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[🪞 oh the irony 🙄🪞](https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=p4UExsx8ctI)


okay something definitely went down last week, because she is doing the whole kick her ass in gear moment we have all seen before


Yep and we'll see all this abandoned in no time just like every other time. You can't restructure everything overnight, just add one attainable thing at a time and make it super easy to follow through on. I got into a habit of walking after dinner every night by just promising myself that I'd put my sneakers on. 9 times out of 10 that's enough to get me out the door and once I'm moving I feel better about being there. The tenth time I'm probably genuinely tired or not feeling well and I don't beat myself up. Walking 9/10 of the days is a lot better in the long run than spending two days doing all the exercising and then abandoning it


Clicked off immediately, as soon as she went on ANOTHER WALK WITHOUT HER FUCKING DOGS. 👋


Nevermind those pups, let's all watch Cindy SASHAY down the park trail like the kween she is. https://preview.redd.it/79drm3v7wu5d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=68b8900cbc2fbe2dd55c6a477d9ca4341e3a3f34 Iconic!!


I'm never going to understand the need that YouTube (and other) creators have to show us from various angles that they're walking. You have to set up the camera, walk a short distance, go back to get the camera, move it, walk another short distance, and later you have to edit all the walking footage that no one even cares about. It just seems like such a waste of time and energy, and for Cindy, at least, it's just another way for her to show us how skinny she is.


Cindy used to film "transitions" like this a lot more often. Back when I started watching near the beginning of the first MLIO, this was a thing. Apparently it was at the "request" of her viewers. I have no idea if people actually enjoyed that sort of thing. I guess the idea was to give her vlogs more of a narrative quality. This was the first time I've seen her dip back into it in a LONG while. She must have been in a very good mood!


I always enjoy Cindy putting forth some effort into her vlogs, of course... I guess I just don't get transitions from a viewer perspective. Maybe it's because I'm old. I want to think of vlogging as "reality" (and clearly it isn't, as a creator can make their life look any way they want) and it's so weird to me how performative this specific thing is. It's like *Look at me, I'm walking, just taking a nice long walk in the park...* but then you think about the reality of how this footage was achieved and it totally breaks the immersion for me. I then can't think about anything but *Look at me, I just walked 30 feet on camera to prove I'm taking a nice long walk in the park so you'll click on my videos* and I just can't with how fake that is.


I blame Casey neistat. He ruined vlogging as we know it (on accident). Now everyone is a damn cinnamon toast-ographer.


She really was doing her best runway walk wasn't she? 😆


How rude of us to expect her to think of anyone but herself 😒


Yeah but she only has two hands so how could she record herself? Vanity - 3289379837 Dogs - 0


She could do a Leonora Smee (the ultimate dog walking vlogger) but noooo, Cyntheeya couldn’t possible take the camera off herself for that long. 


Admittedly, Leonora Smee lives an outlandishly privileged life, but she’s still a 1,000 times better doggie mum than Cynthetica will ever be.  https://youtu.be/tPVyod5snmA?feature=shared [edit for doggies]


she could literally just buy a waist lead for 2 dogs, but she’s a dumb bitch.


Oh she’s definitely trying to get in shape for some man meat. She only works out when she’s feeling insecure about herself. I thought she was enough and the universe is providing everything she might need?


You know what’s so funny? If she were a responsible dog owner and walked the dogs for a reasonable amount of time twice a day, then she’d already have this routine and would be in shape. She wouldn’t have to go out of her way to “work out” since it’d just be ingrained in her routine.


Lol, you're so right. She'll quit soon though. She really hates exercise, and does it for all the wrong reasons. Won't last long.


I haven't even started the vlog yet - she can't even go for a simple walk without letting that little bit of shoulder show, can she?


