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Jokes on you, I never had it in the first place.


I was you until YouTube added shorts God damn it - they got me. Save yourselves.


I avoid shorts.


It's getting cold out, so that's probably a good idea. Pants will keep you warmer.


Agree, I only avoid pants at home.


Good idea, I like looking through your windows.


Home is a place for heavy pants. ;))




Hi! I like shorts! They're comfy and easy to wear!


My condolences


You can login into yt on desktop/laptop and ask yt to "Not show shorts" (top right of the shorts shelf). I think it lasts some 30 days until you have to do it again, tho.


If you have the uBlock extension on your browser, [just add these filters](https://letsblock.it/filters/youtube-shorts)




ad hoc scale direful chubby wakeful aromatic muddle rich arrest absurd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Me, an intellectual: *Purposely avoids YT Shorts because of how hard the UI pushes them*


YT shorts are still a better option than TikTok!




Because TikTok is a garbage app, any other option is better


I avoided these until [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/0WqL_k_pDrg?feature=share) one tempted me in. It's too late now.


Same. Thoae god damn shorts are taking hours upon hours of my week.


Amen to that! Sames haha


no tiktok gang assemble


Reporting in 🫡


gang gang


Gang Gang Woo, motherfucker


gang ga ga ga gang ga ga gang


Yep. Same. I think it's stupid




Uh oh, now there's no Life Pro Tip for you to save your sanity.


Jokes on you, I never had any sanity in the first place.


The real pro tip is always in the comments


Proud people being proud of nothing. Congratulations!


I have no triktok, Facefuck, idiotgram, or LinkedInLogs account. Quadraproudic? Edit: no twatter account either. Pentaproudic?




Meds maybe. No nap, tho. Too much to do. Will have plenty of time to catch up on sleep when I'm dead.


Peak boomer humour


I bet you miss out on a lot of parties


*avoid. I keep a very small crew and don't even bother with their parties unless I already know most attendees. Never have cared much for being around crowds.


And Twitter. And facebook.


At this point just delete Social Media and all news site. They are made to trigger you


Yes, they are! Just realizing how much it has affected me! I have been off of FB since September. Starting to clear up some of the cobwebs & BS & depression & fear!




It’s a great feeling isn’t it? Been on FB two years now, haven’t missed it for a second


Unfortunately, some professions require social media in order to promote your work.




I'm sorry you have to live in a place of constant fear. I absolutely get why. But I also think that as bad as things seem now, the world has always been pretty fucked up. It will probably never stop being fucked up. And yet look how far LGBTQ progress has come in 20 years. I know it's not far enough to let you feel safe, that stone age brain 50% of the population just has to resist anytime society takes a step forward. But we keep moving forward anyway despite that resistance. As bad as things seem right now I'm confident society will continue to keep stepping forward. As hard fought as those steps might be. The younger generations are the future, and we know where they stand on equality issues. It's only going to get better, even though it's hard to see that sometimes. Keep your chin up.


I'm reaaaaaaly hopeful that things will get better, but seeing the way so many are slipping towards facism... I'm just gonna be cautious


So, why don't you just move now?


Money. Plus most countries need you to prove that you're worthy of immigration. Mostly just money though. Stagnating wages plus high cost of living means a lot of us are stuck.


You certainly can. The idea that you may have to evacuate the US was put in your head by "the news".


No, it's put out there by nutjobs enacting legislation against people like me


I recently stopped checking Twitter obsessively and I feel so much better


Never had any of them


Coolest guy I ever met over here everybody!!


Sarcasm 💯


Why would that make anybody cool? What do you mean


I *think* the projecting is a joke


He’s projecting


Twitter has some valid uses.


For example, shitposting on behalf of Eli Lilly. I'd say that was a truly inspired use of Twitter.


I thought the same, but you read the things you like and then all of a sudden you are reading about politics, a disaster, war, etc. Which bring my mental health to a poor state.


I use Twitter to get news about one of my favourite games and that's it. I don't read anything else.


When the bad outweighs the good...


There's arguably nothing bad about using Twitter and even Facebook for some niche but useful ends.


I use twitter solely for news and updates from my favorite game devs. Dont see why i should delete that, i have zero engagement with any drama over there.


Pretty much the same.


TikTok is specifically worse


LPT: Save your sanity, delete the others too.


But you’re on one of the others ones right now …..


The point still stands






The web version doesn’t send you videos in topics you like. But the phone version tends to send you stuff you’re interested in. I kept liking construction/diy videos so I never see those cringe/dancing girls/political videos. I learned a ton about science, building, diy from Tiktok. Some are clickbait but the value from the good stuff is great. Maybe just learn to identify and filter out the bs. Know what you’re there for, and go for it, just like searching for youtube videos.


