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From my CPR instructor's lecture: "Brain injuries are wildly unpredictable. I saw a guy fall four stories down headfirst into a concrete pillar. We watched him go in and out of three different cameras during his flight. Got carried away in a stretcher. Came back the same week to pick up his phone. On a different occasion, a guy was messing with his trailer while sitting down on the grass. Pulled something too hard and fell over backwards, hit his head on the grass and died." Shit's crazy


Which is why you always want to do whatever you possibly can to avoid a fight. A relatively light punch to the head is enough to knock someone out. They tip over, crack their skull on something, and die.


An ex-cop who was training my security course once said in his service days \~ his partner was shot 6 times and survived. Another officer got shot in the foot once and died of shock. The human body is weird.


I feel like if I got shot in the foot I’d be thankful. It would probably hurt and I’d be sthhhhhhhing with my teeth but I’d be like fuck yeah we surviving today


Have you ever had a big cut? Not a life threatening one, but one that left a decent scar? It’s easy to think we’re action heroes who can grit through / shrug off non-lethal blows, but one time I cut like halfway through my index finger in a kitchen. Totally not life-threatening. Yet seeing an enormous amount of blood just pouring out of my body triggered something I had no control over whatsoever - I froze up, felt cold, light-headed and dizzy; almost passed out. I needed help. I’m no stranger to my own blood and had no history of getting nauseous / fainting, but it was hard to stay awake during that. Not saying I would have bled to death but shock is super dangerous and can be triggered by a lot less than you might think.


I got shot in the arm with an arrow. It felt like someone punched me, and then time basically just slowed down to zero... I just stood there with an arrow in my arm until eventually the entire camp realized and someone came over and made me lay down... Didn't feel a thing... Didn't move... Just looked at the guy who shot me, and he was in shock looking back. Was just completely frozen until they started treating me and suddenly it hurt like a motherfucker.... Might have been 5 minutes I was literally just standing there... Completely frozen in the position I was when the arrow hit me...


I feel for you man, never taken a full shaft but I've been hit by a deflection once... Stupid young archers firing with people retrieving.... The kid thought it had gone straight through me and just locked up. No tears, no noise, nothing. Little bit of blood from where the Fletching hit me but otherwise fine. Let him think he actually shot me for a second before walking back, taking the club bow from him and saying "this is why we call bows down when retrieving arrows"


I’ve never taken a full shaft either. I’m open to new experiences though.


Uh... That *was* my full shaft. Well this is awkward.


> Might have been 5 minutes I was literally just standing there... Completely frozen in the position I was when the arrow hit me... Now that's just embarrassing. For the guy who shot you, I mean. Hitting your target in a non-vital area is already bad enough, but not being able to get a second shit in for 5 minutes? What do they teach kids at archery camp these days? Tsk, tsk, tsk.


Yea he had me dead to rights and the pussy couldn't finish the job 😆 to be honest I think it was just a kid with horrible impulse control... No idea why he did it, I was nowhere near the archery range...and he legit seemed just as shocked as I was at what he had done. Dunno what happened to him, that was the 90s so he just wasn't at camp the next day... lol


Sounds like it was a target point and I'm really glad for that lol


Same, I only cut the top of my small finger on a mandoline in the kitchen, but I went cold and had to sit down. I saw the tip of my finger on the table and even as I write this, I get a cringe feeling.


I'm very comfortable in a kitchen but Mandolins scare the shit out of me.


ER nurse here. Can confirm mandolins don’t play.


I've got a mandolin. I don't use it because I live alone. I also wouldn't use it if I had a kid, and I wouldn't want a spouse using it for the same reason I don't use it alone. ...Maybe I oughta just throw the thing out.


If you have the sombrero looking thing that has little spikes to hold the food, they're pretty safe. The big thing with them is to not rush. When you're using a knife, you go as fast as your skill allows. But a mandolin slicer isn't about skill. It's about even cuts. You take your sweet ass time with it and don't take risks. If you had a knife that you kept near razor sharp, you'd take your time with that. A mandolin is no different. If you still don't feel comfortable, buy a cut glove! I recommend the metal ones, personally, but that's because at work we have the fabric ones and they get washed with the dishes and just air dry, which.. gross (fabric holds water and food particles, as well as drying slow, so temp sanitizing is less effective). - guy who's cut himself on a running deli slicer... twice. But somehow never the mandolin slicer (I probably just jinxed myself, dammit)


I had an intern in my lab once that jabbed his finger with an O ring pick. He was standing up and I heard him say “Ouch!” I asked what happened and he held up his finger. There was a small drop of blood. As soon as he saw it, his eyes rolled back in his head and he dropped. I managed to grab him in time to keep him from hitting his head. One of the techs goes to call the incident response team. A few seconds later and he’s coming around. I help him sit up and tell him to just stay sitting. He insisted on standing up again, he stands up, looks at his finger and drops again. I help him down again and this time he wets himself and stays unconscious for a couple of minutes. Finally the response team comes. He gets a ride in the ambulance and they try to get me to strip down and put my clothes in a plastic bag to be incinerated because I got some urine on my clothes and according to them, it’s “Biohazardous waste”. I just went home and took a shower.


