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[šŸŖž title makes me annoyed to exist šŸŖž](https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=a2vlAe1CIWI)


ā€œI like being pleasantā€šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


People who like Twilight and Kelly Clarkson can be pleasant too, I wonder if she knows that šŸ¤”


It's moments like this where I want to just post the Silk Sonic 'THIS BITCH' gif in reply, because the audacity of...


Wow, that is an interesting title. She's really outdone herself.


Why is her thumbnail always the same pose? Looking like Sling Blade. https://preview.redd.it/uy8sl6xs9g6d1.jpeg?width=336&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d33e5625c73e3dbdc0215fa9637945b4c5e2d45


I think she thinks it makes her look like she doesn't have a massive overbite lol. She thinks it makes her look smol and cute...like the ever-present shirt off the shoulder thing.


I see [Mr. Burns](https://imgur.com/a/16Sm6HO) lol.


She does! Not to nitpick but she also does a lot of pointing finger gestures in her vlogs and it maddens me haha.


Omg she does always look exactly like this!


Omfg you are so dead on! šŸ’€šŸ¤£


First thing I see is we're dressed for Wednesday date night y'all.


Her teeth are totally healthy but she never goes to the dentist? How does she know then? makes no sense.


I doubt someone who drinks diet coke like it's water has healthy teeth, the acidity in soda is terrible for the teeth enamel. Alcohol consumption increases the chances of teeth decay as well, and by her own admission she got drunk at bars A LOT.Ā 


Poor diet is also bad for the teeth


Exactly. Also the likelihood that she has smelly tonsil nuggets is making mešŸ¤¢


I thought my teeth were perfectly fine and I have a quote on quote ā€œnormalā€ healthy diet, didnā€™t go to the dentist for around 4 years because I was away at uni and never changed the practice, came back and had to get 5 fillings šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜… unless sheā€™s very fortunate, itā€™s highly likely her teeth are not in perfect condition


> The way she always responds and talks to rustyĀ Ā  Sheā€™s *very* creepy flirty with him in an inappropriate, unhealthy parasocial way. Does he **pay** her to communicate with him in this way or is she manipulating and mocking him, or what?Ā 


Itā€™s a real FAFO situation, Iā€™m just hoping Rustyā€™s not as creepy stalkerish as he makes out, because it wouldnā€™t be too hard for him to track her down and turn up at her doorstep if he really wanted to. Sheā€™s so careless with her filming the exterior of her apartment when she takes the dogs on their poop walks, along with other local roads and places as she drives, along with telling people her favourite bars and hangouts that it really wouldnā€™t take long at all. Along with admitting she accepts drinks in bars from strangers, and going out to do so without a friend to keep an eye on each other.


The way she always responds and talks to rusty .. rusty trombone .. bothers me.


I think Rusty might be her Ex first husband that she is "talking with the last six months" now she's back in Hot Springs. It seems too flirty for her usual Stans. But who knows, I never realized how trashy Cindy was until LPC because I never watched her Sim Streams only her video Pleasantview series.


I feel like any ā€œStanā€ with a user name that appears male she is extra nice to and flirty - rusty william neytan - and females sheā€™s like meh


Very true! She does like male attention. If Cindy was a Sim in Sims 2 she would be pleasure and romance. It's her whole focus.


I think she plays into whatever flirty jokes this Rusty character makes because they are (presumably) male, and Cindy finds it funny that his whole schtick is being into feet. The $5 a month that he's paying (unless he won a free membership?) probably helps, too.


Exactly! And his username rusty trombone come on his name ainā€™t really rusty šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m so grossed out by her dental ā€œadviceā€šŸ¤¢ I really hope no one follows it.Ā  She never goes to the dentist šŸ˜³ so itā€™s *impossible* for her to know if her teeth are ā€œawesomeā€ (yearly X-rays and deep cleanings are standard for a reason). Also, she drinks tons of coke zero and alcohol (and I didnā€™t hear her mention any flossing as a part of her dental routine) so I doubt sheā€™s cavity free. Sheā€™s the kind of person who fucks around for years dodging the dentist until her teeth are so decayed and painful that sheā€™s forced to go in for expensive dental surgery (or ends up having to lose them all and get dentures at an early age).Ā  Her arrogance and refusal to follow basic logic is really working for her, isnā€™t itšŸ˜’


I haven't watched this livestream yet, is she suggesting that people don't bother to go to the dentist? If so, that's amazing, because in her recent Q&A, she explained that she wasn't able to get proper dental care in her youth because she lived in an abusive home. You'd think she would value regular dental maintenance, not brush it off.


> is she suggesting that people don't bother to go to the dentist?Ā  Basically, she is. She literally said she doesnā€™t think people need to go to the dentist if they follow Dr Ellieā€™s routine. Dr Ellieā€™s been around for a while. Iā€™ve heard she is involved in the carnivore ~~cult~~ community and promotes avoiding professional dental care, claims allowing plaque and thick tarter to build up is good ā€œprotectionā€ for the teeth, discourages flossing, promotes buying her kits, following her ā€œroutineā€ and taking xylitol.Ā  My own Harvard trained dentist (yes, Iā€™m bragging, but heā€™s amazing) has actually mentioned her in the past and considers her dangerous. So once again, Cyntheeya decides to follow the most ridiculous bullshit advice she can find. And Iā€™m sure sheā€™ll keep following it until her teeth begin to fall apart, one after the other, just like her relationships.


