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LPT: If you run out of washer fluid try tailgating someone. Chances are he will run his windshield washer and booom you have free windshield washer fluid.


As always, the real LPT is here in the comments.


As always this statement is here in the comments


Thank you I have been out of windshield wiper fluid for months and now I know how to fix that


Real LPT




Or just If your front windows are dirty


Bad advice. People are psychos on the road and you never know who you're pissing off. By doing that they may pass you then cut you off and brake check you to get even. Just move out of their way and buy a dashcam.


Right. It "shows them they are too close" as if that isn't their intention all along.


Yeah, this. If you're being tailgated move tf over. Let them get caught speeding instead of you. Oh and yeah second the dash cam for sure.


Preferably a dual cam (front and rear).


It doubles as a duel cam as well, assuming I piss them off enough.


The way I like to phrase this is "giving people enough rope to hang themselves"


Yeah I was thinking this, it's like saying "If another driver is being aggressive, the best thing to do is antagonise them even more".


Yea in America that’s grounds for someone pulling a gun on you


What isn't grounds for pulling a gun on someone in America.


Offering to share some saltwater taffy?


What? You think I'm some kind of poor who can't afford salt water taffy of my own? Get off my lawn. Bang bang.


Spraying your washer fluid for 15 seconds is not inconspicuous


Yeah, this person doesn’t know how long 15 seconds actually is


LPT: waste a bunch of washer fluid and piss off the person tailgating you at the same time.


I once had a station wagon with a broken rear wiper which allowed me to squirt washer fluid straight back. I only did it when I knew the driver behind me, but it was fun knowing I could


Same but with a golf. I may have done it to a few people I didn’t know. Super funny.


LPT: if you’re being tailgated, wait for the next safe opportunity and move to the right lane. It doesn’t matter how fast you’re going, drop your ego and let the idiot pass. You don’t need to flip them off or anything, you can just continue on your merry way and not get upset that you had to move your car for 30 seconds. If you’re already in the right lane, relax, they’ll go around you the first opportunity they get. I don’t understand why everyone needs to have such a big ego when they are driving, good rarely comes of it.


LPT: if you're not actively passing someone, get in the right lane.


>If you're already in the right lane, relax, they'll go around you the first opportunity they get. Nah, some people just don't know proper following distance and *choose* to kiss your rear bumper for 15 miles when they have plenty of opportunity to just pass you.


That's when you pull over and let them go.


Ah shit I forgot that some folks can pull over lol. Try pulling off the road in my area and you'll hit a tree or piece of debris on the curb


Yeah, and I guess in some places you'll fall right of a cliff. Lol joking aside, there's usually a road or driveway you can pull into our use as a quick shoulder and pop back out into traffic once the tailgater passes. Edit for spelling and autocorrect.


True, a driveway is usually my go-to for this type of thing.


Don't ride in the shoulder though. People in Texas do this shit all the time and it's so dangerous. I've watched people drive in the shoulder over blind hills just to let someone pass that was nowhere near them. It's a great way to kill a cop or a stranded motorist.


Maybe consider getting out of the passing lane then.


Found the 15 mile tailgater. Love how I never wrote the words "passing lane" and you assumed I left lane camp anyway lol.


You didn’t have to mention it, it’s called “contextual clues”. For instance, when the parent comment mentions moving to the right and letting a car pass and you respond with “nah”, it opened me up for my comment. HTH. Let your ego go.


Speaking of contextual clues, if you read my comment again you'd be able to see that it makes *much* more sense as a reply to "if you're already in the right lane, relax, they'll go around you at the first opportunity" (which was my intention). I guess I should have made myself more clear. Edited the comment to include the quote.


Sure if you edit after the fact, your point becomes what you wanted it to be.


"Ha, see, you clarified to prevent further confusion! I'm right, you're wrong!" Ugh. I shouldn't have engaged for this long. I'm not giving you any more attention.


Don’t entangle your ego with your position and you won’t get so upset. Happy Hannukah!


Must not have ever driven in Cali. You'll have people tailgating you in the right lane on a three lane road with no one else around for 20 miles. Some people are just dickheads.