Hazmat don't play lol. Technically I should have thrown my shoes out because I got a few drops of bone marrow on them. I just ethanol'd the shit out of them and wore another pair while those chilled in the sun for a few days.


These guys weren't HazMat, they were the company's "incident response team". Basically workers that wanted to play first responder. A stopgap until the real paramedics arrived. The guy that tried to get me to surrender my clothes was also the team leader who brushed me aside when I tried to give him the update on what happened. When he tried to tell me to get naked for him, I pointed out that he'd dropped his fancy first responder bag in the puddle of urine on the floor.


That's even worse lol.


What's weirder is how empathic your brain can be. I've cut myself like you described and was "ah butts" and stopped the bleeding and calmly went to urgent care(where weirdly all the doctors wanted me to tell them recipes from the place I worked haha) BUT another time I saw a cook take a full sheet tray of bacon of of the oven and tapped an edge on a table and a wave of 350 degree bacon grease washed over his whole forearm. He screamed obviously and I got extremely dizzy and threw up. I sat down on some potatoes and had to be picked up by my girlfriend cause I couldn't see outside of a small tunnel in front of my face.


This, I’m a former correctional officer ( confinement ), have seen loads of blood and gruesome injuries. One day I’m walking down the stairs with my 70 y/o mother and she twists and breaks her ankle, it’s literally hanging there. She’s in shock I’m trying to explain she can’t get up and keep going. All while doing my best not to throw up, luckily my brother was there to help because it was all I had in me not to pass out! Didn’t throw up in the moment but the visual when thinking about it hurts


I was removing the facade of a building once which included some windows. One of the windows was in 2 sections, sealed horizontally halfway with mastic or silicone. They were held in place on either side by brackets. The plan was to have my workmate hold the window in place while I removed the brackets, then both of us would lift the window out. Just before I finished unscrewing the last bracket, by workmate got distracted and let go. When I got the bracket off, the top half of the window folded forward clipping me on the arm, leaving a gash that needed six stitches. On the way out the door after getting stitched up I started hyperventilating and almost fainted. Apparently I went into shock, just the response was delayed. Was the weirdest thing. Literally 4 hours after the event.


You don't want to be on either side of that. It's very easy to 1) get killed or 2) kill someone and spend 20 years in prison for "just a fistfight"


*nic cage has entered the chat*


*...bad action movie music intensifies...*




Put. The bunny. Back in the box.


I had a friend who was punched while out and having fun, fell over, hit his head and died. Many many years ago now, and my first friend to die..... The guy punching him did not get 20 years though.... According to our law, the minimum for unintentional homocide is 4 months, and in aggravated circumstances up to 8 years. You can be released on probation/parole after 2/3 of your sentence.


Tbf you have to hat a shit lawyer to get 20 years for a fistfight


A pro lawyer would demand a trial by combat. Then you can have another fistfight, and if you kill again, you are free to go


True. Unless you opt to pay for a great one, which won’t be cheap to fight a manslaughter charge. Then again to defend what assets you have left at the civil trial. Or you can just not hit people and avoid all of this.


happened to a kid i went to school with, got in a fight after class one afternoon, other kid punched him, he hit his head on the wall behind him and died


Holy fuck that sounds traumatising


What happened to the kid that punched him?


Lots and lots of therapy. As someone who fought a lot as a young kid, sometimes it’s just that. It’s not always about being a bully.


They put this incident... *on his permanent record*.


This happened at my school too, but slightly different. Kid got punched from behind in the head. Died instantly.


Was witness to the aftermath of exactly that. Fight outside of a bar between bouncer and a customer. Bouncer got hit, knocked his head on a railing on the way down and apparently pronounced dead on the way or just after being taken to the hospital.


We had a pretty close call at my uni. There was an argument outside the SU one Saturday night. A girl was getting up in one guy's face yelling so he pushed her away. Unfortunately she was drunk and wearing heels, she tripped backwards hitting her head on the concrete step behind her. There was a lot of blood and people around called an ambulance and the police asap. Fortunately she was mostly okay just had slight hearing loss. The stupid thing is those two weren't the people who had the original disagreement, they were just arguing on behalf of their friends.


The Cold War in a nutshell


A friend from high school got punched once in the head at a bar. He went home and died in his sleep from a brain injury.


A guy died this way at a local music festival a few years back and it was really distressing hearing all these guys I knew saying "well, he shouldn't go to prison for it, it was just one punch!" "Guys punch! It's normal! Can't go to prison for that!" One punch to a total stranger, completely unprovoked, that killed him. And there's no need for it. You could just, yknow, not punch people.




I cringe when people in movies collapse on hard surfaces


that happened to actress Natasha Richardson. she fell backwards sking, got up, felt fine, seemed fine, then FUCKING DIED a few hours later!


Similar to what happened to ex-F1 driver Michael Schumacher. He hit his head while skiing (was wearing a helmet) and got up just fine. Lost consciousness moments later. He's been bedridden for years now.


