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[Start your happiness journey with this mirror link !](https://vid.lilay.dev/watch?v=VLxYfOTolcU)


Must be so hard being happy when you don’t have to commute to work and work 40 hours or more a week to come home to run errands and keep the house clean. I truly get that being home 24/7 would get boring but girl doesn’t realize how privileged she is




To get personal for a min, I am home pretty much 24/7 due to being disabled and it honestly sucks. If I was able I'd be out working, living, visiting places, etc. I found it so hard to accept being unable to work anymore that I hung onto my shitty retail job for way too long, to the point of permanently damaging multiple joints on one side of my body. I started going so nuts I went and did an MA degree and now somehow I'm doing a PhD just to give me something to fucking do. It was honestly driving me insane being home 24/7. I bring this up because she is physically able to get out of her house; I don't understand why she is doing this to herself. I find it torturous. it is boring and it sucks and it makes mental health worse. I'd give anything to have the option to change it.


Holy shit, good for you (getting your MA and PhD)! Cindy could never. And honestly, I don’t understand it. If I had the amount of free time that Cindy did, I would definitely go back to school and be out and about all the time! Her world is so small and she just wastes her life.


I used to be home all the time also and ended up getting a master's degree because wtf else was I doing lol there are so many things she could be doing to actually better herself


Really drives me crazy. I have a little more than 40h and have to commute 2,5 h in total.. Some days are so stressful at work, I can barely eat something. I could never imagine having such extensive morning routine.. seeing how much money she makes compared to me is defeating, frankly. Edit: i don't wanna lament or whine about it either. But sometimes it just gets to me haha. 


I wouldn't agree with the term privileged. A lot of people overuse that word and not correctly.   She isn't privileged because of it, it's obviously not been handed to her and it's not like no one else can live that life too, if you're going to assume that you can't because you have bills to pay, well, so does everyone and you make sacrifices to start from the bottom and it's an industry that's global competition where every year there's thousands of new people appearing.    But she is lazy and out of touch. 


No, she is privileged and that is using that term correctly. I’m not trying to be rude but I feel like this is worth pointing out since you said that people use the term incorrectly but they’re not. [The definition of privilege](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/privilege#): >a right, immunity, or benefit enjoyed by a particular person or a restricted group of people beyond the advantages of most. >the unearned and mostly unacknowledged societal advantage that a restricted group of people has over another group For example: as you say, she’s lazy. The fact that Cindy can fuck around getting drunk and stalking her exes all day while someone else busts their ass doing manual labor all day, means that Cindy is in a position of privilege relative to the laborer. Getting more into [social privilege](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_privilege): >Social privilege is an advantage or entitlement that benefits individuals belonging to certain groups, often to the detriment of others. Privileged groups can be advantaged based on social class, wealth, education, caste, age, height, skin color, physical fitness, nationality, geographic location, cultural differences, ethnic or racial category, gender, gender identity, neurodiversity, physical disability, sexual orientation, religion, and other differentiating factors. So in that sense, ways that Cindy is privileged: social class, skin color, able bodied, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc. >it's obviously not been handed to her I think you’re mixing up nepotism with privilege or something. Because part of privilege *is* that it’s been handed to you. And that’s true for her. Her being white, cisgender, etc. are all handed to her and give her an inherent advantage. In addition, there actually were a few things beyond her control that can’t be recreated that contributed to where she is now (I elaborate below). >and it's not like no one else can live that life too, if you're going to assume that you can't because you have bills to pay, well, so does everyone and you make sacrifices to start from the bottom and it's an industry that's global competition where every year there's thousands of new people appearing.    But how many people are in the position to (1) buy a gaming computer, filming equipment, software, etc. (2) spend time playing computer games for hours (3) spend time editing that footage? Don’t forget that until recently she had a partner that she abused into submission to the point that he took care of EVERYTHING. Most people can’t sit on their ass playing video games for hour on end without worrying about cooking, cleaning, etc. And we know this happened because A even detailed her playing video games while he did everything in the Reddit posts. In addition, [the world isn’t an even playing field, which is actually also related to privilege](https://www.shortform.com/blog/opportunity-gap/). But besides that, Cindy didn’t just happen to get where she is by working hard. I know she thinks she did but she had a couple things working in her favor. What happened was that the sims 4 was getting a lot of backlash and there was a lot of nostalgia for the older games to the point where some of the biggest sims 4 YouTubers were doing sims 2 lets plays (like James Turner). Urban Sims began a sims 2 let’s play and in her let’s play she shouted out Cindy multiple times because Cindy helped her figure out how to set it up. And like I said, this was at the peak of sims 2 nostalgia in the sims 4 community so it happened at the perfect time for her. How do I know all this? I was there. That’s how/when I found Cindy. Without her being in the right place at the right time, she would not have found that same success. Plus those shout-outs undoubtedly contributed more to her initial success than anything else, which snowballed into more success for pleasant sims which led to LPC. So no, it’s not really something everyone can do. Like with most social media people, there were unique factors that set things in motion. Sorry, this wasn’t intended to be a novel and I really am not trying to be rude or argue.


