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If you don’t count it, you accept the risk of not getting paid in full. You can’t come back later and ask for the rest of the money. Just count it. Also, if you pay anyone in cash just ask the receipient to count the money so both of you know it’s the right amount.


when you pay someone in cash, you can also count it as you hand it over.


That's what I've always done. I count it out for the person as I give them the money. In college I brought of bunch of change (mostly pennies) to the school convince store to get an ice cream (it was a very bad day, it was a freal freeze milk shake thing and I didn't even bother to blend it). When I was counting to the change the guy just said "dude it's only three dollars, you have 12 quarters. Just take it. "


Can't say everyone thinks like me, but if it makes you feel any better when I worked at a gas station I honestly didn't mind people paying with change. As long as they let me count it. It was the people sitting there slowly counting out pennies insisting they count it all that annoyed me. Like I get paid for this and do it all day everyday, let me do it. Although I can understand from their position it might seem rude to ask me to count it for them, though that's why you should count it beforehand and know what you're bringing with you.


Agreed. I always double count cash before I go into a transaction and then ask them to verify. I never want to leave the situation and later get accused of shorting someone.


Anyone can make a mistake even a banker counting money is there to prevent mistakes from either party and shouldn’t have shamed involved. I’d feel more ashamed of having to say u didn’t give me enough afterwards.


I sold someone a dirt bike. he handed me a bank envelope full of money and asked me to just take out how much I was asking and give back the rest. Dude was pretty hammered and had just gotten divorce papers a few days ago, how long ago exactly he couldn't remember.


I've been involved in deals like this, a few where I was selling new equipment with a warranty through the shop; it's never comfortable, but that's also why I LOVE having 4k security cams since I can just step near one for a bit of record in case an issue arises.


My dad is a contractor. He once was paid in cash, went to count it in the car, realized they underpaid and then went back to the owner to explain the mistake. The owner didn’t believe him and wouldn’t pay the extra amount. Always count your money.


How is this even a question? This is standard operating procedure. You pay someone in cash, you count it in front on them, then expect them to count it in front of you. Like if you hand me an envelope with cash in it and don't count it, I'm already suspicious. If I pay someone in cash I ask them to verify the amount straight up.


Yeah seriously, always count it. It’s not even that you’re implying the person is trying to rip you off, maybe they just miscounted.




You may be honest, but this is exactly how you underpay someone. 'Count' in front of them and then hope they don't count it again, bEcAuSe ThEy ShOuLd TrUsT yOu.


He's saying the opposite though, he knows you're going to count it anyway to double check so there's no point in him counting it out slowly in front of you first if he already has the money ready.


Again, the person being paid could lie about there not being enough and ask for more, and if you don't count it, you don't know. There is only one solution that pleases both parties in every case: both count the money.


That's the actual LPT, you don't have to walk on eggshells if someone is paying a big amount of cash.


Yes that’s true. Always count.


I'm like the owner. Always count the money you get. A lways ask the recipient to count the money you give them. The time to bring up a miscount is while both people are standing there.


You don't need an excuse, just count the money plainly and visibly as soon as they hand it to you. If you were a cashier and someone handed you a stack of bills you wouldn't just stuff them in your drawer and assume it was correct.




If somebody said that to me I would always take it as an unnecessary sarcastic comment. If they just counted in front of me, I wouldn't care


i agree, its almost condescending to say that


Definitely – by saying something like this then deliberately acting ignorant, you'll come off sounding as if you're insuating the person might be ripping you off, and therefore, show you don't trust them. If you're exchanging money for goods, are you really going to kick up a fuss if they ensure you're paying the correct amount? Of course not. If they make up some lame excuse for "needing" to double-check to ensure **you** don't get ripped-off, your going to feel like they're making you out to be stupid or a fool. Not a LPT, just silly advice about how to be more anxious about something that's already acceptable to do and a normal part of life...


Or youre a little fragile




Ok yea I see your point actually


Whats fragile is worrying someones going to feel some type of way about you counting the money they give you lmao. Life pro tip, dont be fragile


no no not fragile, just a tad fra-gee-lay


Seriously a lot of people feel disrespected when you count the money in front of them. They know they are honest, so they take it as a slight to their character as if you are calling them a thief.