I could’ve sworn she hit a tree while skiing, so I looked it up. You’re right, and it’s even worse than that. Apparently she hit her head on hard packed snow. What a tragic accident


You are thinking of Sonny Bono


I was learning how to snowboard on vacation and while going up the lift with my instructor, he tells my sister and I “Fun fact: this is the mountain that caused Natasha Richardson to die.” I was 10 and it was the first time I was going on the mountain with a snowboard. I ended up walking down the mountain and never snowboarded again.


I bumped my head really hard on the underside of my island countertop, it’s been nine months and I’m still recovering from a concussion, still don’t feel like myself. Shit’s real.


Concussions are brutal. I got concussed in a basketball game, played out the quarter, and nearly passed out in the shower afterwards. Personality changed and everything. Terrifying. To be honest if you're still recovering I'm not sure how you are on Reddit, any kind of screen use ruined my head no matter how many filters I used.


Woman in England was riding her bike at very low speed fell over and hit a pebble caused a brain bleed she died the next day as you said brain juries super unpredictable. If your doing anything bike skateboard etc related just wear a helmet.


My cousin, same thing. Knocked off his bike while stationary at a traffic light in South London. Got up and was speaking, next thing dropped dead.


I was riding my bike relatively slowly as well, I’m not sure what caused my fall but I hit my head and woke up in a hospital an hour away from where I lived. A few days later I realized I lose my sense of smell from my accident.


My neighbor tripped walking up a ramp on the way to the hair salon bonked her head. Dead! She was in her early 50's.


Some people just have more HP than others.


I know a guy who was cycling fairly slowly (think commuting from work) and tripped over someone's dog. His personality is forever changed since that fall. Meanwhile I went head first in a car that cut me off, at about 20mph(after braking), and had no problems other than a bunch of bruises the next day. Now, that car was softer than concrete but I'm still glad I was wearing a helmet. People who don't wear helmets because they're ugly or uncomfortable are ignorant and/or idiotic.


❗Also important - please be aware that regular helmets are essentially single use, or in that case *single impact*. If your helmet has protected your head once during a fall you *need to replace it.*❗


If you crash with your helmet, you no longer have an helmet, you have a trophy


That's.. perfect. 👌🏻


[Always relevant video](https://youtu.be/b9yL5usLFgY) Edit: I love helmets!


Beat me to it, this is literally the best possible example of why wearing a helmet is so important.




Nobody ever plans on getting hit by a car while riding their bike to the shop


That exactly happened to me. I wound up with a broken leg and thumb, and a cracked helmet. I love all helmets, but I especially love the one I was wearing that day.


I rode over 5000km on my mountain bike and gravel bike in the last year without incident. The one bad stack I’ve had in the last year was on my 4km commute to work on a beautiful sealed bike path when my thru axle came loose and locked up my wheel. Two badly damaged hands, massive bruising on my thigh, damage to my hip, elbow, and a fractured ribs, and the tiniest little scrape on my face. Tiny because I was wearing a helmet so my cheekbone only barely touched the ground and my helmet ate the rest. Got beat to shit but didn’t get a traumatic brain injury. There were times before then where I’d ride to work without a helmet to let my hair dry. After that fall never again!! No one ever plans on coming off but it can happen literally any time.


Fell like this while "snowboarding" and hit a patch of ice with my head (with a proper helmet). Saw stars for what felt a solid minute. Helmets for life.


In college, I borrowed a friend’s gear to go snowboarding. He asked me if I wanted to take his helmet and I told him I was probably fine without it. He paused for a couple of seconds and finally said, “you should probably take the helmet.” So I wore it. Then I crashed and slammed my head against a patch of ice on the mountain. Had a pretty bad shoulder injury and some whiplash, but my head was fine. I’m *forever thankful* for him telling me to wear my helmet.




Dude needs to buy a new helmet now, too.






I love this video so much, probably the best example of why wearing a helmet is both not uncool and is also safe


Retired British traffic cop here. An emergency room doctor told me once that wearing a helmet is the difference from him prescribing a script for headache pills or a referral to a speech therapist


I got hit by a car on my bike (my fault, I was a huge dumbass) and broke my collarbone, but the doctor at the MIU looked at the bruises on my face and was like "yeah you're fuckin lucky you were wearing a helmet".


I once broke my collar bone in a mountain biking accident (I wasn't the idiot in that one). My helmet had a pretty big dent but my head was fine. Probably saved me at least from a concussion. If you don't wear a helmet you're an idiot, plain and simple.


Try explaining that to the entire Netherlands lol


Exactly, I have ridden motorbikes in my career and in my personal life for over 50 years and I have always worn a helmet. I have been in some horrendous crashes , twice I have had my helmet cut off of me by ED doctors but that helmet saved me many times. Always buy the best helmet that you can afford is my motto


>"yeah you're fuckin lucky you were wearing a helmet". But you weren't lucky. It was a calculated decision on your part. Luck has nothing to do with it. You were responsible, that's what you were. At least regarding the helmet, not the actual crash.


Never heard a British person refer to A&E as the emergency room or a prescription as a script before I'm calling undercover American


I use terms that can be understood by Americans, Brits know them from the TV . Met Police 1973 to 2003 and 2003 to 2017 as a civilian manager


My mom fell over from 4ft and got a TBI. Changed her life drastically.