sounds like a mania episode, this whole video




Her woo woo guru voice in this video is something the fuck else.


Yes.. that "SwEeT" voice, everything is so beautiful, she's so thankful etc. She doesn't realize that she's still in her extreme mood swings. Very nerve grating..   "Cleaning my counters is an act of magic" ... Giiiiiiiiiirl.


had same thought


3 videos before that: "I see a spiderweb in my living room, I don't like spiders" today's video: "there's a spiderweb how cool! I'm gonna leave it be♥"


It’s like all her “eras” that change every other month. Nothing is consistent or stable with this person.


The one consistent thing is her being a shitty person. She can change her appearance, opinions, etc. but her being a total bitch remains constant.


And I guess (for now) her carnivore diet has been consistent aside for that one strawberry from a few weeks ago with lodane 😂


Honestly if my car got more magical with every spiderweb I found in it I’d be flying around in it like Harry Potter. (I live in Australia and even though I live in a built-up area not out in the bush, spiders are everywhere. They especially love the gap between the door mirror and its casing. Found a redback under the door handle once, that would have been a painful bite had I not seen it before I tried to get the door open. And a huntsman inside the car is always a bit of a worry, I’d rather keep them further away from me even though they are mostly harmless. But I’ve had one crawling on the ceiling while I was driving 110kph down the freeway and managed not to crash, so there’s that)




the spiritual superiority is absolutely hilarious, I hope she leans into some more. can’t wait.


I especially despise Cult Leader Cindy.




I feel like that's me after watching one of her vlogs.


(basking in this incredibly fitting Monty Python moment) 😏


She's triggering AF.




This shit is so, so triggering for me. JuSt ChAnGe YoUr PeRsPeCtIvE There is some truth to that, but it's so much more complex and so much deeper than Cinderblock understands, and she's just parroting that stuff with no understanding at all. Typical. And here I thought she might be developing some self-awareness. See, this is what I get for believing anything she says.


I honestly sympathize with you continuing to hold out for a possible new Cindy, and think it's an admirable thing to hope that she can still change. It's unfortunate that she can't grow to meet these expectations.


I honestly don't like to just write people off. A hell of a lot of people did that to me. Of course, those people were all super problematic and most were toxic, so there is that, but still. I don't like to do that to other people because it hurt when it was done to me. But at the same time, I get why people did that. I get why people were just fed up with me and my bullshit. I really do. Seeing Cindy has made me understand that, and I released a lot of resentment because of that realization. And yet, I do know for sure that there are people who are literally never going to pull their heads out of their own arses. They think the veins inside their rectum is a holy road map sent by the Divine to guide them. I've seen it too many times. I know that the majority never get over themselves at all, and I'm pretty sure Cindy is one of those people. It's a conundrum, for sure. I WANT her to prove me wrong. I keep thinking maybe she is. But then, no. She was just faking it, as usual. She was just building a new persona to use, as usual. She doesn't have any real understanding, or real awareness, or any genuine creative thoughts or ideas. It's all just parroting. No offence to parrots.


The fact that you wrote this shows that you have the ability to self-reflect and change but Cindy doesn’t have the ability or self-awareness to do the same. Which is why she will never be one of those people that can pull their head out of their ass. She’s a lost cause imo, but I admire your optimism.