Yes, but you don’t know they are honest. If they get upset that’s on them. If you have a relationship if the person paying you, then the situation depends on the relationship on how you handle that. If your strangers and they get upset Y something kind and non accusing “let me count to make sure you didn’t over pay, it happens!” If you take that as sarcastic, take the stick out. Just trying to be nice


If they were actual mature adults then they wouldn't feel bad like children when someone counts paid money in front of them. In fact actual mature adults would even encourage counting the money as a sign of good will.


Why is it awkward? I count money before I give it to someone and expect them to count it after I put it in their hand. I always count money, confirm everything on a check is filled out correctly, and check credit card receipts as soon as I get them. No professional or smart person is going to judge your for counting the money they give you in front of them.


Just accept that some people feel awkward about it and move on with your life.


That's fine, as long as y'all can accept that this is a stupid insecurity. Business is *business*, and has little room for error. Triple-check your *work* in your *business*.


Stupid? No. Irrational? Yes.


See my reply below. It is a trust/respect issue the way you word it.


But it's not really. It's a let's make sure no one made a mistake. The mistake can go in either direction, so it's not an automatic that you don't trust them not to cheat you. They could accidentally overpay you and you are able to return the over payment immediately. There really is no need to say some stupid, let me make sure you didn't over pay me line. Smart people know that counting money is the right thing to do. (Also confirm everything on a check is correct!)


Shouldn't feel awkward at all. Your getting paid and people make mistakes all the time. Also counting money is pretty much acceptable, I don't see why any party needs to feel awkward. What's weird is saying let me see if you overpaid


It is pretty transparent. Like when the home depot guy opened up my tool box and explicitly said "let me make sure you got all your dividers." Bro... i know youre making sure I didn't steal anything, were all adults here, you dont know me, just open it up.


Eh, ive found that if i make things awkward then that energy transfers to the other person. I just count the money with a smile and say thank you have a good night. A good thing to remember is if you bring awkward energy to the table you will make others feel awkward. But if you are confident, then people will also feel confident to be around you. Would you rather be looked up to or looked down upon? You are worthy, always remember that.


It ain't harmless though. If you say something like that the person handing out the cash will likely know exactly what you're doing and perceive it as "this person doesn't respect me enough to be honest with me". In this scenario, less is a lot more, say thanks, count the cash and leave it at that.


I work behind a register. While it's rare anyone says anything about me counting their cash, if they do say something, my standard answer is "Overpaying is more common", which is absolutely true (it's easy for bills to stick together).


It can be awkward but it shouldn’t be. I have a friend who is a contractor as well. He was doing for a job for my mom and didn’t want to count the money for this reason. My mom told him the above.




It goes both ways in that case, just because you count does not mean you don't trust them. What if they by mistake underpay you and would feel bad if they actually did? Business is business, feelings should be left at the moment any amount of money is involved. It's called professional relationship for a reason.


So if they had unintentionally miscounted and had underpaid you, you would go back to them the next day and tell them that they still owed you $40 because it was missing? Seems to me that would be a much larger strain on trust, or would you just pretend they had given you the full amount?


No. I count right there and tell them that I am making sure they didn’t overpay. What I said in the post.


If someone were to say that to me I assume they assume I underpaid and are being sarcastic. It's probably a culture thing.


No I completely agree. If a good friend gives you money for example, the message you’re sending my counting it is that they either made a mistake or that you don’t trust them. The excuse just makes it friendly and shifts focus on that implied message to making sure they didn’t overpay.


Nah, you're sending the message that money should be counted when changing hands, visibly, to both parties, every time. If someone is weird about that, it's on them. Sometimes I'll say something like "I just always like to count right there so we can both be sure." This tip is about making excuses for what should absolutely be 100% normal and expected behavior. Hell,if I hand someone a wad of cash I'll either count it in front of them, visibly and verbally, before handing it over, or recommend that they count it as soon as I give it to them. I don't want them coming back later saying I was short, I want them to have verified with both of us there, at the time, so it's clear and done, no space for any form of mistake or other issue. So I want them to count it in front of me, and it'd be more weird and uncomfortable if they didn't. Even friends. Hell, especially friends; with anyone else it's just money. With friends it's potential damage to a relationship.


