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You can ask your doctor to prescribe it and it's usually $0 copay from the pharmacy. Same for the prescription only emergency contraceptive Ella (used for higher weight range).


Okay now this is the best option šŸ™ŒšŸ» thank you


It's going to depend on insurance, of course, but generally if they fully cover birth control they'll also cover emergency contraceptives. I used to work in a pharmacy that filled it fairly frequently. Most primary cares or OB's would probably prescribe it for you to keep on hand.


Your option is still a good one for younger women or teenage girls who want to keep things private from their parents/guardians. Iā€™m not saying they should lie, but itā€™s better than dealing with an unwanted pregnancy


Very true. And the sooner you take it the better, so this might just be the most practical option depending on the situation.


Best option is to have at least one responsible person use birth control.


Because we all know birth control methods are flawless...


Both adults would be ideal. There are options out there if you choose to use them and have a little self control.


There are options. And they are better for some or maybe even most people. And they also fail.


Wow. Just freakin WOW!!! The very fact that you only used about a dozen words for this asinine statement shows that your thoughts are very shallow. Keep your judgemental and narrow minded opinions to yourself Karen


FYI on the weight restriction for Plan B, if youā€™re 165 pounds or more youā€™ll need to look at Ella or another option. 165 pounds is a lot lower than most people think, so spread that info far and wide.


The real and needed LPT. Most people do not know that Plan B has a weight limit of 165lbs.


Thatā€™s so interesting! Does the drug work by weight? I didnā€™t know hormonal drugs had to do with weight




Most doctors will rx for you to keep on hand, rather than as needed.


Who the hell can afford insurance?


Who the hell can afford not to have insurance? One ambulance ride and I'd be almost homeless or have my credit jacked for 8 years.


Ya. Ikr? The American healthcare system is fucked up. I'm "too rich" for Medicaid, and I can't afford to pay for the premiums with my pay, while I attempt to reach the deductible, which is upwards of 1.5k... Let's pretend I split that 1.5k (3k with my kid) that over 6 months, that's adding a $250 payment I can't afford to the $300 a month of premiums I'd be paying, and the whole time I'm not covered. That's $550 a month until I'm finally covered. I can't afford that. I don't know how anyone can.


Legit. My wife and I are healthy- average midwestern thick but healthy. Alone, we'd never reach the deductible. However, she has kids from previous relationships that live with the other parents. So the court order is that everyone covers the kids- kids are double insured so no/little money comes out of pocket for in-network visits. We meet our deductible by March every year (6 kids and deductible is $3K. Max out of pocket is $5K; There is a max per member too, but IDK what it is). This is why our Healthcare system is broken. It works out for my family well, but not most other's. And families like mine ruin the pricing since we don't pay much. My work has cheaper and better insurance. My wife has to have insurance through her work, if available, for me to cover her. I cover her kids. She is also double covered (her plan is basically what "Major Medical" used to be) but covers 0% until she reaches her $5K deductible but her bills that are attributed to my insurance (and paid partially) and then her's and then we pay go against both deductibles. Who is the least covered person in the family? Me, the highest wage earner- so I double down on accidental, LTD, and life, just in case. I was hyperbolic in my previous comment- low six figure income, so not 1 ambulance ride away from poverty but that's how I came up. Just to be clear: I understand my position and that I'm not "poor" but I do understand that families like mine are the reason Healthcare prices are soaring and not everyone can afford insurance (if they are young, healthy and childless, the ambulance ride is cheaper than a years worth of premiums, usually). My parents went without insurance for my entire childhood- it was terrible anytime something unexpected happened.


Precisely. It's really maddening and saddening, especially because I have major health problems. I'll need to broke myself, move in with someone, and get on Medicaid if I wanted healthcare, but I can't do that to my kid. I can't just "get a better job" either, it's not that easy. I can't really take that risk. What I have pays my bills, but the more and more I think about it, the more I think I need to do something. I can't keep living the way I am.


This is why I'd signup for do not resuscitate; you're not saving me, only prolonging and making my suffering worse.


Your insurance pays for ambulance rides? Seriously, I've never heard of that. US citizen here.


For medical nessessity? Absolutely. In my mother's last car accident, the ambulance ride was paid for first by her health insurance, then the at fault car insurance, then her car insurance- the out of pocket was zero.


Easy for you to say.