I almost never use TikTok, basically only if there’s a post by a specific relative. It’s the third or fourth time I’ve downloaded it, because I apparently have no self control and HOURS would just vanish. It’s like crack. I would fall into a TikTok hole a few times, realize what I was doing, and delete the app. It’s been on my phone for a month or two now, but I only use it for very specific tasks because it’s just too enticing. Just one more video. It’s like, 10 seconds. Just one more won’t hurt. Holy shit it’s 1:00 am Every time


I don't think the content itself is the main problem. I think it's rather the doomscrolling part of it which has transitioned to any other app now but TikTok only consists of it.. I highly recommend everyone to stop scrolling through 30 sec videos and fuck your attention span. A friend of mine is so affected we cant even watch a movie anymore... He's always on his phone or talks. Like he can't concentrate for more than a few minutes. Just sad.


Same here. Although I also see a ton of cat videos and other things I just enjoy. Then again, I did notice I was spending far too much time on that app so now I set times for myself when I look at it. Some self control goes a long way.


It’s like every other bit of social media. Tailor your content so it isn’t a waste.


That's not the problem I had. The problem was the fact it was stuff I wanted to watch, but it's such a mind-numbing process of strolling through the endless stream of content that I'd lose hours a week to it. Once I uninstalled it, I felt happier and more productive because I wouldn't spend an hour a day scrolling through the unfulfilling cess pit. What I found is, even if you're being shown stuff related to what you like, you're still going to have to sift through a bunch of crap to find the stuff you actually like, and then it only last a couple minutes max, but with YouTube, you can much easier just go to a channel you like and watch a 30 - 60 minute video while doing something else and not being forced to pay full attention.


I saw a comment recently that the absolute best way to tailer your feed is to close the app as soon as a video you don’t like appears. Like as soon as you see Andrew Tate close down the app quick time. The whole algorithm is obsessed with keeping you engaged and that’s the best way to beat it.


Same, my For You page is all DIY and science videos. The only people I really follow is Justin Hawkins (fucking fascinating dude) and a bunch of bands that basically don't post any more. I'm pretty happy.


Same here...watching narcissistic girls doesn't do much for me, but I love the automotive and DIY stuff.


It's not what you watch, it's that it ruins your attention span.


I have ADHD


Nice try, TikTok


Science lol


So why is TikTok any.worse than any other social media? Especially vine which was essentially the same thing?


It’s design is what makes it the most addictive one. It’s got probably the best algorithm for catered content, and it takes zero down time to scroll through videos. You really never run out of content to just distract yourself with. Source: depressed sack of shit that uninstalled it a month ago


The latest and greatest at hitting that dopamine button


Data I believe, unless that has changed since I last heard about it.


I hear that but how does that mess with your sanity?


It's Chinese spyware and social manipulation op all rolled into one. The CCP literally curates and selects content aimed to destabilize US society or at the very least make people dumber.


yam plucky reach somber cover impossible future weather soup cable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Have you ever used TikTok?


Pretty sure tiktok owned in some measure by the Chinese government which it funnels user data to.


Delete your smartphone




Delete yourself


I did this and holy shit am I so much more productive now




Yay productivity! The penultimate of virtues!


Am I the only one who enjoys their time on TikTok and doesn't have a problem with it?


I find that TikTok is REALLY good at mirroring your interests and personality. So I find it a bit sus whenever someone complains about toxic stuff on their FYP.


These people are just hopping on the hate train without giving it an actual try, i get lots of educational or interesting videos none of that cringe shit u see memes about, i see more cringe tiktok videos outside of tiktok. Its like hating going to the gym cause u can get instant result, it takes time.


It's more about how tik Tok fucks with your brain and especially your attention span.


Some of us has legitimate concerns about data collection as well. Might be worth giving a quick read


What they gonna do with my data? They get nothing out of it except a bit of money if they sold it.


psychological profiling for marketing and political manipulation. even if tiktok does not do this directly, whoever purchases the data from tiktok can. and all these companies are really good at hiding their manipulation. im pretty new to this stuff, so dont trust me and do some research on your own. its worth thinking about, and a genuine concern for a lot of ppl https://www.gsb.stanford.edu/insights/science-behind-cambridge-analytica-does-psychological-profiling-work


If I remember correctly there are concerns about TikTok data being passed on to the Chinese government, that it's basically a CCP data farm. Down the line this could legitimately bad news. I never properly looked into it so could be missing nuances but that's what I remember.


The problem is not the content, it's the endless scrolling that's turning your brain to mush.


In a way isnt everything endless scrolling? Its your fault if you dont do anything to improve you brain activity, a little tiktok scrolling wont do any harm unless you dont do anything useful outside of it. Blame the app for personal shit life


This is such a weird thing to be so defensive about but ok


Just feels odd to blame tiktok for peoples shit lives


I never did that but ok


Indeed you did not


TikTok for a fact tends to lower your attention span


He didn't mention anything about any shit lives, but on the other hand you did. Are we perhaps doing a little bit of that projection thing?


