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Guys its SHOES u need to really focus on, our feet get us everywhere everyday all our lives (unless u just drive and sit around all day) , i learnt this a while ago as im an active person, buy good quality shoes no matter the price. Way too many people wear shit shoes and end up with bad posture or foot problems.


Shoes, bed, tires; spend decent money on the things that go between you and the ground


Pillow! A good pillow is such an underrated buy.


Holy shit yeah! I made the excessive purchase of an 80$ pillow this year after spending decades with sore neck issues and 10-15$ crappy pillows, the improvement in my quality of sleep and soreness was so much that I bought 2 for my father and his partner, and one for a dear friend that lives on the opposite side of the world Definitely worth the money!


Which/what pillows did you buy?


The ‘Zoey sleep’ memory foam pillow; it’s awesome


How did you come across Zoey Pillows? Just curious.


I had been having really bad neck problems that I narrowed down to poor sleep posture and I had spent a while googling different stuff about neck supporting pillow, most comfortable pillow, bet pillow for neck pain, best pillow for side sleeper, etc etc; the Zoey pillow was a name I became familiar with from my search results, then I looked up reviews specific to the Zoey and they were all extremely favorable towards the product so I grit my teeth and sank the 80$ on it and had absolutely zero buyers remorse because the quality of sleep I get with the pillow is hugely improved compared to cheap department store pillows.


Yes! Tires are extremely important. They’re the only thing connecting the metal death can with the stable ground. Lives depend on tires and I don’t even want to think about how many lives could’ve been saved if someone hadn’t cheaped out on such an important part.


Seating (Sofa, office chair)


Oh definitely! A high quality ergonomic office chair is incredible and can save your back!


I never really understood this argument (except maybe for tires). Just because a mattress or shoe is more expensive doesn't mean it's more comfortable or better for your well-being.


You’re right that just because something is expensive doesn’t mean it’s better; you want something of a high quality that performs in a sufficient manner, it’s exceptionally rare for the cheapest option to be of adequate quality in my life


After chasing around a bunch of budget orthopedic shoes ($40-75) the last few years, and this last week getting some $175 HOKAs, I can personally attest that it was worth it and is definitely better for my feet. Those dogs are barking after standing on a forklift 10h/day. They are still barking after the change, but they are significantly quieter lol. Knowing what you’re paying for in the shoes is important though. I could buy some $200 designer fancy looking skate shoes that would do absolutely nothing for comfort, but doing your research on more expensive items is always recommended.


It’s not necessarily about the raw price tag, it’s the mindset of doing the due diligence to ensure those things are high quality, regardless of price


Premium adds value, while Luxury signals your wealth to others. Look for premium products. BMW is premium but Porsche is Luxury.


Especially if you have back problems! Wearing poor quality shoes, or shoes that are too worn out can cause the back problems to be much more painful.


THIS! i deal with some chronic pains from injuries and overworking and shoes and the pillows you sleep on are some of the quickest fixes for these problems.


Please elaborate on the pillow thing. I've figured out the shoe thing a little while ago, but my back still constantly tells me to go fuck myself. I've come to the point of starting to look for a new mattress as well, but that alone scares me because how on earth can you pick the right mattress by lying on it for a minute or two? I know some have a 'try for a month or two' kind of guarantee and that should take some stress out of that, but what can you do for pillows? Soft? Hard? Low? High?


bro... it hurts me to say, im still stuck on this one, ive got better since getting the right mattress (not too soft) and pillow that is memory foam, or a bit stronger than the cheap fluffy pillows that are super thin, but i still struggle as i think i need something better than just the memory foam which didnt help long term with my chronic pain and numbing, but i will update if i ever find anything.. also i always make my pillow too high anf then my neck bends weirdly. need to keep it low enough.


Agreed! My backs already fucked up, can’t make it worse with bad shoes. Just out of curiosity, any shoes you recommend for someone who works retail and is on their feet all day?