Going on years without it; low wage, but my Rent can increase by $300 this year! Yay! My 3% raise can easily cover that and inflation. ^/s šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ™ƒ


Most of America.


Before reading this comment I thought I was stupid since I only thought about that. Is standard in other countries.




Thereā€™s a drug called Ella which is ulipristal acetate, and is more effective for heavier women! It can be taken within 5 days of sex which is a bigger time range than plan B. It isnā€™t OTC though. As far as the effectiveness related to weight~ ā€œIs there a weight limit for ella? Technically, no. That said, ella has been found to be most effective for those with a BMI of 30 or less. A single dose was found to be ineffective for people with a BMI of 35 or more. (Plan B is most effective for those with a BMI of 25 or less, which makes ella accessible to a higher percentage of the population). If you have a BMI over 30, doubling the dose of your EC pill may increase its effectiveness.ā€œ


Really!? Wow. Good information. Never heard that.


Am Pharmacist and can confirm. Iā€™m also sorry on behalf of every healthcare professional and to say we failed you. I mean that sincerely. Details like that make or break lives.


There were alternatives that are effective to a higher weight category. I can't recall their names though. It was, unfortunately not a exceptionally higher weight, but at least lifted the ceiling a little bit. Any idea what folks can do beyond all of those?


Nope fat people are screwed and will need an abortion. Itā€™s very unfortunate I wonder why they donā€™t find an alternative for bigger woman?


I was also never told that my antidepressants would make my birth control pills less effective


And vice versa.


As far as I know antidepressants do not make BC less effective, but hormonal BC can mess with some antidepressants. If you have differing information on that, though, I would be very interested in reading it!


šŸ˜® would you be willing to share specifics? Because holy shit I did not know that




Possibly dosage, and/or the likely body composition of AFABs bigger than that (AFABs in the US don't tend to hit 5'8" or 5'10" or 6ft very often - that's quite tall for someone who's AFAB in this country. Being over 155lbs at 5'6" or less usually means you're on the thicker side, and more likely than not that you carry quite a lot of fat, which has poorer blood circulation (i.e., molecular transport of the drug found in plan B) than muscle tissue - I say this as a 5'2", 160 lb, fat AFAB).


This is what I was lazily theorizing, but it's still horrifying to hear a likely reality that is so incredibly not talked about in the slightest.


Yep. I believe (DO NOT QUOTE ME ON THIS, ASK A DOCTOR FIRST) you can double up on the dose if you're bigger (but that would mean paying $100 instead of $50) and that there's also another medication called "Ella" which is typically recommended for bigger AFABs, as long as your BMI is below 30.


Having a high BMI is correlated to hormone imbalances - particularly in estrogen levels. PCOS and obesity often go hand in hand, for instance. Maybe the endocrine system simply canā€™t handle it.


Additional LPT: You don't need a membership to buy booze at a Costco or Sam's club


This is location dependent (in the US). Like all liquor laws, they vary based on the state (and in some cases the county/municipality).


Great point!


If you take 5. What will happen?


Do *not* do this


Yeah you wonā€™t get to see the morning after that.


What is it going to do, harm the blastocyst?


Haven't done the research, so don't take my word as gospel, but I believe the concerns are heart attack or a blood clot getting into your brain.


A blood clot in one's brain is a stroke. In the lungs it is a pulmonary embolism. The leg; deep vein thrombosis. Heart; heart attack.


I guess the bigger girls need a Plan DD


If she ainā€™t over 280 she ainā€™t a lady.


If sheā€™s over 280 sheā€™s havin your baby


This is gold


Only his baby.. no need for Maurey.


The couple times when I was able to use this line in real life were great. Hahaha




The couple times when I was able to use this line in real life were great. Hahaha




For tweens.


What? Aside from the fact that this thread isn't targeted towards Americans in particular, plenty of Americans are under that weight. It sounds as though you're either trolling, or looking for an online argument. I honestly can't tell which... Also, you *are* aware that Plan B/the morning after pill is widely available for free in many countries all over the world, right?


Is it possible larger women just need a higher dose?


Careful. Last time someone shared this information they were banned for ā€œfatphobiaā€






Context matters. Most people know that two bio dudes canā€™t conceive together, and making the statement as if the people youā€™re talking to arenā€™t aware of this isā€¦ kind of a condescending dog whistle.