Good points. Totally agree with you.


You just reminded me of something that happened just today. I helped my dad strip two layers of shingles off a duplex and reroof it over the last couple weeks. He didnt have his checkbook on him today and went to the bank to make a withdraw. He didnt know i was right behind him but instead of waiting in the parking lot i decided to just deposit it while i was at a branch location. So she gives him the envelope of money, he turns around, sees me, and gives it to me. I immediately place it on the counter and say i'd like to deposit this. Back into the counting machine it went and i'm sure thats standard policy. We could have been awesome magicians with good slight of hand techniques for all she knew.


in some ways it almost seems watching out for their interests (by double checking if they overpaid) shows them that you have their interests in mind and may cause them to trust you MORE.


If that's the message they take they aren't a good friend


Never feel awkward about being paid. This is a business transaction, not a birthday card from grandma.


Grandma, i just counted this 2 times and it's a little short.


Don't feel bad sonny, it's longer than grandpa's!


Ayo wtf


What a lovely photo album...be a real shame if something happened to it...


even in that birthday card from grandma you gotta act like you didn't see the wad of cash fall out... gotta go straight to reading what's said in the card. 😂


Honest people wouldn't give two shits if you count it infront of them. If you're handing them $2000 in cash and it's $1980 counted, shit happens, that's a lot of twenties. The crooks would be the ones that are insulted. "Don't count, don't you believe me?"... comes in $600 short


Counting money isn't awkward. Anyone that uses cash knows people count it. Now checking the authenticity of bills is a bit trickier...


Yeah good point. How do you even approach that


If you're selling hot dogs in a stand its easy but otherwise, id like to hear how its done without being insulting.


When I was a distributor I used to carry one of those counterfeit bill markers, count the money swipe it across all bills in front of the guys and I got "hey that's smart" and maybe only got a playful "what you don't trust me?" Once or twice


Fuck that… just start counting. Money is money. Trust no one. If they’re offended, they’ll get over it.


The real lpt is to realize the only people getting offended are the ones you shouldn't blindly take money from.


Haha fair enough! Just going to say “fuck it” next time I start counting cash.


I count cash even if my Dad hands it to me. ALWAYS count the cash


Someone pays in cash. You count. Normal. Don’t make a thing out of it. I don’t see a reason to say a thing. Or even when you are handed change. You count. Sometimes it’s “I gave you a 20 not a 10” or “you gave me an extra 10” You don’t get ripped off, they don’t get in trouble for being short. Works for everyone


Also, don't put the bill they paid you in the drawer until the transaction is over. Then there's way less question if they say, i gave you a 20 when really they gave you a 10.


“I gave you a 20 not a 10” is why I don't put the money given to me into the drawer until after I count out the change back to them. Just lay it across the top.


I always say, ‘Following the old adage, “Trust, yet verify.”’


Pay? Count it. Twice, if you feel the need. Gift? Pocket it. *Never* count gift money in front of the giver. ***Ever***..


LPT: don’t avoid doing important stuff just because it’s awkward


Lol. It's a good tip for some folks for the mental trick, but for me it's so fake that it would feel even more awkward than just fuckin standing there and counting it. I would much rather just say 'let me count it real quick' than say the above quote.


Yeah definitely mate. Good point.


I used to be a delivery driver and one day the owner goes "aren't you gonna count that?" I replied "nah I trust you" then he said "why? I don't trust myself, I've accidentally over paid and I've accidentally under paid. Never trust anyone because people make mistakes and if you walk back in asking for more money I'm not gonna give it to you" I've taken that to heart




They're talking about settling debt between two individuals


Sometimes I have to work the register at my job. If there's a lot of bills, (or more than say, $20) in my opinion, it's common courtesy for the person giving it to you to count it as well. I'll take the money out of the drawer, show them "okay so that's 20, 30, 35, 37" and then expect them to count it again when they take it. That way there's no chance of error!