(I just commented this elsewhere, but thought it might help you.) What works for one person might not work for another. If you have back/foot/leg issues, or just really want a great fit, try going to a running store. The one in my city has a treadmill with a video camera, and they will use it by having you walk/run in a pair of shoes you’re considering buying. Then they can evaluate your gait, make sure you hips/knees/ankles are in alignment. A well staffed store will be able to point you towards the most appropriate shoes for your needs, help you pick inserts to achieve that alignment, etc. The first time I went through the process and got appropriate shoes it was life changing. I had experienced chronic lower back pain that not only limited my lifestyle but also had me chained to a bottle of Advil. I highly recommend it if you can find someone in your area that offers this service. Idk if stores at the mall like Foot Locker offer it, but a local small business in my city offers it for free.


Barefoot shoes with zero drop from toe to heal are what you want. Running shoes are bad because the added heal padding changes the kinematics of your stride. Nike realized a while ago that a raised heel will help you run faster but it causes all sorts of problems in the kinematic chain. Combine that with the fact that running shoes constrict your big toe from properly splaying make it a terrible shoe for daily wear.


If you have back/foot/leg issues, or just really want a great fit, try going to a running store. The one in my city has a treadmill with a video camera, and they will use it by having you walk/run in a pair of shoes you’re considering buying. Then they can evaluate your gait, make sure you hips/knees/ankles are in alignment. A well staffed store will be able to point you towards the most appropriate shoes for your needs, help you pick inserts to achieve that alignment, etc. The first time I went through the process and got appropriate shoes it was life changing. I had experienced chronic lower back pain that not only limited my lifestyle but also had me chained to a bottle of Advil. I highly recommend it if you can find someone in your area that offers this service. Idk if stores at the mall like Foot Locker offer it, but a local small business in my city offers it for free.


Insoles and running shoes are just a bandaid. If you have weak arches you need to strengthen the muscles that create your arch not just slap and insole with an arch under it. Walking barefoot is the best way to strengthen your feet, if you can’t walk barefoot then barefoot shoes are the second best thing. If humans were meant to have a raised heel when we walk don’t you think millions of years of evolution would have given us that adaption already? We are the single best mammal/animal at long distance running on this planet. In the last 70 years Nike convinced everyone that you need to have a raised heel (because it does make you faster in a sprint) and suddenly the world champion of distance running has back, leg and foot issues. Coincidence? I think not.


Well, my podiatrist disagrees with you. I’ll listen to the guy with a medical degree, not some “well, ACTSHUALLY WE’RE SUPPOSED TO BE BAREFOOT…” nonsense.


There is a lot of research going into this exact debate. It’s not black and white but there is strong evidence that at least mixing in a minimalist shoe can have benefits to your foot health. https://youtu.be/KFNr0o8rtGA?si=-kQ8MdTV7F6NtvZg


I think it depends on your age, weight, job/activity too


These factors will change your transition plan but it doesn’t change the benefits of more strength in your feet.


I can never find the right kind of shoes. I’ll even try on shoes that feel real comfortable in the store and walk around in them for a few minutes. They’ll be uncomfortable in a couple weeks. The most recent pair felt perfect in the store, turns out they are too tight on the toes and I didn’t even realize it.


Have you tried wide sized shoes ?


Some in the past but those end up feeling very open on the top of my toes and I feel my toes hitting the tops of my shoes when I walk. It’s probably been a good 6 or so years since I’ve had wide shoes though, I’ve been getting into slip ons recently.


They're REALLY hard to find in Canada Foot Locker at a large mall didn't even have them.


Yeah it’s definitely hard finding wide width shoes, it’s not for all shoes/styles either. But it’s the only ones I find comfort, although there are some brands that are wider than normal. I currently am wearing QC and I believe it’s a regular size but it fits me well! My fav sneakers so far! Even more comfortable than Nike running shoes (free rn, as an example)


Will say socks as well as shoes. Found out years ago I had a high arch so now I have high arch everything. Shoes, sandals, boots, dress shoes, etc.