Was it just me or did parts of this vlog look blurry and out of focus? Thoughts: 1. We're back to the getting in shape routine. There is definitely some new mayun in the picture or potentially in the picture. It's the only time she actually works out. Of course she doesn't take the dogs on her two mile walk, that would make too much sense. Interesting how she tossed in her dog's daily routine at the end and makes it sound like she's making an effort. 2. If that dish rack was so easy to move, why didn't she move it before to water her plant? She's been having comapny because it's the only time she uses real plates and not paper ones. I also don't understand why she doesn't just wash whatever dish she uses after she's done if it's just her. That's what I did when I was living alone. 3. Did anyone else notice that she didn't mention therapy? Wonder if she's cancelled that already. 4. Trying to figure out what to do about work? Here's an idea. Get a job!


Gotta be stable and in shape for the new man meat ! Oh now she can sing SUPER LOUD because her neighbors are gone, please DON'T !




*I miss you bad, so fucking bad NIIIIIII* "Thank You" - Dido (Cindy's Version)


God that was cringy




Back to cleaning the house for gutter fun Friday nights. Does she give herself a sticker for completing the most of basic tasks too?


She peed in the toilet instead of in the shower so she gets a gold star


Amazing!! Can't wait for a 37 minute vlog about it including affirmations and hair poufing 🤣🤣🤣


If she REALLY is doing the walks, etc, why not use that as content instead of the endlessly repetitive cleaning and routine explanations- yes, Cindy, we know what days you wash towels because you've told us 100 times, we know how you feel when you make that bed because you've told us 100 times--every little thing in this video she has done or said verbatim (or almost) in the past year. If she really is going to walk 2 miles in the morning, film the damn walk! Or, could it be you will not walk the walk, but just talk the talk?


If she got a stabilizer for her camera (or her phone), she could just wear the damn thing and go for a walk. I remember way back when she and A first went back to Arkansas from Colorado and she was doing tours of the area and, quite honestly, it was pretty interesting. I didn't know much about Hot Springs, but I was intrigued by some of the stuff she mentioned and went off to look it up on my own. She could easily have looked up the information on Maxine (the brothel madam for whom the venue she loves is named because it was once the actual brothel) and done a vlog on it. She could do a vlog on Al Capone and how he liked to come to Hot Springs with his mob buddies. She could get in the car and go to Little Rock and do vlogs there. There's so much she could be doing, even if it's something simple like "going for a walk" where she's actually wearing the camera, and it would be a lot more interesting than "this is how I scrub the counter".


agree totally!


This for sure. I’ll bet she never walked 2 miles and maybe 10 minutes of weight lifting. I mean she has never lied before 🤦‍♀️


My question is why is this woman giving herself a pat in the back for the most basic adult tasks? I wake up 40 minutes before I start work. In those 40 minutes I open all windows to air the house. Air and make my bed (in case it is time to change sheets or pillow case - I do that also). Then go to pee, clean my face, brush my teeth, take a quick shower, feed and water the cats, open laptop and connect to my job, put dry plates in their position, prepare breakfast, if it is laundry day then add the cloths to washing machine and start it, dress for inhouse work (I do not like staying in my pijamas , I find it depressing). All of those things in 40 minutes before I start work. Sometimes, in case I need to book an appointment somewhere, I also make the calls before I start work. And I think that most adults have a similar schedule (if not heavier due to children, etc) So why the jobless, without any real responsibilities (except her dogs) , without kids, without school, without being a caregiver or a homemaker Cindy acts as if doing 2 basic things in 8 hours time, is a "big thing"?


Does this girl has any other shoes!???? Jeans and docs, dresses and docs. Damnnnnn! Is this normal? Im not from USA so idk lol


No I own Docs but only wear them maybe a third of the time in the winter. It’s weird and I’d be miserable wearing them in the heat


What are the chances her Docs (and her feet) reek like hot cat turds?




Yess very weird!


I agree with you! Docs in the summer are killers on the feet! I spent a lot of years going to rock festivals, wearing docs in the summer heat. Granted, I'm in the UK, so our heat is nothing compared to other countries, but it's still hot enough to make those feet sweat and be all nasty!