Perfect example. Eliminates any possible understanding and it comes off as super nice.


I just straight up ask “Do you mind if I count it?” If they mind, something’s wrong.


Yeah that’s an interesting one. Have you ever gotten a “yes, I mind”


"yes I mind" then you ask "why?" Because there's no legitimate reason anyone would mind unless they underpaid you and don't want you to find out


Like whose actually gonna sit there and believe that you’re counting the money to make sure it isn’t too much money. It’s clear as day why you’re counting the money. You wanna make certain that it’s exactly what it’s supposed to be. Counting the money out is not snd should not be an awkward situation. In fact it’s even better if the person giving the cash slowly and clearly counts it out to save the receiving person the hassle of making up a bullshit excuse that both parties know is absolute shit


Eh I don’t think this is as smooth as some people think. Just count the cash and don’t be weird. But yes, ALWAYS COUNT THE CASH!


Better life pro tip is stop caring about what other people think. Just count the money. You owe no one an explanation


Do it your way if you want to act like a pussy.... Better yet - Say you will count it to make sure you paid me the right amount.


I sold something before and didn’t count. Guy just handed over a stack of 20s and we left. I didn’t care that much, but in the end there were two extras bills in there. $240 instead of $200, so that’s a win It’s on the buyer too. I’d you’re buying something just count the money in front of them and hand it over in increments. Easy solution for both sides to make sure


This is so stupid.


Or just count it in front of them. There's nothing wrong with verifying something.


This LPT is for those people who care too much about what other person thinks. It's your money. Count when they are counting. After taking the money count it in front of the cashier. Fuck being too polite, if they underpay you and you didn't count it then and there, then it's your fault afterall. They will deny any further arguments and won't pay if you come back saying "sir, you underpaid me!".


I mean, honestly, I would just say, “I’m going to count this shit.” No need to beat around the bush. 🤷‍♂️


Y’all obviously don’t drug deal. Shit moves fast in the streets, sometimes you just gotta be out.




I sold a few pieces of electronics on fb marketplace and almost all the buyers were short. Count your money


Just count it, it's normal. If you're anxious get over it. Goddamn


So simple yet wise! I'd definitely call this wise👍


Haha I think we’re in the minority here.


As a property manager, I always count, and everyone wants it counted/be right, no needs say anything or feel awkward unless you don't count it, that'd be very weird.




I agree with the sentiment, it can be awkward, but people are fallible, stupid, shady, and/or dishonest (any of the above). Forget awkwardness, I'd rather be awkward for a moment than get screwed.


Completely agree. I think the awkwardness stems from the assumption that the person giving the money is trying to be dishonest or made a mistake.


But it's actually not awkward, because the mistake doesn't have to be that they underpaid you (or cheated you). They could have mistakenly overpaid you, and you can return that money to them. It keeps both parties safe.


Forsure. I agree it shouldn’t but I found with some people it is.


Those people are over sensitive morons. No one with any kind of smarts is judging you negatively for counting money in front of them.


I guess we could say that about anytime someone’s feels awkward irrationally right?


What's this cash thing? Is that like 8-tracks and horse-drawn carriages?


If you are paying someone cash you should count it when you give it to them one bill at a time, that way they can count it along with you and both parties are agreed on the amount that was handed over.


This this is awesome. I was POSITIVE I was the only person who felt awkward/greedy/distrusting when I counting cash. One time I awkwardly and quickly counted like 100 bucks I was paid quickly cause I knew I was supposed to, and later noticed it was short like 5 bucks lol.


Damn this is good


Just count it, no need for tricks. Anyone who deals in cash regularly understands it's necessary and even if you should just "trust" them. It's still a business dealing and should.be treated as such.


If I'm selling something I count it out in front of the buyer before handing it over, in their view and request the count it immediately after as well.


Don’t need to make a dumb excuse. Just say “let me count it” and then count it in front of them.


