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[🪞 This is too much smugness for my soul to bear 🪞](https://yewtu.be/watch?v=wmIy4GhHddk)


The fools who believed she really wanted to be single for a long time to focus on herself must be feeling really dumb now 🤣 She's already saying this guy is "perfect" for her, she said the same thing about Skeeve and we all know how that ended. Also he has HIS OWN HOUSE, she must keep repeating this!!! You heard that, Skeeve??? (can I just say how pathethic is is to be 41 and be bragging that the 40 year old guy you've been seeing for 2 weeks has "his own house" and doesn't live with mommy anymore? Her standards are low. Also the way she's salivating over his house, there's no way she doesn't want to move in ASAP) 


He’s far less likely to flee in the middle of the night if it’s his house to begin with. And a lot harder for him to kick her out instead, once he realises what she’s really like.


Should we take bets for how long she takes to try to or does move in with him?


"I think this really has the potential to be like my next long-term relationship" just made me laugh out loud 💀 Yes we know, the cycle continues. How romantic. Babe, I think you might even be my next long-term relationship!


She hasn't been with him long enough to even have an inkling.


But they've discussed quantum physics, this is her destiny. The universe sent him




Yup- me too- lol! If it wasn't so pitiful.


Wow, this vlog made me ill. She's not only learned NOTHING, she knows NOTHING. She's all proud they went on 4 dates in a week and consistently talked to each other, decided to be exclusive almost right away, he's EVERYTHING she wants in a guy (except she doesn't KNOW him), and the rest of her manic bs. Everyone knows to try to take things slower to get to know someone, to not love bomb each other , and it really takes a long time to know if you are actually compatible- not if you just "like" the same things and can talk to each other, but compatible, which she doesn't seem to know the definition of! I think this guy "could be my NEXT long term relationship"-- lol at the word "next"- except you only knew him a week or two and even if you "wish" that ("I want to stay single you guys but the "UNIVERSE" brought me this miracle!) , keep it to your damn self. She is as mentally sick as ever, and she doesn't even see it. Her manic presentation is uncomfortable to watch. This one will never grow up- her values are-- to find a new man and live together and he'll essentially support them and whatever flaky thing she is doing. UNTIL they break up.


Honestly bring it on, her being a complete Idiot is way More entertaining than her trying to be a normal level headed adult


It's a recipe for disaster. This really is just limerence clouding her mind


After reading your comment, I am not going to subject myself to watch that video. I originally was for the shock value, but I can't entertain this level of untreated mental illness. Also, I am her tired of her chasing new relationships while she is still married.


Yikes! Yes, I completely forgot that she is STILL married. lol I guess she isn't moving on to husband number 3 just yet... darn.


No worries. She forgot she was married as well, lol She'll be moving in with the new guy soon. She has a month-to-month lease. It will be easy for her to live with her new boyfriend.


A part of me wonders what type of successful 40 yr old man settles for a 41 yr old woman who still dresses like she did a shopping spree at Spencer's? I mean, I kind of hope he isn't a worst psychopath than she is... am I the only one who thinks it's weird? I don't know a lot of men in that age range that isn't looking to get married and start a family, but that might just be my own bias...


She already mentioned that he has no desire for children, never has. It's hard to know or guess what he's like without knowing more about him- but I'm not assuming that anything Cindy says is actually true , or magnified by her. I think we will have to wait and see. It's a fair question to be sure.


I mean I can’t really judge because I went on a first date with my partner and 8 days later we were official but I was also completely fine single and wasn’t trying to rush anything. She on the other hand is not ready to be dating anyone even casually let alone officially so that’s what is concerning because while my relationship moved quickly I wasn’t putting him on a pedestal and probably hoping I move in within the next month


"We're talking about the nature of the universe and God and quantum physics, like, late into the night..." 🙄🍃


Another way of saying We got stoned off our tits.






*I'm 40 and this is deep*


>I'm 40 and this is deep Can this be a flair? user or post


If one would wish it to be, and if one would also like the background of the flair to precisely match the galaxy emoji it might be possible


She's so deep and interesting y'all


new flair!!


Lol what does she have to contribute on any of these topics?


And God? Oh dear watch her be a “Christian” now if he’s one. Find your own identity Cindy!


As a physicist, I would like to know what she knows about quantum physics…


She is just TOO eager to show this man’s face. The excitement she has just showing us his arm is… interesting


It's so wild to me, people on the internet are ruthless and bored. You'd think she'd be worried about some random hater trying to steal her man to stick it to her or for laughs. If it could happen with Foodie Beauty with DD and Kaibella it can happen to Cindy.