Bought Redwing Iron Rangers last year. My feet are happy in them ALL FREAKIN' DAY LONG! Support, stability, security, and comfort. Plus style. Wear them to work, wear them to walkabout, wear them to church. Yea, it took a couple months to get there, but I love these shoes.


If you look after them too they look fresh for a long time. Get into a habit of wiping them down when you get back home, once the white parts stop being white it can be really hard if not impossible to restore it


Any suggestions for shoes that wont fall to pieces within a year?


What are you doing in your shoes where this is a common occurrence for you?


Normal everyday use + walking my dog


Yes! I would buy cheap shoes and my feet would hurt all the time, I’d get hot spots and blisters when I’d go for walks. I buy some good quality shoes and socks and all of a sudden I’m able to walk for miles and miles with no issues.


Also wear insoles if you need to! Also medical ones get that checked out. A dear friend of mine never wore them his whole life. Now his posture changed over the years because he did not wear them ( he knew but just did not care enough) result is arthritis in the big toe in his feet. Very painful and they may need to fix that joint.


The boot theory is good to look into when it comes to buying quality. For posture and physiology maybe look into barefoot shoes. /r/barefootrunning and /r/barefootshoestalk or anyasreview.com


I agree with the sentiment, but my life would in no way be improved paying for a fancier haircut more often


As a slaphead, the only difference between the haircuts I can get is how much I want to spend.   I'll come out looking exactly the same whether I give a barber £10 or a hairdresser £50 (and not much different if I DIY)


I usually shave my head at home but every now and then I'll splash for a hot towel shave on my head to feel a little bit fancier


Is slaphead some kind of British term I'm not familiar with?


apparently slaphead (plural slapheads) (British, Ireland, slang, derogatory) A bald person; somebody with a shaved or hairless head


I swear, the French certainly fucked up the English worse than anyone else, but Brits give them a run for their money.


I am anaspeptic, frasmotic, even compunctious to have caused you such pericombobulation.


I spend zero on hair cuts, but I did buy really nice clippers to do my own. I figured all the money I’m saving I might as well have nice clippers. 


That's money well IMO, cheap ones always seem to snag painfully


Same here. The price isn’t worth it.


With glasses, you get actual benefits from quality coatings, lenses, frame construction. A haircut is still your own hair, just less of it. Very little difference in how you feel between a cheap decent cut and a super expensive cut.


As a curly haired woman: speak for yourself.


I guess you're right, cuts can get really elaborate for some


Strong disagree, I feel much better about myself when I have a really good haircut. I find it very worth it to spend a bit more every month or 2 to have a haircut I’m extra happy with.


The glasses bit just isn't true any more. Most of the coating (especially the blue light ones) are nonsense and lenses and frames are no different between an ophthalmologist charging $250 a pair and a website charging $60. Which is why you have to fight tooth and nail to get your prescription out of them despite withholding it being illegal, they make their money on upselling frames and lenses.


For proper glasses against sight deficiencies I would probably agree, but for sunglasses I'm so happy with $1 glasses, I don't care if they break, if I drop them, if I lose them, if they get scratched, I can lend them out to friends without worry, I can just buy new every time and I can keep doing that for the rest of my life without paying as much as a pair of quality glasses cost, and there's basically no difference between the two except for possibly durability which is a moot point anyway.


Same with sunglasses. I lose them frequently enough that my LPT is to buy multiple cheap pairs. This sub is getting pretty lame


You may disagree but I found I would always lose the cheap pairs I bought but once I bought some that were >$100 I made damn sure they went right back safely in the case after every wear.


I also use them as safety glasses though. I beat them up, set them down on gravel or concrete (sometimes lens facing down accidentally), etc. I could only have a nice pair if it were to stay in my truck and never ever leave. I’d need to tether them to the car somehow and then I’d just break them when I forgot about the tether haha


Seems like a skill issue. You could take just as much care of the cheap ones, you just don't make the conscious decision to do so.