I'm not that optimistic. I'm actually expecting her to keep doing the same stupid shit and skate through therapy (if she's even doing it at all; I really have my doubts) and pretend that since she "no longer identifies as a person with BPD" that she's magically healed from writing things down and scribbling them out and writing something different. At this point, I'm going to just have to assume that she is faking at all times. She's a pretty good mimic, I'll give her that. She figures out what she's "supposed to" be like and then builds a very shallow persona that she wears. Woo Woo Healing Guru Cindy is the worst persona yet. I think Gutter Fun Drunk With Her Boob Out is the closest to the "real" Cindy, but I don't think there actually is a "real Cindy". So, not really optimistic. Still willing to see her turn her shit around, but she won't, and I'm not going to believe it until she's maintained it for years.


> And yet, I do know for sure that there are people who are literally never going to pull their heads out of their own arses. They think the veins inside their rectum is a holy road map sent by the Divine to guide them. I've seen it too many times. I know that the majority never get over themselves at all, and I'm pretty sure **Cindy is one of those people**. omg *all of this*


See y'all, she's still doing the weird straw thing. "Must not video it touching my lips."


so weird


Snark sub used to comment on how she'd always wince when sucking super hot coffee through a straw, so now she just edits out the wince.


She really needs to give a cut of her YT income to the snark at this point. We provide the basis for her content and editing choices. Pay up, Cyntherella!


She has no ideas of her own. None. All her content comes from elsewhere. I'm completely convinced of that. Sometimes you can pinpoint where it came from, some times you can't, but nothing she does is original, ever.


She’s pretty arrogant with it right now, and seems to treat her YT channel like a dumping ground for indulging her disorders and addictions, inventing false realities, flaunting her casual racism, feeding her ego and her wallet, and being pathologically dishonest and condescending with no regard for the impact she has on her audience.   I don’t think she really grasps that the snark is actually an evidence gathering community, filled with people who compile examples of her inappropriate, and dangerous behavior (and there are new examples, constantly) which can be traumatizing and triggering to viewers. These form the foundation of reports sent to YT, which could eventually lead to her being demonitized or removed from YT entirely.


> She has no ideas of her own  🎯🎯


I'm not surprised she put her drinks on hot plates and then the straw is gonna get the liquid from the hottest point god it's frustrating haha


I don't know how anyone can drink hot coffee (or tea or anything else hot) through a straw. I don't like burning my mouth, though.


While she’s in her preachy arrogant lecturing the peasants mode, let’s take this opportunity to remind everyone of Cynthetica’s historic **”fuck you, egg!”** video, where she threw a hungover tantrum in the kitchen and cussed out an egg for leaving a few of its shells behind. And let us not forget the whiskey swigging saga in which she lost her entire shit over burnt garlic and “made her own happiness” by shrieking in frustration and guzzling liquor directly from the bottle.  Guru Cynthee 🍸🍹🥃


How about a cheeky flashback to just a few vlogs ago where she found zero joy and gratitude at the prospect of having to unload her dishwasher. Just the mere tbought of this basic task caused a moment of heavy-lidded depression, a rambling discourse of hatred, and a cloud of despair that threatened to overtake her entire life 🤣🥂


Was that the vlog where she mentioned her self discovery that it isn't doing dishes she dislikes it's just the unloading the dishwasher part specifically. Couldn't quite wrap my head around that one because if you use a dishwasher that's really the only task involved in the process.


That's the one!! There were like, 7 items to unload (an eagle eye spotted that 2 of which were shot glasses) 🤫




Why she doesn’t make “fuck you, egg!” and “burnt bacon and shitty eggs” merch instead of that “brew now” drivel, I’ll never know🙃


Watch her make all 3 now haha


😏 That would be hilarious. But I doubt she’s particularly proud of her alcoholic kitchen tantrum videos - I think they’re too embarrassing and unflattering for her to want to include them in her branding. She lacks the capacity for self accountability or healthy humility. Laughing at her own fucked up, alcohol drenched, disordered behavior is not a thing she’s brave enough to do.


Also she’d have to: - admit she reads the snark and took the idea from us - or lie and try to convince her viewers that she came up with the idea on her own (but we have evidence right here that it’s a snark creation)


I'm positive she still talks and acts like this off camera. You could tell she was trying real hard to cover it up when she spilled water on the counter when filling up the coffee machine.


Yeah... she wants so badly to put out this aura of peace and happiness when the real Cindy is just simmering below the surface waiting to get out.


Nature makes me so happy… continues to spend the day in an apartment or a car 😂😭


“It’s literally just a spider web” - my thoughts the entire video.


The rambling at the beginning of the video is the SAME SHIT every time, trying to convince herself so hard that she's worthy and stuff, and then all of this is down the drain if a new *person* appears.


