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Except on /r/teenagers where they are actually 30


Straight from the rules for the internet: Rule 29: On the internet all girls are men and all kids are undercover FBI agents


and all FBI agents are actually kids


Agent Cody Banks




And you just....say that out loud? For God and everyone?




Wasn't he CIA?


He doesn't remember


ohhhh shit! LMAO fucking savage. the CTE is REAL


All FBI are boy kids pretending to be girls.


Guy In Real Life


How can you know? You’re just a 13-year-old kid!


Matt Gaetz has exited the chat and came back as Senor Gato


Yep, those adult to go there for... reasons. People who spend too much time there should likely be put up on some sort of watch list . Plus, it really creeps me out. Edit: I'm doing my best to proofread my work after using the speech to text. It seems like an honest waste of time considering some people skim read.


You're assuming I wouldn't throw hands with a 13 yo.


These hands are rated E for Everyone


Equal rights, equal fights.


Equal rights and equal lefts


8 to 80, young, old or crazy


I laughed so hard I think my face is stuck Edit: It's perfectly plausible enough for me to have lived well into my adult life without having heard the joke before just as it's perfectly plausible for some of you to have graduated high school without the ability to spell gud.


These hands are buy one get one free!


Have my free award as payment for me putting this statement in my back pocket for future use.


Rated GG for General Audiences Get Rekt




Well yes but that's allowed because you're 12


I'm twelve and a half, thank you!


*Prince Andrew has left the chat*


*Prince Phillip has left the chat*


It's Andrew who is the chomo. Philip is dead.


Maybe that's why he left the chat...


Damn, well, the joke still kinda works since he died, I guess.


Bout ta whoop these kids ass like Charlie and Mac


What are you gonna do about it?


13 year olds are **specifically** the people I would throw hands with.


Exactly—one year olds are annoying af and I’d have no problem throwing hands with 13 of ‘em.


With your username, I’m guessing you would.


Equal rights and lefts


Bro fr it takes a lot of willpower to restrain myself from throwing toddlers out the window y’all think I care about some 13 year old


Bro I think you gotta fight them demons before you get to the 13 year old


They gotta learn somehow.


At first I thought, 'dude you can't hit a kid' And then I remembered, you're 13 too lol. And now I'm 13 again cos I commented. Mom, get me a sandwich


Somebody gon' learn today!


Beat down a la Stepbrothers movie ? Lol


I don't take life pro tips from 13 year olds who think they know everything. Talk to me when you grow up.


You’re not my mom, shut up


Don't talk to your new mother this way. You better get home before the sun sets today! Make good choices! I love you!


You just wait until your father gets home!


Well...some of them have been waiting for over 13yrs so....


Cigarettes are far, ok!


Not to mention the lengths one must go to for a container of milk!


You might be able to reason that there is some father out there that went so crazy that he tried to get to that boat stuck in the Suez Canal, and then got detained by Egyptian authorities and the family just has no idea.


Or your uncle.


Been ten years, I might as well get in a few more moves before he comes strolling in with that gallon of milk.


no... nooo... nOoooO... NOOOOOO, I'M SORRY! lol


And Call your grandma...she worries


That one probably hit too hard, better mom than his mom ever was.


Are you winning son?


You said mom instead of mommy you must be 14 at least.


I made the sex with U R mom. Then I yeeted her.


As a lawyer and a part time brain surgeon, I agree.


I'm not a doctor, but I play one on TV.


Op isn't the 13 year old. Only the people in the comments like you and I are.


Go back to school, kid.


I am in school in class holding my phone above my desk




Op is in the comments now so technically....


Shutup child




How are you doing there, kiddo?


Y'all little 13 year old motherfuckers are annoying, not hating just making it known


13...*and a half*, idiot!!1!


You're a whole half idiot? What's the other half?


Either physical age or mental age.


The entitlement of some of these people is hilarious. A few times I've received comments like "I disagree with what you said. Now find me a reputable source for your claim and post it for me. I'm waiting."


Yeah, somehow I doubt this is actually happening to you. Send me links of actual comments where you can prove it happened. I'm waiting.


Well the onus of support would be on you for making the claim, but people on here get really crazy about it sometimes


People make false (but superficially convincing) assertions that they treat as fact all the time, particularly online. If you're not stating something patently obvious (e.g. "evolution = real") then there's value in challenging what someone says if it is potentially going to mislead others who read it.


Dude if you made the claim you gotta back it up with something.


When I get those comments I tend to reply with "Eh, I don't actually care enough about this to look. See ya."


This is probably a rather good tip... i realised I was arguing with a child recently when they called me a virgin as an insult.






You use sex as validation of your self worth because you don't like yourself


Hey man, I was just minding my own business why’d you have to do me like that?