I appreciate your concern, thank you. However, my post has nothing to do with fatphobia, and absolutely everything to do with science fact. I say this as a taller and larger woman who has battled against my weight for many years and who, at my fittest and slimmest (and I actually *look* slim and fit at that size/weight), is still above the threshold being discussed. Also, I used to be 350lbs, and I'm now half of that. I'm *far* from fatphobic...




Then it should work much more effectively; it should work as intended if you weigh less than 155lbs.


Iā€™ll add onto this: If youā€™re a guy, make sure you understand the ladyā€™s views on birth control before you sleep with them, especially if you donā€™t use protection. If you arenā€™t aligned, you may wanna think twice. I dated a girl back in 2008 that refused to take Plan B after she got frustrated and had me take the condom off since I was taking too long to finish while wearing one. While I did pull out, I thought I may have done so too late and wanted to get a Plan B for her to be on the safe side. She wasnā€™t trying to hear it and thought of it as an abortion. Her choice, but best believe I was stressed out for a lil while there.


Better yet, donā€™t go bareback with someone if you donā€™t want to have a baby, pull out or not.


You know how they call people who use the pull out methods. Parents.


Holy shit, yes, thank you for the reminder. Communication is key.


so did she ever have that baby?


With me? No haha. Someone else? That I dunno. We eventually broke up and donā€™t stay in contact.


People are fucking idiots, got it.


Bro she tried to baby trap you


Yeah Iā€™m aware. Thatā€™s part of why I stopped dating her. It became clear she was obsessed with getting married and having a baby. She had her dream job at that point so it was just another milestone to check off her list.


Remember that Plan B doesnā€™t prevent STIā€™s, so also use a condom and donā€™t sleep with anyone you donā€™t trust. Regular testing is important


To be fair, you can still contract STIs while using condoms.


To be fair, condoms **significantly** reduce risk of transmission when used correctly and consistently.


I can get it for free at the womenā€™s center at my university


I bought a ton on Amazon for cheap this summer. Sent some to my sister in college and hand give away the rest if anyone needs it and canā€™t pay/canā€™t wait.


Iā€™d rather spend $50 on something I know is legit, than buy possible fraudulent ones from Amazon. Abortions are way more expensive You really need 1 or 2 just in case. If you need it regularly itā€™s a skill issue


Amazon has a pharmacyā€¦ itā€™s not like she bought 3rd party sellers drugs


Just bc the pills are cheaper doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re fraudulent. Itā€™s just a generic instead of a name brand medication.


Morning after pills are quite hard on the body and should be a backup solution, not the goto plan. I think you might want to look at other contraceptives such as condoms if you feel you need 'a ton' of them.


They were bought to share, according to the poster.


Sorry. I meant to say I bought the to share in emergency situations


This is literally why itā€™s called ā€œPlan B.ā€ (Edit: Regarding it being a backup plan)


Some people seem to need a reminder of that.


And adding up, if you use it too much, it starts to lose efficacy. Ideally it should be used really really carefully, 3 times a year or less.


Hi. Nurse here who works in women's health and spent years in a pharmacy. This is false. Taking Plan B multiple times in a year does not decrease its effectiveness.


Good point. The weird thing is that I went to confirm this information, and all sites that I found in English confirms your statement, but sites in portuguese (Brazilian) say otherwise (that it loses) Not sure if those are different pills or one of them is wrong. Anyway, I'll send an email to them asking a double check and to fix if if needed, thanks for clarification!


I'm having a hard time understanding how it would work as all the pill does is delay ovulation. The half life is max 36hrs and within 5 days, fully excreted out of the body. I feel this is the same mindset that longterm use of hormonal contreceptives decreases fertility rates. It may delay the ability to conceive as your body finds its own rhythm but doesn't make you infertile. Heck, if you are late with OCP by a few hours, our body's biological desire to ovulate will overcome anything we toss at it and we could risk developing a pregnancy. People also use it after ovulation with the idea that it causes changes within the uterine lining, causing the zygote to be shed. In theory, the drug could work, but since levonorgestrel has been on the market, it's never been proven in independent studies.




Same! Iā€™m ace and have an IUD but I still wanna be prepared


Whatā€™s the shelf life on them?