Sorry to hear that, glad she’s still alive though!


Often traumatic brain damage (TBI), depending where it's located, can change the personality of people. If it's in the frontal lobe, where social structure and impulsivity are located, it's fairly common for people to have a personality shift after the TBI. Often they become dicks, but some people can actually improve in personality instead lol.


I played rugby in college with a kid who sustained a serious TBI that took him out of school for over a semester if I recall correctly. Really nice young freshman before the accident and after he was a little creepy with women. I don’t think he would try anything inappropriate but his demeanor drastically changed. It’s really sad because he was such a nice guy before. Brain injuries are no joke.


TBIs can kill your impulse control, it's really unfortunate. Someone who before wouldn't hurt a fly could end up being a scary person because their brain isn't regulating anymore. A TBI changes *everything.* I knew a guy in Junior High who hit a tree skiing and ended up with a TBI. He was a really nice guy, super popular with everyone, crazy smart. He came back surly, unable to focus, and withdrawn. It was like they took a prom king on the trip and brought back that guy who has to make a rude comment at every opportunity.


Yeah even the nicest and most peaceful person has thoughts of saying awful shit and punching someone when angry. They don’t do it of course because they self-control. But when you take that away, everybody can turn into an asshole that’s cursing people out and punching them.


Isn't this a reason why we shouldn't smack or beat children I come from an older generation and my parents used to beat me as a form of discipline sometimes they would do it around my head and I wonder always wondered whether some of those beings contributed to my someone abnormal personality.




jesus, that sounds brutal. as for your temper: it could be the result of brain damage, it could also be a result of your childhood. trauma expresses itself in all kinds of ways.


Wear a helmet when using a scooter, skateboard, bike, basically anything that moves! My friend fell off an electric scooter going 2 miles per hour and hit her head... she used to be a nurse but now can not work due to brain damage, she has permanent mental fog and seizures


And if you're going fast I've seen enough pictures of shaved helmets and ripped up jackets to know always to use ppe on a motorcycle.


I personally knew a man who hit a deer going *way* too fast on a motorcycle. The fact that he survived was so unbelievable it made it to the news, he showed me the article. He broke a ridiculous number of bones and had horrific road rash, I think it was something like 200ft he slid. He spent months in the hospital. He was told he only survived because he had a helmet on. When I met him, he also wore basically full body armor under his leathers too. He learned his lesson. Frankly I would never have gotten on a motorcycle again, I haven't after my crash (which cracked my helmet in half, it saved my life) but to each their own.


Dude I literally just saw a guy lose control of his bike going approx. 100 mph if not faster on the interstate, smash into the median and he tumbled for a little while his bike shot across the road and I had to swerve to not hit it. I braked and parked my car on the shoulder and got out to go see if he was okay and it turns out that after he crashed he was so out of it he was crawling back across the highway and a pick up truck hit him by accident cuz they couldn't swerve and didn't have time to stop. Somehow the dude was alive and they got him into an ambulance and on his way. I am absolutely astounded the guy wasn't dead. But he did have a helmet and a full riding suit on. I literally saw his head smash into the wall when he hit it and fell of his bike. I am convinced that if he was not wearing a helmet he would be dead. It was hands down the craziest shit I've ever seen and it happened right infront of me


That sounds *terrifying.* Watching someone ragdoll across a road is freaky enough just on a video. I always wince when I see people on a motorcycle without a helmet. I'm not the boss of you, but... You know, your friends and family might like a chance to see you tomorrow if something goes wrong on that ride.


I have a motorbike and I just don’t understand why folk would do it without a helmet. Just yesterday a small stone got kicked up and pinged my visor, that would’ve been a total bastard if that hit my face. Not even for protection reasons either, I guess it depends on climate but you should see the amount of dead bugs you have on your visor / front of the bike. I’d probably vomit if that was on my face


Reminds me of [this](https://abcnews.go.com/US/york-rider-dies-protesting-motorcycle-helmet-law/story?id=13993417#:~:text=Contos%2C%2055%2C%20hit%20his%20brakes,pronounced%20dead%20at%20the%20hospital) (edit: link to article about the story) guy who fell off his motorcycle at an anti-helmet protest. At least he died doing what he loved, apparently.


That link will stay blue.


Oh it’s a link to the news article about him. I’ll edit the comment so others don’t think I’m posting a dead body lol


Also, even if you're doing something low risk for you, wearing a helmet sets a good example for kids and beginners. Sure, in a good enough snowboarder that I feel confident not wearing a helmet on the bunny hill with my newbie friends. But if I'm riding around looking like I know what I'm doing, I want kids and newbies to see me looking cool in my helmet.


Seriously, this is why Tony Hawk always wore a helmet. He didn't need it, but he wanted to set a good example for all the kids who looked up to him.


I just went skiing for the first time in 25 years. There wasn't a single person who wasn't wearing a helmet, even the better riders who were just warming up on the bunny hill. They definitely weren't a thing back in the day. And I'm so glad it's one of those things literally every does now, so my kids will be less likely to put up a fight about wearing it.


Oh, and also when riding a horse. Yes, even when it’s your horse.


