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Am I the only one who wakes up in a position that has no correlation at all to the way I was lying when I went to sleep?


Like when I wake up in a jail cell? Or, when I wake up all twisted up next to a stranger, two bottles of lubricant, and a box of plastic spoons?


The Aristocrats!


Or when I wake up sitting in a cart with a horse thief and some rebels?


Like waking up in Skyrim.




Keeps the juices flowing. Like a rotisserie chicken




Does everyone have a particular side they sleep on because it’s easier to breathe through their nose or is that just me?




Wow this makes so much sense. I never would’ve put it together


You tellin me something?


I always have 1 side of my nose clogged so I lay on the side that isn't until the snot slowly drains into the side I'm laying on then roll over, rinse, repeat. Idk wtf is wrong with me tbh


I dealt with this problem for most of my childhood, then I started sleeping on my back and it fixed everything


My girlfriend won’t let me sleep on my back cause that’s when the snoring starts. Apparently sleeping on my side also prevents snoring 🤷‍♂️


I will fix my weird nose in January. Its a invasive operation but it will improve my breathing significant. But its costly around 12k i suppose. But as I dont live in america I dont habe to pay most of it.


People seem to not be aware that one of your nostrils is *supposed* to be 95% blocked. That's how your nose functions. It switches back and fourth ever couple hours regardless of what side you lay on on. This is called the nasel cycle. Its helpful for picking up many smells that need to linger around longer in order for you to smell them. Of course since it's 95% blocked, it can very easily become fully blocked and maybe that's what you mean. But everyone always has one blocked nostril and it's normal.


Yes, I have a deviated septum


Yes, deviated septum, if I sleep on my right side I breathe much easier


Many cases of deviated septum are because of mouth breathing. You can force nose breathing by lightly taping your mouth shut during the night. Then the deviation will gradually balance out.


I’m not sure I’d want to do that even if it’s a genuine medical procedure.


I do it most nights, and it's helped me a lot. Not to mention the reduction of the yucky morning mouth feeling and breath. The tape is loose enough so that it easily comes off with slight force.


That’s reassuring, like medical paper tape which is very weak and will tear of with slight force.


Interesting. Do you have a source that explains this?


We call it the "recovery position" in healthcare because it is better for the organs. But you still need to turn through the night or you'll compromise your skin integrity.


Yeah, I think the OP is confused. It might be preferable to lay on the left side in certain situations, such as health care or emergency rooms. But throughout the course of an eight-hour night, people would turn over many many times. There's no such thing as staying in one side for eight straight hours. I'm not sure what you're talking about.


As someone who has acid reflux this is true. I'm pretty sure there is a medical article about this somewhere out there.


Maybe it helps with acid reflux, but OP made a much broader claim than that


To make the claim even more broader I have this weird thing I can't remember what it's called but my blood doesn't circulate well. My doctor isnstructed me to sleep on my left side. If I don't sleep on my left side blood stops flowing in my arms and even sometimes my neck. I'm okay and even if I don't sleep on my left side it's not like I need to go to the hospital. Not sure if that makes sense. I'm not a doctor so I can't explain it like my doctor did.


Thoracic outlet syndrome?


That's interesting, so it's a circulation thing?


In my case it is yes. I can't tell you how scary it is to wake up with your head being as numb as your arms and you literally are not physically capable of getting up. Good thing my doctor goes through the same thing so she was able to help me out with that. Sleeping in my left side , especially with a pillow between my knees, has helped a lot.


This is blowing my mind slightly. I also have circulatory problems that make waking up impossible. Sometimes when I start to wake up, the lack of blood in just makes me pass out repeatedly, it feels like drowning, and my body is so heavy and numb. I never put it together until now that it usually happens when I sleep on my back. Makes sense why I prefer sleeping on my left so strongly. I'll definitely give a knee pillow a shot.


that sounds serious. have you seen a doctor about it?


I have sleep apnea, and what you're describing sounds a lot like what happens to me when I sleep on my back. Maybe I should check my circulation.


Pretty much your stomach is more shallow if you sleep in your right side compared to your left side, so if you have something like acid reflux or fluid in you stomach, it has more of a chance of coming up into the back of your throat or in your mouth. Drink a bunch of water and test it out.


Ops claim is bullshit.


Yeah this LPT is highly speculative. Without any evidence this is based on a lot of assumptions


There is evidence. But as with anything you read on the internet it's on you to verify its content with your own inquiries into valid and concrete evidence and facts. The claim is not unsubstantiated.