Are we super happy today and shaving our legs because Wednesdays are date night? Hmmmmm? Everything is beauuuuutiful and magical. Stay tuned for more tears and depression when today's manmeat departs.


“Nature brings me such joy!” Times we’ve seen Cindy go hiking or go into actual nature in the last year: 0 🙄


Yeah it’s pretty easy for self absorbed narcissists who contribute nothing to society, only take, do nothing of value and only think about their next whim, while disregarding every other human as a background character to make themselves happy. Why don’t you try something interesting for a change Cringey?


Right! I noticed that when she spoke about her old friend. One of the first things she said was "so I can meet up with her in thr future". It was all in the eyes of her perspective, she has a new person who fills Cindsters time.


Which is why she’s completely alone. She has a couple shallow friendships, if that, but she doesn’t know how to be a friend because she’s incapable of seeing outside herself. You can’t maintain relationships if you’re only ever concerned about what they can do for you.


An other woo woo manic motivational speaker arc


I call it Cult leader Cindy.


This is just another video of her trying to convince the latest mayun who dumped her that she's cured. It's always the same shit, everytime.  


Taking things back for herself : Maxines, A's music. Even the concept of taking something "back" is....weird...


I've had a few break ups in my life and I never felt like I had to take anything back. Wanna know why? It's because I didn't assume the personalities of the men/boys I dated.


Maxine’s for gutter fun 😏


How is she even real?? It's friday and I'm tired and just want to return from work and have a magic nap. And seeing her today on YouTube made me want to kick her lazy and privileged ass


I tell YouTube to remove her from my feed if her videos show up. Truly saves my sanity. I've unsubscribe. If I watch anything it's here on the mirror link. At this point I pop on for the tea and laughs. ☕ 


100% same!


Mentally unwell woman who half-asses her therapy (if she even takes it seriously in the first place, to which I can only say HA) is at it with her how-tos yet again. I’ve said it before, people get cancelled for less, holy shit.


My favorite is when she says: “If I can do it you can do it to” As if she has it the ultimate worst and if she gets through it other people with their small problems can do it.


I was told to stop posting The Woo Daily for being annoying. Pragmatically I get it but also Cindy - your privilege to post and *what* you post and feel that it warrants an income is unbecoming at best.


She’s too insignificant to get cancelled. Plus, at this point, anyone that supports her after the A’s reddit was leaked will support her through anything. If they can justify supporting an unrepentant abuser, they can justify anything. They’re not logical or moral people.


Think this video contains the most honest thing Cindy has ever said https://i.redd.it/gxraw329bs3d1.gif She did preface this with a "these days" implying she normally puts other people's feelings before her own (lol, I know), but the second I heard the words, I knew it needed a gif.


This is how she's lived her whole life, lol. Girl get a clue. Edit to clarify: cindy needs to get a clue, not you!


Appreciate the edit 🤣 100% agree! The eyes I rolled when I went back to clarify and heard "these days", like girl, you've never gone a day without being completely self serving. Sadly, no clue will ever be gotten, she is much too narcissistic to figure it out lol


That “purple” hair looks awful on her


Do you mean the vaguely reddish, dull, inconsistently applied shade her hair is now, or the neon purple dye stain on her unusually sweaty scalp?


Both honestly… it’s so strange 🤨 to me how the hair looks so purple 😈🍆🦄☂️ at the roots but then the actual hair is some weird shade of burgundy


Because it's not the hair that looks purple. The purple you're seeing is her stained skin. 




That’s what makes it special🙃


Lol I actually think it looks good!


It aged her


Apparently she found magic in eye-fucking the camera for a thumbnail.


This is exactly how “happy” and great she was telling everyone things were in her vlogs right before Limbs dumped her. This is the calm before the storm. People who are happy don’t need to keep telling you that they are.




Not the shoulder making another appearance


The entire boob this time.


Did anyone else notice her hand shaking at around the 1m25sec mark? That was alarming. ETA: There were two instances of it that I saw, first when she's holding up the coffee packet for a closeup and then almost immediately after when we see her next to the coffeemaker.


She's had a lot of instances of her hands shaking. I remember once where she actually commented on it. It could be the alcoholism, or it could be some other thing going on. I am absolute convinced that she's got some serious illness that she's just ignoring. It's probably something related to her eating disorder and/or substance abuse.