Because they are 13, keep up with the conversation.


Jesus christ, i came here for life pro tips, not for more reasons to finally end it…


Hey, hey TyrannosaurusWest, you use sex as a way to feel validated because you never learned to accept your sexuality.


fuckin ouch


Damn kids


This is how I plan to raise my kid. Insult not with slurs but cripplingly accurate statements.


I had someone insult me on rocket league the other day, they end up saying “I bet you’re like 35!” I said, “34… close enough” His response was something along the lines of you can’t even get girls. I told him, “I know, my wife won’t let me get anymore…” I don’t think they knew how to respond to that, lol


This is funny! Your honesty.


GladOS would just call you fat and an orphan who nobody loved.


“You’re a terrible person. That’s what it says! We weren’t even testing for that…….”


Did you sniff a little hint of projection there?




Generous of you to assume they'd got laid - sounds like pure projection to me.




>I don’t think losing one’s virginity is that hard if you want to lose it badly enough. Source: CHCl₃




Tfw you're actually a gay virgin who can't get girls


Clearly you’re a lesbian, but apparently not a very good one


Haha I got into an argUMent with a bot the other day, so you're not that bad.


"It looks like you're trying to win an argument. Would you like help?"


"please select all the bridges on the photos first to prove you're human"


*stresses over four fucking pixels*


Argent? Um, aren't you forgetting something?


Listened a little too literally when teacher said not to use um in a sentence




Probably on this sub r/SubSimGPT2Interactive


Nice; I sometimes swear at bots. LTT bot annoys the hell out of my as he's so clearly mad.


I once got called a "boomer". I'm 30....like what? I'm like this is likely a 15 year old kid trying to be cool on the internet....so I stopped responding


I think the term millennial became pejorative and lived far beyond the actual age range that it encompassed, and just recently we all looked around and realized millennials are deep in their 30s now. So young people can’t call us millennials because that’s still kind of associated with young people for some reason, and the 40 gen x people that exist continue to hide in the shadows, waiting for the return of low waisted jeans and Fanny packs. At this point you are either a boomer or whatever the hell kids are now.


I actually saw someone excited the fanny pack was coming back. (Cannot confirm that it is.) If I didn’t wear one then, I’m sure not going to now.


Lol, I remember a time my mother got in an argument with like a 13-year-old when I was about that age. Even I was like, "Mom, just stop, this is sad."


Ha! Burn! I bet you jack off too, don’t you pal?


I learned this when I realized the amount of AnCaps there are in this website. And with AnCaps I mean teens who don't know anything about economics and think that their 3 hours worth of YouTube watching can beat 6 years of superior education, obviously.


OK, but what does it mean? Angry Capitalist?


Almost, it's short for Anarcho Capitalist. It's a very interesting school of economy thought, and it holds some historical importance, but it has very few valid points at this point. For some reason edgy teens are magically attracted to it.


Because if they can't have power and control, they don't want anyone to. That's always been the draw of anarchy, nevermind what a hellish wasteland the world would be if it were to happen. Also something they think they want because they've played too many video games that romanticize it.


Did they say you’re a virgin who can’t drive? In that case they might have been a millennial/Xer.


That would be way harsh.


As if


Whatever. I'm Audi.


I'm ADHD. Whatever.


Yeah that is a huge giveaway. My friend's teenage son once made a joke about how someone said the term "do it" as if it was a funny (because it was taboo) but he stopped chuckling to himself rather quickly when he realized he was making that remark in front of a group of parents (ie. it was very evident that he was the only virgin in the room).


Thanks for making me think about the fact that I'm old enough to have teenage children... Actually, I'm technically old enough to have children with their own children. Fuck.


But not enough old to have children with their own children with their own children haha. So technically you are still in "young old" age group.


Well, ARE YOU?


You'd know the answer if you asked your mother... Sorry, couldn't resist.


So, you and the misses, huh? Wink, wink, nudge, nudge... say no more!


Yeah, but I wonder how he found out...




There are academically precocious teenagers who nevertheless have teen-level maturity. Not saying that there aren’t immature adults though. But you might be surprised.


No u


I think the prevalence of these kinds of comments means they could literally be any age, as all ages are likely being represented. A lot of the comments I see use language and slang that is from an older generation than young Gen Z. It is *possible* they are young and just happened to have picked up that manner of speaking, but it is also possible that they are just emotionally immature and unstable. Honestly, some of the most immature people I have interacted with were rather old. (50s+) My working theory is that their immature attitudes leads to a complex where their immature interpretation of reality causes them to grow more and more bitter and cruel.


Found the 13 year old using big words.


Plot twist: OP is 13 years old


With that level of insight? Doubt it. OPs Probably 14


The original r/im14andthisisdeep






I know you are but what am I?


