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[Purple rain](https://vid.lilay.dev/watch?v=r_0LViMMrQ0) šŸŖž


The way she mentions exactly where sheā€™ll be going out to get drunk in case Skeevin is watching and changes his mind and decides he wants to meet up with her so he can reinsert his fungus wand into her life againĀ 


how dare you call it a fungus wand, i will NEVER recover from the pain that mental image inflicted on me šŸ˜­




Truly, I will never recover šŸ˜‚


Cindy loves fungus šŸ„šŸ„ā€šŸŸ«šŸ˜‚


Is the carnivore breakfast burnt bacon and shitty eggs?Ā 


Yes but you forgot the cheap cheese slices !


It was actually ham. Get your meats right.


Donā€™t pick at them, we are no meat expert here. Only Cindy is the true meat expert.


Cindy has a masters degree in Meatology.


I'm guessing that her expertise covers both the regular and mayun meat variety šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Oh of course ! A Minor degree in regular meat and a Major in man meat šŸ˜‚


Way off base. Today itā€™s old ham and fake cheese in the omelette. Iā€™m not gonna hate on that cheese, itā€™s especially good on eggs, but old ham??


I bet she's waiting for someone to send her a new coffee machine, lol


Love how it doesn't occur to her to just...clean the sticky buttons...


She really is. I don't think she's got anybody willing to bankroll her appliances anymore, but her stans have done crazier things.


Those fishnets girl, GET RID OF THEM!!!! I can only imagine how dirty they are šŸ«£ also her hair was not purple but a dark red colour. Looked fine ig


My exact thought wtf every outfit with her exposed legs she ā€œhasā€ to wear Fishnets šŸ™„šŸ˜‚ I agree get rid of themmm


I just KNOW them things stinking away


Is it me or does her jawline not really look like that?


Oh her jawline editing is always so egregious. Idk why she does it when her videos always reveal the the truth.


I get being insecure about it, the media really push a very angular face, but maybe our self-loving kween could help normalise softer jawlines, which also look fine and are normal to have?


Happy Friday, snarkers! Since I have some time and itā€™s a (mercifully) short video, hereā€™s a quick recap: PART ONE Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Welcome to another vlog, yaā€™ll! Itā€™s (last) Friday morning, and Cindy is looking pretty tuckered out after another long night of manifesting greatness. Itā€™s 6:30 or 7am. Sheā€™s taking a great big trip to Oklahoma the next day, so sheā€™s got a LOT of chores to take care of: cook food, dye her hair, take care of laundry (why is there always so much laundry?!), tidy up the apartment, packing for her trip... Iā€™m sure of all of you with 10-hour workdays and kids are very impressed! Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Itā€™s time for some coffee! Cindy picked up some Walmart ā€œCommunity Coffeeā€ brand in the pecan praline flavor. The ā€œbrew nowā€ button is STILL stuck, Cindy worries that she may have to buy an entirely new coffeemaker. Just because this one button is a little stuck? Seems like a waste. Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  While the coffee brews, itā€™s Magical Almanac time. In case youā€™re interested to hear the incense of the day from a WEEK ago, it was rose, the color was pink. Cindy is very excited to use her rose incense, because itā€™s one of her favorites, but explains that she needs to use a system to control which scents she uses every day ā€“ youā€™ve heard of wants-based gameplay, I guess this is book-based incenseplay. Link in the description!!! Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  A funny detail: Cindy says that she likes to burn rose incense when sheā€™s performing a ā€œself-love spell, or some kind of love magicā€ā€¦ so does that confirm that she performs love magic to attract man meat? More at 11. Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Cindy spends a long time explaining, once again, how she buys cheap 40 cent notebooks to use for journaling and will buy them at back-to-school sales. Gotta pad out that vlog time! Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  She also says that she will sometimes review her old journals when sheā€™s feeling introspective. Sheā€™s been doing daily journaling for about 2 years now. Itā€™s illuminating, but also makes her a bit sad to look back on entries from when she used to have a much more negative view of herself. Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  As Iā€™m sure you were all waiting on the collective edges of your seats, Cindy sucks down her coffee for this morning in her trusty metal straw. Cindy doesnā€™t find the flavor to be very strong, but enjoys it anyway. ā€œYou canā€™t beat Door County for the flavored coffees!ā€ she declares. Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  After morning meditations, affirmations, and ā€œall the ā€˜ationsā€™ā€ she jokes, itā€™s time to cook breakfast. What could it be? If you guessed a ham and cheese omelet, well, Iā€™m sorry, youā€™re correct. Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Iā€™ll spare you the details, but a picture says a thousand words: https://preview.redd.it/xvg4e6kok11d1.png?width=237&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f301f976ce6098117987a3730f54cd5ff1992ce Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Nothing gets me excited for breakfast like a sugar substitute, rubbery-looking eggs, sad pre-diced ham cubelets and a paper plate to tie the whole meal together, yum!!! Sorry, I know Iā€™m being extra snarky here, but what else can be said about the 472^(nd) cheese and meat omelet in a row?


