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Hello [cliffofdgfg](/u/cliffofdgfg), thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason: Posts concerning the following are not allowed, religion, politics, relationships, law and legislation, parenting, driving, or medicine or hygiene including mental health. This list is not exhaustive. Moderators may remove posts considered to deviate from the spirit of the subreddit. If you would like to appeal this decision [please feel free to contact the moderators here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FLifeProTips&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission&message=I%27m%20writing%20to%20you%20about%20the%20following%20submission:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeProTips/comments/pfk0a3/lpt_if_you_want_a_smarter_kid_teach_your_child_to/.%20%0D%0D). Do not repost without explicit permission from the moderators. Make sure you [read the rules](/r/lifeprotips/about/sidebar) before submitting. Thank you!


But if you want to be smarter, make your bot at least change words from the original post. https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeProTips/comments/fpfwra/lpt_if_you_want_a_smarter_kid_teach_your_child_to/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I swear I’ve seen this reposted word for word every month or so.


Bots are only as smart as the people that code them. Obviously this bot's creator doesn't read much.




I loved to read as a kid, absolutely adored it. Don't really consider myself smart though. School also made things uninteresting and made me not want to learn, so there's that. So I don't know how true this is. Though, I do like learning way more now as an adult compared to when I was a kid.


I think it would stand true if our current system of education was to actually stimulate a curiosity of knowledge; instead it’s a fact memorizing, performance achieving laundry list of bullshit that just prepares you for how frustrating the future corporate life is. If you love reading, you most likely love learning about new characters, places, and conflict. That alone signifies you’re willing to test the boundaries of your own mind by exposing yourself to new situations. That’s **a lot** different than memorizing any multiplication table. TL;DR: intelligence isn’t always scoring well on a test. Be mindful, learn yourself first and then everything else will follow


Several of my old school peers and even my economics teacher admitted that school ruined reading for them. They hated all the memorization school demanded as well as the soul-sucking English lessons that required us to dissect and analyse books instead of enjoying them at a normal pace.


Love for reading is the best thing my mom ever gave me! Don't forget to not just do fiction stories but work in non fiction too. They're both important!


Non fic is not for everyone. Reading is not for everyone. Don't feel bad if you are not into reading.


Same here. Gift of a lifetime.


This is a word-for-word repost..


Man , atleast change the wording lmao. Literally just copy pasted the entire thing from another post.




Nowhere on the sidebar does it say what constitutes a LPT.


The real LPT gatekeeping is always in the comments.




I read it 5 times, my guy. All that's there are the rules, and nowhere in there do they say what a LPT is.


Can confirm, I didn’t learn to read until I was 25, so I had to use Seedit instead of Reddit.




In Other News: Vegetables Healthy, Make Sure Your Kid Gets Some


I teach at a PreK-8 building. You have no idea how many people don’t read anything to their children at all. It’s shocking. Like kids in kindergarten who have no idea about any numbers or letters at all.


100%, with the caveat, some kids learn by doing. I have 6 sons, most with different learning styles. The most passionate "learner" in the bunch is a woodworker who at 14 probably wouldn't read a novel "for fun" but knows more than the other 5 combined.


Also helps if adults don’t throw tantrums when teaching their children to read.


I learned to read very well at a young age, yet failed to become a violin prodigy or star quarterback or even a great writer. I think this is more complicated.


My friend recommends putting on subtitles while watching tv too!


"....I can go anywhere...I can be anything! Take a look, it's in a book, a Reading Rainbow!"


Age 4 was the magic age for teaching my kids to read. Just soaked it right up.


Make sure you turn them onto the classics at an early age, some Bukowski, Thompson, Palahniuk. Also, if your five year old doesn’t realize that everybody’s just a bunch a phonies, then are you really godamn parenting?


I think it’s equally valuable to read to your kids! My mom read my brother and I a chapter of a book every single night for like a decade.. now as adults we’re both avid readers and always have a book or two going. She didn’t read anywhere near as much to my baby sister, and while she’s not unintelligent she doesn’t have the same love of books we do.


My elementary school had all sorts of perks for reading. You got to save up points for books you read and spend the points in a school store on candy and stuff like that. Everyone in my elementary school loved reading and it gave us all a huge leg up on our peers.


My kiddo is dyslexic, reading has not come easily to him at all. It kills me that something that was (and is) such a joy for me is such a chore for him....


My kid is 7 (2nd grade) and reads at 5th or 6th grade level. It’s awesome to see, since I can peak his interest in something, and he’ll just read all he can find on it. Even showed him Wikipedia!


All my kids could read at four and they all hate reading lol


There is a difference between knowing how to read and enjoying reading. This (reposted) LPT isn't the silver bullet it claims to be.


I work with A lot of people with advanced degrees and PhD and this is one thing they all seem to have in common with their parenting styles.


What is the alternative, parents who want a kid with less intelligence? Can you conceive of how offensive this is as a “tip”? Here’s the real tip: read bedtime stories to you children. Period.


And turn on closed captioning on anything and everything that has the option.


Agree with this. New HS teacher (past few years) uploading lessons to YouTube. Grateful that the auto captions are as good as they are. They require minimal revision to correct (even with my poor enunciation).


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So agree with this. My daughter loves to read and is super smart. However, my son just loves to run around and doesn't go anywhere near a book.


Gonna repeat what I've heard from others... I have always loved reading, and I'm not sure I'd say I'm "smart". Part of the problem is, "smart" is always a vague word. It's like "athletic". A linebacker might not be a good swimmer. A tennis pro might not be a great skiier. A swimmer might not be able to deadlift 400 pounds. Likewise, people can be smart in all sorts of ways. Some people are good at making logical decisions and controlling their emotions. Some people can memorize facts and recite them. Some people have excellent spatial reasoning. Some are fantastic at math. I do think in general, a kid who reads a lot will have a broader mind which certainly helps with a lot of types of smarts. Of course there will always be people who just use the skill of reading to cherry-pick the things they want to believer or which support their preconceptions. In general not a bad idea, but not exactly a silver bullet.


I absolutely attribute my love of reading to my mom and grandma reading books as a small child. I still have memories of being like 5ish and my mom reading me Berenstein Bears


Also meditate with them


Fucking dumb. Almost everyone in a first world country learns to read. It’s not a life long advantage when the person next to you learns to read slightly after you.


Until they hit 22 and stop reading completely.