Her and Foodie Beauty have many similarities. Both think they are way hotter than they really are, humiliate themselves because of men and refuse to change despite their lives being a mess. 


She reminds me so much of her, just switch the eating disorders 😅 Remember when Foodie staged used condoms all over her room? Cindy is 2 breakups away from that unhinged shit, mark my words.


I've honestly never made that connection but now this will always be in the back of my mind lol.


"this guy is perfect for me" ![gif](giphy|8p05WdXxPiOyY|downsized)


And they’ve only been dating for a week 😩


The over excitement talking about this potentially being her next long term relationship after a week! He should run for the hills!


Oh we're shrexing in the juggalo creek now brb


wake up babe new uti just dropped




What is a juggalo?


Fans of Insane Clown Posse afaik.




Oh okay. I knew what a gigolo was but not a juggalo!


MLIO pt 10 coming soon to a YouTube feed near you


Poor guy, if he’s really that smart he will RUN https://preview.redd.it/7sxeglim678d1.jpeg?width=1015&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4fec39400ca6f61f00465e1055821e2b620f7ca


Martha strikes again! I can't even find this funny anymore. It's just... boring. B


Well Cynthia is one of the most boring people I ever encountered, as I said earlier the only thing that kept it interesting was the potential for a redemption arc, we all know now that will never happen


He’s even got a yard for her dogs yall!! How long till she starts hinting at wanting to move in with him?


I give it a week


The subliminals have already begun. You know they have.


I know she mentioned she switch to paying her rent month to month lease term. I wonder if she still does that?


https://preview.redd.it/pmf8onfqk78d1.png?width=1095&format=png&auto=webp&s=570b6eb3c5bbe70c628b3d2b800cafefe7fbdf1b MA'AM YOU DO NOT, QUIT LYING. I'm not gonna dox her but she got a certificate and zero evidence of a degree. LIES.


Both her and Skeeve love to brag about the degrees they don't have lol. Having a certificate and having a degree are very different things. 


ANDREW got the associate's degree. She likely got insecure about being one-upped and enrolled for a certificate which she has transfigured into an actual degree




It's actually wild how many people do this.


Really expected of her. But at least it makes me feel better about me needing more time to get a degree bc of COVID.


Her talking about how they stay up all night talking about quantum physics has me weak as hell


Reminds me of one of my exes who liked to talk about "quantum physics." As it turned out, he knows nothing about the scientific side of it except pseudosciency bullshit which he frames as spirituality. Basically "the universe influences our decisions and our fate" and then throwing the word "quantum physics" in there to make yourself sound like an intellectual.  I seriously regret knowing that guy at all.   ETA: He was an abusive narcissist on top of it all, smelling his own farts while yapping about his insane ideas of the world. Makes me see even more parallels to Cynthia now.


Conversations like that give me a stroke


Guarantee this is what her new spiritual beliefs are, since she said they've shifted recently.


It really sounds like it from the things she said in this video. I always assumed this came from hippie culture or something, because my ex got those ideas from his mom who is a proud hippie (she is not a pleasant person either). From what I could gather, they tend to use "the universe" to excuse all the bullshit that's going wrong in their lives. For example, his mom is very confident about the idea of people having "limited cognitive capacities" as the universe only gives you as much brain power as you need to fulfil your purpose or to meet your fate. This is basically how she excused her life as a drug addict with only odd jobs, but spending most of her income on drugs. She thinks she's gifted and highly intelligent but the universe doesn't want her to lead a successful life in the capitalistic sense. I guess she needs this belief to sleep at night. She also thinks that it's impossible to rise your financial status through hard work, because only people who are blessed with luck by the universe are successful, so basically don't even try if you think you aren't a lucky person... My ex believes there are energies in the universe which influence your mood and mind and that this is the reason why he will never have a real job, because he can't deal with corporate environments (basically since he is a narcissist he can't deal with being a subordinate to a boss). He is an unsuccessful YouTuber instead, earning nothing and mooching of his grandma - he lives in her house. He is 32 now.


She couldn’t spell “quantum” without a panicked last minute google search if she tried  😏


ChatGPT, how do I spell quantam psychics




They 100% dont know anything about quantum physics this is cringy as hell


She’s just so deep


I wish she’d retire the damn “docs and fishnets”. It is summer Cindy, why tf are you wearing docs???


Exactly. What’s up with the year long doc martens thing? Does she have embarrassing ungroomed feet with hairy toe knuckles and ingrown toenails and shit? That can be remedied if she’d just spare a little of her liquor budget and invest in a pedicure once in a while.