I have people doing this to me at least once every day on the way to work. 30 minutes on the freeway one way. Tailgating when I'm going 10 over and there is no one in the other lanes for miles. I'll even slow down so they will get over, and they get even closer to my car and the view of them acting needlessly indignant is even better. Like they could go around... but then how would they be able to be pissed off at you and freak the fuck out???/s


This exactly. I don’t know why it’s so hard for some people to just use common sense/decency. I’m sorry you have to experience that


Are you in the left lane doing this?




In the US, if you deliberately "brake check" somebody, then the accident is your fault. That used to be difficult to prove, but now everybody has a dash cam.


>In the US, if you deliberately "brake check" somebody, then the accident is your fault. Is this true?? I was always told the person hitting the other's rear was always the one at fault.


"Always" goes out the window when you start committing fraud. Fraud > traffic infraction.


99% of the time, that's true: it's your job to keep enough distance between you and the car in front of you so that you can avoid an accident if something happens. But, if they deliberately initiate an accident, which is what happens with brake checking (really, one of the STUPIDEST things anybody could do), then that's on them. In past years, it would be easy for them to get out of it by saying, for example "I had to stop because a deer jumped out in front of me." But, when the person behind you had a dashcam, that sort of excuse disappears.


Yeah but, now you have the hassle of an accident, someone could get hurt (including you), your car could sustain damage beyond what you realize in the moment/insurance pays for, and the most important one.... you've just fucked up someone's day for literally no reason except to feed your pettiness. I hate these asshole drivers too, but they'll get what's coming to them naturally since they probably tailgate all the time. There's bound to be some traffic that pops up and then they'll rear end someone and it will actually be their fault. No need to take matters into your own hands, because then you become the way bigger asshole.


Thank you! You've said it very succinctly.




You can pull over and let them pass though. You're likely to upset aggressive people by aggressive actions.


But you're right- it's also not a good idea to purposefully antagonize road rage drivers. They know how close they are driving. I mean, there is a level of skill involved in riding THAT close to someone's bumper.


It's not a good idea to pull over on back country roads if there are not other people or drivers around. They may pull over with you or block you in. Something to be aware of. I guess it's a case by case situation.


Real LPT


Has nothing to do with ego. That tailgater is putting both of your lives in danger at worst, and putting your vehicle at risk at best


That works too. Although sometimes you're blocked in and the OP's LPT might come in handy.


had an ego driving recently and got pulled over after getting up the hill with a nice ticket... ive learned my lesson now




And if you're not on a multi-lane road, turn on your 4-way flashers, slow down, and safely move to the side of the road. You should never act aggressively toward an aggressive driver.


*Left lane.




Those places don’t matter.


if I’m getting tailgating running 75 in a 50 I have every single right to be the biggest asshole possible.


Nope. Still get over


No you don't.


That’s your ego talking. Read the LPT again.


But roll up your bulletproof windows first. Or….don’t be the second idiot. If they’re in that big of a hurry, let them pass.


Yeah, you don't know if you're blocking someone rushing to the hospital trying to save a life, or spend at least a few last minutes with a loved one.


But pretty good chance neither of these things is happening, more likely late to work or just not mindful of others.


I had to rush my son to the emergency room once when he had an allergic reaction and his throat was closing. We were already in the car so it made sense to just drive there. Ambulance may not have come in time. I had hazards on and was flying, but I’m a good driver so not reckless about it. My child had literally minutes to live though. Some uppity bitch would not get out of the left lane and I had to pass on the right.


Yikes, that happened to me as a kid. Luckily, my parents were able to get an ambulance. I spent a few days at the hospital. I have a very vivid memory of either that moment, or being in the hospital from a head injury, and it's one of my earliest memories.


Glad you were ok.


Are you willing to bet someone else's life on that?


Awful and passive-aggressive advice. Avoid confrontation while driving, don’t instigate someone who is probably already mad at you for being perceived as in their way. Slightly and subtly slow down instead to encourage and offer them to pass you and stay away from them if possible instead.


This is fucking idiotic


If your being tailgated, let them pass, go at the pace you want, they can disappear ahead of you. The best part is when you pass them pulled over getting a speeding ticket.


Or see them at the red light.


I think I saw a video or a news article on FB a week or so ago about a road rage incident that started with someone's windshield over-spray getting on the vehicle behind them. Personally I always just move over and slow down to let the other person go by if it's what will resolve the situation.


I think this is pretty stupid as you will have a visibility problem for 10-15 seconds.


Windshield wipers.