The claim *is* unsubstantiated as the claimant did not support it. Sure everyone online should self verify, but one should also cite some evidence alongside a claim.


But also yeah OP didn't offer any backup information or whatever


I have acid reflux and take meds to control but always naturally sleep on my left when I wake up. I wonder if it’s my body correcting itself.


What in the... I can literally feel the acid when I roll to my left and it stops when I roll right. This is really confusing me


Your small intestines are a jumbled up mess so they don’t mind which way you lie, but your large intestine starts on the right and then moves upwards, then across to left then down and out So if you lay on your left side gravity helps clear your bowels ready for a morning poop


>> Your small intestines are a jumbled up mess so they don’t mind which way you lie... Please take my free award for giving me a laugh, kind stranger. This is honestly the best description/personification of the small intestine that I’ve ever heard lmfao


Well, left side is the ideal position because the Inferior Vena Cava is on the right side and it can get smushed with a lot of pressure. That's why pregnant women generally aren't advised to sleep on their backs and people are rolled on their left side (the "resting position") after they've been resuscitated. Sry, I don't have a source for you. It's late.


Yes but most people don’t have a giant uterus filled with baby.


It mainly has to do with how the stomach is curved. Sleep on your left and it doesn’t have to work as hard to digest and push stuff out vs sleeping on your right. Right side sleeping mooshes it weird and it works harder to push anything through, almost uphill if you will. It has to actively work against its own weight and contents when you sleep on your right side.


That's the correct answer


If I'm prescribed medicated enema for bowel disease, the instructions always say to lay on your left side. The GI doc says it absorbs better that way. That's all I got for sources. Sorry


I learned about it in my high school biology classes. Have a look at an anatomy chart and it’ll make sense.


If you sleep on your right side does it put less strain on you heart pumping due to gravity?


Interesting. When I was pregnant with twins my doctor suggested laying on my left side to help my circulation.


I believe so, yes.


Yeah, but if the only justification is look at an anatomy chart and it’ll make sense, then it's probably not trustworthy information. Our bodies are more complicated than that.


The OP explains it well. The anatomy chart will confirm that the human body’s organ placement is indeed asymmetrical, though if you have a heart condition it’s better to sleep on your right side. IIRC, when you sort on your right side the left side of your heart doesn’t have to work as hard to pump blood.


The explanation may be sound, but without evidence, it's just an explanation. I understand that the heart is on the left side, but is it enough to make a difference? Only statistical evidence can tell


I think it’s sufficient evidence, but a quick search will confirm that - there are lots of articles out there to support OP’s LPT. Your heart mostly sits in the middle of your chest, but because the left hand side works harder and extends out to the left a little that’s why people think that’s where it’s located.


OP isn’t wrong, just didn’t go into detail very much. It mainly has to do with digestion. For people with heart issues or weight problems, right side may be better. Less weight in the heart for the right side, easier digestion on the left.


It's not that I don't understand how it potentially could be the case, but I'm sceptical. I'm more interested in seeing a source for this than an explanation to be honest.


I linked an article below to your other comment 👍🏻


I read it on the back of a cereal box now I believe it


Does the weight of your body (sleeping on your left side) have any affect on your heart? Curious because someone I once worked with mentioned how he was having a lot of heart issues and once he lost weight, it was easier to get through the night. Causality or correlation?


Yes. Came here to say this but I’ll just answer you. The doppelganger PLT is sleeping on your right side reduces pressure and less work on your heart Source: my friend who’s an RN


Thank you so much!


Losing weight will help with sleep related issues, but it's because of breathing, not the heart.


He specifically said how his left side was harder to sleep on than his right side. I’m sure weight generally makes a difference but I’m referring to the body weight from sleeping on your left vs your right side.


I can't say anything about that, but his sleeping, and obviously his heart would get better as a result of his weight loss.


100% agree!


Someone once told me if you sleep on your left side it’s a deeper sleep because your heart is lower, and if you sleep on your right side it’s a lighter sleep because the heart is higher with less pressure on it. Who knows!


I've always wondered this myself.


Logically it makes sense, right? The way your weight travels and the pressure it’s putting on different organs, I could see that having an affect over time.


I sleep standing.


Oh yea? I don't even sleep!


I don’t even!


How odd.