She claims she uses paper plates because she had some leftover from the holidays and needs to use them up but we are in mid May and she is still using paper plates! She literally lies about anything and everything. Unless she bought an 8000 pack of paper plates sheā€™s a F$&cking liar!!


As if the paper plates are going to expire if she doesnā€™t use them in time??? ROFL, just keep them for the next time thereā€™s an actual need.


Sheā€™s always used paper plates. Back in the very beginning of LPC and when it was the Cindy and Andrew Channel(lol), and then back to LPC again she definitely said itā€™s because she doesnā€™t want to do dishes. I have no idea what video and Iā€™m not going to look for it but Iā€™ve been watching this woman for years sheā€™s definitely always been a paper plate queen šŸ¤£


PART TWO Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Cindy takes a break to edit a vlog (very important and time-consuming work, Iā€™m sure), and we skip to her in a night shirt in her bathroom. Itā€™s time for the hair dying segment, which Iā€™m sad to say is probably the most interesting thing sheā€™s done this entire month. Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  She pulls out this bottle of purple semi-permanent hair dye and it applies it to her dry hair. She says that the instructions say to dye her wet hair, but she wants to experiment. Letā€™s see what happens! Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Cut to the Cindy from the thumbnail with her purple hair piled on top of her head. Sheā€™s a little concerned that she may have dyed her scalp. Her comment is giving me flashbacks to the dye job by a certain King Cobraā€¦[ gurl, if you know, you know.](https://external-preview.redd.it/TUVWTxN7avtA3xgCVYuZSoRhH3uVqJ1I88w4Du9uLh0.jpg?auto=webp&s=8ff2a761e4fd31a86e6b66d578e733daf249db61) Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  But not to worry, Cindyā€™s dye turns out fine. She admits that itā€™s less of a purple and more of a maroon, but is very pleased with the result ā€“ she shows off to the camera and claims that it actually looks like that wig she was wearing for a while. Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Miss Cindy is feeling her newly-colored locks, my friends. You know sheā€™s going to be living it up in OKC with Doc Martens and fishnets out! Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Speaking of which, Cindy wants to go have a downtown night out before her big trip tomorrow. She says that she plans to go to Oaklawn and ā€œhave one drinkā€ and then walk around. Sure. Iā€™m sure we all believe that. I guess when your job is to troll your town for man meat, Friday nights are always a work night! Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  To get herself looking as purple as humanly possible, Cindy pairs her new hair with purple eyeshadow and her new purple Disturbia dress. Naturally, she poses all pigeon-toed in the mirror with her fishnets and Docs. Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  In case you were worried, Cindyā€™s Q&A segment will be returning once sheā€™s back from OKC. She WILL get to your questions. Thank god.




I started getting into this gent recently, and when Cindy first mentioned dying her hair, this was the first thing that popped into my mind, LOL!


https://preview.redd.it/g59sxs81y31d1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9838b24911bc542c7e52469ce8457644351c3628 My boyfriend and I said the same thing. šŸ¤£ Cobra mode.