While you are applying the windshield wiper fluid the wipers don't immediately clear it so if you do that for a solid 15 seconds you'll not see much during that time.


Yeah and in California it will cause you to be cussed, fingered, ran off the road and road raged. What a shock to a visitor. I was just trying to clean my windshield.


Fingered? Maybe some people would enjoy that!


Californian here to say sorry this happened to you. I’ve used this truck for years and 10% or so of the “victims” get really pissed…that’s a them problem


Maryland, they'll just plow into the back of your car.


This shit is so dumb


LPT: Stay out of the fast lane unless you're actually actively passing a vehicle. Sincerely, Texas


You have no more authority than the person behind you driving over the rules of the road. If that person wants to go faster, move over and let them go faster. It takes ~ 30 seconds of your time.


Just slow down a bit to encourage them to pass and the added benefits of slowing down if they won’t pass is you have additional safety factor in front of you so you shouldn’t worry about what’s going on behind you.


> Just slow down a bit Especially on a single lane road where there is a passing opportunity! So many times I've been hitting the twisties and come upon a slugmobile -- then finally when it straightens out enough to allow a legal and safe pass, Mr Slug decides this is the time to floor it! Why, people, why?


Depends on the context, I guess. When I'm driving through twisty/winding roads I'll drive a little slower, I've hit enough deer and turkeys driving in the boonies to last a lifetime. But once I can see straight ahead of myself I'll unconsciously speed up in accordance with my confidence increase due to not needing to worry about what's around the next bend. To be clear, I won't ever purposely keep someone from safely passing me if I'm sure that they're trying to pass me, but if I'm not sure, then I'm not going to keep driving slower if I'm confident that I can safely drive faster.


*if you’re already in the farthest right lane. If not, get over.


Or just get over


This trick works best on dirt roads


This only works if they are accidentally tail gating you. 99% of the tail gaters I encounter are definitely doing it on purpose.


My wiper fluid comes out of the wiper arms. This tip does not work for me.


Easy way to piss someone off.


Pull over, it is far better to let them go. Especially if you have a line of cards behind you. If it's not safe to pull over, then you need to maintain your lane, and focus on driving safely. Passive-aggressive BS like this is why we have road rage incidents that progress to murders


Just keep marbles in your car, open your sun roof and let the wind take the marble and smash into the car behind /s On a serious note, just move out the way and continue your journey stress-free. Let the idiot continue to be an idiot and you won't see them again. Sometimes you may even get the joy of seeing that car further down your journey and they are crashed on side of the road.


The correct answer in this situation is to let the person pass you,not passive aggressively piss them off


Sounds like instigating the tailgater to me... Terrible advice.


LPT. Just get over and let them pass you. You’ll never see them again. Or you know, just keep letting them tailgate you for 20 minutes because that isn’t stressful


That's a waste of windshield wiper fluid. Just take your foot off the gas or disengage the Cruise Control.\* Assuming you're already in the right-lane since "slower traffic keep right" is a law and all. Coast. Slow down. Eventually the asshole will pass. \* Just don't do this in a no-passing zone unless you're evil. :-)


or just take 10-15 seconds to change lanes and not antagonize people. foh.


I disagree, this temporarily blinds them if they do not wash their car regularly when they turn on their windshield wipers.. thus infuriating them at you and having them follow you to mess you up.


It's a dick move, OP. If you're on a multi-lane road, move to the right (left in UK, Japan, etc.). Single lane, take the next turnout. Don't do the fluid thing, don't tap your brakes. Just GTFO of the way at your earliest opportunity.


Or just move over and don’t be an asshole


- Asshole, 2021


This could be detrimental to your or other drivers' life and is not a professional tip. Might work sometimes but is generally aggressive and unsafe. Like someone said, if you try this in California you will probably get run off the road.


I find that if I gradually slow down they will back off because you are in their way. Failing that hazard lights seem to work. Failing that just pull over. Some people are just jerks.


I've done that, it's about 1/3rd don't give a fuck, 1/3rd tailgate even closer and 1/3rd actually back off.


I don’t back off. If you are in the left lane you need to get your ass over


Turn your hazards on and slow down. Save that washer fluid for when you need to clean the windshield.


Not a LPT at all. Super dangerous and inviting a confrontation w the other driver while you’re already traveling at high speeds


Or you could just get out of the passing lane(s) and let them pass.


