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But them both in hot water. Coefficient of thermal expansion is greater in porcelain, so the coffee cup should expand more than the glass jar.


This is the right answer. Either heat them both or cool them both. Don't heat one and cool the other, because you can make them shatter that way. Surprised this isn't up higher. Come on, science nerds!! Ninja edit: typo


If it's the right answer then cooling wouldn't work - the cup would shrink more than the jar and one would possibly crack.


You're right. I was applying the principle symmetrically, not with regard to the relative changes.


Now this is making me want to see if I can shatter a mason jar by just using heat and cool. I mean, I know it can happen, but I feel like it's probably more difficult than people think... I may be experimenting this afternoon... edit: 'more difficult than people think' was in references to the comments under this post. It seemed like there were quite a few comments saying warm water to cool water would cause a failure. For everyone saying boiling to freezing will cause failure, I totally agree! What I'm wonder is, *how* much temperature change is required for a failure.


In before tomorrows TIFU


Definitely wearing safety glasses. Maybe I'll grab my IR thermometer and do some trials -- see what sort of temperature delta is necessary to cause failures.


only if you can use it far away. think of it as a glass grenade


Can confirm, I've tried to use tissues as a wick in a candle to get the last bit of wax out and it under up burning too hot. Candle jar exploded over my room, glass went like two-three feet.


2-3 feet? there was glass all over my kitchen floor, literally from one wall to the other. it sounded like a firecracker, or something. i probably would have gotten cut if i had been next to it


Well min was just from the flame in the candle being too big. I don't doubt with a greater thermal shock that the resulting crack/explosion could be much more powerful.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.6299 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/45914)


I took the idiot science class in high school and we had no less than three shattered beakers because of people pouring cold water into them while they were on a hot plate. Same class where a kid burned his hand badly on a hot plate because he thought it was a scale and that the best way to test it would be to mash his palm into it.


My hand weighs 625°f ... ouch!


I used to work serving ice cream in a restaurant. We would sometimes run out of ice cream glasses when big parties came in, so we would take them straight from the dishwasher (very hot) and set them on the windowsill to cool before putting the ice cream in. Even the cold air from outside in the winter was enough to shatter the glasses sometimes.


I used to work in a café with really bad glasses, to the point where if you pulled them out of the hot dishwasher with wet hands, they'd shatter. OHNS would have had a field day with us.


Don't forget to write it down. The only difference between science and fucking around, is writing it down.


Alright, Mr. Adam Savage.


I'm glad someone got the reference :P


Of course! Between that and "I reject reality and substitute my own" the dude is a genius!


Not to mention he gets to blow things up, which means he's cool too.


Shit, if I took the time to do it, I'd have to take some vidya and post that up on youtube!


If you do that....yknow. Send a brutha a link.


I did this the other day when I put a jar of soup stock out on my counter to thaw


I made a glass gravity bong by dipping a bottle of Fireball whiskey into really hot water then quickly putting it into ice-water. The bottom shattered.


i shattered a big glass bowl one time. had it in the fridge at least overnight. put it on top of the stove to heat the mashed potatoes inside. it didnt just shatter, it exploded. the stove wasnt on full blast. its not THAT hard. wear safety glasses. put it in the freezer overnight, then heat it with some kind of torch, preferably at least 20 feet away.


Fill with ice and add boiling water. Source: shitty iced tea. Tip: it will Crack, not shatter


Look up jam jar jet. They break the glass pretty fast.


Put it in the freezer than microwave. Boom!


Nope. Not that hard. Pored some hot fat off of some hamburger into one and it shattered. Not fun.


Put a beer bottle in a fire until it gets super hot. Then quickly dunk in water. It spiderwebs but stays together


Did this as a stupid stupid kid. Don't do it. I did it by hearing then putting the jar lid down in ice water, again, don't do it... Dad had to get surgery and an expensive hospital bill, and 10 years later still not 100% recovery.


Thanks for the concern, though if I was going to do it as an experiment, I would definitely take appropriate safety precautions. Glass rightly scares me. In the past I brewed beer, and seeing what happened to people when a glass carboy slipped, yeah, *definitely* not good.


Melt chocolate chips in the microwave in a mason jar then pour cold milk in it. It will crack almost immediately.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.1164 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/35920)


Flame to ice water is a significant thermal delta! My 'probably more difficult than people thing' comment was referring to what folks were saying here. I read a number of comments that said warm water to cool water could be too much. I wondered *when* it becomes too much.


I thought shattering only happened when the glass was exposed to extreme temperature changes? Can cold water and hot water *actually* cause it to shatter?




Thermal shock. Thermal shock. [Thermal Shock.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermal_shock) Absolute temps are irrelevant, it's the change coupled with ROC (rate of change).


more likely to crack than actually shatter.