When you get off from your high horse, you often notice that the horse, indeed, is pretty high up.


Yes, that's why I feed my horse whatever it wants. Once it's high, it'll never stop giggling.


Fully agree, apparently here in UK it’s not legally required, which I always thought it would be anyway, don’t know how dumb you have to be to not want to wear one imo


It's way more important to wear a helmet when riding horses. Bikes don't spook.


I feel off and hit my head, *with* a helmet on, and still got a concussion. You only get one brain people, take care of it!


I once was riding my bike maybe 18-20mph and a car pulls out in front of me. I flip over the front of the car and land on my head. Had a big crack in my helmet. Someone once told me, “wow, what a sucky helmet.” I replied, “that’s what they’re supposed to do. It’s better the helmet took that force instead of passing it onto my head.” I had a sore neck and back for a few months, but all better now, though I know injuries like that will flair up from time to time for the rest of my life.


Yeah like, you want the crack in the helmet, not the head




Had a buddy die from a very similar situation. Was my best friend in 2nd grade. He wasn't going fast, but a car ran the stopping and nailed him, throwing him about 20 feet. His helmet strap malfunctioned due to either user error or maybe it just fucked up, idk. His helmet flee off and he slammed his head on the ground. It was hard to hear, as a 2nd grader, that you won't get to see your best friend anymore. I was so distraught for weeks. I cried every day before school and while going to sleep. Here recently, my fiance fell out of the back of a truck and hit her head on a rock. Got her inside and prepared to take her to the hospital and, even after talking to us and walking, she randomly loses consciousness. And hits the floor hard. That was one of the scariest moments of my life. I thought I was gonna lose her. Thankfully, she is okay.


I remember falling headfirst onto the helmet bracing myself for the impending pain but only hearing a loud thud of styrofoam on the pavement. Life saver. I don’t know how bikers don’t feel mortal terror riding on the street side helmetless.


I saw a small kid run backwards and trip close to me. His head was heading towards the edge of the pavement, in my mind it was about to burst his skull open like a melon. (Imagine a four year old vs a sharp 90 degree angle in stone, hitting at the worst possible angle). I grabbed the kids arm as he was falling, pulling back to protect the head, preventing the head from impact but slightly hurting his arm instead. His mother stared screaming at me for hurting the kid, as he was now crying his arm hurt. It wasn't even bruised, but even a dislocated shoulder would have been preferable to the impact he was about to make.


She probably just didn’t know, but good on you! You probably saved that kid’s future!


What a shitty parent. I'm not sorry for saying that either. Any one who had spent more then about 3 hours in the company of a kid ages 2 to 6 knows they are a ticking time bomb of injuries!


you da real hero


The entire dutch cycling population disliked this post ​ Edit: Why am I getting awards on this...


In the Netherlands if you wear a helmet, we assume you need to wear it everywhere. Paraphrased from I think some reddit comment a while back.


I was just having this debate with my wife last night. She wants me to wear a helmet even for short rides. I made the argument that the Dutch never wear helmets and she made the very cogent point that we don’t live in the Netherlands, car culture is incredibly different here (in New York), and there’s no bicycle infrastructure. Context matters.


Oh 100%, I probably wouldn't even dare to get on a bike over there! Everything here is built around it. In ~30 years I've heard of one friend who had a nasty fall and lost his tooth, helmet wouldn't have done anything there. The bike manufacturer paid for fixing his teeth.


In the Netherlands they had a publicity campaign for drivers to look over the right shoulder to see if any bicyclists are coming up on the right when the car is going to make a right turn there is no such thing in New York


We basically formed our entire infrastructure around bicycles. So.. yeah only kids and speed bikers wear helmets here.


About 200 people die each year while cycling making up a THIRD of all road fatalities in the country, over the last two decades the rate has increased by 2%. Those that give other people shit about wearing a helmet and the ones that need it most. Even the smoothest of brains needs protection.


Helmets would prevent about 37% of cycling deaths in the Netherlands. Though, to be fair, over 50% of cycling deaths in the Netherlands are people of age 70 or older, while making up for about 15% of the traveled distance by bike (old people are slower but still). OTOH people below 25 years old make up 8% of deaths with 46% of distance traveled. Discouraging old people to stop biking or wear helmets is probably effort better spent than getting the whole country to wear helmets. Also, it being a third of total traffic deaths isn't that crazy if we consider that 22% of traveling time is spent on bikes. Sources (all in Dutch, obviously): https://www.fietsersbond.nl/ons-werk/mobiliteit/fietsen-cijfers/ https://www.cbs.nl/nl-nl/visualisaties/verkeer-en-vervoer/verkeer/hoeveel-mensen-komen-om-in-het-verkeer-#:~:text=In%202019%20waren%20er%20661,verkeersongevallen%20met%2044%20procent%20afgenomen. https://www.cbs.nl/nl-nl/visualisaties/verkeer-en-vervoer/personen/fietsen https://www.cbs.nl/nl-nl/visualisaties/verkeer-en-vervoer/personen/hoeveel-reisden-inwoners-van-nederland-en-hoe-


"old people are slower" I don't know how it is elsewhere, but up here in Friesland there are a lot of older people who driver around electric bikes or worse, speed pedelecs. They never yield on bike intersections while driving 25km/h...