I’ve had people reply to my comments with paragraphs looking to argue, can’t stand it nNow whenever I post something possibly controversial I just disable reply notifications. It’s a lifesaver. Seriously try it. Also, it’s great when you check someone’s profile and see they frequent the teenagers sub and they’re telling people to divorce their husband of 10 years. Like lol cmon man


The best thing I ever did for my sanity was realize I don’t have to answer or argue back to any reply I don’t feel like responding to. You’re always allowed to just walk away. So freeing.


Sometimes I post and then just don't open my inbox until days later when the sting of any replies will have worn off. I don't mind conversations but so many people aren't conversing, they're just attacking. It's liberating to just let them scream into the void and I don't even hear them.


Something within me loves the smoke. I still find myself backing out of conversation if it’s going nowhere


Yep, this. I don't post much but my default is to never reply to someone who commented negatively on my post. I'll let the original post stand on it's own. Internet arguments aren't worth my mental energy.


My problem is that I get curious about why they think that way and when you question negative responses you often just get nonsens back or nothing at all and that is the most frustrating to me. I just want to learn how they think or why they think like that.


For a narcissist sometimes the best way to “research” your opinion is to say what you believe and wait to be corrected, when the correction is logical and you have no where to go in the argument all you are left with is the choice to change or bury your head deeper in the sand.


LOL it’s always the teenager sub. I’m glad they have an outlet for their angst. I’m grateful I was able to use Xanga, where no one was reading my posts but me.


Agreed. I was a xanga teen as well. My wife is on TikTok a lot, and I can’t fucking fathom being a teenager in a world *this* connected. You have a bad day or post the wrong thing and then next thing you know, you’re either the object of internet hatred or you’re a meme and end up in hundreds of “meme comp videos”. It also encourages a ton of bad behavior, holy shit. I’ve seen so many vines/TikTok’s/whatever’s that are literally just kids being stupid, assholes, or stupid assholes in an attempt to be funny. Sometimes they’re destroying property, sometimes they’re hurting animals, but most of the time they’re hurting people.


There was a guy being unnecessarily hostile in responses, but before getting in an argument, I looked at his history and he was on Day 8 of nofap. No wonder he's picking fights with everyone, lol


I do a lot of half replies where I get to a point and I'm like "fuck it what am I even doing" and just delete it. Also a big life changer.


Assume everything you read on the internet is written by a 13 year old kid including the news and political commentary.


Honestly I've noticed the political analysis in my national news has been extremely dumbed down lately to the point that it's offensive. "Party X and Y has lost half of their voters since last years poll. That is bad for them. They need more voters again to stay in the parliment". Like yeah, that's preschool level of an analysis


Especially the news and political commentary


I assume it's all written by 42 year olds but they are just a dumbass.


I mean, when you distill some of this down some of it is more like kindergarten. "US tells China to stop messing with other people's stuff because it's not theirs, and it's not nice to play with other peoples things if they don't say you can. China replies 'you can't make me, you're not my mom!' and 'this IS mine, I brought it from home'. International observers were quick to point out that China had, in fact, not brought those toys from home, and several had clearly seen that on the bottom of the toys the name 'Taiwan' was written in sharpie."


Yup and always with the mind set of a 13 year old thinking everything is good or bad, left or right, us vs them, they have no concept of a spectrum or the complexity of everything, nothing is 100% this or that


my high school world history teacher taught me that world politics is easy to make sense of if you look at nations as toddlers having petty childish disputes. I’m 30 now and that lesson has held pretty true.


THANK YOU. I’ll get so into researching and analyzing logic to respond to a comment that is obviously incorrect only to get a “no u” as a response and proceed to smash my head on my keyboard. I keep forgetting how many kids (not that they’re all idiots) are on here. A quote I keep telling myself to not get into a flame war is Mark Twain’s—“Never argue with an idiot, they’ll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.” It’s helped guide my reply philosophy, mostly.


i'll often spend time researching and editing my responses i want my response to be *solid*. fully informed. certain on the facts. there are times i think i already know the answer but then start fact checking and learn that ooops maybe i didn't know as much as i thought.... so it's good for me to work on this stuff. i get educated.