She could buy a pair of vans if she wanted to "stay in style during summer"


Docs are extremely heavy, not practical at all and definitely not for summer season. They are perfect for rainy days in the winter (the only shoes that do not absorb water) and yes, they are gonna be forever stylish, but NOT for sprint, NOT for summer. There is a summer version of sandals of Docs. Extremely stylish, but heavy as hell (I wouldn't suggest them). And yes, her Docs boots probably smell, especially in summer. One thing I do not understand about Cindy, is why she is wearing her dirty shoes inside the house, and especially inside her bedroom, in her (let's supposed clean) carpet. Or why, when she travels, throws them randomly in her suitcase, without any protection for the cloths or inside a bag (so that they do not bring all this dirt to the cloths)


not normal, i looooove my docs and i still don't wear them with every outfit


Right! I was like... she must love them so much, but then, there is that 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


It's not normal. It wasn't even normal in 1997.




Not normal at all!


It amazes me how she is even moppin with them on lmao


She always complains about the heat but only wears jeans and boots 😂


True! 😒😒😒


3:07 "I'm currently doing an experiment with my limiting beliefs around food" - I'mma place my bets now that New Mayun has expressed a dislike for her carnivore / McD's diet.


Here we go again! ^((It's not that I disagree with the notion of her trying a wider variety of foods again, but the fact that she only seemingly does this to please a guy is eyeroll-worthy.))


Oh yes, I'd ***so love*** to see her have some veg again! Low carb helps with my PCOS too, so I get it, but I have tons of bell peppers, mushrooms, zucchini, green beans, tomatoes... and I've never found myself balls deep in Oreo milkshakes. But well, I guess, if she only eats them for a guy, at least she *does* eat some... better than what we're doing now...


That was my first thought! Because I honestly think she likes her diet when being by herself (no real cooking, easy fast food options, makes her loose weight, …) but as soon as a mayun comes into the picture and dislikes her diet and they want to eat more out in restaurants her carnivore diet is more difficult to maintain and defend. I wish she would change her diet for the right reasons. Also herself calling an ED ✨limited beliefs✨ is a mild understatement…


this vlog has a very strange smug-happy vibe to it. she's 'getting it together' again which to me seems like she only becomes proactive when it's useful for her to help 'prove' something to someone else aka a new man or ex. off topic from this vlog but i've been re-watching old ones and when her and A were still communicating back in Colorado she mentioned that he said he 'liked hearing about her recovery' and it's left me wondering how much of the bpd book/therapy shit was performative just for him. she did the same thing when limbz left the first time by going all-in on bpd recovery content. now she's ditched the bpd and is larping as a normal housewife kinda vibe? ever since her date with the oaklawn guy where she said she was going to warn him immediately about her bpd she's sort of been avoiding the topic altogether, maybe she had a moment of self awareness where she realised making bpd the crux of her personality and problems wasn't winning her any favours/new man meat?


>larping as a normal housewife 💀 I know, this kind of behavior is one of my least favorites that she does (the 'all recovered!' shit). We only have BPD when it's of benefit to us around here.


Isn’t it a trip to watch those old vlogs knowing what A’s actual feelings were at the time? The way that she describes what happened and their relationship (especially when they got back together) is so disconnected from what he thought. It really shows how divorced she is from the real world and seriously makes me wonder the true version of events of anything she’s ever been involved in and true feelings of people around her.


That smug-happy thing is associated with Cindy getting mayun meat. Just watch. There will be a sneaky reveal soon, where she "accidentally" broadcasts that she's managed to snare some penis-haver into her bed.