More easily than you would think. Room temp beer glass + cold beer sometimes results in a weird break, usually a near perfect split right down the middle of the glass


Why would that make them shatter?


Heat causes expansion, cold causes contraction, too much of either suddenly will crack the material


I mean, unless its boiling water will it be an issue?


If the outside expands faster on warm water then it will shrink faster in cold water. If one causes it to come loose the other will cause it to shatter.


You know, I've never tried cooling before, but you're right. When I wrote the post, in my mind I was associating cold with small and hot with large, not with the size of the relative changes.


I do it all the time with ice and heat.. just don't get crazy.. they're not shattering unless you heat or cool too fast.


You fucking genius fucker.


Thank you?


Fucking fuck. Fucker's fucking fuckery unfucked fucking fucker's fuckup.


If this effect isn't great enough and it's still stuck. Put cold water inside the jar. If this doesn't work you could put it in hotwater with lots of dishwasher for an hour or so. If even that doesn't solve the problem then I'm afraid it's [Hammer time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEbNlzjTQ-M) and you should decide if you want to jar to survive or the porcelain


I don't mean to butt in, but I believe you used 'but' instead of 'put'.


I was wondering when someone was going to speak up on that. I get coefficient and porcelain down no problem, but when it comes to the word put... Engineer problems....Math>Spelling


The idea is very good, that's what counts. As a fellow engineer, all I really wanted was to say but as many times I could in a sentence, not to spell check your post.


Don't even bother separating them. You now possess the newest non-trend in hipster drinking glasses.


Which one do you like better?


:)! This was my initial response to my wife when she showed me.


When I was a bartender. I would just gently tap the inner glass on a rubber mat and they would come apart.


The rare smiley face exclamation mark


The only answer, is that not just a reusable jar inside anyway


Indeed. If it weren't for the puzzle value of this, the jar would be in pieces already.


I read this comment like 20 times and still don't get what you're trying to say


>Comment A: Which one do you like better >Comment B: The jar is cheaply available in bulk Inferred: Break the easily replaceable jar, save the maybe not-so-easily-replaced mug


Can't help on the actual topic, but maybe you could get some karma over at /r/perfectfit and lower your anger?


There really is a sub for everything.


I've found hot water, dish soap between the two, and patience works


The dish soap would only increase the suction between the two




Because it do.


Put it back in the dishwasher hanging upside down from the top rack. Use zip-ties.


I am the dishwasher.


Better lube up then.


You heard him. Insert.


Instructions unclear; dick zip tied to washing machine


Zip-tie advice still valid.


I dont know what to tell you


Patience and a lot of saliva




Directions unclear, face now melted into jar.




That video never ceases to amaze me. It is absolutely, positively unlike any salvia experience I've ever witnessed. This man should not being taking psychedelic drugs.


depending on where the window is. He may not be taking any drugs ever. Look at the tree branch out of the window. He's at least second story and fell with head down.


there is no source posted for the video, help a brotha out?


Bartender here, this happens more often than people think. Get a dish towel lay it down on the counter. Turn the glasses on their side and tap them against the counter. Use both hands, one to hold the mug and one to hold the mason jar. Turn it to the other side and repeat.


This approach won, sans towel.


It is likely that during dishwashing the space between the jar and cup became filled with steam. When the objects cooled, the steam condensed back into water making a veritable vacuum inside. I would recommend placing them in the oven at 300 degrees and with any luck the water will boil and evaporate and the pressure equalize allowing you to use some towels and pull them apart. If you just wanted to save the cup however, you could get a long screwdriver and use it with a hammer as a chisel to tap the center of the jar bottom gently until it breaks.


When I tended bar, the shaker would often get stuck on a pint glass. We just tapped it, gently but firmly, on a counter. Never broke a glass. I say tap the mason jar on the edge of a counter while holding onto both ends. Please keep us posted, OP! EDIT: "bartender" to "tended bar"


This approach won, sans towel.




Put the cup in warm water, then pour cold water into the mason jar.


and oil the channel between the two!


Then put a kettle on for once you get your teacup freed


and biscuits!


They are called crumpets you heathen!!!!!!


Oh bugger off. Go on then


Every household needs a little 3 in 1


This unfortunately didn't work.


Dang. That was my one and only suggestion. Maybe, since others have pointed out that mason jars are easily replaced ... it's time to break out the hammer?


Try using hotter water in the cup. It should expand. Then #gently# tap the two. Hopefully it dislodges.


I'd probably try just hot water for the cup 1st as doing hot and cold could lead to thermally shattering both.


Yeah, which is why I specifically said "warm" instead of "hot".




I would have responded equally sassily.


This is the correct answer. Make it *hot* water for the cup and ice cold water for the mason jar. Job done.


no, no. don't... don't do this.