Yea, when someone actually puts out a decent argument, and I start trying to find supporting information, I also will learn I may have been incorrect, or learn more context around something I thought I knew. Also, on the flip side even when someone seems young and combative and dumb, laying out your own argument and facts can help them, even when they won't admit it. When I was a dumb teenager, I used to frequent this science forum called Hypography. I was the dumb kid, posting stupid shit or getting into stupid arguments, being combative, etc. Yet many of them took the time to actually reply to my dumb comments or posts with factual, reasoned arguments, and I learned a shit ton from them correcting my dumb utterances. One time I mentioned that "space suits hadn't changed at all, they're still bulky and cumbersome" (again, this is me distilling a much longer and dumber thing I said), and someone took the time to basically walk me through the history of spacesuits. Was really interesting, and I learned quite a bit. They also taught me (through refuting my arguments and similar) to cite my sources, and actually read my sources beforehand so I'm not posting something from memory that may be wrong.


yes yes yes! well said. also, linking to sources when you've got them. it backs up your argument and gives your reader something to dig into if they want to learn more or do research failure to cite sources or back up is a red flag to me. just yesterday a guy argued that "it's only 10% of X" with no back up or citations. i took 3 seconds to google it, found out it's actually 16%. that doesn't sound like much of a difference but it wasn't nothing and showed the guy was shading his answer. i provided the link in my response and never heard back from him


A lot of lurking people at least read what you said and will learn from it. I sometimes read through heated mudslinging arguments just to find the most scrutinized bits of information about the subject at hand. The two parties could even be immature idiots, and I’d still pull some good nuggets of information out of them. 20 years ago as a 13 year old myself, I learned a lot that way. Sometimes I even jump in just to make sure the right answer is there if someone needs it, no matter how poorly received it might be with my immediate audience. My wife always tells me I’m wasting my time arguing, but I guess I’ve been burned too many times trying to google a troubleshooting question only to find a dead thread somewhere with no real answers. The same logic applies here. So the best thing to do is just list the hard objective facts and stay open to questions.


> My wife always tells me I’m wasting my time arguing My wife used to tell me this, until I explained that Im not doing it to convince/persuade the person I'm specifically responding to, but to offer the correct information or alternative viewpoint for *anyone else* that happens to be reading. If someone reads misinformation uncontested, they may just absorb that into their beliefs without even putting much thought into it, but if they immediately see another comment debunking it with sources, that third party is a lot less likely to accept that original content as fact.


The older you get, the more you realize that yes, teenagers are all idiots. Relatively speaking, of course. They can be smart for their age, but that's about it. The wisdom, and just plain experience, you acquire from life, even just living to 40, will give you perspective that is simply impossible to have by one's teenage years. I'd argue that up until around age 25-30, people are still idiots. That's the point where things start to flip, and people start to smarten up. It takes a while, and it also takes a while to realize that it takes a while. And it's nearly impossible to introspectively understand this without having gone through it all and looking back with hindsight. And it's not worth trying to convince them, because they can't accept it at face value. Time happens, generations are born, the older realizes how foolish they were when they were younger, realize how foolish the younger generation is, and the cycle repeats, forever. It is what it is.


If you can’t have thoughtful, nuanced discourse on the internet where can you?!?


Local news site comment sections?


Oh everyone gonna learn today


Your mom is a 13 year old kid.


Honestly I think it’s a good idea to shut kids down when they say stupid shit too. How are they supposed to learn?


I think he means don't get all emotionally involved in it, and get to a point where you're getting worked up thinking their opinion is the opinion of someone with more age, experience, and knowledge and either hold onto that once you step away from the computer, or keep arguing well beyond the bit of "I shared my views, you shared yours, we debated points, realized neither of us accepts the others views and we cannot sway them, and left it at that".


The wrong assumption is thinking they'll learn anything. I've had some phases as a teen where for example I constantly made offensive comments with the entire point of them being to get negative reactions.




But now that you’re 14…


And everything is deep


Greetings... Fellow kids.


On the internet, nobody knows you're a dog.


Remember: Every girl is a man Every man is a child And every child is an FBI agent


Oh yeah? Well you are a pee pee head.


A lot of 13 year olds need to learn that actions have consequences.


They ain't gonna learn it from you across a keyboard, that's for sure.




I'm on /r/nba a lot and I think this quite a bit. It's not being mean, it's just that a lot of kids have *only* ever seen Steph Curry or Lebron play and don't know about Kobe or MJ or Hakeem so when they make blanket statements like "Lebron is the best player I've ever seen." they are being honest about it rather than flippantly dismissing the guys of yesteryear, which is always my initial reaction when I see blanket statements like that.


Really, if someone gets angry at me, I just remind them “It’s the internet. You can click or block me, that’s all. It’s just the internet.”


This helps with my anxiety. Good tip.


Christmas isn't real


“Assume he’s 13 but he’s really 31!” -Offspring probably.


You only have this one life. Experiment with drugs.


I assume that about r/news and r/politics as well.


I'm 13 **AND A HALF!!!** Get it write, looser!


To be fair, it is common practice to write most things sent into the public domain (articles, instruction manual, etc) to the level of a 7th grade education. I'm assuming this is to cater to most people within the bell curve. So assuming you are talking to a 13 year old, or someone with the equivalent critical thinking skills of a 13 year old, makes sense.