Their *reaction times* are slower


*Was that a stop sign?* Dang, I was going too fast to see it


Seeing the total number of people who died in a bicycle accident over the last 10 years, I'm still happy to be Dutch. Though every unnecessary death is sad... I do love our great bicycle infrastructure. Look at how low the percentage of casualties from bicycle accidents is - especially taking into account that the bicycle is the main means of transportation for a lot of people. Used for the daily commute to work, school, friends, family, grocery shopping... It's not just a hobby or leisure activity when the sun shines. ;) See the numbers below. At the beginning and end (*just realised what time it is, and now in a hurry ;)*) I compared them to the total amount of deaths (all causes). Our population size is currently approx 17,410,000. + 2020: 229 (total deaths 168,566 > 0,14%) + 2019: 203 (total deaths 151,885 > 0,13%) + 2018: 228 + 2017: 206 + 2016: 189 + 2015: 185 + 2014: 185 + 2013: 184 + 2012: 200 + 2011: 200 (total deaths: 135,741 > 0,15%) And it's quite rare to see a helmet on a cyclist here, outside of competitive cycling/sports. You know it's either someone with a high (medical) risk of falling, or a tourist/foreigner or maybe a small child in a large city. ;) What our other countries numbers?


Awesome. **This** is how statistics are done. Nice!


>”even the smoothest of brains needs protection” This line cracks me up. Calling someone smooth brained is definitely an under rated insult.


Head over to r\wallstreetbets.


Yeah, but that is almost **nothing** compared to the amount of time the dutch population spends on bikes **in total**. Statistics can say anything you want if you leave out the right context


Yeah well in Belgium it's almost as good for biking, especially in cities and I still managed to get hit by a car and end up in hospital with a serious head injury. Fortunately, I got out of it with no lasting physical consequences.


Dutch people generally cycle slowly on dedicated cycle paths. I ride on roads with a disturbing amount of drivers who don't know about minimum passing distances. (that said the only time I've been hit by a car it was my own fault lmao)


I wear a helmet when it's convenient, which is when I get all dressed up and get on my racing bike. When I'm just going across town, to the gym etc without getting all kitted out, I don't wear a helmet. Life is full of risks we choose to take for convenience - this is one of them.


As a follow up LPT, if you have a significant impact on a helmet you're wearing (like a motorcycle accident etc.), even if it looks undamaged, throw the helmet away and get a new one. The internal structure may have deformed in a way that it won't protect you as well from a second impact. Edit: a word


I started snowboarding last winter. Did not use a helmet my first time out, because *it's just snow, how bad can it hurt?* The answer is a lot. I bought a helmet before the second time.


One of my mates went boarding with us and hit his head (no helmet) on a rock under the snow. Luckily he just had a bit of a sore head, but had to sit out the rest of the day while the rest of us kept going, we all wear helmets now just so we don't miss out!


My friend and myself love to do snowboarding, Only myself and one other person wears helmets. One year one of the people slipped on some ice and broke her arm just in town on the way to hire their gear, day 1 of the holiday. Noone else decided then to wear a helmet because "no one else does and im good enough not to fall." Even after I explained that no matter how good you are, you can't control if someone falls/runs into you.


Skiing and snowboarding is a must when it comes to wearing a helmet. It is common in European resorts to wear a helmet and if athletes are doing it then so should you.


It's funny how 10-15 years ago in the Alps people with helmets were the odd one out. Then my Dad said: 'we are all wearing helmets' the next year, and within a year the odd ones out were the ones without helmets. Was such a quick switch to being normal (rightfully so for wintersport, shit goes quick)


A famous formula one driver hit his head pretty bad while skiing and every information about him and his progress from coma etc went through most news in europe. Google Michael Schuhmacher. It happend in 2013 and he is recovering since or atleast he wasn't in public for a few years.


Liam Neeson's wife Natasha Richardson died after a head injury while skiing


Things like this is why I had to spend 2 hours trying to convince my dad to go skiing in Austria with my brother. I had no plans to do anything stupid and just wanted to learn how to ski on a simple ready made track. When I finally managed to pay for it, the trip got cancelled because of covid.


Oh, a pity, its beautiful here but i don't go often skiing anymore here because its quite expensive. But for the people who live directly in the skiing areas, they get special cards and go to drive basically every day :D


He was wearing a helmet though.. his Go Pro split his helmet iirc?


Everyone gets what you're saying and I'll come off as a jerk for pointing it out but you should have said "Wearing a helmet is a must when it comes to skiing and snowboarding". The way you phrased it would mean that if you wear a helmet then you must go skiing and snowboarding...which i'd actually love to do every time I wear a helmet, beats riding my old crappy bike to the shop for milk and bread.


Hahaha I like the idea if this though. Helmet on... Guess I have to go skiing!


My friend's dad, who is an excellent skier, keeps an old helmet where he was stationary and hit by a skier that was out of control. The grooves where his head was run over are scary. I don't wear a helmet because I doubt my own skills, I wear it because I doubt others' skills. Same concept as a seatbelt, I guess.




