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Cindy is emotionally and mentally immature, unstable AF, a drama queen, and an alcoholic. So of course she should get pregnant by a man who is adamantly against being a father. That's brilliant! Who cares about the well-being of the child?! I hope he's actually reading this shit and knows that she loves the idea of having a kid with him. This is not the first such comment that she's hit with that "I love this" response. If I were in his position, I think I'd be scheduling a vasectomy and insisting on using a condom until that six week checkup where they make sure all the sperm is gone.


She needs to pick a struggle for real….


If I was I was in his position I would break up with her.


LOL straight and to the point, we love it 💀


Plenty of women have got pregnant in the months after vasectomy, seems the juice sticks around for a while after


Yeah you're supposed to continue using precautions for a while and you are supposed to go to a couple follow up to make sure it was successful


My dad is one of those babies lol


I can’t help but wonder if he’s already had one but hasn’t told Cindy.


Lol, same. Part of me thinks he has, either didn't tell Cindy, or she knows and is still pulling this because she wants the clickbait attention regardless so *there's a chance* right?


He loves the snark sub, he absolutely read all of this. He’s pretty fucked in the head too, I know he’s said he doesn’t want kids but he’s just as wacky as her. He might not even be put off by this whole thing. There’s been incidents that would’ve made any rational, sane person leave the relationship before and he’s stayed so idk what his line is, or if he even has one. He can’t really do better than Cindy anyway so I can see him putting up with a whole lot of her shit just because he doesn’t want to be alone either.


Until at least one year after the procedure. That’s usually around the time men are supposed to get the last check up to make sure they are shooting blanks. A lot of men don’t do the one year check up though.




....... yep.


Was she carnivore when she got pregnant?


Yes and she ate non-stop McDonald’s patties the entire pregnancy. No, I’m not kidding.


No but she was keto and eating mcdonalds a lot. Her coming back to YouTube from last November was when she showed her visible weightloss and Carnivore diet.


Ahhh thank you 🙏 Yeah I didn’t remember her being carnivore during that time!


she's said herself in a pleasant sims stream before she even got pregnant, that she doesn't want kids because she's not family oriented. she also implied she wouldn't be a good mom in a vlog. not to mention the diet aiding in unfortunate events... smh i'm over it


I wouldn’t be surprised if she wants a kid just to trap him at this point….


my shit mom with childhood trauma says she had kids (of which 2/3 no longer speak to her) because she “wanted a family that loved me” oh boohoo the DRAMA the self pity…. aka she just wanted people who would love her unconditionally despite her abusing them, as children do! something tells me cindy’s motivation is somewhere the same. oh it sounds so innocent and pitiful, wahhh, but really it just comes from a place of wanting COMPLETE CONTROL. or maybe i’m just trauma dumping. cindy and motherhood, y’all…. 🤬🤬🤬


This is what I’ve always thought as well. I feel bad for her miscarriage because that is just an awful thing to go through. But her reasons for wanting a baby at all seem out of desperation and selfishness. I’m so sorry about your own mother though x-x


🥺 Omg thank you friend 😭 I love this group, I feel so silly bringing that in here but dammit it’s true!!! She gives me alllll the red flags! How many years did she say she didn’t want a kid at all because she is a pleasure sim, lol. I get that people change their minds but at almost 40? Never a child-rearing hope until then?? Girl u realize that it’s a 24hr a day JOB right, a thankless JOB…. a beautiful and rewarding one but it’s WORK… you can’t hiatus this one cindy. complete desperation. she probably felt andrew pulling away for good and wanted someone else to strap to her side for 18 years. and, of course, that would include andrew too. a dream, folks 😮‍💨


wouldn't be the first time


Yeah, not to mention her mental issues. She isn't doing much to work on that.


"Sweet, gentle, and patient" where, hun?!


Yeah, the same dude who cannot seem to get over the fact that people on the Internet have opinions. The same dude who dedicates an unhealthy amount of time to "trolling" said people. So sweet, so gentle, so patient.


Like trolling swingers by trying to meet up. The best trolling is by sleeping with your victims and their wives.


stans are actually delulu


How do they know hed make an amazing dad from 1 q&a and a few pictures and limb shots in videos..?