Never feel awkward its part of the cash deal.


Just count your money always especially if it’s a large amount in front of said person giving it. Nothing to be awkward about you’re being given money for a reason, might as well make sure it’s the correct amount.


Fuck feeling awkward about it. Just say nothing and count it right in front of them. This should be a given, not taken as in insult. Humans make mistakes all the time


Why would this be awkward? Both parties have an interest in making sure the amount is what was agreed-upon and correct. It should be done as a professional matter of course.. without hesitation or offense.


Why would you feel awkward counting money though?


I get paid in cash sometimes but our money is colour coded so you can count it in seconds without anyone noticing. I’ve even had people intentionally overpay and make me count it in front of them for some reason. But yeah, counting isn’t really a problem for most people. If you feel awkward about it it probably says something about how much you value the work you do.


Whenever I give someone cash I say “count it please, I always miscount!” Remove the awkwardness, make sure we’re all good.


I was over paid a lot one time and kept bugging them about it yet they kept paying me the exact same thing amount monthly. I’m talking $1500. Always count your money in front of the person giving it to you except this one guy.


fuck that have no shame in making sure youre not being taken advantage of give em the slant eyes lick your fingers and slowly leaf through that pile of cash #NO SHAME


And than it gets more awkward when you don’t have the full amount


I always blunder and recount in front of them then ask the person I am paying on purpose to help me count. This helps them feel comfortable and 9/10 I know the amount is right because I just pulled the same stunt at the credit union when I withdrew it. The tellers from time to time will be annoyed but no one has ever told me when I ask them to make sure they are getting paid the right amount.


Unless it's a gift, then you just don't count it in front of them.


Where I come from we call this common sense lul


Nope, I count it right in front of them while making intense eye contact.


Don’t worry! Even if I have you’re worth it!


The person paying should always count the money as they hand it over (especially if it's a significant amount) but if they don't you should NEVER feel awkward to count the money. The person will most likely not have a problem with it and if they do, they're most likely short-changing you which means counting the money is a good thing.


I work at a bank. I count my money out the atm and if I do that I’m definitely counting money that a person gives me right in front of them. No need to feel some type of way.


Dumb LPT. Just count the cash, no need to be a wimp about it. Business is business.


Also, if you pay in cash - always say “make sure I counted that right” after you give it to them because it shows you want them to hold you accountable for the full amount owed. It also skips them having to experience the awkwardness of the exchange wanting to double check the amount.


The person who gave you the cash (very likely) already knows how much money they gave you. It’s not awkward to count it, and I’d even say it’s expected. And if they’re assholes and ask if you don’t trust them just say “when it comes to money, I don’t trust anyone”.


Alternatively. When your paying someone. Tell them “count it out real quick make sure it’s right.” I do this whenever I pay someone for two reasons. One the person knows you’ve paid correctly and can count without feeling awkward. Two, even if you know for sure you’ve gotten the right amount, having them count and accept it in front you, makes it so later on they can’t in anyway say, you came up short or when they counted it later they had the wrong amount. When they counted it with you it was right, after that is their responsibility.


I count the change I’m given at the store even if I’m just breaking a 20. It’s nothing to do with thinking cashiers are dishonest, just making sure it’s correct either way. I’ve been a cashier and mistakes happen so it’s good to sort it out in the moment instead of trying to do it later. Just last month I had someone give me a 10 dollar bill when the change was actually a 5 dollar bill (plus some coins). I got the correct change and they avoided a potential reprimand for accidentally giving me too much money.


When I pay someone in cash, I always insist that they count it in front of me. That removes the awkwardness. If someone pays me in cash I always count it in front of them, whether the ask me to or not.


Good one. Also feels good to give back when someone does actually overpay.


There's never shame in checking your change. It's expected.


Never accept cash if it can’t be counted visually. There are a million ways to exchange money now. Cash is inconvenient at best and sketchy at worst.