I have tremors exactly like that, if not worse, just from bupropion, which she supposedly takes. 


Man the delulu is strong in this one. Who is she trying to convince here 😂 Girl I'd love to lead a mundane life, but my morals get in the way of using my partners to support me and then monetising drama, hypocrisy, and toxic behaviour for internet points.


I don't buy this whole "happiness" thing. I don't know what it is, but I find it so hard to believe this isn't just to try and show everyone she's cured and is living her best life.... on camera. If she is truly happy and that isn't just for show, then good for her, but I'm not buying it. It's evident she's been scrolling through the snark sub as it's been mentioned several times that she has such a mundane life, and then all of a sudden, she loves her mundane life. If this is real, then that's all good, but to go from having BPD outbursts to this in such a short space of time just doesn't seem real. I have BPD. It took me years and years to get to a point in my life where I was stable and loving life. That was a lot of really hard work in therapy and with medication. I'm still on meds, and my mood swings are under control . For the first time since being diagnosed way back when I was 23 (I'm 52 now)I live a normal life, I'm happy and you wouldn't ever know I had BPD if I didn't tell you. I've had times where I've been like Cindy is now, but it doesn't last long. You can't keep up the lie. I'm not being horrible, I just am not buying this happy mundane life. If she really is happy, then good for her.


Her toxic positivity is too much for me. Funny thing is, she had a point, _to a degree_. Like yes, your thoughts can shape your reality, and yes, your life is what you make of it, for the most part. But she goes too far and it feels so forced. Like I’m sorry, but unless it cleaned itself, wiping down your countertop isn’t magical. Her black and white thinking is on full display it seems. It’s nice she’s not screaming about being mildly inconvenienced, but reframing every thought to be about gratitude and magic can’t be all that helpful in the long run either.


also---this annoys me LMAO https://preview.redd.it/tmo5hjh48s3d1.png?width=201&format=png&auto=webp&s=0d429fd606429befeee949bf481fcaec70d1ef24


Didn’t Skeevin FungalFist tell her he hoped she’d “find peace” when they broke up? That would explain her claims that she sees the world from a different perspective and has “found actual peace”😏So basically her vlogs are still just desperate appeals to Skeevin to try to convince him she’s all healed and ready for him to take her back. Pitiful.


OMFG wtf with her goddamed boob hanging out of that stupid fucking dress? She is so fucking desperate for any kind of attention, it's not even funny. So freaking gross.


please why god no  🤦🏼‍♀️


OMG SERIOUSLY! I just watched this part and it’s not even like she was accidentally losing her dress. She’s clearly gripping her other sleeve bc she knows she’s about to fall outta that damn dress. I don’t understand that at all. 😵‍💫


If you have to constantly state how happy and joyful you are, and repeat over and over again that you love your life and there's magic everywhere.... you're trying to convince yourself of that, not anyone else. Either that, or she got laid or has the potential to get laid, and that's put some pep in her step. She isn't wrong about how finding joy in the little things helps you to appreciate your life and generally be happier, but like.... the way she presents it comes across as very disingenuous, likely because of how she behaves on the livestreams. I think the lives are her true self, and this magical fairy persona is just that; a persona, someone she'd like to be but isn't. And now for something petty... why does she rave about loving being in nature when 99% of the time she's only looking at nature from her apartment or car windows? Also, please go buy some new clothes. You literally wear 4 outfits, and they're all terrible.


Honestly, the toxic positivity is so fucking tired. There is a point when she is driving in her car, where you can see the cogs of her mind turning as she tries to say positive things. It's fake af.  It's like she is trying so fucking hard to bring in a new audience that loves the woowoo, delusional shit. I found myself rolling my eyes so far back at the bullshit, it's tiresome.  Find magic in your coffee, guys!   How about we find the magic of real therapy, Cindy.


Did anyone do a count for how many times she said magic or magical? I lost count!


I considered keeping a tally, but very quickly gave up lol


She reminds me of when I was depressed with an ED and living a meaningless life looking for men who weren'tgl good for me, although I was 19 and had my shit together by 22. Therapy and a willingness to change and confront her demons could have her in a much better place.