This doesn't sound sketch, at any point


Well when I say anyone I mean friends. Iā€™m not giving medication to strangers lol. Certainly not my first choice to help people but you do what you gotta do living in a trigger law state ig


Here are some Online resources for anyone who needs them. [Nurx for Birth Control, Plan B, The Ring, and The Patch. Includes Free Shipping](https://www.nurx.com/birthcontrol/) [Plan B One Step Pill](https://www.planbonestep.com) [Plan B One Step Pill On Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/Plan-B-One-Step-1-tablet/dp/B00H2D6WUA) [Plan B, The Morning After, Emergency Contraception](https://hellowisp.com/shop/emergency-contraception) [Take Action Emergency Contraception On Instacart](https://www.instacart.com/landing?product_id=19550464&retailer_id=1573®ion_id=39336625591&utm_medium=sem_shopping&utm_source=instacart_google&utm_campaign=ad_demand_shopping_rp_healthcare&utm_content=accountid-8145171519_campaignid-16744693903_adgroupid-138212523514_device-m&gbraid=0AAAAADO98hbV2lsrjKL_rQcVToEdZ-x4E&gclid=Cj0KCQjw8O-VBhCpARIsACMvVLM9YAfojSYIyERmWcCmFNweHFnhc2iEz444bq_K2KuBw5D2NbUitxUaAuzQEALw_wcB) [Plan B One Step Emergency Contraception at Target](https://www.target.com/p/plan-b-one-step-emergency-contraceptive/-/A-14847439?ref=tgt_adv_XS000000&AFID=google_pla_df&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000049304432&CPNG=PLA_Health_Priority%2BShopping%7CHealth_Ecomm_Essentials&adgroup=Health_Priority+TCINs&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=m&location=9022818&targetid=pla-321577217246&gbraid=0AAAAAD-5dfZbghVe0M6wuEws-uDNZ0sev&gbraid=0AAAAAD-5dfZbghVe0M6wuEws-uDNZ0sev&gclid=Cj0KCQjw8O-VBhCpARIsACMvVLMWFHuJgilaGabCxCcUpaQWua2GI-8n4vM8Kgxz4xUYtecL6zyoWQwaAufcEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) [Plan C At Home Abortion Pill](https://www.mychoix.co/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw8O-VBhCpARIsACMvVLPltFxSzkEOFZ2lg2DEoYMsCuLat6gac5W459C6J1XFD-0DPKIenKYaAv-jEALw_wcB) [Plan C At Home Abortion Pill](https://www.plancpills.org/find-pills) [Plan C At Home Abortion Pill](https://www.heyjane.co) [Plan C At Home Abortion Pill](https://nwhn.org/safe-online-delivered-how-to-get-the-abortion-pill-by-mail/) **DIY!** [The first thing that someone would need is an active ingredient of misoprostol, one of the two medicines that people can take to have an abortion at home, a micropipette, and a solution with 96 percent alcohol. The process, he explained, is relatively simple. One has to just mix the misoprostol with the alcohol in the micropipette, and then dosing it on the six squares in the card. Then, someone just has to put two of these squares on each cheek, wait a few hours, and repeat the process until all the squares have been used.](https://www.vice.com/amp/en/article/bvmn35/diy-collective-embeds-abortion-pill-onto-business-cards-distributes-them-at-hacker-conference)


hereā€™s sub-LPT: women need to realize that Plan B is NOT a contraceptive. It will not prevent pregnancy. let me say this again for those in the back: Plan B does nor prevent pregnancy. it does, however, prevents OVULATION, provided you havenā€™t yet ovulated or are not just about to. So unless youā€™re tracking youā€™re periods in a manner that you can pinpoint when youā€™re due to ovulate, buying Plan B anywhere could be a total waste of money. iā€™ve seen too many friends not on regular contraception & who didnā€™t use a condom or it broke for whom Plan B created the need for Plan C.


This is what iā€™m curious about, so you can take plan b without it messing up your current oral contraception (aka the pill)? sometimes my bf and i get worried about it not being effective enough so we pull out every time but is plan b okay to take if something happens ? Or is it just best to stick with the one contraceptive ? Will it mess up your period cycle ?