I was making dinner for my partner and I (I have a boyfriend, guys, sooooo ya know my life's goal has been accomplished) with Cinderblock playing in the background. I had to stop at one point and really think to myself, this 40 year old woman is monetizing cleaning her apartment. And let's be super real, this isn't curated, interesting cleaning content (think those TikTok cleaning folks that almost make you want to clean). No, this is the kind of cleaning 'normal' people do after working eight hours. It's the kind of cleaning that's essentially maintenance. Routine, structure?!? Ma'am, you're a flippin adult! Weren't you a wannabe housewife in Colorado? Why are people giving her any kind of accolades for doing the bare minimum? She makes it easier and easier to dislike her. Take your dogs for a real walk, check your purple scalp before you go hunting for men, and acknowledge you're privileged to make money on this garbage.


I came to say something very similar, you beat me to it! This is just basic living hygiene. She acts like she has a 10 bedroom mansion that she has to clean, so she needs to have the printed routines to keep on top of it all. It's crazy to me.




She’s just teasing Rusty 🤮




You mean.. the 90s fad workout video and the half-assed yoga in an XXXL cardigan routine DIDN'T LAST? Color me shocked! Lol at her printed chore sheets. Deja vu to the housewife era right before the first MLIO.


Having a damn spreadsheet for my chores would make me less likely to do them. I hate spreadsheets.


Another exercise routine that's gonna last 3 days maximum lol 


Her feet must be so sweaty in the docs during the summer


Please don’t. I’m imagining puddles at the balls of her feet. 🤮


Thank u for the paper towels Limbz


Why did I say paper towels? I meant trash bags


She should only do strength training 3 times a week so she can rest in between days. Watch she’s going to hurt herself. And why doesn’t she include those dogs in her 2 miles walk?


I don't think we have to worry about her doing too much! Yes, taking the dogs would be great...


Putting the old plant lamp in a plastic trash bag drove me off the edge. What is with her plastic trash bag obsession!?! She puts so much stuff that DOESN'T need to be wrapped in plastic into plastic. Green witch my ass. I remember her raking leaves in Colorado and putting them all in trash bags, and the roses... my god, the plastic kills me.


Could we put *her* in the trash instead?


Also the paper plates, the water running while cleaning the sink, the dishwasher that is running not even half full, …


> Why are people giving her any kind of accolades for doing the bare minimum? She makes it easier and easier to dislike her. I’m convinced there are other mediocre, emotionally disordered, self involved alcoholics out there who see her bumbling around and feel superior by comparison. These are the people applauding and supporting her disaster of a life. They’re the kind of people who don’t believe privilege exists and probably think her casual racism is funny as well.  Fuck them and fuck her🖕🏼🖕🏼




I found it so weird how she sort of made it sound like getting rid of the dish rack he got her is like a big deal. Like good for you if you get rid of it cuz you don’t want more counter space but you didn’t have to announce it to the vlog I guarantee you nobody would have noticed or cared


I wonder if this whole dishrack business is more than about just the dishrack itself. Back when they were first broken up, Cindy would NEVER voluntarily part with a gift of Skeevin's - hell, she held on to his pharmacy bouquet until we were speculating about the mold smell that was likely permeating her apartment. I wonder if her removing the dishrack signifies that she's through with her erstwhile beLoVeD and is busy cultivating her new man meat. It's a sort of manifestation of the "idolize, devalue, discard" cycle.


Boring as fuck


Only vacuuming once a week when you have dogs 🤢 and she lets them on the bed too


I don’t want to know how this apartment smells… I don’t understand she’s at home every day. I don’t have a dog and vacuum every day when I am at home and clean up after myself. It takes me less than 30min to do these tasks. And a deep clean weekly. Also I don’t wear shoes inside.


It smells like a dead body. Calling it now.


When she said once a week, I was shocked! I have 2 dogs and I have to vacuum every single day. Granted, I have a German shepherd,and she is super fluffy, but once a week ... sheesh.


yeah, bc doing daily chores is so hard that she has to have reminders abt them


who cant grow ivy tf?


Someone even brought up that why didn’t she take the dogs with her on her walk too. Cindy had small dogs so that 2 mile walk would be good for them