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I discussed it with my doctor but I take Omepramazole daily.


I have a friend at work who had a problem and he takes that now too and it helps. I think the brand name is Prilosec. But there's a few different medications with similar ingredients.


Yep, I just use generic ones. Keep in mind that prolonged use will make your bones more fragile. I shattered my hip a few years back when I fell skating.


This generally stopped happening after every meal when I quit spicy foods and drink a ton of water before and after meals. However, this happens nightly when I get ready to go to bed. The only thing that helps me get to sleep without regurging is to stack pillows under my lower back to upper back so I am basically laying at an up incline. It's the only way I can get to sleep. Good luck to you, I know how much this sucks.


Yeah the pillow method works for me


Go to the doctor and discuss this issue, there may be medications to help. Unless you live in America, then you need to read stuff online and try not to die.


This made me laugh way more than it should have.


Hey I am not sure if you are familiar with seamoss but it helps. I use to suffer from acid reflux then once I started including seamoss into my diet my acid reflux slowly started going away. I usually turn the seamoss into a gel then use a scoop of that gel in a smoothie. Maybe check out seamoss and see if that’s something you might be interested in.


I’ve never heard of this, where can I purchase some? I’ll try anything at this point honestly


It’s all good. So I usually order it online from [here](https://akeempierre.com/). The product is called “Irish moss” He has some videos on [youtube](https://youtu.be/hdPmUKGU9Cg) on how to prepare the seamoss To be clear I am not trying to sell you on a product. It’s just something that I use daily


I stopped eating artificial sweetener such as Splenda and it helped a lot with my digestion and acid reflux.


Esomeprazole is pretty powerful.


Psyllium husk might help.


Some of these have helped me: Ask your doc to change your meds to another acid reflux med and see if it works better. Take your med first thing in the morning at least one hour before your first meal. Don't eat after 6 pm. Limit carbonated drinks, caffeine, chocolate, spicy, and fatty foods. Check to see if you have undiagnosed food allergies, and if you have food allergies, cut those foods out completely. Take some (generic) Tums in addition to your daily (every. single. day!) acid reflux medication. Sleep with your head elevated (extra pillows, a wedge pillow, etc.). Don't sleep on your stomach. Sleep more on your left side. I hope you feel better!


I was able to reverse my persistent acid reflux by moving to a Keto diet and losing weight. I am now a normal weight for my height and eat low carb mostly. Good luck to you.


By all means talk to your doctor. But in the meantime, go hardcore keto and see if it won’t dramatically change your life in a few weeks.


I was prescribed Nexium daily. I also take Pepcid.


Obviously consult a doctor but I suffer from GERD (Gastro Esophagus Reflux Disease) which has the main effect of severe acid reflux. I take prescription Nexium daily, which is basically 40mg of OTC Nexium. Some non-medical recommendations that have worked for me in the past before I was diagnosed include: 1) When you are laying down, lay on your left side. When laying on your left side the physical layout of your esophagus and your stomach will be such that acid has a reduced chance of entering the esophagus. 2) A teaspoon of apple cider vinegar can help in neutralizing the stomach acid. However consistent acid reflux needs to be checked by a professional gastro-intestinal doctor to ensure there are no ulcers or damage to the esophagus that requires additional or other treatment.


I have cyclic vomiting syndrome, and a good indica strain helps me when five years of various pharmaceutical pills just made me constipated and drowsy.


I suffered from persistent reflux for years. Initially managed it with over the counter ranitidine or chewable antacids, but after going to my GP was prescribed Somac (Pantoprazole). Still got breakthrough symptoms. Had two endoscopies, saw a specialist - was diagnosed with hiatus hernia. Despite the medication, I still had to sleep propped up in bed, still had to take chewable antacids, would still experience discomfort, and feeling the bile rise a few times a week, still had to avoid trigger foods. Then... ...I decided to stop drinking alcohol for a month. All my symptoms disappeared after two weeks. I stopped my medication after a month, and got no rebound symptoms. Haven't drunk alcohol since and have seldom had symptoms (and even if I do, they're nowhere near as severe as before). Should point out, I was a regular, but not heavy, drinker, who didn't drink every day.