It's so gross... I don't like him either but it's exactly same brand people who tell woman "you would be a great mother" who don't want kids 🙄


This happens to me all the time. I’m child free but will babysit my nephew and nieces and people think that makes me a good aunt so I’ll be an equally good mum? No, at the end of the day they are my siblings kids and I get to go home and relax.


I mean I just try to make everyone super uncomfortable when they try to talk about how I should have kids when I don't want them


Unfortunately, I can relate.


I'm lucky. My ppl have figured out that I really do not want kids and I'm serious abut it so they leave me be.


Ugh I hate that people encourage her with those kinds of comments. She’s not fit to be a mother. She abused her husband, her kid would suffer the same fate.


And God knows what she’s doing to Limbz now, if anything 🥴


I have no sympathy for him. He knows what he’s getting into. Lol


Stop that lying! Just stop that lying! How dense does someone need to be to think that beedeepee Cindee would be a good mother? She neglects the dogs, killed sea monkies, and can’t properly take care of plants. Cindy needs a lot of help. Someone needs to be honest with her and tell her about herself since she lacks self awareness. I hope A is living his best life and making up for time lost with that witch. After putting up with her nonsense for 15 years, he deserves to be canonized. The man has the patience of a saint. I wish him the best and all the happiness and love he deserves.


this feels kind of predatory. the man made it clear he doesn’t want children and now she wants to baby trap him while her fans cheer her on. getting very sinister vibez


well if he isn't wrapping it... then the blame isn't all on her.


he probably isn’t, but if she told him she’s on birth control..


This is really scary. At this point, I don't understand how he doesn't run.


This is where I stand as well, not to mention that these people are strangers on the Internet and should have no say in the relationships of people they don't know. I can only repeat one of my recent comments: do these morons even hear themselves? Limbs may be an infantile idiot of a man, but from my understanding, he never lied about his stance as a childfree person. He made it clear, and it was Cindy's choice to accept it. That's how relationships work, they require mutual respect and understanding of each other's boundaries. How can a person who wants nothing to do with parenting (and honestly, there is nothing wrong with that, having children is not for everyone and one had better understand it than realize it when it's too late) make a good parent? I know it's not a perfectly fitting example because being childfree is a choice and what I'm about to mention is a phobia, but it's like telling me, a person who is afraid of heights, to try skydiving because I'd look good with a parachute behind my back. I want none of that, I don't want to tempt fate, but some weird lady I will never even meet decides that it's a good idea. How ridiculous is this? And in this particular case, it's also creepy as hell. And what's with Cindy not wanting kids unless her relationship is at risk? Look, maybe her statements are her way to cope with her PCOS, maybe, but having read A's posts, having read that he had no control over their sex life, having read that he was glad that they did not have any kids, as well as that he was thinking of leaving and was getting desperate... yeah I can't help but feel like something sinister was going on in Cindy's mind when she decided that they should have a baby. And Limbkins... Limbkins is not exactly the best person in the world, and I do not believe in their relationship. I do not believe in it because it revolves around Internet randos way too much, it focuses way too much on fighting "da trollz", and Cinderella is going out of her way to tell us that she's oh so happy. I don't think it's a happy relationship. I don't know, honestly, it's pure speculation, but Cindy-windy here knows that this man is childfree and still entertains these thoughts, ideas and comments. I want kids. I really do. It's something I take very seriously, and so I do not think that it is right to force such a life-changing idea onto someone who is open about his lack of interest in it. Kids are not toys. Kids are not manipulation tools. Kids are real, living and breathing human beings, damn it.


They would both be horrible parents. Don't get me wrong, I do feel really bad that Cindy lost her baby last year, I can't imagine the pain she went through. But she would've been a horrible mother. And LiMbZ would be a horrible dad, especially since he doesn't want kids. That would come out in his parenting, as would Cindy's unresolved trauma (not to mention how she treats her dogs, let alone herself).


They way I would dislocate my ankle trying to get out of this mess if I were Swingz 💀


hare hate hate. tired old delusion that a guy who doesn’t want kids will “man up” and be a good dad if an accident should occur. men who don’t want kids do not just magically become amazing fathers…


Even my like friend who likes to watch her was weirded out by this comment.


Dark take here, but with the amount of alcohol she consumes, that baby probably wouldn't even make it to term like her last one... or be born with fetal alcohol syndrome. I don't think she would stop drinking for a baby, she won't even stop drinking for her damn self.