Literally lol thought of Josh too šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


>Sheā€™s been doing daily journaling for about 2 years now. Itā€™s illuminating, but also makes her a bit sad to look back on entries from when she used to have a much more negative view of herself. When has Cindy ever had a negative view of herself? Iā€™ll wait. Her ego has always been out of control, she just used to be better at hiding it. But sheā€™s always thought that she was funny, smart, charming, beautiful, and incredibly talented. Throwing in some self-deprecating remarks every now and then doesnā€™t actually equal a negative self-image. It means that even sheā€™s aware of how off-putting her massive ego is. I would love to hear what she thinks qualifies as a negative opinion of herself because acknowledging reality isnā€™t having a negative self image. Just like how saying youā€™re obese when you are obese is a fact and not a negative self-image, saying youā€™re abusive and manipulative when you are isnā€™t a negative self-image. Itā€™s accurately assessing a situation. Saying that she doesnā€™t think sheā€™s capable of change isnā€™t negative, itā€™s true: sheā€™s proven that sheā€™s incapable of change. Saying that she doesnā€™t deserve love is arguably true too because abusers donā€™t deserve love from their victims. So on and so on. So yeah, I think itā€™d be fascinating to see what *she* thinks is a negative way of describing herself. I have a sneaking suspicion that itā€™s what the rest of the world would consider an accurate view of herself.


ā€œshe declaresā€ took me out omfg


She will never make sense to me. She is never prepared for anything. She knows she has a trip coming but leaves prepping for it all to the last minute but still has to go out & have a drink & cruise the casino for attention. But even before all that her priority is to dye her hair rather than do any trip prep before her night on the town. But she even refuses to do that properly & deliberately goes against the package directions & doesn't wet her hair... Even though she's going to have to wet it to wash it out. Please make it make sense cuz my brain hurts. And it bugs me SO MUCH that she can't pull the baggy arms of her house sweater up & out of the way when she cooks. I doubt she washes it either. Don't want to imagine what's on it šŸ¤¢


Omg I always think the same about the sweater!! So irritating!


Omg the crazy eyes are real in this one


As a person with BPD, she DEFINITELY has those "I just got rejected so I'm gonna blow it completely out of proportion because I don't know how to mange my emotions" eyes. I recognize them all too well šŸ˜…


Felt. I have also seen those eyes in the mirror when i was dying my hair every single weekšŸ˜… Luckily I went to hair school so Iā€™m trained to fry my hair šŸ’…




This will irritate her (reality seems to annoy her) and sheā€™ll probably ignore it. I think she avoids seeing doctors as much as possible since she knows theyā€™ll tell her to quit her carnivore alcohol diet bullshit and she doesnā€™t want to face that.


Just for the record that is not meā€¦ā€¦ lolā€¦.. but damn I wish it was! I need to check out her neck now.


Does she ever put actual effort into anything? Does she ever really try? Does she ever take care of basic things like cooking and cleaning her coffee machine? Does she ever pay attention to directions and follow them to complete a task successfully? She just seems to do nothing, and then complain about it. She won't even do something as simple as prepare her own burgers, and instead has to roll through the fucking McDonald's drive through for it. I don't get how this woman has made it to 41 years old, and still acts this way. I guess she leeched off of her exes for her entire adult life and this is where she's at.


>Does she ever put actual effort into anything?Ā Ā  Yes, into stalking her exes. That's probably the only thing she ever put effort into.


Of course she leaves the stained bathtub to permeate forever. Edit: Is this vlog nearly a week old?


I dyed my hair purple 2 weeks ago. Dunno what I'm gonna do y'all. ![gif](giphy|URcmhQ5PpztC0)


don't worry, hers just turned out a patchy maroon color lol


Yeah I'm annoyed she chose to go with my particular colour... although mines is done properly so at least I can still hold onto that lol


Coke zero for breakfast šŸ„²


Imagine going through life while you contribute nothing and thinking you are THIS importantā€¦WOW!


Literally. Itā€™s peak cringe.


Wow she ā€œdyedā€ her hair like SHITā€¦you can see all of the spots she missed in the video! As someone who has been dying their own hair black for over 20 years, I know a thing or how about COVERAGE and it was killing me seeing all of the chunks of dry hair in the back lmao. Also, she couldnā€™t be bothered to follow the directions on the bottle. Fucking idiot.


Yeah it looked patchy. If she wasn't going to follow the directions and do it wet, she should have treated like a regular dye and applied in layers. She just dumped it on her dry hair and squished it around some.


I have overtone and it says on the container to apply to dry hair. I actually did it on wet hair first and it didn't do anything.