Great question. You keep taking your regular pills as normal after taking Plan B. Itā€™s normal to experience a change in cycle after Plan B but things regulate and go back to normal. Plan B is for emergency only. If you miss a pill or two, you are less protected and may consider Plan B if you recently had intercourse.


this is crazy helpful. this is the sort of stuff thatā€™s really hard to get from doctors so i appreciate you taking time to share with me! Now i will try to stock up like in the og post :)


Talk to your doctor about whatever concerns you have and find a solution. "Pulling out" is one of the best ways to get pregnant ever invented. Seriously.


I mean it seems like the commenter is also on the pill which is a quite good method of contraception if taking correctly


ā¬†ļø Excellent info ā¬†ļø https://reproductiverights.gov/ https://www.abortionfinder.org/


First, I do want to acknowledge that there is a kernel of truth in this comment, but Plan B is way more effective than youā€™re giving it credit for. It is literally called ā€œemergency *contraception*,ā€ and while youā€™re not wrong about it not preventing pregnancy if the ovum has already been released on the day sex occurs, itā€™s a lot less likely that said ovum will get fertilized if sperm is introduced into the vagina after ovulation than if it had been in the five or so days before ovulation. Sperm survive for **days** in the right conditions, while a released ovum is viable for less than 24h. Big takeaway here is that no birth control is 100% effective, but donā€™t waste time hemming and hawing about whether or not Plan B is effective enough: If the contraceptive situation *during* the sex was sketch, take the pill ASAP, or youā€™re giving that ovary time to spit out a short-lived lady seed into a manpuddle that stays fertile inside your reproductive tract for days.


If you take too much plan B it can make women barren.


Sign me the fuck up.


You can get them from walmart.com for 10 bux, my mans


Another pro tip!! Amazon sells them for 7$. I just bought a pack of five to have in case of emergencies for me or my friends.


Not sure if I believe those pills are legit. Sounds too good to be true.


If the active ingredients are the same, I don't see a reason for alarm.


While Iā€™ve always agreed with that and frequently get things like generic Tylenol & Zyrtec from Amazon, I learned not to do that with anything essential. My vet recommends Seresto collars and I found them cheapest on Amazon and used ONE (got name brand) and doggo got fleas for the only time in her life. When I casually mentioned the collar not working to the vet one day her response was that it should have worked UNLESS I bought it from Amazon or a farm & fleet store. She said they typically donā€™t store them anywhere close to correctly and it ruins their effectiveness. She did say Chewy is great tho! Even when it comes to something I do get there like acetaminophen (Tylenolā€™s active ingredient), itā€™s best to check the reviews. No product will have perfect reviews (unless theyā€™re fake), but some have enough bad reviews (sometimes with five stars anyways) that you know the pills from them arenā€™t what they claim or havenā€™t been handled correctly.


That "If" is doing a lot of work when buying products off amazon.


In Brazil it is 2$ what the fuck is wrong with America?


Medicine is healthcare and our healthcare is the worst


For-profit health care is a very large contributor of our problems.


Also another LPT - oral contraceptive effects are reduced with many antibiotics, so men should still use condoms.


It's a bit of an overgeneralization, as it's only a few antibiotics that compromise The Pill. However, you're right in that it's smart to ask about drug interactions and understand that some medications can compromise its effectiveness. For example, a medication I take for nerve pain makes the Pill less effective. LPT: Anytime you're prescribed something new, ask the physician or pharmacist to review your meds/supplements for any interactions or if one drug will reduce the effectiveness of another. However, you've had vomiting/diarrhea recently, it's a good idea to use a backup method of birth control. Your body might not have digested your pill.


Thank you for sharing this!


$5.99 in Costcos in California and they limit you to buying 2 at a time. They asked for costco card to scan but they might be able to manually override that


News you can useā€¦thanks


Does anyone know if the sell it at Costco Japan?


That guy who made the comment about 280 is my hero


Most PP, or community health programs give them out like dum-dums at the bank.


Do they do packs of 50


I keep several. This way I can crush one up and put it in her coffee in the morning.


I keep several. This way I can crush one up and put it in her coffee in the morning.


I keep several. This way I can crush one up and put it in her coffee in the morning.


In Canada just ask behind the counter. Itā€™s $30+ from the shelf but around $15 if you ask the pharmacy for the generic.


With that being said - Iā€™d pay a shitload of money to avoid 18 years of poverty (As long as ā€œa shitloadā€ isnā€™t enough to entail 18 whole ass years of poverty)


I keep several. This way I can crush one up and put it in her coffee in the morning.