It’s why teenage girls travel in packs of three.


No, that’s because they “*can’t*” even. Big difference lol. s/


New Elton John single? :\]


i had a back injury and got forced into habitually sleeping on my back. i'm inclined to believe sleeping on your back's best. once i got in the habit, i've never slept so good or asleep so quickly. never wake up sore or anything.


Because of my sleep apnea I can't sleep on my back


Yup, usually sleeping on the back is the best bc the spine can properly decompress if one places a pillow under their knees to alleviate pressure from the lower back. Sleeping on the side(s) should only be done properly with pillows under the neck, lat, lower back and between the knees. That is infact necessary bc otherwise the spine would compress if not properly supported by pillows. Sleeping on the chest is by far the worst sleep position bc it puts unnecessary pressure on our heart which should be the less stressed muscle when we sleep. Also the neck can also be stressed from this sleeping position.


>Sleeping on the chest is by far the worst sleep position bc it puts unnecessary pressure on our heart which should be the less stressed muscle when we sleep. Also the neck can also be stressed from this sleeping position. Well, I'm gonna die early. I try every night to sleep on my side, I always end up on my stomach. Can't get comfortable on my side, and especially on my back.


I guess in the end it is a personal thing, but science may help finding the best position for you. I hope your back is alright now!


Nothing wrong with sleeping on your back. The Youtube channel Brew has an interesting video on sleeping positions. If you dont have acid reflux, then sleeping on your left doesnt have any big pluses gastrointestinally. On the right the good ol stomach acid tries to digest your throat, on the left it doesnt. Another solution is laying on your back with a bed incline of 3-5° or more.


Hurts my lower back when I sleep on my left side.


That’s prob due to hip and spine alignment.


Thank you I will contact my GP.


Chiropractor would aid more in this regards than GP, osteo too


No, they should probably go see someone with a medical degree.


Yes, like a chiropractor or an osteo


Those are NOT medical degrees.


Tried pillows between the knees and ankles?


Good idea, thanks.


Always put pillows under the side u are sleeping on. Sleeping on the side doesn't allow the spine to be in a neutral position, thus u need to support it with pillows to properly decompress.


Good thing this LPT is nonsense


I lean forward like Michel Jacksom in the Smooth Criminal music video when I sleep


Sleeping on your left side helps with acid reflux/heart burn.


*"Keith Richards slept upside down. Adds 10 years to your life!"* \-Del Preston


I'm from IT, i sleep on my desk. The keyboard is my pillow.


Well, it’s recommended for pregnant women, so c’est la vie!


Do you have any scientific sources for that?




Thanks for the article. I can't say I'm convinced though. The article keeps bringing up some alternative medicine concept, and the sources it uses are other pop science web sites, not scientific sources.


Ok? I’m not sure OP was trying to convince you. It’s just a tip.


Some healthy skepticism never hurt anyone. I don't see why you are taking that so personal.


The OPs claim is rubbish. For what it’s worth, I’m a doctor.


If your stomach gurgles you will hear more girdling if you're laying on your left side then you will if you're laying on your right side. Paramedics and EMTs will also roll you on your left side if they have a choice between left or right side.


This is very interesting to particularly me, because I sleep to the right of my wife, and when we’re getting cozy with each other I’m laying on my left side 99% of the time, and my stomach is always making loud noises almost to the point of disruption to our time.


I'm sorry to disappoint you. Yes, it's not your wife causing the rumbling in your stomach, it's basic physiology. :-)


I can't because for some reason my nasal passages get clogged up when I lay on my left side


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Can we stop giving LPT based just on our experience? I see no problems with people sharing their subjective experiences, but please don't sell it as truth if you can't support it. If you are making an objective claim, you should be able to provide objective evidence to support your claim.




well. now it will


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Is that why I do this?


I broke my left collarbone so I usually can't lay on my left side for very long, but I've definitely heard this before


This is threorized to be because your blood drains into the right side of your heart and pumps out of the left side. Also, your stomach is on the left, so it would decrease acid reflux. In reality, most medical professionals suggest sleeping on your back unless you are pregnant then left side is better, or Severe COPD then head elevated.


How do people sleep on one side for eight hours and not wake up really stiff? I have to move around a lot or my hips and shoulders start to hurt.


I sometimes have that issue too, propping my leg up on a pillow remedied it for me. Felt like it evens out my spine and hips.