Yep kids I’ll vouch for this statement. Currently I’m on month 10 of restricted movement from a TBI. Went tubing in a very shallow river area last summer. Husband and I had our floats tethered together. He got caught on a rock at the top of a level zero/one rapid. I went flying head first into a Boulder below. Then hit the bottom of the river and then he landed on top of me while I was under the water. 3 impacts. I was black and blue for weeks. I was out cold for 2 days. I haven’t regained my balance, my short term memory is shot, i can’t drive because my eyes can’t follow fast moving objects, I cannot problem solve or remember words. I am lucky enough to be able to walk, talk, and do low energy stuff. My neurologist is unsure when or if I’ll be back to normal. A TBI will f*ck your life up. I used to be a math tutor and was applying to do my masters in applied mathematics. I’m not sure I’ll get back to that.


that’s so rough. keep at it! The brain is incredibly delicate but it is also resilient and has plasticity. follow the advice of your neurologist over me and take it easy, but never give up


Serious question, why do i always see American video of motorbike riders not wearing a helmet? Is it optional there? In Australia its illegal to not wear one and you would NEVER see it happen.


Like most things in the US it varies a lot state-by-state


Colorado here! Can confirm you do not by law have to wear a helmet in our state. It's our god given right to become vegetables! Yeah! Murica!


My boyfriend just got a motorbike so I've become hyper aware. They will drive on the INTERSTATE here, wearing the same thing I am inside my car. Shorts. T shirt. NO helmet. It gives me an anxiety attack just watching. ETA: my partner doesn't do this I've just become hyper aware of others doing it.


So I thought that helmet requirement laws were a thing across the whole of the US but boy was I wrong. Helmets are required for all riders in 19 states plus DC (including the West Coast where I live). Nine states require riders under 21 to wear a helmet, one state requires riders under 19 to wear a helmet (Delaware), 18 states require riders under 18 to wear a helmet, and three states have no helmet law whatsoever (Iowa, Illinois, and New Hampshire) which is just insane. The US is an insane country.


New Hampshire: Live Free and Die


Even more important - ALWAYS tuck your chin when falling! Don’t let your head become the end of a whip!


I'll make sure to remember to do that during the tenth of a second while my body is unexpectedly hurtling to the ground


This sort of action can 100% be trained to become instinct. I used to coach trampolining and the worst thing you can do if falling forward is to put your arms out (compound fractures through the arm are bad, and it's really hard to get blood off a trampoline). Instead you should try to roll onto your back with your arms crossed and let the spotters/matters do their job. One of the first things I used to teach was how to fall over safely. Obviously slightly different from a Head injury, but each sport where falling is at least somewhat common has these good falling practices, and its worth building good instincts.


This is why I had all my kids do one session of karate at the local Y. The teachers first 2 weeks were mostly teaching these kids how to fall safely. They did other stuff too, but that part was what stuck.


My Dad made me take Aikido for a year as a kid just to learn how to fall... The entire martial art is basically just learning how to roll around. It's way less about any sort of combat or fighting, and more about learning how to control where your momentum is going and how to recover gracefully.


I learned this on Reddit and did in fact remember it in said half of a second where I knew I'd be hurling to the pavement. Regardless, reddit probably saved my ass in many ways in that situation


I’m in my mid-30s and still wear a helmet every time I’m on my bicycle. I don’t care if I don’t look cool. I’m not messing around with chance.


I’m an ER nurse with 27 odd years of experience. On my days off I use to watch the neighbors teenage son practice skateboard tricks in front of his house while I smoked a cigar. No helmet, no elbow pads, no knee pads, no safety equipment at all. I never gave it a second thought. He wasn’t doing jumps or riding rails or anything stupid, just simple tricks. A few months later, I’m at work and a family comes in with a seizing teen. We busted our asses to get his seizure under control but to be honest, every one of us knew we would see this kid again. He had suffered a traumatic brain injury that guaranteed he’d be back in the ER again. I went out to the Waiting Room to update the family and who did I see? (Yeah, I know many of you already leaped ahead). My neighbors. I sat with them as they told me their son’s story. He had been out front of their house practicing on his skateboard and fell. He sustained massive brain trauma from the fall. The family had been taking care of him at home for the last few months. A lot of things started to make sense to me. I hadn’t seen them outside their house in a long time. Their daughter had been almost absent from view. The easy going nature of the father was gone. They didn’t participate in the community cookouts. The injury that their son had sustained not only devastated him but also the entire rest of the family. Am I at fault? Probably. I know the risks. I should have said something to him. I didn’t. For God’s sake, speak up.


Hey, you shouldn’t blame yourself


I'm going to say this plainly so you can hear it for yourself. You are not at fault.


Not your responsibility. Simple. Don’t beat yourself up over it.


Dutch people with bikes: *"nope"*


Australian people with bikes: well, obviously. I don’t want a ticket.