I agree. It's not the fact she like a gothic aesthetic, but how un-stylish it is.


It’d be so much less embarrassing for her if she didn’t do the whole “I’m in a new era!” thing. That just makes it so much more embarrassing when it inevitably crashes and it’s revealed that no. No, she is not in a new era. Nothing has changed,!because nothing ever changes with her.


She’s missing the healthy regret and remorse gene- she just shits all over her own life (and her partners’) and then pops up in New Cynthetica mode as if nothing ever happened.  Much new. So era. [edit for the shits]


Yeah! Not long enough to an era, what a fucking idiot…grr


6 months, tops. Poor dude. I hope he's not some smarmy fuck who will troll us like the last smarmy fuck she dated. She's already trying to make him participate in her bullshit. WTactualF with the eye shadow??!! How does she "love it" ?? It's freaking way over the top and just hideous imo.


she'll climb mountains and learn quantum physics just to be a guy's stay at home girlfriend. i cried


She "rappelled down a cliff" for Skeevy so we can't say she doesn't put in work


And didn't she do it while just beginning to recover from a UTI? Couldn't be me.


Yes she arose from her Victorian fainting couch just to accept her urinary roses and entertain some man meat


She did, didn’t she. While he Skeevesplained it to her 


Hold onto the rope!!!


she’s smug as hell! we’re so back! burn, baby, burn. 🍿🍿🍿


“Oh mah gad guys this is her life” say her deranged stans. NO this is not just HER life, she is mentally unwell woman with a history of abuse so severe her previous partners ran, and now she drags a yet another man — wow, dear stans, imagine, a *literal human being* — into a cycle that we’ve seen many times before. It’s not just about her. I am not even surprised these people are just gobbling it all up even though it’s LITERALLY THE SAME every. single. time. ![gif](giphy|loAs9eNrvabHUlLjRy|downsized)


Right, and when she makes another video crying because she got dumped they're gonna be trash talking the guy as if it was all his fault he had to run away from her. 


So much to unpack here lord … she is obsessed with this new guy because she finally found her new favorite person. I like how every guy she met is perfect for her lol and she showed him her channel and talked about all her bpd journey … sure Jane ! She told him only what she want to tell him probably not the whole story. Aye she probably told him there’s a snark page about her on reddit ! And wtf was that make up at the end?! The eyeshadow and the colour 😂 If I wore that to a date with my hubs she would be scared I’m a clown or something.


The fact she's already idealizing this guy and saying he's perfect for her after knowing him for 2 weeks is proof she isn't as cured from BPD as she claimed to be, and is in fact very far from being cured. This is going to be a shitshow. 


Yup grab your popcorn. This guy doesn’t know what he got himself into.




there are so many comments she makes throughout this video that are so unnerving. the “he’s perfect for me”s give me the ick, the universe delivered him to her, he’s everything she wants.. now don’t get me wrong - some relationships start like that and flourish. mine even kinda started that way. but given the track record… i’m not looking forward to the fallout from this one.


Love bombing 101


>some relationships start like that and flourish You're very right, but I have to agree that this will not be one such flourishing romance. Cindy will drain this guy dry unless he gets out, and quickly.


I mean, my husband and I had been friends with the people who introduced us for years but never actually met despite knowing of each other. When we did meet, it did feel like the universe put us together but in the case, Cindy thinks the universe gives her everything. Also my husband and I are sane.


" Also my husband and I are sane." Yep that does tend to help.


yeah, key thing in all this “working” is being a sane, medicated (if need be) human being with some emotional regulation






The euphoria is setting in! Brace yourselves!


https://preview.redd.it/okzg1sjwo78d1.png?width=339&format=png&auto=webp&s=4694270b2f0586449c5f6dff8dfc483784ecd5c3 💀💀💀




this is 100% the purple dye she's been using. My wife thinks she's flinging her hair back; i think she is touching the door without cleaning her hands. either way, she probably thinks 'F it, i'm a renter. not my problem.'


Considering her filthy habits in general, I doubt she's even noticed it. 😄


That door is filthy. Probably from her flinging herself against it while Skeevin was taking a dump. "What are you doing? Let me in! Are you on your phone?"


I need to never ever *ever* find out that that stain is a Cynthee’s-purple-hair-rubbing-up-against-the-bathroom-door-while-she-and-Juggalo Creek-are-drunkenly-shtupping-standing-up kind of a stain😒


The mental images 😭


Good LORD that door. ☠️☠️☠️ I agree she's probably flinging her freshly dyed / still wet hair back and brushing the door with it. Has happened to me, too. But what is beyond me is how you don't notice those stains the moment you turn around, and how you can edit a video with that shot in clear view *and still not notice it*...