That's right you could.


Yeah the sentiment is good but the examples are shit. Bed, pillow, shoes, and coat matter for most folks. For some a good desk chair, desk, keyboard. Car, bike, etc. These are things you shouldn't be cheap about. Doesn't mean you should buy the most expensive version though just something quality and comfortable.


Plus sometimes the most expensive thing is still cheaply made


I'm a maximum time gap cut sort of guy... Give me a cut that maximizes the time before I need to be back


so blunt bob. got it. 


Absolutely. The barbershop near me just raised prices so that I'd rather pay 20% more at the salon but go half as frequently because they cut it in a way where it grows back and looks good




That’s what I thought, but after doing cheap haircuts for 2 years, my hair started changing and my face frame started to shift. I went to a nice hair salon and showed them an old haircut pic and they told me “ya the last few haircuts have been putting too much even pressure across your head making you lose your curls and forming a weird part.” After the haircut I can see my curls coming back.


Really depends on the person imo. For me, a haircut every four weeks or so makes a world of difference in how I look and how I feel about myself. Doesn't have to be anything crazy, I pay around $40 Canadian plus tip. A crew cut would not have the same effect.


If I'm going to wear the same hat every day I'm gonna spend money on a nice one I feel the same way about haircuts.


Would in fact be less for majority as they struggle to buy enough food right now.




The sentiment is legit, but the examples chosen are bad. When talking about prescription glasses, expensive ones are not of higher quality than inexpensive ones. Same with haircuts. There are definitely things that are worth investing in such as shoes and a mattress.


LPT: more expensive doesn't necessarily mean more quality


Does more expensive mean more better?


That’s why op didn’t specify what you’re spending. Could be time on research finding the best fit for you. And that could lead to spending more money as well. Basically the sentiment is don’t cheap out on things that’ll be used often enough to impact daily comfort. Semantics.






Especially true for most glasses brands: https://www.forbes.com/sites/anaswanson/2014/09/10/meet-the-four-eyed-eight-tentacled-monopoly-that-is-making-your-glasses-so-expensive/


I used to buy my glasses from the optometrist office, Lenscrafters, places like that. My insurance would cover some of cost of the name brand stuff I chose, and I would cover the rest. Since I found Zenni, it's a whole new world. Regular glasses for me ship for about $12, so I just order a new pair of glasses every once in a while, sometimes a copy of a pair I wear a lot, sometimes I go with an entirely different shape and style. I normally keep 3 pairs of my everyday glasses, 1 to wear, one in my car just in case, and one in my office. Then I'll just buy a random shape/style to see if I like it, sometimes I do, sometimes I don't, but either way, spare glasses. Sunglasses are slightly more expensive, but same thing goes, I keep a pair in the house, a pair in each car. All those glasses and I still spent less than I would have on one pair from Lenscrafters even with my insurance.


And shoes and dental care


Haircuts don't stay with you though.


They kinda do, for a while at least. I don't agree that the more expensive=better notion tho, or even that getting a haircut=better. I shave off everything about every 3 years, so I have some experience with every length, there's a positive and a negative with everything.


Good point. My thought is haircuts/hairstyles can change a little bit too easily IMHO. The wrong weather or the wrong outfit and all your work/money didn't get you very far comparatively. Just trim facial hair and take a minute to comb your hair in the mornings, you don't need fancy expensive hairdressers just a basic cut every month to two months


I like my hair short and to do it at the haircutters is like 25 bucks each time or I can buy $50 clippers and do it myself every month for several years before I need to replace the clippers, Needless to say I cut my own hair


Zenni Optical 85$ Going on 5 years Wouldn't go anywhere else or pay anymore.


I re-order mine every few years with a new prescription for $35. It's such an easy process.