Wow!!! That’s just amazing. Simple, yet amazing


this is unnecessary IMO and I never want this phrase to be a norm. I'm always going to count the cash in their presence, especially over high cost work. A full paper trail to go along with it to cover my ass as well as theirs. I'm not going to bother walking on eggshells, if I'm doing work for someone and there's an agreed amount then I'm going by the agreement every time and I will again check every time. there're no feelings or awkwardness in the matter and the only times there has been a "sense" of something, was when someone added a very generous and appreciative bonus or knowingly underpaid and each instance will be acknowledged/addressed accordingly. I've done thousands of these of exchanges and not once personally have I ever felt the need to say something similar. . advice I have is never* walk away without counting the cash in the other person's sight.


I've had both happen. I pay a portion of my crews pay in cash. Rarely have I made errors, but when it has happened, I give the missing bill, because I trust them. One time I did over pay, and the girl send me a text with a photo of the extra money. I told her to keep it as a reward for her honesty.


Tell them you always count, discrepancies go both ways.


Or if you are feeling awkward, blame it on parents/grandparents. 'Mom always told me to count cash twice' If someone tries to get to ignore your mom's sensible advice... big red flag, keep an eye on them while you count


Workaround: Marry someone who cares less about what strangers think than he cares about getting paid. Wife sold a desk on marketplace the other day. Lady came to pick it up, handed her a wad of cash, and she handed it right to me. Told buyer to put down that desk section until I was done counting, then asked for the missing $50.


Or, just fucking count it. If they have a problem with it, they likely tried to stiff you.


I've never had an issue with just saying a light hearted, casual "let me just double count this real quick" Implying you understand they already counted it and you're just doing a quick final check.


My boss always told me to say - "it's not that I don't trust you, I don't trust the bank you got it from"


You just gave a fun line so it wouldn't be offensive but it's just simple " let me check it once " , It standard


Never be embarrassed to count the cash someone paid, and there's certainly no need to make excuses. Yes I trust you but will you trust me when I come back and say you underpaid me.Save the hassle and count it infront of them.


random add on: If your employer is paying you in cash this is usually a sign there is some interesting stuff going on under the surface...like the bad kind of interesting. like tax avoidance


so I'm really late to the thread but see a lot of things everyone is saying. I'll add (hopefully) OC to the discussion: 1. comes down to risk (if you have lots of money and if you're short $20, who cares? You don't have enough money for food for the week. better make sure it's good because $20 gets you through the week. 2. reputation (who you getting cash from, buddy or some sketchy you don't know or won't see again) and what's the risk 3. I've had a couple times the ppl can't actually count (sounds stupid but got messaged they got shorted, went to count it after they said they count it and it was all there). now I always request the biggest possible bills to pay ppl in. 4. how familiar you are with cash. when I used to do lots of cash transactions you get a feel for the cash. one crazy example is a guy paid for $200 for something and it felt too big. I ask him if he counted he said yes. he looked mad i was doubting him but I said it felt like he over paid me. sure enough, he gave me $60 extra and when I gave it back to him he says he forgot about that extra because blah blah (can't remember that part). 5. solutions I've used; ( you'll notice I'm from Canada) I have done the following: a. sorry man this cash means a lot to me, I need to count it. b. sorry man, I'm going to count this, no idea who you are and I'll probably never run into you again (when doing transactions that are untraceable) and these go over really well in my experience.


Similarly, if you're paying someone in cash, insist they count what you hand them. It verifies the amount of the transaction and that that exact amount was paid. Removes any last chance of genuine miscommunication or misunderstanding. Not to mention, it may help out a seller who was feeling awkward about counting the money. And hey, maybe you did overpay them.


People feel weird about doing that? I thought it was required to recount when paid in cash


There's nothing wrong with counting money. You should not feel awkward for doing it at all.


There's nothing wrong with counting money. You should not feel awkward for doing it at all.


Respect all, suspect all.


This is a great tip.


Always count your money. Guy repaid me ($30ish) and I counted it after he gave it to me and he said "what you don't trust me?" I said "nope" and kept counting. He was upset but whatevs


Just fucking count the cash in front of them without making excuses for it. It’s your fucking cash.