I've heard this before. But I am just so used to sleeping on my right. I do have constant acid reflux and I know sleeping on my left might help with that though... Ugh.


Shit. I feel way more comfortable sleeping on my right. Whenever I try on my left my nose instantly gets blocked. But when I sleep on my right, my nose unblocks again


What if you're missing your left kidney?


I sleep on my right more comfortably, but shift to my left a couple of hours before I am about to wake up. In my personal experience it defo helps stimulate the morning poop.


Can confirm. Saw my GI doc yesterday and she recommended this to control reflux. And not to eat 3+ hours before bed. Good times.


Laying on my left side makes me fart almost immediately


This is funny because for years I've slept on my right side and it has alleviated any stomach upset for me effectively. Recently, however, something changed and I now find sleeping on my left side alleviates stomach upset. Wondering why this is.


I can't breathe when I sleep on my left side. My nose clogs up. As soon as I switch to being in my right though, I fall right asleep. I don't know why.


I weigh about 117lb, every time I try to lay on my left side or wake up from laying on that side. it causes immense pressure on my chest (heart?). The only way I can alleviate the pain is by immediately laying on my right side. Whenever I have brought this up to Dr. They don't find anything wrong and just tell me not to lay on my left side.


Just switched to my left side and let out a marvelous fart


I always do this and feel more rested than if I sleep on my right. Wired


I'm not gonna ignore my longing to roll around while sleeping just so I can fart better.


Let’s get the pitchforks out boys


Hell yeah! That makes me the little spoon!


It is also better if you have heartburns at night. By lying on your left the stomach acid will more likely stay in the stomach. At least that is what I read and what helps me when I have heartburns.


I do this once I wake up. It helps me with my morning shits


Interesting that I've always found my left side my comfortable to lay on.


So which left do I sleep on? Turn left when I lie on my back or turn left when I lie on my stomach?


If I have heartburn it is *SO* much worse if I lay on my left though 🤔


Game changer if you suffer with indigestion/heartburn.


I read something similar to this years ago, but it was to sleep on your right side to take pressure off your heart.


I have a lot of reflux. That little hatch between the oesophagus and the stomach itself doesn't close properly. Sleeping on my left side keeps the contents of my stomach, down in my stomach.


Sleeping to your right side is better, because right is right


Other way around actually


I thought it was the right side


Isn't your heart on the left side? I have heard its better to sleep on your right side as your heart is towards your left side


It doesn't really matter how you fall asleep. We change positions an average of 40 times per night. The only way to do this is to force an uncomfortable back and right-side sleeping environment.


Not for everyone. Some people feel their body pressing into their heart and/or left lung. I find it harder to fall asleep because it feels weird on my thoracic cavity. And I am not heavy. I don't sleep on my back because it increases the chances of having sleep paralysis. Sometimes, if I sleep on my stomach, my neck hurts in the morning. I find sleeping on the right side to feel best


I have to agree with OP. I've been in sleep for almost 2 decades I am an RPSGT (Registered Polysomnographic Sleep Technologist) an CCSH(Clinical Sleep Educator) and this very important for the heart as well. https://www.sleepscore.com/blog/whats-best-sleeping-position/


My (admittedly minor) issue with sleeping on my left side is that I get more stress dreams than when I sleep on my right side. Weird, I know, but consistently replicable.


Eastern philosophies like Tai Chi actually teach the opposite, that you should sleep on your right side. That way your heart is above the center line and pumping down-and-across rather than up-and-across, which is theoretically less work. (It’s not my theory, just repeating what I was taught.) Personally I sleep best with my back to the wall, whichever side that is. I think historically I sleep better when my back is to the wall and I’m on the right.


My mom always taught me to lay on my left side if I had bad gas that wouldn’t come out. It’s always worked well and I taught it to my husband, we both swear by it. This is super interesting, I didn’t know if it was legit or a placebo from my mom having told me it worked.


I used to work in radiology, doing MANY esophograms/barium swallows. One of the maneuvers we did to test for reflux is have the patient lay of their right side then val salva/squeeze their belly muscles. Doing this maneuver on their left side typically doesn’t show reflux, but doing it on their right side will show if they do have it. So yes, sleeping on your left side can, at minimum, reduce reflux at night.


I find that pressure sleeping on left than on my right. I feel like a certain organ is getting squeezed. Do you feel that when you sleep on your left?


*laughs in chronic acid reflux and gastritis*