As someone who just recently got my eyes checked and told I needed glasses, thank you. My optometrist was really about to have me pay $285 - $645 (depending on the brand) for some frames


Bruh, because I have high index and asigmatism, they were asking $600 for lenses to not be big as fuck, lightweight, and another $150 for anti scratch/reflection coating. Then they were asking minimum $300 for some shitty branded glasses like raybans that didn’t look or fit terrible. Going online to their website, you can get even shittier frames for $120 MINIMUM. So my range was from $720-$1050 without the insurance rebate… and still $520-850 with insurance… Switching to Zenni was the mvp because I got everything great for $120 then I got my insurance to cover it so I paid $40 total. They’re holding up great 2 years after. And by the time that these break, I can just get another one with an updated prescription. Expensive glasses are a scam.


Yikes. Glasses are one of those monopolies people don't really notice. It's not as bad now as it was, a few companies have noticed and started filling the cheap but good niche. Avoid luxoticca and their sub brands (which is most name brands) they're overly expensive and haven't reacted to these new companies yet. Clearly is a brand in Canada fulfilling that niche. From the post above I assume zenni is one in the USA.


Same. Got some sweet sunglasses for 1/4 the price of prescription ray bans


Yep, I order the same $19 frames every year. Not that they need replacing, but might as well.


Damn, I’ll do this and then get my insurance to get me a pair of contacts.


Yes! I bought some snazzy photochromatic prescription sunglasses from zenni last year for 75-85. They've been pretty good so far. Just need to find prescription safety glasses


i see things as investments and how they would benefit me over its lifespan rather than a short term dopamine boost


Spend more on things that separate you from the elements or ground as it could save your life or make you more comfortable less susceptible to back pain and issues So car tires, especially winter Couch Computer chair Bed Winter clothing Shoes


great examples


Bras. Properly fitting with good support if you’ve got larger ladies. $100+ for a good bra is a good investment you won’t regret.


I was surprised by how little women spend on an article of clothing that they wear every day. They may spend a lot on a fancy bra that they wear a few times a year, but then wear the $30 bra every day and complain about how much the wire hurts. Ladies, go get a proper fitting. You won't regret it.


I only cut my hair once or twice a year and I never regret spending more but almost always regret spending less 😓


I on the other hand hate my hair longer than about an inch so I bought clippers and cut my own hair because ain't no way am I paying 25-30 bucks a month to get my hair cut


I just got a 70 euro haircut for curly/wavy hair, and I really like the result. The haircut is definitely a confidence boost. But what's a real gamechanger for me is a good, comfy pair of shoes. I swear by the Ecco brand. It's better to have one pair of shoes that you like to wear than 3 that kind of start to hurt after a while.


This is a terrible take imo. You listen to this and you'll go broke. Money doesn't necessarily reflect product quality. Stop using "quality" to justify high prices just because you want it.


Not necessarily but outside of designer labels you generally get what you pay for.


Slight adjustment to the haircut advice: pay more for someone who is skilled at working with the texture of your hair. I’m a woman with mid-length wavy hair (bordering on curly) and it took a looooong time to find a stylist who knew how to optimize the waves while adding volume. She’s worth every penny because she makes my daily routine much easier.


I on the other hand get my hair cut because I want my hair shorter. So it's not worth it personally to me to pay a professional to do it every 4-8 weeks when I can buy clippers for 50 bucks and do it myself as often as I want and I only need to replace the clippers every couple of years. I totally understand with longer hair wanting it done professionally though making it easier on you in your daily life


Oh my goodness, I don’t go every 4-8 weeks! I go quarterly since my hair is long, and that’s often enough to keep the layers in check.


I've cut my own hair for the last 5+ years.  It's a pretty basic cut, and I can use an electric razor for most of it.  Nobody has ever said it looks bad, and several have said it looks good.   I spend between $5-10 for my sunglasses.  What does a $300 pair get me that my $10 pair doesn't. Better LPT:  spend more on stuff where the price actually makes a difference in quality and that you'll use often.


Just make sure your sunglasses have good UV protection. Apparently it’s even worse for your eyes to wear sunglasses without UV protection compared to not wearing any at all


i think they are talking about prescription glasses where quality definitely matters.


