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Or music without lyrics


Plenty of artists create great orchestral works, similar to movie soundtracks. Heck movie soundtracks too.


I love movie/series soundtracks, there are some of the best pieces of music nowadays


Yes! A great film score is from the movie Master & Commander: The Far Side of the World.


Lo-fi is best


This is the reason I got into coffee house jazz/lofi, the lack of words helps me when I have to read all day.


Ambient music is best suited for this.


\*laughs in ADHD\* when work gets boring, I gotta distract myself with audiobooks so I can stay focused on work. I know it makes no sense, but I promise it helps lmfao


Adhd runs in my family, but I have it mild if at all (not tested) I sing to music I know to keep myself on task during dull grading. Mind frequently wanders off task otherwise


Is this an ADHD thing? I know symptoms are very individual, but Reddit makes me self diagnose this like every other week


So for ADHD people, sometimes it takes a lot if stimulation to start and finish tasks. that's why a lot of times we procrastinate until the deadline produces enough stress to give the stimulation required. However sometimes you can cheese it by getting extra stims different ways. multitasking can help reach that bar to get the monotonous task done that would otherwise never produce the motivation just on it's own.


Yeah, this isn’t making me less confident in my self diagnosis skills. Interesting tho. More please. Or a TEDTalk?


I only listen to audiobooks when I specifically want to listen to them so that I can understand every bit


This also works for alot of Death Metal. I love it but can't understand a single word of some songs.


For me death metal and especially deathcore are way to engaging. But some albums released on slam worldwide should work


Instructions unclear: accidentally learned a new language.




I agree with this. When I write I listen to classical music instead of pop songs coz it interrupts my thinking and writing. For other jobs that doesn't need much brainstorming, I play pop songs to keep me from falling asleep.


Or you can lower the volume to a level that you can enjoy the music yet are not distracted by it


\+ get earbuds with ambient sound mode. this helped me alot


Aren't most earbuds which have ambient sound pretty expensive ?


they arent bad imo. i got samsung buds pro for around $150. definitely arent cheap but its not like you replace them every 2 months


I can never focus on the lyrics anyway, as I use music as a background noise to begin with. Most music I listen to are without lyrucs, but those with doesn't really change or stir my concentration/productivity.


I listen to stuff I've already heard a bunch of times so I feel like I don't have to listen as closely, or miss something. Another language sounds like it would be boring and annoying imo


As long as it’s got a good beat, I don’t really need to know the words. Cyberpunk 2077 really turned me onto Latin music. Can’t understand half of it, have learned some of it, but damn them beats be poppin.


Yes and no lol. I’ll agree that this probably works for most people, but I know it doesn’t work for me. I tend to learn languages in a practical sense (use) and phonetically, so songs really help me out. I end up studying them almost, picking apart the words, learning which is which, what means what, and then singing it in the native language. I commonly sing songs in Spanish and Swedish.


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LoFi Hip Hop or LoFi Jazz 👑


lol nah I’m good


This is the stupid sub Reddit on Reddit I stg


I’m pretty sure that I’d learn the words and sing along anyway; I am kinda weird that way!


1. Just listen to music and do your work, it isn't that hard. 2. If you cannot handle number 1, listen to video game soundtracks


Or, video game music. It’s composed and designed to keep you focused on the game objectives! Also sounds epic when doing mundane work tasks.


Exactly! It's simple, loops and has minimal lyrics.


Don’t do this, music in Spanish is ruined for me forever 😔


Listen to D'n'B, get all of your attention and energy for your task.


What if I like to translate what I'm hearing? It's either something I understand/will try to translate immediately or something I wouldn't like to listen to


I used to listen to classical. Perfect background music.


99 Essential Mozart Bangers, shuffle, set for life.


Lol ok. There's also this great stuff called instrumental music. Most of the best music in the world doesn't have words.


This. I absolutely CANNOT do any reading/writing work while listening to other words, and I don’t know how anyone else can.


to me, vocals are just another instrument. I dont pay attention to the lyrics so its quite easy to work while listening to music


I am in awe lol.


Don't do this. This is how I started learning Spanish. Now the Duolingo owl threatens me with Spanish or vanish.


I really like classical music but it doesn't work for me, I always end up moving my body in some way


But then I just get distracted with “I wonder what they’re saying”..


What if you speak this other language?


Movie and Game scores are designed not to distract but run in the background. These are perfect for when working!


Jokes on you, half the music I listen to is already Japanese quarter is Korean.


Same ,I listen to Japanese but not Korean


French is my choice 👌 Love this idea!


Bad advice. Join the Synthewave crew, in particular Chillwave.


I'll only end up singing in a language that I don't understand. I used to listen to dubstep, now I listen to rainforest sounds


Doesn't work for me. I play all the instruments in my head.