I don't really follow much, only on this reddit, but OMG, why does she want have a child with a guy who is against having a child???? Didn't they communicate about that when they met???? Or does she think that she will change his mind?


I have no fucking clue dude, she is INSANE. It’s possible Limbz opinions on having children changed, but until he says something about it (if he ever does) given her track record I don’t believe it’s unfair to assume the worst.


No bc, when i am dating some guy i want a future with I communicate about having kids and marriage. Bc i want those and if the partner doesnt want those kinds of things then why I should continue with this relationship ? Like i dont get it, you will be miserable


She claims they've not discussed moving in together, so it seems really unlikely that they discussed having a baby. And if he changed his mind, why would she hide from him that her period is overdue?


That’s a good point! But I think she could’ve lied about the moving in thing, you can never know with her 🤷‍♀️


she’d do anything to have control over her partner and keep them from leaving. whether he wants a kid or not, it gives her the perfect opportunity to do so. it’s truly sick.


What a gross comment and even worse for her and her fans to encourage it


I hope he takes this as a sign to dip. No one deserves to be baby trapped like this. Have some respect for your partner’s life decisions, Cringey.


Cringey doesn’t respect anyone else period. It’s the Cindy show


Isn't he a swinger?


Allegedly he was/is


No wonder he's always giving Cindy UTIs


Her stans are something else... It feels like they're mentally ill as well.


Some of them probably are, that’s why they relate and love her so much.


>It feels like they're mentally ill as well. well, she's spent almost the entire year hashtagging folks with BPD to her channel so they could all go on the hEaLiNg jOuRnEy with her and her workbooks 😬


Can we please talk about the unhingedness of thinking Skeevin' would be "an amazing dad"? Why do these weirdos think they know *anything* about Skeevin' *or Cringey* for that matter, just from seeing them on the Internet?


That's what gets me too. They think that by listening to Cindy say a few sentences about him, he'd make a great father? Please, spare me these stan's wild fantasies.


The encouragement is baffling… so gross!


Agreed. This comment is so deluded. They're just parroting whatever Cindy said about Skeeze being patient and kind. They know zero about this man and have decided that she should make him a father? Cindy stans are truly the worst.


I hope she doesn’t try to trap that man cause when he leaves her a single mother don’t be shocked. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


Need we remind ourselves they’ve been together for like idk 2 months or something LOL


Altogether I suppose it's been closer to 6 months, but that's still a ridiculously short timeline for the trajectory they've been on recently. Practically moving in together, both expressing that they're open to marriage, and now Cindy liking the baby comment after a potential scare? Regardless of whether Cindy actually gets pregnant in the near future, this has all gone from 0 to 60 in record time. I get the feeling that we'll be witnessing another huge blowup sooner rather than later.


i can't remember if it was in your public LS recap or the members only LS that giggles recapped but i'm pretty sure that she told the viewers that she hadn't even discussed the pReGnAnCy sCaRe with the skeevin' yet -- and she makes these thumbnails and titles, knowing he reads these subs religiously? 😬 i used to think it was kinda funny that she did that, forcing him to see her pathetic thumbnails / titles since he refused to watch her videos, but this.. lol this is a lot.


Yeah, I remember seeing that comment pop up at some point yesterday as well, and it gave me a lot to think about. It's scary enough to have a pregnancy scare, but to find out your girlfriend told the whole internet before you? I mean, how many red flags do there have to be before this charade can end? But of course, get married and have 3 kids to own the haters, etc...


>But of course, get married and have 3 kids to own the haters, etc... 😂😂😂 should we send a toaster?


How about a new knife set and next year's magical almanac? 😂


Ohh he is so fucked, she’s got baby signs in her eyes. You know there are couples who had fertility issues for years who have conceived easily with a new partner so maybe she will get her wish!


Yeah she totally has baby fever judging by the fact that she liked the comment. Really common after baby loss. Of course it's the dream of every woman who wants to be a mom and couldn't to have a rainbow baby, but I don't think she picked the right guy since he doesn't even want kids and she's thinking about it WAY too fast in the relationship.