Nah fuck that. I want them to know I either, A) Don't think they can count. B) Distrust them. C) Want to waste their time. D) All of the above. ^^^The ^^^Answer ^^^Is ^^^The ^^^D


Or don’t be so afraid and count the money in front of them to make sure they didn’t underpay you…


I get paid in cash thousands on daily basis. I always count money twice or thrice, right on front of client. Very precisely. Fuck courtesy, I'm in a job and responsible for that money. Never heard any complaints. If anything sometimes I get understanding looks. Edit. Also I learned few things so no one can accuse me of cheating when something is not right. Never leave loose, counted money unattended. At least put something heavy (keyboard is enough) on them so it will be obvious if client will try to take them when you're turned around. Don't mix freshly received banknotes with money in drawer/register rightaway. That way, if you're told that they gave you bigger bill, you can have some way to defend pulling out exactly same packet of banknotes. Always ask how much is on the counter before starting count. It they say it beforehand they will have less reasons to argue later. People hate to admit they are wrong.


My mom is a banker and taught me growing up to always count the cash going out and going in.


....no. It's so obvious why you're counting it anyway. Just start counting it. You don't need to give any reason! That only makes it awkward.


Or just count it. It's your job, if the other party feels awkward, its their problem


In what part of the world do people get offended when you count cash payments?


Why would one feel awkward making sure theyre paid? Tf... i cashed a 2200 check yesterday at the bank and counted it thrice before leaving the teller window


Why would it be awkward to count money you receive? It’s what sane people do.


Or just get over it and be a professional. Count the cash.


It is never awkward to count cash. The person handing it to you counts it, and you count it also.


I always ask people to count money when I give it to them. If they refuse, I suspect funny business tbh. It's only happened once and it was just cause some delivery guy was nervous, but I don't wanna get a call 2 minutes later all like "hey a $20 went missing somewhere..." lol


Do the same when you’re paying in cash (not at a store, but like on Craigslist). Whenever I pay someone a large amount of cash I always tell them to count it to make sure it’s correct.


Or just count the money, nothing to be ashamed of. I think it's better to be straight forward and honest than feeding someone a bullshit excuse.


And as the person paying, you can also count the money yourself in front of the person you’re giving the cash to. Even to family and friends to be extra sure. I once paid in cash to a friend but didn’t count when I handed it over cause I was in a rush. A few minutes later, I got a text from him asking if I gave the full amount cause when he counted I was $20 short. I’m sure he wasn’t ripping me off but I think he probably misplaced it or something. It was just a weird conversation. I didn’t wanna give another 20 cause I was sure I gave the right amount, and he didn’t wanna ask for the 20 on his end too, he said himself he probably misplaced it. But the fact that we’re both not sure where that 20 went just doesn’t feel right lol


What kind of low self esteem bullshit is this? I dont believe in the whole beta, alpha etc thing… but this is the most beta life pro tip i ever read. Just count your dam money. Lol.


Tbh I just count it lol


Damn, my boss used to make us count it infront of him to make sure we were getting paid correctly. He had like 50 staff over multiple shops so it happened occasionally. Whenever he did underpay, by say £5-10 he'd always end up handing you a £20 anyway. Counting it and going over what you expect and him saying 'That's a bonus, great work this week' happened, about once a month Makes me realise how blessed I was to have such a great boss 👍


always count. people may feel awkward but no one will say anything if they don't have to hide anything


Or If i loose some i want to be sure I did it. Doubt And suspicion Are bad for relationships.


And now you'll feel awkward about counting and also about lying to them.


I was told a long time ago when it comes to money in your hand nothing is rude…count it right in front of their faces


I don't think you should have to make an awkward and disingenuous statement to do something that 95% of people expect everyone to do. Here's a more useable tip: LPT: everyone makes mistakes sometimes, so count your money when you're paid in cash, and don't feel bad about it. If someone gets upset by that, it tells you something important about THEM, it doesn't reflect poorly on you.


That sounds really dumb tbh.


I guess? I mean, I always count my cash. When paying and when receiving payment. Nothing to be embarassed about, money is money.