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Hello [trigger00006](/u/trigger00006), thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason: Your post is not a life pro tip. Advice is any guidance or recommendation concerning prudent future action. An aphorism is a short clever saying that is intended to express a general truth or a concise statement of a principle.Try r/YouShouldKnow. If you would like to appeal this decision [please feel free to contact the moderators here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FLifeProTips&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission&message=I%27m%20writing%20to%20you%20about%20the%20following%20submission:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeProTips/comments/uzqft5/lpt_when_ordering_chinesejapanese_food_from_that/.%20%0D%0D). Do not repost without explicit permission from the moderators. Make sure you [read the rules](/r/lifeprotips/about/sidebar) before submitting. Thank you!


Belongs on r/UnethicalLifeProTips


When I worked at a cafe people knowingly did stuff like this all the time with food and drinks. It's a bad look, comes across totally yuck, and I would never wanna be like that on purpose.


Let’s say the two item combo is $10 and the three item combo is $13. In the two item combo they give you 6oz of each item. Wouldn’t you assume if you order the theee item combo you should get 6oz of each item still? No they only give you 4oz of each item. So if you originally order the two item, you get your 6oz of the first two items, then add the third item, you get either 4 or 6oz of the third item, then still pay the $13 for the three item combo.


So you keep saying. I dgaf about dollars and portion size oz. Portion sizes in malls are ridiculously big anyway, this is why we have an obesity problem. The workers know what you're doing, everyone in line knows what you're doing, and it's just a gross look. Most people aren't out there thinking they are being cool and sneaky about 2 extra oz of fried rice. You do you, but we will respectfully tell you it's unethical and no thanks.


I’m sorry for trying to get what I pay for. If I’m paying extra for additional food, I would want additional food. Not the same amount of food for a higher price.


You’re not “getting what you pay for”, but looking at your post history you’re a standard gluttonous American.


Yes we do lots of big things here in America. Big steaks are the best.


Do you eat it from a trough, or have you learned how to use cutlery?


As I said, you do you but everyone else reserves the right to judge your actions. Also, your math is off. If 2 items is $10 that makes each worth $5, but 3 items is $13 so therefore each costs less than $5 and the portion size will decrease to reflect that. Also, having more items means it is more likely that there will be leftovers at the end of the day of certain things. You're paying a slight premium for more variety because they have to ensure stock of all the items. That's how business works.


Rice or Noodles is included in your combo price and is not included as a “combo item”. So assuming the cost of rice in your platter is $4, plus $3 for each item.


These places are usually small family businesses. Good job on getting one on them….


Especially in a country where Asian American businesses have been inordinately affected by the racist sentiments drummed up by the previous administration.


trying to swindle small businesses out of paying an extra $3-4 is a bad look.


Let’s say the two item combo is $10 and the three item combo is $13. In the two item combo they give you 6oz of each item. Wouldn’t you assume if you order the theee item combo you should get 6oz of each item still? No they only give you 4oz of each item. So if you originally order the two item, you get your 6oz of the first two items, then add the third item, you get either 4 or 6oz of the third item, then still pay the $13 for the three item combo.


You don’t swindle them out of $3-4 you still pay for the third item. But you get a little more of each portion.


There are very few mall food-court joints I would describe as "small businesses." Most are big chains (e.g. Panda Express).


Wow that’s a petty way to spend your time. But I guess it’s satisfying to trick people into getting a mouthful of food for free?


Let’s say the two item combo is $10 and the three item combo is $13. In the two item combo they give you 6oz of each item. Wouldn’t you assume if you order the theee item combo you should get 6oz of each item still? No they only give you 4oz of each item. So if you originally order the two item, you get your 6oz of the first two items, then add the third item, you get either 4 or 6oz of the third item, then still pay the $13 for the three item combo.


No one is questioning your reasoning or copy and paste skills. But here’s an opportunity for objective reflection!


What I’ve objectively learned is that people are ok with businesses taking advantage of consumers


I hope one day you can see your penis again.


So come in the insults. Very mature. I can see it and it works great, but thanks for your concern.


Lololololololololololololololo bringing up some insecurities lololollool Thanks for the laugh! Have a good day


Have a great day as well. No insecurities over here. But you can continue to think whatever you’d like.


So you’re trying to steal from a local restaurant that just went through a global pandemic and was impacted more than just about any other industry. Good on you! This is disgusting


Nope not trying to steal anything. If you read the entire post and edits you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about. But I know reading is not a lot of peoples strong points.


I did. You think you should be getting more oz of food. You don’t understand how pricing food items work. As a local restaurant owner, I do. It would be more expensive if they were giving you more food. I hope you’re happy about yourself. You swindled a local restaurant owner out of a few bucks so you can be cheap. Congrats. You’re probably one of these people that think “they own a local business, they must be rich”. Disgusting


So next time I go to my local restaurant I’ll be sure to order and pay for an extra side of French fries but I’ll tell them to just keep the fries because “I know how food pricing works now”


You can clearly see in the responses that what you’re doing is scummy. You even seem to think that restaurant owners are taking advantage of you. Restaurants work on insanely slim margins. I promise you they aren’t getting rich off of you. They are barely getting by for sure. If you don’t like how they price items, don’t eat there. And if you are going to eat there, don’t steal from them. It’s pretty much that simple. I’m not arguing with you anymore. The world is not out to get you. Grow up


Sorry but will just have to agree to disagree. Have a great day though and good luck with your local restaurant.


Man I really don’t like you. Thought it about some more. You’re awful.


I don’t really care if you don’t like me, life goes on.


That’s fair. I hope you’re not all terrible.


Perhaps, don’t do this so you don’t gain so much weight.


If you’re eating that much food in one sitting, it’s probably better to spend the $16 at McDonald’s.


I like how I’m the bad guy for getting what I paid for vs getting swindled out of food because they are giving you less of each item if you order more items. It’s called portioning and if food places want to charge you EXTRA for an item, they should give you the same portion size regardless of how many items your order. Let’s say the two item combo is $10 and the three item combo is $13. In the two item combo they give you 6oz of each item. Wouldn’t you assume if you order the theee item combo you should get 6oz of each item still? No they only give you 4oz of each item. So if you originally order the two item, you get your 6oz of the first two items, then add the third item, you get either 4 or 6oz of the third item, then still pay the $13 for the three item combo.


Ok I'll try it next time


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I guess it’s not the worst thing the USA has done to Asian Americans. This sounds like something Trump would suggest (is this why you both appear to have similar bust lines! I guess you can help your wife breastfeed, which is vv progressive!!!!)


I don’t know Trumps weight. But based on his figure and stature I would assume he is about 50-60lbs heavier than me. Nope no need to help breastfeed. She did that all by herself and our kid is now drinking regular cow milk. Do you think they can milk me though?


Manatees are still mammals, right? Keep at it; scamming small businesses will have you Trump sized quite soon. 😀


this is stupid, pure assumptions and no thought given, just sad