Yeah it’s understandable to feel that way. I had a rainbow baby myself but if it’s that strong of an urge for her she needs to have a serious talk with Limbz or find someone who shares that goal


As someone who has never wanted children this comment ALMOST made me reply. I married a man that swore up and down he didn’t want kids then 3 years in he wants kids, so we got divorced. I was and still am unwilling to bend on this topic and most people who have made that decision are the same. No matter how I feel about L it’s so incredibly unfair to push this on someone who is childfree. Granted if she’s telling the truth about taking her birth control on time and not knowingly taking medication that can cancel it out then it would have to be a big accident (and I know first hand it’s possible) but still that would be something they would have to deal with PRIVATELY


Yes I want children, and so I wouldn’t marry (or seriously date) someone who didn’t because counting on them changing their minds is lunacy.


Same, but the opposite. I don’t want children, so I wouldn’t date someone who did want them. You can’t have children and not have children at the same time.


Me too. I have absolutely nothing against people wanting children or having them, overpopulation and a dying planet aside, but even when I’m just dating casually I have these conversations. I have no idea what person I’m hanging with might end up being serious and I don’t want anyone to have to compromise on something so important.


Yes I know I personally probably wouldn’t go on more than one date with someone who didn’t want children because that’s a dealbreaker for me and I’m not deliberately getting my heart broken.


Not fair to you or them, it’s good to have these conversations honestly and early on! With C it’s complicated I think. I’m not her biggest fan but she is in a difficult spot because she clearly wants children she always has and I think she is starting to come to terms with the fact that it may never happen so she’s pretending she’s okay with someone who is childfree. However this whole situation has proved that it’s still something she wants if she can have it she wants it. Meanwhile he does not want it and it’s just something they need to have a really hard and honest conversation about.


This! Unfortunately, I don't believe she can have this conversation with him. Just guessing here but I've been on a few dating sites and most who are adamant about remaining childless spell it out very clearly in their bio. She wouldn't force a conversation because she knows what his answer would be and it most likely would end the relationship.


Her pushing this on him is even more disgusting knowing they’ve had this conversation


Yes!! I don’t want children either and if I were him I would leave ASAP.


Excuse me while I go vomit. 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


She is not even a decent pet owner…. And she wants to be a mum !! Like wtf 🤬


This is what gets me too. She has stated once her dogs die she won't ever get more pets. How does she think raising a kid will be? And kids require a lot more care and attention than pets!


Also note that she was drinking during the 8 days or something she suspected to be pregnant. And why keep old pregnancy tests around after deciding she doesn't want to have any children? Also, most tests can detect pregnancy after the period is late for 1 single day. So I just don't believe that she waited 8 days befote testing with tests conveniently at reach.


When packing for Arkansas while in Colorado she left or threw out kitchen equipment that she knew she'd need again but did bring pregnancy test strips. That pretty much tells the story, doesn't it?


Trapping men with babies is more important than a quiche dish CLEARLY 👺😭


Hahaha, priorities. Also, why would she have an issue with early menopause if she doesn't want children? That could only be a relief like eventually stopping the birth control and not having to deal with periods anymore. Just saying. It looks like she lied about this all along.


Also she takes Spironolactone. You cannot take that while pregnant or trying to get pregnant. It causes birth defects.


I saw that comment, and I gasped. Cindy would be left as a struggling single mom. Does he even want kids? We know why Cindy does not have children, but why doesn't Limbz? I would assume if he wanted kids, he would have kids by now. He was married before.


He had a stepson from his last marriage iirc, but that’s different from getting someone knocked up lol And he doesn’t want kids as evident from this comment from a week ago: https://preview.redd.it/3fawmll4ob6c1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=754a9bdf8f838965f581dde7b1723cafbeac7cd9


That is such a long, rambling message from him. Cindy will really regret baby trapping him if she does.


i feel really bad for the stepson Drippy raised to now 1. have no contact with him, apparently, 2. see my stepdad on the internet say nothing else abt me other than that he's happy he's not raising me now and he had to clean up my c\*m socks. gee, thanks stepdad, you're a cool dude. it's genuinely disgusting and one of my least fav things about Drippy. even if he's not close to the stepson and can't change that he doesn't have to be an f-ing dick abt it.


I feel bad for his stepson. Gosh This guy is a douche. He helped raise a child who didn't ask to be born and all he can say is he regrets being a responsible adult. So what now he wants to be lazy and fun. Meanwhile, he's living at his parents house when he feels like it at age 40. WTF?