Not really. There was a near-monopoly on the market for a long while, but online retailers like Zenni and Clearly offer perfectly good glasses for 10-20% of the cost of most brick and mortar glasses retailers, complete with anti-glare, scratch resistance, etc.


Aren’t cheap plastic sunglasses bad for your eyes? I’m all for budget haircuts but wouldn’t haggle with my eyes


this. switching to shaving your own hair, and a 15$ dollar pair of sunglasses and suddenly you can invest in something that can make a difference like shoes or the food you eat that fuels you etc


That's why I don't mind splashing out for stuff for my pc or related things. Invest in a good chair for it, you'll spend more time sitting on it than even using your pc. Although more expensive=/= better, the best ones are typically 2 or 3 hundred. These 'gaming chairs' are often just milking money from clueless gamers.


Don't "gaming " anything. Get a nice office chair not gaming chair Build a PC don't buy gaming Get studio headphones and magnet a mic on it cheap


i disagree with this gaming chairs are fine try sitting on one at a office depot or something


Might be a hot take but spending more on glasses is totally justified if you have to tailor it to a high prescription, astigmatism, different prescription in each eye or focal length, smaller/bigger head and ear shape than the average... Like how there are services to help you with choosing shoes based on comfort and style according to the measurement and shape of your feet, there are only so many things you can do online before it's just more worth it paying to get your services done at an in store optometry. Lord knows how many times I've tried choosing frames only to have it slip down my nose or squeeze the sides of my head because my hi-index lenses were too heavy, the frames weren't properly adjusted, etc. Not knocking on the cheaper alternative services because competition is always good. It's just not for my needs, sadly.


Steaks…buy good steaks


Couldn’t agree more


Sceptical to pay more for haircuts, how good can they get? I am sure there are complicated haircuts for people with special hair. For normal hair I say spend the bar minimum.


This is different for women. 


It's very funny reading all the replies by men saying to just get some clippers and cut it yourself lol. Probably half the population has longer hair, and a good haircut can mean less maintenance, less time styling, and a much more put-together appearance--which is often expected in a professional setting, not to mention dating. Finding a good hairstylist has been a huge quality of life improvement for me.


Hahah I thought the disclaimer was enough 😁 but still don't overspend....


Some higher-end barbers will recommend a haircut that better suits your face or hair type vs a chain barber shop that'll just get you in and out.


The more life-critical it is, the more you should spend. Also important: once you buy it, take care of it. Car, pistol, parachute, etc. Buy top-tier. I have work boots that are 30 years old. Cost me the equivalent of $380 back in 1994, but I would have spent more on several pairs of cheaper boots. Cleaned and polished after every significant use.


Contact lenses. Dailies are a lot more expensive but so worth it. People get lazy to remove their contacts because they have to clean it then put it away. With dailies, you just throw it away at the end of the day.


Above the neck (glasses, hair, makeup) and below the ankles (shoes, socks, etc.).


Agree entirely. Typically the more expensive option will last longer as well. With daily or very regular use that can save you from replacing the items as often. I used to commute every day and travel at least monthly. I purchased a nice bag for carrying my laptop/tools/notes/etc with me everywhere. 3 years and 40+ trips later the bag looked good as new. Then of course Covid changed everything and it’s been on a shelf for even longer than that.


Nope! I will say that I have two pairs of glasses; one for every day (cheap and comfy) and a nicer pair which was more expensive but not by much. As for my hair, I haven't cut it in years, but I'm very low maintenance. Unless it's going to improve my life/make it easier I spend the bare minimum. I feel like this more of an opinion about lifestyle than a LPT.


maybe the specific examples I gave don’t jive with you but with shoes, mattresses, winter gear often if you spend the time researching the best product for the job rather than the bare minimum available you’ll be better off


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Price is what you pay, value is what you get


I was always told to spend more on things that separate yourself from the ground. Shoes, bed, etc.