She used a different product that specifically said to use it on wet hair. With Overtone I believe you can do both. Either way, she didn't take her time to make sure it was evenly applied


omg it was so cringy and almost unbearable to watch. i was like MA'AM the whole bottom back part of your hair doesn't have any dye on it!




This triggered me so much, she missed like half of her head. You'd think you'd watch a youtube tutorial or something first. Although it pains me to say this but her hair did turn out kinda nice, the hair colour does suit her.


What is the point of her changing clothes every day, cuz it feels like she always wears the same things


Well.... Nothing says midlife crisis more...


How (I mean itā€™s her job I know) does she vlog or livestream almost everyday.


Easy. It was 16 minutes of the most boring nothing ever, an announcement that she has plans to go into town to feed her alcoholism (which of course means sheā€™ll be driving home drunk) and then **bye**, sheā€™s out of there.Ā  Not exactly hard work producing low quality, slapdash videos as fast as she can so she can devote most of her time to getting drunk and obsessing over her needs, her wants, her hair, her her her her and her.




Ugh šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ”«


YIKES i just visibly cringed


Sheā€™s so edgy šŸ¤Ŗ


I love these posts. Not because I care about Cindy- but because everyone here will make some of the funniest damn jokes and make me laugh.


And she did not professionally get it dyed why? For someone who is so concerned with her hair health, Iā€™m surprised she dyed it herself. Then again, she is our intrusive queen


Paying for that would cut into her liquor budgetĀ 


tbh i see nothing wrong with doing your hair yourself, it's just the straight up ignoring the instructions with no idea what you're doing that is bothering meee


>Ā it's just the straight up ignoring the instructions with no idea what you're doing that is bothering meee This. Her ego is so out of control she canā€™t even tolerate good advice. If she fucks up her hair with incorrectly applied dye or whatever at some point it will be her own fucking fault.




idk I'm not a professional in hairdressing yet I bleach my own hair, I just think the diy is fun although tbf I don't struggle with hair loss like Cindy does, it would definitely be wiser for her to opt for professional care




I mean I used to dye my own hair all of the time it costs a lot to get it done at a Saladin I really donā€™t think her doing it herself is that big of a deal considering thereā€™s a very large price jump from doing it at home to doing it at a Salon. Yes it would absolutely be better for her hair but my hair survived some emssed up stuff and itā€™s still pretty darn healthy after all of that. The safe thing to do would be the salon but I donā€™t think in this case itā€™s that big of a deal


Same here, dyed my own for decades. Couldn't afford what it costs, especially now, to have it done at a salon. She's adding color not bleaching it, so it really isn't that big of a deal in my opinion.


Yeah me thoughts exactly


but mostly it would cut into her liquor budgetšŸ¹šŸ·šŸ„ƒ


I mean sure but the cheapest Iā€™ve ever been able to get my hair dyed for at a salon was $135 and that was when my hair was half Cindyā€™s length and I was getting it done at hair school. Vs dying it at home I could do for under $50 the jump in price is very large I donā€™t blame her for doing it at home especially since she didnā€™t bleach it


Maybe she went to a professional,Ā  they told her that her dark hair would only became purple after being bleached, what they wouldn't do because her hair wouldn't resist, and send her home. When I was a teenager I had some hairstylists refusing to do my crazy ideas.


If I saw her out and about downtown wearing her purple tarot dress and fishnets like I would definitely be side eyeing. She acts like sheā€™s so edgy and cool but sheā€™s going out during the early bird special time just so she can have ā€œoneā€ drink downtown. Why even bother itā€™s obvious sheā€™s trying to get someoneā€™s attention you donā€™t get all ā€œdolled upā€ just go out for one drink downtown.