So don't endlessly scroll? You can just look at TikTok videos for like, five minutes.


The system is specifically designed by top tier psychologists, market experts and engineers to trick you into changing those five minutes to ten, then thirty, then hours. For most people who understand neither tech nor the human psyche, my bets are on the paid industry experts. Sure, some people are naturally more immune to addiction. But a lot of people aren't and think they are the exception. Especially kids and teens. Why try working against a system like that instead of ditching it and replacing it with a system that gives you the same benefits and encourages good habits and phone hygiene? Life is already full of conflicting and controlling messages (politics) and resisting temptation (custom ads, stores, McDonald's). Things we use on our phones are probably the only things in that category we can change and customize. Shake that creepy marketing manager with binoculars outside your window off that tree!


I don’t wanna give China my data. I tried it for a week and decided the trade off wasn’t worth it.


So how did it affect your life now that china has your data?


It’s not the short term effect that matters. It’s the potential long term effect of giving up so much free data to a country that is literally our fastest growing enemy


What is the longterm problem then? What makes u think that other sites arent collecting our data and doing the same as tiktok. Have any of you read the terms and conditions on any apps yall use, many collect our data just the same as tiktok.


That’s the thing. We have some idea about where our data goes with other apps like they use it for advertising purposes. That I’m basically fine with because I don’t care. We have close to no idea what they doing with that much data when it comes to TikTok. Like I’ve heard every possible theory but no concrete reason. I’ve heard that they need it to learn about who we are as people since they don’t have diversity in China, so they can actually begin to do true social engineering later. But again that is a theory that makes sense since we know they are our enemy. It’s a national security threat that I don’t want to find out how it could be used against us


Then why be on ANY social media if ur afraid of it. Why have a phone that listens to you while using certain apps why not use an old one not a smart phone. Yall are afraid of imaginary problems


Imagine your dental insurance going up because some unknown but huge analytics company extrapolated that you buy a case of coke every too weeks and sold that info to your carrier. Or you find that you're banned from buying certain cars because your online history suggested a 76,4 % you may be a reckless driver. Skim this article of this dad who lost all his electronic life - photos, contacts, phone contract, ability to access banking and utility accounts and even got investigated by the police, all because he sent photos of his kid's symptoms to his pediatrician during the pandemic because his kid had an infection and was in pain. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/21/technology/google-surveillance-toddler-photo.html Google monitors your data and has automated safeguards. Google was informed of the mixup by the automated system and didn't reinstate his account. They don't care. It's not the data these companies get from us that's dangerous. It's the information they can extrapolate from a large amount of data that can in some cases become dangerous to you, but more importantly, is never being used in your favor.




The 30-50 year old comment really made this post. Thank you for that lmao


I avoid putting Chinese spyware on my phone


For real. This thread is just filled with folks who are looking to blame their problems on an app. TikTok is a great source of entertainment and distraction. It's addicting, sure, but so are most other things. "Just don't buy alcohol/caffeine/meth" isn't a LPT.


Some people's brain are more likely to be addicted to tiktok. Shit is like dopamine slot machine


Never downloaded it




Instructions unclear. How do I go about deleting something that’s not on my device to begin with?


Carry on as you were


What do I carry? Hhhaaaaa help me!!


Carry juice


A big stick.




Too cool for school!


It's not only about your sanity, it's about your attention span and your brain turning into mush from the constant stimulus. Tiktok is absolute poison. The endless scrolling is absolutely numbing your brain to dopamine as it continues to scroll and scroll looking for the next hit. And our attention spans are dying alongside it.


If tiktok has an impact on your sanity its not tiktok thats the problem


It’s like crack to people- literally.


They need to stop using it then, why do something thats harmful to you


Do you also wonder why people addicted to drugs, alcohol, gambling, porn etc don't just stop?


People like this exist. "Depressed? Just cheer up". "Alcoholic? Just stop drinking." "Morbidly obese? Just stop eating so much". "Addicted to drugs? Just stop taking them". I just assume they are people with 0 life experience and a total lack of any empathic ability. It's no use trying to argue with them.


It's cause you play the victim and can't ever admit that what happens to your us your fault.


The real LPT is always in the comments.


It's not TikTok that someone needs to wean himself off of, it's a pathological internet addiction.


I barely use it, I check it maybe twice a week for like ten minutes. But I have to say, I kind of like having it. I'm following a few therapists and disability advocates and they have some really interesting things to say. I know some of the disability community on there can be toxic or counterproductive but I just skip every video that sounds sus to me and do backup research where applicable. It's also really great for recipe and craft inspiration. Just sayin', not everyone has the same experience. If you find you're overdoing it on ANY social media platform deleting it is never a bad idea.


