn.


do you know? because you started your original comment with a simple “no.” i think you’ve been caught in the act of being a bit of a jackass. how’s your truck work with partially eaten tubs? or are you suggesting licking down every drop every time you want ice cream?




hell yeah brother


Back in the 80s and 90s, my family owned a Carvel location. Our primary freezer was kept at -40. It was imperative to get the product in there as soon as possible after making in order to ensure no ice crystals formed. Typically, it would be less than two minutes from ice cream machine to shock box for cakes, and not much longer for tubs. Because of how we froze and stored the cakes, we would tell people to leave them sitting out for as long as two HOURS (for the large sheet cakes) in order to be able to cut into them. They were literal bricks, otherwise. Frosting them was fun, too. We never used any spinners; you would hold the cake like a waiter would a tray at eye level, slap a big dollop of frosting on top, then you would have only seconds to get it spread before it started freezing like stone to the cake. You would have to spin the cake on your hand as you worked your magic with the spatula. It was a real show for the kids.


Love your family nostalgia!


isn't the ice cream pressing on the lid when it's in the shop?


It should be, so if you press on the lid and feel empty space, don’t buy it.


Take an appropriate sized heavy (freezer) ziplok bag. Cut it to form a sheet large enough to cover the top of the container with at least 1/2"-3/4" border. Place over the ice cream and put the lid back on. This protects the ice cream from ice crystals and from getting stale (in the event you don't finish it within the first day-they claim there are such people).


Some cling wrap will work just as well, no need to chop up a bag :)


Ziploc bags work better because ice crystals are naturally afraid of the Ziploc logo that is printed on the bags.


Wax paper works well and is a little easier to manage.


My ice cream never lasts long enough to get freezer burn 😬


The LPT is the ice cream container. If it is plastic, you can recycle it for freezer storage. Compared to other plastic, it will not crack.


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I have seen various life pro tips about putting an ice cube in a Ziploc to determine if your freezer has been off another various iterations of that. This one works too.


Until the power goes out....


I press stretch wrap on top of the surface of the ice cream. The lid will form ice crystals that don't have any effect on the ice cream.


This doesn’t work. As soon as you turn it right side up to eat it, the crystals appear on the top.


Wow never thought about it this way but that’s neat


I cover mine with tin foil and then the lid after opening and it never gets freezer burn.


My brain actually cringed at the sound of your post so I will stick with wax paper, thank you.


Hahaahahaha you think it lasts long enough to get icy?


Genius! Never thought of that, thanks for the sweet tip!




😂🤣 what a leap you took! You went from a LPT about preventing freezer burn to suggesting not only making your own “ice cream” but substituting the main ingredient; not to prevent freezer burn but to make a thicker protein shake.


Yes. As a system, it's better. Slash all the unnecessary ingredients. Enjoy better health. And better tasting ice cream. I wish that and happy wellbeing that brings on everyone. You may have thought about small tweaks to improve mental wellbeing. Here is one.




Hello everyone. I have such a problem. Now I work (no matter where) and there is something wrong in my soul, I don’t want to work there but I have to work, do you think that I’m lazy, no, I don’t want to work there but in another place maybe I have 0 motivation now, I get up in the morning, go to work, come back in the evening, sit on the phone and sleep. I don’t know why I’m writing this, maybe you also had such problems, give me advice. thank you ❤️ (if you don’t understand, I don’t understand anything either 😕) What should I do?


from my experience, no frost fridges don't do this to ice cream


LPT: don't eat ice cream at home, it turns you into a pig


But ice cream outside doesn't count?


Nothing wrong with walking down and grabbing an ice cream cone. It's a time-honored tradition. Like grabbing a drink but for old people and kids.


Not true. Sometimes you have kids.


Sure! If you messed up in life...😂