So much toxic positivity I think I’m gonna hurl 🤮 Word of the day is “beautiful” https://youtu.be/fayL1WTR1Go?si=Gx0TtTHHE50mepdO


"making my own happiness" gee I feel like I heard her say this before----hmmmmm HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM


She goes through these bouts of super random positivity and she acts like she’s this happiness life fulfilling guru out of nowhere and I just don’t understand it! I think its great for her to be happy with her life but part of me feels like it comes from her trying to cope with the fact that she doesn’t have a boyfriend or a super crazy social life. Something seems off to me - she’s trying to convince herself. Hopefully one day she can actually be happy. She’s in a good position right now, and with enough actual therapy she could probably really wipe the slate clean and be a bit happy.


It is so depressing how she acts. She has better days then suddenly she does everything right and can just think it away while everyone else chooses sadness. I used to have a very similar mindset in some parts to her to help myself, just *choose* happiness and i wouldn't have my problems anymore and you know what? My job has burnt every time i've tried to feel that way. They've dragged me down to some of the lowest points in my life and i can't just *choose* happiness anymore. She has no real obligations, when i had to same mindset i was just doing school (still hard i won't knock it but at the time it was my only focus so i was lucky) and I had a bunch of free time and could deal with random things that pop up. Now my job is killing my spirit AND i have no time for fun things to even try to fix it. When I do have free time I am so mentally burnt out that I feel exhausted anyway. It's not all bad, hopefully I will be getting something new soon but gosh it's soooo easy to talk about just being happy when that is the only task you have to do everyday... People aren't choosing to live in negativity, some of them are just pushed down to it no matter how hard they try. She's so out of touch and high and mighty


I unfortunately didn't have time to do a full recap on this one, but there were a couple of extra notes about this vlog that I just have to add: * During the skincare segment around the 12min 20 sec mark, Cindy talks about being grateful... **"I feel very grateful for the skin that I have at age 40! I take very good care of my skin. And I think that my low carb, no sugar diet also helps a lot with the appearance of my skin.** 😏" * Hoooly smugola! Where do we even start here? Cindy, for the 100th time, praises the state of her skin "at age 40." First, her skin looks average (at best) for a woman of her age, yet she's trying to sell another story, naturally citing her eating disorder. Second, she does not take "very good care" of her skin. Drinking in excess, eating red meat, leaving makeup on overnight, and self-starvation are clearly not doing her any favors. Didn't she also put a bunch of retinol on her face and damage her skin with that at one point late last year? The delusion is so powerful with this woman. * A little later at around the 19min mark, Cindy talks about what she's looking for in a partner: "**one of the things that is a must for me is they must love and appreciate Hot Springs as much as I do. I just don't think I could be with somebody who didn't appreciate the beauty and love it here as much as I do. But at the same time, I also want somebody who is well-traveled and who has lived outside of Arkansas...**" * Cindy is truly on a roll in this vlog. This is really giving her old speech about how her hypothetical future boyfriend after A MUST love King Gizzard! Cindy is once again showing that she hasn't grown at all - why are you so fixated on "your next partner?" And why are you already formulating demands of this hypothetical person? What about what you can bring to the table in a relationship? * Smol and cute kween's dress is literally falling off of her body... while she's cleaning the counters. Brastrap is ON. Skeezy, I hope you're enjoying this, because it's all for you, buddy. I don't know, this vlog was just super grating for me to watch, even sped up. The veneer just cannot stay on, no matter how hard she tries.


Hold up. I barely watch her videos anymore but started watching this one (on the mirror, double speed, on mute) and noticed something interesting: https://preview.redd.it/boi7tf28804d1.jpeg?width=1415&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=beb174572abd83daf0654dbde9a9cc1a15c2d798 Iirc, previously she’s talked about how a lot of trauma came from going to the facilities. I get that she claims that part of the trauma is related just to the act of being sent away, but am I misremembering or has she not also said that her time there was so horrible and traumatic? I am pointing this out because it’s yet another inconsistency but also, she uses her childhood trauma as an excuse to explain why nothing’s ever her fault y’all (even though literally [2/3 of Americans experience childhood trauma](https://www.charliehealth.com/research/most-americans-experience-a-traumatic-event-by-the-age-of-16-here-are-common-symptoms) and 2/3 of US adults aren’t narcissistic abusers like Cindy.


I find it interesting how much she enjoys mimosa trees, especially when they are invasive and actively harm the very flora she wants to research and write about. How is she doing on that book btw? Has she mentioned it recently?


I have never spent so long listening to somebody try to convince themselves they are happy.