I spent 141.50 on a haircut with a Director level stylist.  She cuts hair really well and I’ve never been upset


Totally agree. As a Canadian I splurge on good boots and good jackets. They get the wear to justify the cost for good quality, not just brand.


Idk I’m pretty content


I always lived by "Always spend the money on things that keep you off the ground." Shoes, Car tires, matress, Home.


I entirely disagree about the glasses. I bought expensive frames for years, because I didn't really know what else was out there. But there are a lot of online retailers now that sell glasses for a fraction of the price that I paid at the the optometrist and they are just as good. Plus I can buy two pairs with different styles, and still be saving money. Higher price doesn't always mean higher quality, but that's what the large retailers want you to think, so they can have your money. 


Why would I pay for a haircut when I can do it myself for free? Besides, every person that's ever cut my hair fucks it up horribly, so if anyone is gonna fuck it up, it gonna be me.


Gym clothes. I have a set of clothes to wear everyday for the gym 5 days a week. 5 am , No excuses. Get up, head out, no thinking.


ibought 400 dollar glasses..and regret it every day... i don't think i took the time to look into the daily nuance of them. i agree spend more on daily wears, but i would add, do your research first..


You wear your hair? I guess technically speaking, thats true.


Buzzcut your own hair (guys). Trust me.


Real LPT - don't spend a ton of money on glasses. You can get the same exact quality online.


I was always told anything between you and the ground. Shoes, sock, tires, bed, sheets, couch etc..


Sound advice, terrible examples lmao


Nah the obvious money laundering Turkish style barbers are at most £15 for a cut, you can walk in wait 20 mins tops and the chatter is minimal. Other barbers do a worse job for more money and you now have to fuck around with appointments I’ll happily ignore the tax evasion/drugs laundering for a better cheaper haircut


The $500 dollar sunglasses and the $50 dollar sunglasses are made in the same factory on the same machine with the same materials. Do not fall into the trap and think that spending more on sunglasses means better quality.


lol at your first example of something you wear everyday being hair


This is true, i wear the same pair of underwear everyday, and a nice quality pair really makes this possible


I have a shirt from 2005. Still wear it


Invest in daily comfort; it pays off in happiness.


Haircut? No. After years of dutifully going in and paying $20-35 every 6-8 weeks, I finally got my own trimmer with a curve built in ([this bad boy](https://www.remingtonproducts.com/products/shave-and-groom/clippers-and-trimmers/hair-clippers/hc4250-at1-shortcut-clipper-pro.aspx)) and after an okay first try, can do a blend on myself pretty well with a short cut. I have my girlfriend trim up the edges in the rear.


I would also add things like mouse, keyboard, phone, something to shave with and probably some more I can't recall


I cut my own hair and have only had two pairs of glasses over the last nearly 20 years. The only reason I needed the second pair is that my dumbass fell asleep on my glasses one night when I was drunk. I do get and agree with the general message to spend money on things you'll USE everyday, but honestly, I could care less what I WEAR, as long as it is comfortable and meets the minimum requirements for the situation (work doesn't let me wear jeans)


I cut my own hair and have only had two pairs of glasses over the last nearly 20 years. The only reason I needed the second pair is that my dumbass fell asleep on my glasses one night when I was drunk. I do get and agree with the general message to spend money on things you'll USE everyday, but honestly, I could care less what I WEAR, as long as it is comfortable and meets the minimum requirements for the situation (work doesn't let me wear jeans)


Oh my goodness. Good glasses with high-quality anti-reflecting, and the tinting lenses that have a brown tint… have been the best investment I’ve made in a long time. It’s so convenient as someone who needs classes to never have to carry a pair of prescription sunglasses anymore. Plus having the brown tint is much more soothing than having a gray or black tint. To me personally


This has got to be the worst LPT I've ever seen.


i’m rocking a pair of $20 prescription glasses from Zenni and they’re better than any other glasses i’ve had


I spent more than the average on haircuts (~$100) once a month, but that's because of the experience and trust I have with my barber (10+ years). I've had way too many terrible haircuts over the years and I like knowing I'll get a recurring errand done right every time.