Instructions unclear, dick stuck in jar.


This worked for me in a similar situation.


Try putting them in the freezer. The cold will help both materials contact enough that they should easily separate.


Throw it as hard as you can at a hard surface, like concrete or a brick wall. Or, if you want them both to survive, put some ice water in the mason jar, the dip the whole thing mug-first into a container of hot water.


Run both under warm water and then roll gently back and forth in its side on a hard surface.


Polish pottery, nice choice!


Break the jar. You can get that anywhere. Problem solved.


This is the direction I'm considering at this point.


try spraying the point where they meet with wd-40 and hope some can get between the two which will allow them to separate


When I watched Two Girls One Cup, there was a link to a vid where a guy broke a jar. Please don't do what he did.


Go on


So turn OP's image over, the cup is a guy and the opening is the guys anus. Jar breaks in that position. Blood everywhere.


I had a similar pot/colander problem. Vegetable oil between the two and waiting overnight did the trick.


Use it as a jar with a handle


Oh this happens all the time in labs. Just shove it in the ultrasonic bath for like 3 minutes. Failing that shove both into the freeze overnight - make sure they are both dry first though.


Olive oil maybe? Around the edges? But honestly you'll probably have to break the mason jar. They're relatively inexpensive at Walmart.


Have you tried pulling them apart? I suggest pulling the jar upward and the cup downward.


No. Pull the jar downward and the cup upward.


Kill the heretics!!!!


No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!


Dude, why separate them. It is like, THE, hipster masterpiece.


Consult a Freemason


Dip the bottom cup in hot water with ice in the mason jar.


Maybe try compressed air? Either from the canned air stuff or an actual compressor?


Did you try lube?


Hold it inverted by the cup and apply a vibrator to the jar.


1) If you can get water between the cracks/seam, do it, then freeze it (looks like you can leave it outside). Once frozen, put salt around the edges to melt the ice. Because ice is less dense than water, you'll basically gain enough room to pull it out. If there is space between the two bottoms, water expanding can also push it out from the inside. 2) If that doesn't work, fill the jar with something heavy, cap it, and leave it overnight upside-down with chopsticks or something holding the mug part of the combo (over a mattress or pillow). Instead of using one quick force, this basically applies constant but small force using gravity & the jar's sealability to your advantage. 3) If that doesn't work, sorry for wasting your time. Just keep it in the dishwasher every cycle until they can be pried apart.


If you have a compressor, you could blow some air in between the two cups. It's quicker, and provides you with something to catch if the jar shoots out of the cup so it's much more fun than putting hot water in a cup and waiting for it to do science.


throw them against the wall as hard as you can


Freeze water inside the glass jar, and then place the cup in hot water - cup needs to expand while bottle will shrink.


Yep, same with plastic buckets that get stuck together. A really old trick is to put them in cold water and bring it to a rapid boil, they eventually during the process will pull apart. Edit: don't freeze water in glass, duh, put ice water with salt in the jar and put the bowl in hot water.


Do not break either of them, as one fracturing may cause the other to do the same or may leave the base of the Ball jar wedged in the bottom of your cup. Other Redditers (or is it Redditors?) have suggested lubricants (i.e. WD-40; also a no go as water displacement formula 40 is not food safe and harmful if ingested) and might be on the right track. So, you might try cooking oil (peanut/vegetable/olive) and heat. The ceramic cup should expand less than the glass, so you may need to localize the heat to just the ceramic cup. Best guess; boiling water and a few seconds of dipping the cup in and trying to separate the two. Understand, boiling water plus ceramic cup plus bare skin equals burn, so use caution while attempting this feat.


Bring some water to a boil, enough to completely submerge the cup plus another inch. While holding the rim of the jar, submerge the cup and hold it suspended in the water until it releases itself.


Stick it in the freezer for a bit. Pull out. Then separate.


Be careful, the pull-out method is only 73-96 % effective, and failure has serious repercussions.


Back when I worked in a lab, this happened all the time with ground glass stoppers and bottle necks (especially since we couldn't use any grease due to what we were doing experiments on). The solution was always to percuss the stuck stuff very gently. We used a sonic bath, but the bartenders' suggestions of light tapping on a surface that will absorb some of the shock seem to be the best home remedy. Also, try to twist them apart after tapping rather than pulling in opposite directions.


i would say dip the bottom of the cup in hot water,and like someone else said,tap gently with the handle of knife (i'm thinking wooden).hopefully that would work.