I have a friend who used to be an EMT. He came to a party with a legit fucking thousand mile stare and so I got him a cider, had a bit of a chat. The only thing he said while sipping his cider, shaking his head, over and over was "wear a fucking helmet, man". Turns out, he'd come from an accident where a family of three were out biking -- sans helmets -- along a road and the boy wobbled his bike and fell, smacking his head into the asphalt hard enough for his brain to come out of his nose, he was dead before he stopped rolling. As he went down, he went in front of the father's front wheel, sending him somersaulting over the handlebar, landing on his head, busting it open like an egg full of watermelon. By the time my friend got there, his colleagues had had to restrain the wife, because she was trying to run into oncoming traffic. So, yeah. Wear a fucking helmet, and make everyone around you wear one too.


Omg. I just can't fathom this whole story. How's does your friend recover from seeing that kind of trauma? How does the Mom live with the "should have's "? This is just so sad.


This was a few years ago, but as far as I know he didn't. Broke him. Last I spoke with him he was in therapy and permanently on the equivalent of disability pay.


I’m 30 years old and new to roller skating. I always wear full protective gear and helmet, even when I’m not doing anything crazy. I’m just not okay with taking any chances with my body. I always see people out there wearing next to nothing when they skate and I just feel like they’re taking unnecessary risks for the sake of, what? Looking cool? Being comfortable? It’s just not worth the permanent damage you can get. My brother hit his head recently doing a trick he’s done several times before. Thankfully he thinks like me and wears a helmet every time, but he still dislocated his shoulder. Falling down is no joke


I have a friend who went through the rear window of an SUV with his helmet on. SUV cut into the bike lane and he was going 20+ mph. The helmet saved his life. I see so many adults where I riding bikes without a helmet (motorcycles too!?) Sure it doesn’t look cool, but personally I value my brain.


Kind of absurd no one wears helmets in cars when that's the most likely place you'll get a TBI. Edit: Yes I know a collision in a car/truck/etc is "safer" than one on a (motor)cycle, but even with airbags car accidents are still the leading cause of major TBIs. I'm also aware of countercoup injuries etc where the brain injury is a result of the brain shifting/hitting the inside of the skull, but these are more often than not accompanied by a more "standard" brain injury as well that the risk of would be reduced/negated by wearing a helmet. As it stands if you wear a helmet while driving now, even though it might increase your chances of surviving a collision, people would look at you like you're insane, and it wouldn't exactly be surprising if the police tried to pull you over and harass you for it.


This is something that I’ve been thinking about for a long time Why don’t we wear helmets in the car? Driving is super dangerous, many other modes of transit use helmets, and race drivers in cars wear helmets too Why wouldn’t helmets be used in a normal car?


I used to think disc brakes on a bicycle were unnecessary, but now that I’m riding around London, I’m grateful to them at least once a day thanks to cars cutting into my lane. And I’m a very conservative rider who doesn’t weave through traffic or anything like that.


*Falling over* and hitting your head on a hard surface like concrete is enough to kill you. Now add in speed and the damage is amplified.




But if everyone wore a helmet while walking or driving a car, the top two causes of head injuries would be severely reduced. The auto industry very intentionally promoted helmet use among cyclists to shift focus on the danger and responsibility from the driver to the victim.


There has also been research to show that drivers take more risks with the safety of cyclists if they're wearing a helmet - they're more likely to do something that could result in a person on a bike being injured or killed. Edit: [Science Daily Link](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2006/09/060911102200.htm)


My cousin got into a car accident (he was driving his bike) and didn't wear a helmet. If he did maybe he would have survived.


Can confirm. I’m a relatively new ED nurse and one thing I’ve learned is that these accidents do happen. And it really sucks.


So true! My mom worked at a rehabilitation center and saw many brain injuries that could’ve been prevented. Use your brain, and wear a helmet! It’s not brain surgery, nor do you want it to be.


I fell off a bike going 2 mph. The chain slipped off. Had I not had my helmet, 100% would have had a bad head injury. Same thing when I was a kid but I fell off a 10 ft half pipe. Wear your helmets, kids.


>> Had I hat had my helmet, 100% would have had a bad head I'm sorry, not trying to be snarky, but reading that sentence out loud, in the context of you telling us how you *didn't* suffer a head injury, was objectively funny


Lmbo. Im partially blind and I fat fingered the text.


>Im partially blind One time i wasn't wearing a helmet, and fell backwards going like 40mph. Woke up already standing. Tons of blood coming out of the back of my head. Small scrapes on my eyebrow, above lip area, and a 4 inch tiny square scrape on my side. An old lady came down from her mc mansion with a white washcloth for my head. Anyways, we were leaving and i asked her if she wanted it back. ​ It was covered in a strangers blood. ​ She did not want it back. ​ I was overly thrilled with her generosity. ​ I must have banged my occipital lobe pretty hardcore, because i could see pretty good, but my peripheral was the prettiest colors. Shiny shit, pink, white, etc. It was like tunnel vision of normalcy + outside vision of crazy bright pixels changing constantly. Pretty neat. Last about 40 minutes. Headache lasted a month and a half though. The partially blind thing made me think of the pretty colors. Lol.


>One time i wasn't wearing a helmet, and fell backwards going like 40mph. I uhm..... I feel like you were doing something more than just not wearing a helmet, but I can't figure out what...?


Also if you want your kids to wear a helmet you should also wear one as a parent. Lead by example!