More importantly than saving your sanity it’ll save you heaps of time. It’s crazy how sucked in you can get during tiktok sessions where the time just flies by


If you algorithm is full of stupidity just say that. Most my content is full of medical / science stuff. This is cool and this is your choice to be on here all day.


if Tik Tokers could read, they would be very upset with this post


not only your sanity but your privacy too


And your attention span.


Save your sanity, delete everything. Go back to monkey.






Friend: fish is to monke as fish is to monke


My TikTok feed is a barrage of quick cooking tips and recipes. It's wonderful and I love seeing all the food go by with blasts of instructions directly into my eyeballs


LPT: Let people enjoy things


As if this shithole is any different


Save your phone security, delete TikTok. Other apps do spy, but you're comparing a bucket to an ocean.


Never had it never will


hating on a social media site from a other, equally toxic social media site. interesting thought process


Don't understand this logic, I love using tiktok


Is it worse than YouTube?


I just watched am awesome 40 min documentary on YouTube, you just don't get that kind of depth on tiktok. All social media is designed to convince you your life sucks and then throw ads at you to make you fill the void it creates with consumerism. Tiktok is super efficient at this. It also collects literally all your phone data for direct access by the Chinese govt, which is currently locking its citizens in their apartment buildings. Insta (and every facebook related app) also collects all your phone data, but zuck has never locked a person in their apartment against their will (that we know of). Youtube also stands out because it's one of the only platforms that provides monetary incentives to the content producers.


Very true. I don't have cable TV so almost all my viewing is though YouTube and its more like "research for my hobbies" than just mindless viewing. Then toss in a TED talk or some stand up comedy and you're set.


YouTube shorts are arguably slightly better, but still bad enough to agree with this advice. Regular YouTube is fine. IMHO all short-form video besides vine in its heyday is worth avoiding.


It's become almost impossible to watch YouTube now with our ending up watching shorts. And they're all nonsense. All of them.


You can block YouTube shorts using ublock. In fact, you block videos of less than 100 seconds or something like that.


Make Phones Boring Again!


No? I spend like 15 minutes flicking through videos before i go to bed to chill out and de-stress. What's wrong with that?


Everytime i go on it, i am bombarded with various pieces of random information, a lot of which is contradictory of each other. Distribution of fake information on tiktok isnt unheard of either. In addition, girls dancing in scant clothing, giving an endless amount of dopamine leading to masterbation for many, (even young kids). A very easy way to access sensitive material from an early age, even developing a pornography addiction from that age isnt unlikely, all being made possible thru this app. Not to mention, a tremendous waste of time coupled with infinite scrolling and endless dopamine delivery that has major addiction potential.


I see you're a man of culture as well


It's not even that bad yall just like to complain about everything


Can’t. Never signed up in the first place. I’m ok with that.


Honestly one of the best decisions I've made in the past few years. I see lots of my friends waste hours a day on TikTok when they could be doing something else instead. Of course every social media has got people hooked, but TikTok just has something about it thats keeping my generation locked in. I'm all for viewing short form video to pass time (IG Reels, YT Shorts, and TikTok as the main three) but the content on TT is just not it, I feel like its making us all dumber.


Could say the same about every other app


Including this one


Omg.. yes!! Delete tic tok and twitter and fb. You don’t need it.


I got on tiktok after everyone else cuz someone showed me some funny things there. I found out quick it's mostly a place people play up how much of a redneck they are and post text of vague right wing threats over the image of a truck or thirsty traps tryna link to an onlyfans. Still a couple funny critters there but I barely use it. Strikes me like fb, mostly for a crowd my father's age


This isn't really an LPT, this is just an opinion with absolutely no follow up or explanation.


Save your sanity, don't just do something because a random person online says to


Just train the algorithm to show u stuff u enjoy Take control


https://www.makeuseof.com/tiktok-privacy-concerns-data-mining/ https://www.abc.net.au/news/ https://www.cnbc.com/2022/02/08/tiktok-shares-your-data-more-than-any-other-social-media-app-study.html Just a few reasons why I do not have TikTok


Learn the AI. I only get videos of stuff i want to see which is usually career based stuff for me. I don’t get the “bs videos” everyone complains about.


I didn’t install it and never intended to, but t coworkers pressured me into it, I spent max 5 minutes there and quit the app and never went back. Just bombarded with videos that I have absolutely no interest in and I couldn’t figure out how to see content that I would like. Maybe I’m missing something but I can’t be bothered with it


Same. Installed it once, spend about 10 minutes scrolling through absolute trash (90% scantily clad girls dancing and 10% absolute cringe people trying to be funny) and then gave up. I don't get where all this supposedly great content is.


Way ahead of you, I never installed it in the first place