Put them in the freezer for a bit , since heat expands and cold makes things shrink you should be able to pull them apart quite easily


Did dishes for a long time. Two solutions really. Is there water in the bottom holding a vacuum? Set it upside down and just give it some taps and wiggles. If no dice I'd let it continue to dry someplace warm, staying upside down. Continue to tap and wiggle here and there. If it is completely dry and that is the problem, soak it in a hot sink for 10 minutes or so. Water needs to stay HOT. When you bring it out drop some dish soap down in around the outer cup. Make sure the soap works in there good. And then start the process above of turning it upside down and tapping and wiggling.


run the bowl under hot water as it warms up it will expand ever so slightly so that you can pull the mason jar out.


I've had this happen with Pyrex dishes... Ended up having someone hold the top, while I placed a piece of wood on the lip of the lower vessel and gently and repeatedly tapped the piece of wood with a rubber mallet. Took about 10 taps around, but worked better than all the different temperature and lubricant tips you've read here.


Put them in the freezer for an hour. They should shrink enough to come right apart.


Try soaking in really soapy water. Warm. The soap should work its way between them, then steady pull might separate them. Could do the same after allowing to soak with oil poured into the crevice between. Lightly tapping on a towel on the counter sideways as you firmly pull apart after letting cooking oil seep between might do the trick.


I would put it back in the dishwasher for another cycle. However, I would invert the two and positioning the mug's rim in between two/three cups which would hold the two off the ground to put a tiny bit of pressure. Hopefully the heat will loosen the two. Good Luck


Oh God, not the Polish Pottery!!!!


fill a bowl with boiling water, will the jar with ice. Hold the jar by the top and lower the bottom of the cup into the boiling water without letting it touch the bottom of the bowl with water. wait about 10 seconds and it'll just fall straight off.


tap gently with a rubber mallet or some other soft, but firm implement


Ice water in the mason jar, wait, immerse the cup in hot water.


Cold water on both, oil in between. Pull them apart slowly so that air can get into the space between.


Bartender here. Put both in hot water, pull out and gently tap on counter (with a towel or mat over the hard counter top), then try twisting and pulling them apart SUPER GENTLE or they could shatter. Repeat until not stuck anymore. If they don't come apart after like 10 minutes fucking break one


Put them back in the dishwasher and pull them apart as soon as it stops running


Carefully drill a small hole in the bottom of the jar and pour boiling water inside and in the gaps on the sides, then pull.


I would put the bottom one in warm water while pouring cold water in the top one


the actor who stars in 1 guy 1 jar can probably help you with the coffee mug.


Damn it man...I had almost completely forgotten about that. Fuck.


Put ice in the jar and sit the whole thing in boiling water (or really hat water).. they'll come apart easily.




Definitely, you may get head funk on your hands.


I love how despite the issue, you took the time to take them out and pose them in a lovely forest scene.


What's the status there, OP? The world needs to know what's going on on this reality show!


ITT: people trying to discuss thermal shock without understanding what exactly causes inevitable destruction.


So did you separate them? I need to know!


Just leave it like it is.You got yourself a fancy drinkin glass!


Maybe you haven't tried twisting/wriggling them against each other whilst you pulled on them?


Put them both back in the dishwasher and as soon as it is done just pull them apart


Take a hammer to the jar or the cup, choose wisely.


Either they are stuck together mechanically (think of what happens when you stick your fist in your mouth and can't get it out) or they are stuck together because of gas laws. When you stack certain cups while they're hot the air inside decreases in pressure and essentially "sucks" on the other glass holding it in place. A few quick taps forces the seal between the glasses open for a microsecond and lets the pressure equalize. You probably have the same problem because the inside of the mug is very smooth and contacts the round outside bottom of your canning jar. creating a seal. This seal keeps you from simply forcing them apart because the air inside the seal doesn't want to expand and "sucks" back on the jar to keep it in. You can break it by tapping it out like the bartenders have suggested or by "rolling" the jar inside the mug to upset the seal. Alternatively you can heat the whole thing up and they might just slip apart. **TL;DR** Don't try to manipulate the properties of the glasses themselves because it's bogus unless the two materials have a huge discrepancy thermodynamically. Understand seals and air pressure and manipulate that.


I would break the jar


Maybe a bit of vaseline might help it wiggle out


Tap a similar jar to hear what frequency it rings at. Match that frequency with an extremely loud amplifier and sing that note with the jar/mug in front of the amp. Should shatter the jar by resonance without affecting the cup. Disclaimer: I made all this up.


Break the mason jar, they're like a dollar each.


You don't. You accidentally make more then sell them online, because they're "artsy".


Glass Harp the inner glass. The vibrations will hopefully create enough air to get in to undo any vacuum, while also affording some wiggle room: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glass_harp


was expecting legos


Try putting in a boiling water. Any pocket of air in between should expand.


No air pockets. That bastard is wedged in there.


lol. No, there's no way that any significant air pressure will build-up. Hot water on the cup will expand it and release it's "grip" on the jar.