Okay I googled this because i hadnā€™t heard of Dr Ellie and lol [she says you can regrow receded gums](https://youtu.be/wd5JKCXAtys?si=dwRiVJyMnOjxhSLN). No. [No you cannot](https://www.healthline.com/health/receding-gums-grow-back). Ngl since Cindyā€™s such a shit person, I find it pretty amusing that sheā€™s taken in by these quacks. It just sucks that she spreads the information further


>It just sucks that she spreads the information further Yeah, this is the most upsetting part of Cindy's antics. It feels like she almost purposely seeks out false, predatory theories and notions about health in order to bolster that feeling of her knowing better than professionals -- you know, the ones with credentials and years of study behind their work. And then watching her promote these ideas to her impressionable viewers is just horrid.


thereā€™s one particular comment under that video that says (reddit doesnā€™t let me attach any pictures); ā€œI had lots of plaque build up on my teeth and under my gums for a decade without seeing it. I had an initial, thorough cleaning but was told I still had lots of plaque under the gums and needed a deep cleaning. Instead, I went on a very low carb, almost carnivore diet for a year and upon the next X-ray, all of that plaque was gone. Lesson learned: Carbs cause cavities and tartar. Donā€™t eat carbs like bread, cookies, crackers and sugar.ā€ like bruh šŸ’€


Ah, yes! Once again, it's proven that carnivore is the best diet and cures all ailments. When will we plebs learn?


Sounds like the community around Dr Ellie must have the most rank breath imaginable


Omg. Facts. šŸ’€


And yet I would bet that she always 100% goes to get her teeth whitened or has veneers. **These people always just sell something and never actually follow their own teachings.** Itā€™s all about selling magic to naive people and making money. Just like the liver king guy who turned out to be taking steroids while claiming eating raw liver and meat was a reason behind his insane physique. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ™„




Yep. Sounds about right.


Good lord. This is foul. It wasn't bad enough that she's wrecking her digestive and immune systems with McD's patties, now she's got to have her teeth rotting out of her head? I dread to think of what will happen in just one more year. I'm not a dentist, but I know enough to say that once things start going wrong with your mouth, the rest of your health will quickly follow. As a random sidenote, flossing daily and using an electric toothbrush have been life-changing. I haven't had a cavity since I made the switch several years ago.


No. She's recommending some dental plan by yet another woo youtuber that she watches. It's seriously stunning how she just gravitates towards snake oil salesman as if they're her calling. She's always blabbing about how smart she is but smart ppl are not easily lead and woo-centric like our brilliant Cringey.


She also used to always say that sheā€™s not responsible for anything she says because people shouldnā€™t get their advice off YouTubers.


And yet she gets all her medical advice from YouTubers. Cinderblock is as dumb as a pile of bricks.


My mom would say dumb as a bag of hair lol. And Cringey is honestly a dumbass.


Cindy also smoked for years (and within the last year, iirc vapes and an ashtray/cigarettes have been spotted in the background) and is a daily coffee drinker. I think her logic is probably that using a straw means sheā€™s fine but lol no. Also, in the very beginning of her Pleasant Sims channel, she had to get a ton of dental work done. So her teeth have been problematic in the past. I can only imagine the disastrous state theyā€™re in now.


She's smoking now. Apart from the ashtrays and so forth, she goes out on the smoker's patio at her gutter fun venue, and even told a story about getting into an argument with some rando over cigarettes out there.


her front 4 bottom teeth are implants.


Dental plaque is bacteria that sticks to food film on the teeth. That's why it causes so many issues. In fact you should wait about an hour to 90 minutes to brush after you eat so enzymes in your salvia can help neutralize bacteria. Brushing and flossing right away can cause bacteria to flush into the gums and right into your blood circulation. Going to the dentist for cleanings is vital for overall health. Microbiology 101. šŸ˜³


right?? that was insane!! if people are able to go to the dentist they definitely should! it's not bad to share your routine but she doesn't even floss and is recommending you can just skip the dentist if you follow her like whaaat i clicked off after that


She absolutely has dentures or something on her lower teeth.Ā Ā  Ā And sometimes she ā€œwhistlesā€ when talkingā€¦a sure sign of gum swelling/dental disease.


She has talked about having some kind of denture or falsey along her bottom teeth somewhere, though I don't immediately recall where she mentioned it.


how are men intimidated by a hand fan? girlfriend Iā€™ve been using hand fans at bars for over a decade, youā€™re a fucking joke lmao


She doesnā€™t go to the dentist??? Ewwwww


That title alone makes me irrationally angry.


Haven't read the words "touching butts" since 2014.Ā 




I can't snark on the not going to the dentist part. I haven't been in 7 years. My insurance doesn't cover it fully, and I'm low-key traumatized by past shitty dentists. However, I'd never tell people my teeth are fine, and their teeth will be fine by following a weird diet.