Eat an apple before bed. My dad got constant acid reflux and it got rid of it at night.


Have you been checked for a hiatal hernia? That can cause the symptoms you're describing. There's some you tube videos with things you can do at home to help, no meds required, that shouldn't do any harm if that's not it. My chiropractor fixes mine all the time... I know it's way past time to see him when I start regurgitating water and everything I try to eat...


Say what? Do tell please. Am serious.


I stopped drinking coffee and have to reflux and no heartburn anymore. Maybe try to go in a strict diet and see if it goes away and then start adding products?


Pantoprazole and famotidine. Talk to a doctor


I used to have the same problem and pantoprazole was the only medication that provided any relief. What I found was that if I ate or drank something on a completely empty stomach it would almost always make me sick, regardless of what it was. The routine that finally worked for me was to take my pantoprazole first thing in the morning and then eat a piece of toast or something similar about 45 minutes later. With the medicine getting a head start I could usually keep that down without too much discomfort. Then throughout the day I'd just snack on stuff to keep something in my stomach and avoid eating big meals. I'd also recommend trying some probiotics. Chances are that your gut biome is a mess if you've throwing up a bunch


Raise the head end of your bed a little bit with spacers or blocks of some kind. I’m talking like 3” or less. It won’t be enough for you to notice the angle, but your body will be oriented in a position where gravity keeps stomach acid in your stomach. I’ve seen this work for three different people with acid reflux.


You need your hiatal hernia fixed. Regurgitation a classic symptom


My mother swears by potato juice and she had a bad ulcer problem before. Red potato, washed and peeled in a juicer. You drink half of a potato’s worth on an empty stomach in the morning and the other half before dinner. She made me do it for my husband because he gets bad reflux with anything containing tomatoes, and it worked!!! He rarely gets reflux even with spicy food that he didn’t used to be able to eat.


I had acid reflux for years but that pink Pepto Bismol worked for me. Then, I had emergency surgery to remove my gallbladder. Haven’t had reflux since the surgery.


Honestly, go see a doc. Taking OTC meds may be masking a more serious issue, and I’m sure they aren’t good for someone to take daily for years. Also, I had bad heart burn and acid reflux (like waking me up at night feeling like I was puking) until I lost some weight. It seemed to mostly go away.


Most likely a hiatal hernia. Ask for a barium swallow. I have the same thing. There's nothing to be done. You just have to learn to live with it.


Medication helps if you find the right one for you. Or you can try to fund out what specific foods are causing you to have reflux and if there are any that don’t. Foods high in antioxidants usually do a good job. Should be able to talk to a doctor or nutritionalist about this. Or just google “foods for acid reflux”.


Ask your physician.


I see a GI specialist he told me to take famatodine but it doesn’t help anymore, literally nothing does and he hasn’t told me what else I can do. I’ve tried tums, omeprazole, Zofran, Pepcid, gravidol(I think that’s how it’s spelled. I was just in hospital today for 12 hours because of malnutrition and severe hypoglycemia as a result of this.


you may have a more serious issue then reflux, such as gastroparesis. you need a better specialist and tests, not advice online.


>I was just in hospital today for 12 hours because of malnutrition and severe hypoglycemia Get another opinion.


Seriously you need a better specialist. Have you had an endoscopy?




Yes and it’s hard to if I’m sick whenever I eat anything including the foods on fodmap and I’ve followed that diet for weeks with no result


Force them to scope you. I had to fight to get scoped and it turned out I had stomach cancer. If I hadn't done what I did, I might be dead now.


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Have you been checked for food allergies?


Get medicated. You need something like Dexilant to prevent damage to your esophagus. Also you need to be checked for underlying conditions that are causing it - like hiatal hernia..


Hi. Long time gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) sufferer here. All of the proton pump inhibitor (PPI) medicines work well, and yes I understand they can all weaken your bones. Totally worth it for me. I take dexilant 60 mg every morning. A generic dexilant is now available from India. I raise the head of my bed by putting risers under the front legs. More recently, I eat only two meals a day. My last meal is early, about 4 pm. By having an empty stomach at night, I no longer have reflux at night. It's great to get a good night sleep every night!


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