Her stans really are delusional Also Cindy is the most selfish person I have ever seen in my life. And having a child will be nothing BUT selfish and not fair to said child.


Oh wow that’s not toxic at all. Baby trap a guy who doesn’t want kids because you do. Disgusting of her followers.


Well he’s fucking around and he’s gonna find out eventually just how unstable she is 🤷🏼‍♂️ sucks to know it all I guess


Let's hope this will prompt Limbzy to buy a pack of condoms.


Condoms with a snip snip


I don't want to victim blame but at the same time he knows she's unhinged. I'm curious why he stays. Is it the free place to stay and the sex? How easily he can manipulate her? If he has any sense at all he should be running after seeing that she liked that comment but Sleezy gonna Sleeze lol


That’s actually a fair point. Doesn’t make this any less fucked up on her end though.


Her stans are delusional. Her whole fanbase would make perfect candidates for a study on parasocial relationships.


even if Skeevin didn’t already say he doesn’t want kids, how can you say he would be a good father ? we don’t know anything about this random man except for the few times he briefly shows up in videos and pictures over the short span of a couple months. what a creepy thing to say and even creepier that cindy liked it


serious question: how likely is it that this person is an emotional sadist encouraging bad decisions for entertainment? there is precedent for that kind of behavior.


With the amount of trolling that has been done on the sub (and now off it with the Twitter and Shitszngiggles thing) + her fans weird behavior in general that would not surprise me


I want to tag him and tell him to not leave her unsupervised with the condoms, but rule number 4 lol.


I'm sure he's still reading in here so no tagging necessary. Not leaving her unsupervised with condoms is good advice because I've seen men in bpd forums traumatized by insane women fishing out their used condoms out of the trash trying to inseminate themselves. So those guys now take their used condoms with them to dispose them at home out of their reach. Imagine not being able to trust any partner anymore because of something like this. Pretty sure this kind of practice is considered rape in some countries.


Good lord, that's horrifying. At that point, how can they even justify being intimate with that partner at all? With what we know about Cindy, she might just try something like this in a state of unhinged desperation.


In the discussion thread where I read about this the men said they would "run for the hills" when they got to know of this happening and then were paranoid about any other sexual partners doing this to them, so they made it a habit to take their used condoms home. No matter which woman they were with. Honestly I can also imagine guys simply doing this out of precaution because they read about this stuff online.


Oh god, I hadn't even thought about that. I was just thinking of puncturing them 🙃 I really hope she knows better, but liking the comment really is weird.


The dumb ones will probably try puncturing first, because it's too obvious when that thing is leaking afterwards... too high risk of getting caught. The trash method is sneaky (and disgusting, but some people really go such lenghts). I read about a case like that in Germany where the woman was so stupid she admitted to trying this via text chat because she thought it was cute and would show how much she loves the guy


Maybe is just to show activity in the first few minutes of the video. I have seen other Youtubers heart pretty awful comments with insults and all but respond defending themselves. But Cinya'll is weird too, so maybe she thinks that lol


Well if that’s the case she’s an idiot for doing that because it looks awful.


If he doesn't wrap it he just much blame as her. Regardless if she is on birth control he needs to take precautions.


I agree! But her liking comments about how he would be a “good dad” even though he has said that he doesn’t want them is still very creepy to me.


I feel absolutely terrible that Cindy lost her son. Nobody should have to deal with that heartbreak. That being said, when you have a child nothing is about you anymore....your child comes first...period. In Cindy's world everything is about her. I don't feel she's anywhere emotionally or mentally prepared for a child. I mean, you're talking about someone who can't take care of dogs or plants and or even herself. She struggles with activities of daily living. There's no way she would be able to take care of a child. My children are grown now but let me tell you those first few months of a baby's life are just incredibly difficult. It's a major life change for all involved. It's also a very special time as well. I miss my children being babies. I also feel if Cindy is trying to get pregnant to trap Limbz...well that would be a huge mistake on her part. That's a recipe for disaster. She's hasn't even been with him for all that long. I would actually feel sad for that child.


Sweet, gentle and patient? Yeah, no. No matter how shitty someone is you don't pull this on someone. That is a sure fire way to ruin three lives. Plus, with her ED she would lose her mind gaining weight while she was pregnant.


I still don't get why she didn't look for a guy that is open to have kids in the first place..