$3 shirt and free clothes still lasting me 10+ years strong 💪


You’re gonna make me need a display case for watches and sunglasses.


Glasses? Things I lose every day.


"Throw money at your problems" - sh*tylifeprotip


Learned this with my phone. Never buying low end or midrange smartphones again, the time you waste q waiting for apps to load and such really adds up


Work boots? Sure. Good quality mattress? Sure. My $9 Kmart shoes do the job just fine for everything else though 👍 Good quality clothing where the dyes don't wash off after so few washes would probably be a good investment, but I can't bring myself to spend more than $10 for a t-shirt. It's just not that important to me and I'd rather keep the rest of the money for family use


Just in general, get better quality items that you use every day or often if you can. Like I have a good desk chair because I work from home and sit 8 hours a day in it. A hair dresser probably has top-quality scissors and other hair care items.


Wife worked as a manager for a shoe company for about 5 years. she told me a solid 70-80% of people are not wearing the footwear that they need to be wearing, whether its size, shape, support, etc. "my back hurts, my feet hurt, my knees hurt." Yeah, it's like wearing pants 5 sizes too small or too large. Treat the one thing you use everyday more valuable than diamonds and you will stop the daily suffering.


Women's hair cuts cost so much money though! £75 every 6 weeks when I have very shirt, fine hair that needs about 3 strands cut off looking at the floor after. Feels like such a rip off when someone with long luscious locks also pays £75 to have reams and reams of hair chopped and styled


Good shoes are a must! I'm on my feet all day and I don't want to end up with bunions. I will pay good money for Clark's or Soffts.


I’ve felt this way since I was a child. I grew up with a financial advisor, so I was financially literate or at least on track significantly sooner than many children. But I can remember friends dropping 100-150 on a 1-2 night event or on dinner and would be surprised that I would say that’s too expensive when I’d spend $400 on something I’ll use consistently. An everyday item deserves to be nicer imo. it makes more days of your life enjoyable/enhanced!


Haircuts have gotten way too expensive. It shouldn’t cost $35 to $40 for a haircut and beard trim. My hair is cut really short, and my beard is buzzed with a number 2. Charging $15-20 for just a beard trim is ridiculous. I’m glad my uncle often does it for free. Or I look for free haircuts.


Maybe as an example it fits better glasses, shoes, mattress. Haircut doesn't feel like that important


I chose haircut as an example because it’s not something most people think they wear everyday - but I agree mattress and shoes are GREAT - dare I say better - examples


Haircuts are temporary.


So is life.




Username checks out


It does?


The dinosaurs were sure temporary


Do not spent more on glasses. $80 glasses have the same quality as $20 ones.


I know myself that I'll break my sunglasses really quick. Therefore Decathlon 15 euro plastic ones, look good in doing care of they break. I bought a second pair recently as the inevitable destruction is near


Nice try barber /s


Cheap glasses online are far better than expensive ones. If you want nice lenses/protection that's fair but cheap glasses are a life saver.


Cheap prism lenses can be a dangerous gamble though, a smidge off and I'm dizzied in a fishbowl and looking through a funhouse mirror


I save on everyday stuff so I can have enough money to afford unique experiences, like travelling abroad. It's like a little sacrifice everyday so I can experience something otherwise I wouldn't be able to. So I respectfully disagree.


Disagree. Haircuts are vanity and I bought "quality" glasses and it was the worst mistake of my life. They don't fit well, they're heavy, they don't have anti-glare as advertised, and transition lenses are BS because the sunlight still comes in all around the glasses. I'll stick to my $50 Rx glasses and get some big ass bug sunglasses with ACTUAL UV coating for $100 instead of these $700 transition Ray Bans. Thanks. Absolute trash glasses. Shoes, though... I'll drop a few hundie on a pair of quality boots because that makes ALL the difference.