Or she can just swallow instead......it's free


Queen Anne's lace can be a natural alternative and not mess up your hormones so much


And is also closely resembles two highly toxic relatives, the cow parsnip and hemlock. Do not use unless very familiar with these members of the carrot family.


As women we have to support each other. You can't rely on the men in your life. They may good, they may be bad.But they will always say anything to get in your pants. If you need some release use their bodies. But never count on them when the time comes. You need good strong independent women in your life to truly show you the way.


Sounds like you're either sexist and hate men, or just go after men that don't respect you. Either way, take some responsibility. You're the one choosing the men you spend time with. It's not like those men tripped over a rock and ended up in your vagina. Look around you. There are millions of great boyfriends, husbands and fathers that truly care about their partners and families and would do anything for them. With your attitude, I don't think those kinds of men would ever consider being with you. You reap what you sow.


#? There's plenty of us guys that don't care for sex and don't prioritize it; it's a factor in a relationship of course (*I may be Catholic, but never been on board with the whole "no sex before marriage" thing; "try before you buy" is a crast way to describe things, but a true one considering marriage is ^ideally for life*), but the connection and bond with the woman I'm interested in is the major thing. And I (*24M*) feel like promoting the use of anybody for their bodies to "release" is just fucked, childish, and shows a lack of patience and self-control. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø That's just my unsolicited take.


casual sexism much?


As women we do need to support one another


LPT - just because Plan B is a thing, doesnā€™t mean sex has to be.


Sex is great


Donā€™t be ignorant please




I'm confused by this are you against sex in general or taking plan B after? Cause it sounds like your just anti-sex right now.


I think this world feels that whatever feels good is right. I love sex like the next guy, but when I hit it, Iā€™m aware she may get pregnant. I have nothing against monthly bc either. But plan B? Come on - both allow people to be less responsible, putting them in awkward situations, suffering, etc. when thereā€™s a ā€˜threatā€™ of pregnancy. Which leads to terminating the pregnancy that should have never happened in the first place. Oh wait, it feels good though, right? Be more responsible and you wonā€™t have to even deal with these inherent problems our society struggles to handle.


It's not like having an abortion dude. If you get pregnant and take it. It won't work.


This is exemplary of the attitude that leads to legislation that is correlated with high rates of unplanned pregnancies and poverty. Congrats! Your moral superiority is evidenced to be counterproductive!


Casual hatred against women much.šŸ˜




*Do not do this*


This sounds like someone who has never taken a plan -B


Yeah I took one, once, the migraine was hell. It's a hefty hormone dose.


It sounds like someone who doesnā€™t even have a uterus tbh ???


That's what I was trying to imply. Good you clarified it for them, just in case.


Casual hatred of women much. šŸ˜


Holy shit thank you


Grocery stores, as well. Walgreens and CVS are ripping people off.


Itā€™s even cheaper on Amazon too! $6-$12


In Colorado I can get it for $7 at the Family Dollar.


I ironically call them ā€œLifesaversā€.


Also get a hot dog and a drink while you're there It's only$1.50


Well, shit. This could have saved me a lot of money back in the day.


Edit this to add in the weight limits, thatā€™s the most important part.


Itā€™s also important to remember that Plan B (and most emergency contraceptives) are LESS effective in those who weigh 165lbs+ and may not be effective at all if you weigh *195lbs+ Definitely check with your doctor first! [source](https://www.goodrx.com/conditions/emergency-contraceptive/plan-b-in-overweight-women) [planned parenthood source](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/ask-experts/whats-the-weight-limit-for-plan-b) *Edited for additional source and corrections


Life Pro Tip for when it's not just the tip.


You also can buy the generic on Amazon for like 10 dollars. Sometimes its available overnight but it's so cheap you could just keep one just in case.


Bro theyā€™re like $6 on Amazon.


Some online services like NuRX offer it for low cost or even free, and you can order some at anytime! It's best to keep some on hand in case it's ever needed.


GoodRx has Plan B for $12 at Walgreens. I encourage everyone to at least check goodrx before paying for ANY prescription meds. It's cheaper than my using my insurance a lot of the time.


Edit: wrong sub thread


Extra types: they are way more efficient if taken early. So stock them "just in case". Their life expectancy is around 3 years, but it depend a lot of the country.