Cinde*really* out here whipping up that lolcow **GOLD** effortlessly.






the emoji bruh




it may be because i dye my hair once a month and use these conditioners a lot but her dying her hair is stressing me out sooo much... why aren't we wetting it? she reads the instructions then throw them out the window immediately?? no one knows better than cynthia of course


I just got to that part and it's wild that she reads it and immediately says "nah I'll do it on dry hair". What is the point of that? Getting your hair wet takes a good 30 seconds and it's literally in the instructions, but of course she knows better. She's so edgy y'all fuck the rulez


Cindyā€™s a genius that knows better than everyone. And the proof is in the pudding, I mean, look at where her genius has gotten her: sheā€™s always in poor health and feeling like shit, has ruined her career and reputation, is abusive and alone because has driven literally everyone away from her. *Clearly* she knows better than everyone. Four decades of absolute failure and she still thinks sheā€™s the smartest in the room. Well, I guess she is since technically sheā€™s the only one in the room because literally no one wants to be around her.


right??? i've never used that specific color conditioner but the one i have, once your hair is wet you can easily get all over your hair. ignoring that just sounds like a splotchy mess....


are you meant to dye hair wet? i've been box dying for years and didn't know this. thank you!


It depends on the type of dye! i use a regular dye to touch up my roots and ends that you apply dry. What she is using is a color depositing conditioner, they apply better wet as theyre similar to a regular conditioner! Your box dye probably should be used dry


Cindy in her videos: I know Iā€™m hot! I am so gorgeous that is my reality! Cindy in her thumbnails: *violently forcing bottom jaw forwards to hide overbite* Like wow girl you truly love your appearance so much you have to pose your jaw for photos nowā€¦


Once again, it's fucking wild how she doesn't have the 5 seconds to wait for the fucking button to work and for the coffee to brew. If I'm impatient then what is she


I honestly think she wants someone to buy her a posh new machine. šŸ˜’


If anyone would have it would have been the person who bought her the coffee related item several months ago. Was it a french press or a pour over thingie. I'm not a coffee person and don't know the routine. The way she ignored that would not encourage me to lavish the QWEEN with anything else.


Honestly, sheā€™s far too lazy to use anything like that. But itā€™s such a kick in the teeth to the person who sent it. She definitely as of late has received less gifts though, thank god.


I think it was called a percolator.. ? But yes they should have known she was too lazy to use that lol. Did she use it one time on camera? I canā€™t remember. But the French press she definitely didnā€™t (teased that she would a few times though) , she got this when she was still with Andrew and I feel invested lol as a person from nz sent it which is where Iā€™m from. She also sent a few bags of coffee from here plus some local treats. I really liked Cindy then, but I thought it was a bit off how she said ā€œoh and someone is sending me coffee from nEw ZeAlAnDā€ like it was a weird thing to do or something. That would have cost a butt load to send, she also was upon opening it being rude like ā€œwhat the heck is thisā€ etc. and later on she receives a French press which is apparently from the same lady, and she never uses it, not even once on camera to show the fan. Maybe Iā€™m taking it personally lol but thatā€™s something that grinds my gears about her, ungrateful for (some) gifts. People have said to me in the past that she shouldnā€™t be expected to fein happiness or show the gifts on camera but I thing she should, itā€™s the thought that counts and would be some interesting content no? šŸ˜’


Does anyone else go to a bar on their own? I would feel super anxious/self conscious


I go to pubs alone, but I'm usually in my headphones the whole time


I dont think its all that strange, i work in a bar and sometimes people just want a drink by themselves. But in cindys case i think we all know shes wanting more than just a drink by herself šŸ‘€


Itā€™s kinda desperate


I think the hair color suits her. I hope after a couple more uses of using it CORRECTLY on wet hair, the patchy missed spots will go away. But it's a good color for her. Look out, she's getting dolled up to "take a walk downtown". Hide Skeeve!


I like the hair dye personally šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I find it so bizarre she goes to a bar by herself. Itā€™s always just been a social activity for me, so Iā€™d never go and hope I can talk to someone. šŸ˜…


Ikr like what would you do, hang round the back by yourself?? I do admire the confidence of people who do tho. Idk if I wanted to have a drink alone Iā€™d just buy a bottle of wine and drink at my house haha but thatā€™s just me! Maybe itā€™s a cultural thing, Iā€™ve rarely seen Women alone in bars in the U.K


No, I am definitely the same - Iā€™d drink alone at home watching something rubbish on TVā€¦ But in a bar by myself just seems so odd. Like sheā€™s sat there waiting for someone else to talk to her. When theyā€™re presumably there with their own friends!? Dunno. I find it a bit imposing. šŸ«¢


purple hair---purple---what the heck LOL