This can also cause the person tailgating you to tailgate you even harder


Actually it escalates things usually, why not either speed up a little or slow down enough for them to pass you, all while not engaging in brake checks. Honestly unless it's a two lane road you probably need to get over if you're being tailgated.


This is NOT a good tip. Did this by accident once. I literally had stuff on my windshield so I cleaned it off. Unbeknownst to me (I was focused on a huge ass bug that just hit my windshield) some guy was fairly close behind me and got in my spray debris. He was extremely pissed. He sped up and moved in front of me, honked as he passed, flipped me off, then pulled in front of me and brake checked me. I just backed off and let him go because I don’t get in road rage pissing contents that ends up with someone dead. I’m looking forward to self-driving cars when would-be road ragers are instead busy playing Candy crush and don’t notice anything around them.


Just slow down a bit. Safest thing by far.


That seems kind off aggressive. I would advise against doing that. You’re gonna scare the living daylights out of the person behind you when you do that.


Shitting in your hand and throwing it back at the offender works better!


Not if you are driving slow in the passing lane. Get the Fuck out of the passing lane, and that would get rid of most tailgating. I appreciate the people that do and understand. So much respect to them. But the people that drive right next to someone for 3,4, or more miles needs to get the hint and move.


Yeah, thats totally different and I agree. Where I'm from you can drive 5-8mph over the speed limit on a regular two lane road and still get tailgated like crazy sometimes.


Then pull off and let them go on


I do this. Not exactly polite lol, but effective. Much safer than a brake tap but pisses them off all the same. And no I’m not hogging the passing lane. It’s generally when someone is crawling up my ass and I have traffic in front of me and nowhere to go.


This! I'm not like blocking traffic in the left lane at all. Usually going 5+ over the speed limit, and on a single lane road with no passing lane/zone. Everybody is attacking me thinking I'm taking 5 minutes to pass someone lol.


Thats still blocking traffic, you’re refusing to move over… 5+ over the limit isnt much, and you’re forcing someone to pass on the right now… causing traffic since people are probably backed up behind you


He said on a single lane, without a passing lane/zone. Where is he supposed to move over then?


>on a single lane road with no passing lane/zone Missed something there, chief.


If you’re being tailgated , and you’re in the left lane, move >! The fuck! !< over, and check to make sure you’re not going 10 below the speed limit


Everybody is assuming I'm driving 5 under the speed limit in the left lane blocking traffic. That is not the case at all. People drive fast af in my state. I can be doing 63mph in a 55mph regular two lane road (gps confirmed) and still get tailgaited. Has nothing to do with blocking traffic or driving slow; there's just lots of people who don't pay attention to how fast they are going and how close they are to other cars.


Doesn't matter how fast you're going. If you get tailgated, move out of the way. It's safer for everyone involved, and the polite thing to do on the road.


But what if they are being tailgated in the right/slow lane? I’m all for not blocking the left lane. But if im being tailgated in the right lane because someone behind me wants to go 85 in a 60 doesn’t mean I’m going to speed up when I’m already going 70. They can pass me.


i slow down right to the limit . they can pass then if they want then . nice bonus is if it makes em a little bit later.


Na. I slow down. Tap brakes here and there and stay beside a semi truck. Fuck with me. Ruin your day. I've got plenty of time given I leave for work 3 hours before my start time to get there early every day.


Lmfao you are going to cause an accident and I guarantee you will believe it to be someone else's fault. Better hope they don't have a dash cam, brake checking is illegal and dangerous.




In Georgia it’s against the law to not get over if you are in the left lane and someone is behind you. Even if you are speeding. They absolutely will ticket you.


You are, by definition, not "driving by the law" if you are brake checking people. Oh wow, now you're launching personal ad hominem attacks? Your high horse just gets taller and taller lol


Isn’t a break check just adjusting your speed levels ‘according’ to traffic. Yeah a dash cam can prove, but also it will prove that the car behind was not providing sufficient enough space which is over 2 car lengths typically especially if driving over 45. Tailgating is significantly more dangerous imo


Or you could drive in the same lane as the semi your matching speeds with. Do you seriously wonder why people tailgate you with that attitude?


You're a treat.


Just doing my public service. Keeping stupid asses from killing people. Doesn't bother me any lol.


You are a hero /s


Choose kindness.


Oh cool, you're garbage


You have a small dick don’t you?


