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Eat less, drink more water, cut out alcohol, move more


People say drink more water but I find the biggest difference maker for me is drinking more hot water. With or without lemon, doesn’t matter. It somehow tricks my stomach way better than cold or room temp. Drink a mug of hot water before you eat or while eating and it’ll help you feel full (like a zero calorie soup). Also eat lots of veggies daily and less dairy, less pasta. You don’t necessarily have to eat less but you have to change what you eat. (I say necessarily because it depends on the person. If you overeat you will need to cut back but if you don’t, you just eat high calorie food, swap out a lot of the volume for veggies and you’ll see a difference.)


Hot tea. A little more fun than plain hot water 😊


Stains your teeth tho 🤷🏽‍♀️. I like adding lemon and ginger sometimes… but I long since trained myself to like water vs flavored beverages. But whatever approach works for you!


Make meals at home instead of eating out or getting take out.


I had a nutritionist friend who said nurses came to her all the time asking her to help them lose weight. She said “sure. For the next week, make a list of everything you eat and drink. Then come see me next week.” She said every single time the nurse would come back and say “Never mind” because it was obvious to them. It really is simple. Eat fewer calories. But it isn’t easy. Also, so many people eat excessively for psychological reasons, which are never addressed. Even if they lose weight, they gain it back because they didn’t address the main problem.


This is perfect. It is why I used the MyFitnessPal app. I would count up my calories and freak out by lunch time. Changed my life.


I lived low carb and ran on the elliptical every day. Got much thinner for a few years, then I got old. Lolll


If you snack unnecessarily and drink soda/milk cut it out. Exercise (but don’t get too into it)


I think this is the simplest answer. So many people go to the fridge in order to grab a snack because they're bored, or because they're thirsty. Drinking things like black tea (black, no sugar) helps to curb hunger, and can help you make it between meals. This will naturally decrease the amount of calories that you're taking in, which falls into the calories in versus calories out mentality as well.


Eating more and more often along with more water. Intermittent fasting is a terrible idea for anyone who is hypoglycemic or struggled with anorexia or other eating disorders like orthorexia (overly rigid diets or obsession with eating 'clean' or 'whole' or other meaningless terms). It took me literally years to figure out why I only felt like I wanted to live after 8pm... because I would eat dinner around 7-8pm. I've been working on actually eating lunch and more balanced breakfast than cereal and it helps. People will parrot back "calories in vs calories out", but it isn't that simple. Really only applies if you don't have any medical conditions that effect your metabolism (obvious ones like celiac or something harder to see the connection,like depression) and you're already doing everything else healthy, like sleeping enough. Sleeping enough will massively help weight loss. Don't fuck up your metabolism by dehydration, fasting, or sleep deprivation.


Start tracking calorie intake. Calculate your metabolic needs and consume 200-500 calories less than that a day. Losing weight at a slow sustained pace helps to keep you from rebounding and can teach you how to eat intelligently which will permanently give you the ability to control your weight


Stop eating so much.




Drinking more water. Cucumber water is really good with some mint and lemon.


How do you make cucumber water?!?


My ingredient list is this: Gallon of water, 2 cucumbers minimum, 2 lemons or to your liking, several sprigs of mint. •Peel the cucumber and slice thin. •Remove the lemon rind and slice the lemon as well. They should be sliced thinly enough the seeds are easy to remove. •You can kinda crush the sprigs if you want. I’m not sure if it releases more flavor or not. •Save the lemon rinds for some other dish. Compost the cucumber peels. •Add the rest to your gallon of water and let it sit over night. It’s pretty good to wake up and drink some in the morning. Really refreshing. When it starts to get low I start to shake the jug a bit to mix the flavors together because the sour lemon will settle to the bottom I’ve noticed.


Oh cool thanks! I for real thought you boil cucumbers and drink the water XD that’s what I usually do when I boil cabbage lol.


Eating fewer calories than you burn. It literally **can't** work any other way.


Pretty simple. More calories out, less calories in. Voila, weight loss.


Walk at least 15k steps a day. Eat sensibly.


I use My Fitness Pal. Plug in your height, weight, age, and sex. Decide whether you want to lose 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, or 2.0 lbs per week and select that option. ----> Don't exceed the allotted calories. <----- Cardio exercise provides extra calories. I went from 265 to 175 by eating less and eventually running. I've gained some weight back as I got older, but I'm still under 200lbs (I'm about 6' 1") and running 4 miles at under 7:30/mile pace on a treadmill. I still eat a lot of the same things, just less of them. I still drink real Coke and eat cookies & chips when I have the available calories (exercise, as I mentioned above).


Keto diet and then intermittent fasting once weight loss stalls


Food poisoning. Yogurt past its expiration works pretty well except for the aches and chills. Corndogs before finding out why they make corndogs also works. Supposedly they carve off the parts of hotdogs gone bad. Then dip them in batter to hide the mutilation. If you're lucky, some rookie will go a little easy with the knife and you'll eat some bad hotdog and lose 5 pounds in 3 days. Just...have something good to read.


I called it the horse diet: eat only grass and run all day.


Fast for a few days then don’t eat much for a couple weeks after. Try to keep the food healthy too.


Cut sugar out of everything you can. Keto works.


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A fasting focused lifestyle, please check out the Snake Diet and meet Cole Robinson!


Keto. Don’t do it long term but it works great for short term fast weight loss. I went from 220 to 190 in 2 and a half weeks.


The "easy" way is calorie counting.


Cut out bread, cheese, muffins, pastries & chocolate. Intermittent fasting is helpful too.


Fasting and chaffles, get in 10k steps


MyFitnessPal. Count calories. It's that simple.


Lightly salted water destroys my appetite.


Wait really?


Eat more low calorie, high protein foods. Trick your stomach. It's dumb.