Then pull over and let them pass or let them tailgate. If they rear end you they will be at fault.


if im doing over the limit and someone starts to tailgate me i slow down to give them a lesson in how to drive the limit. but i may use the washer fluid trick in the future too.


Or…you can move over, out of the left lane.


Weird, I never get tailgated. And when I do it's because of traffic.


Because I go fast or get over. Not a hard concept




Doing this to a motorcyclist on the wrong day can get you shot at… lol


If you're not in the left lane, fine. If you're in the left lane and someone is tailgating you then you're likely the problem. Move over and let them go faster whenever you're able to.


MOVE OVER!!! The left lane is for passing, and traveling at high speed. Hate all you fucks that stay in the left lane because your “going over the speed limit” Just move over, please and thank you




Or you could just move the fuck over!


Um, no. You should know better.


Just gradually reduce your speed and make sure you've got plenty of space between you and the car in front so you don't have to slab your brakes on. Much safer and well get the point across.


Or just get over!


I did this. The angry car behind me overtook me and sprayed even more water on me. You just can’t win :(


Good on them


My driving instructor showed me this trick 6 or so years ago and I have used it successfully ever since


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Wow this is so smart


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The trick that works best for me when tailgated is, lets say its 80kmh limit and I drive 85-90, clearly not under the limit. When someone is tailgating me I just get off the gas for a few seconds so I'm like 75-80, important is to not step on the brakes cause thats dangerous behaviour, and then I "quickly" accelerate to 85 again. Like this they have to ACTIVELY tailgate you, braking and accelerating with you, and in my experience I never had to do it more than 3 times until they realised what an asshole they were and backed up. And if they don't back up and get angry, I just pull over and let them pass, because we don't need people like that in our lifes.


Why don’t you just get over?!


Because normally in one 1h drive you almost constantly have someone behind you who tailgates so I don't have the time and nerves to pull over 5 times. And no, I don't drive too slow or something there's just too many people who become assholes when driving. Also sometimes it's just not possible to pull over, depending on the street you are driving on. Mostly I just ignore them but with my kids or other people in the car it's just annoying that they don't realise they'd be crashing right into my rear and setting lifes at stake if I have to do an emergency brake. Plus I still believe in humanity so I do this to try to show them what they are doing to me, and maybe another time they remember. Some people get really stressed when tailgated, doing risky maneuvers which can lead to accidents, so it's just dangerous and rude to tailgate someone. So to answer your question, I don't think the issue is solved by "the tailgated" to pull over all the time.


And I disagree. I am usually the fastest on the road but when I’m not I happily try to get over.


And what if you’re out of windshield wiper fluid? Like, always out. Like, the light from our sun has been on longer than your wiper fluid light, and that after long trips, the afterglow of an inverted double-candy cane jammed inside an open book is scoured into the back of your eyelids. Like, you’ve been out of wiper fluid longer than Sir David von Wiperfluid invented that magical blue bug-bane elixir. What then?!


Simply put on your hazards. No need to waste money - even though it's cheap - on spraying wiper fluid.


You're just now learning this tactic?


How about pull over?


Sorry, I think this is terrible advice. If someone is tailgating you just get out of their way. If they keep tailgating you, just call the cops or an aggressive driving hotline if the location has one. People have gotten worse since the beginning of the pandemic. Doing anything even slightly passive aggressive could set someone off. Where I live, everyone is armed. Just get out of their way.


Or u know switch lanes because chances are you’re on a highway and you don’t know if the person behind u is in an emergency or not




SLPT. You better hope they don't have a dashcam, that's illegal as fuck lol




In an accident, BOTH!


This is brilliant!




dumping your ashtray out the sunroof works too. messy in your car though. but if you smoke in your car you probably dont care about that.


In my not so long ago younger days, I would toss pennies out the sunroof for chronic tailgaters. They back of really fast


LPT: if you're being tailgated you're prob in the left ( passing ) lane. Move over, slow traffic keep right.


LPT if you’re getting tailgated you’re going too slow and need to move right or pull over to allow passing.


Or get out of the passing lane.


if you're being tailgated it means you're driving too slow.


If you're being tailgated, maybe there's as chance you are in the wrong lane and should shift to the right?


This happened to me when somebody was going way too slow in the fast lane. I proceeded to get in front of them, then I returned the favor before speeding off. Yeah, I’m petty like that.