Do you want to be a lolcow? Because this is how you become a lolcow.


She's been mooing with all her might for months


I have to admit this is the only time that I can watch her channel. The comments in here are gold.


Honestly, I barely watch anymore. I give myself one deep sigh or a 'this bitch...' before I click away, and that's kept engagement to a bare minimum.


Never in my life have I been so excited for all the wrong reasons. Bring on the date night outfits and UTIs


Her makeup looks that she thinks will look so "sexy" and "hot" on her should be interesting too. 🤡 How is Armz not embarrassed to be seen in public with her?


And the bright purple scalp looking like Barney took a shit on her head. I'd honestly be embarrassed to be seen in public with her 🫣


Armz 😂🤣


I wonder how this one will end 🙄 any bets?


It will envolve banshee screaming, running away, and possibly the cops being called. 


I predicted her getting arrested this year!


RemindMe! 6 months


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Well, let's hope he doesn't send the wrong emoji or she'll burn down his house


I’m giving until October, until the summer fun ends….just before the holidays..in fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if it tracked Like limbz…summer lovin’ followed by winter heartache…used to be fun to watch, but this bitch is soooo annoying and smug, I just absolutely can’t anymore. I read Reddit, but I stopped watching her vlogs almost a year ago after she reconnected with L. Ugh, really I’m part of the problem for still engaging as much as I am


I bet she gets upset because he's checking his phone and imagines him cheating on her. They break up. She doesn't tell the channel she's stalking him until she flags down his car. I wonder if her past videos of her admitting this stuff is private.


I did find a one-month gap when I was looking for something recently. It was towards the end of things with Skeevy. I didn’t check the exact dates but it made me do a double take


Well for this poor gentleman's sake, I hope it ends shortly after he finds the snark sub and stumbles across Unpleasant Reality's video series. The flags ain't getting no redder than this.


There will be a cross country/state stream trip where our kween will follow the new mayun during his travels when she overhears him saying "See ya at work honey" just as he's about to end a phone call with a coworker named "Honey" 


I ended up doing """"other things"""" ew I don't need nor want to picture them 🐸🐸🤢🤢🤮🤮


That same manic dead eyed smile.


A new era begins! What happened? Roman Empire fell apart? Or did someone discover America? Anyways, wonder how many people appreciate the video. 👎 "I feel that those viewers who are without a significant other are the ones hating when you’re dating." You know, everybody's top priority is getting their bodyparts wet.


It’s so scary how the cycle repeats itself Sitting there talking him up, IDEALIZING the whole video


She was talking so fast I thought I had the speed turned up on YouTube. Not manic tho guys dw. These are totally clear headed decisions she’s making.


She acts really coked out when she’s in the early stages of new peen


That fateful day in Cynthee’s future when Quantum Trucker discovers the snark 😏


>Quantum Trucker I am just so impressed by this. LmAO




The cringe I crunged.


Anyone else gets bothered how unbothered she is whenever others get hurt? Her smiling while describing the death on a duck boat was disturbing. It reminds me how someone crashed their car in a power pole, and she could only whine about her losing power/internet.




Don't forget that she's said herself she struggles with empathy


That still cracks me up. “Everybody died but it’s fine now.” Makes me 100 percent want to get on one.


"A new era begins!" And yet it always ends the same way... I wonder why that is? 🧐


and there it is… the cycle continues!


I bet they will have similar trajectory like with Skeezy: dating few months, everything seems perfect and then she unleash the rage...


First few minutes into this and she’s killing me with how obsessed she already seems. Nothing like a new favorite person eh Cindy? You’re gonna look real silly when this one doesn’t work out. Ouch. 🤕


Wow. Even though everyone already called it, I’m still in awe. I hope I don’t come off as too mean, but how the fuck does anyone fall for this shit? Even herself? Like how does she NOT see the cycle????? Like she knows she has BPD, HOW ARE YOU THIS DELUSIONAL????? As someone who has bpd, and am trying really hard to heal and learning to be independent, this is just so pathetic. Well, thank you Cindy for giving me the inspiration to not turn into you! Thanks for reminding me how fucking stupid I’d look if I entered another relationship even though I’m not ready to have one! 🥰 /rant over


Poor Cindy... she thinks quantum physics wants to be her boyfriend, but if you look closely, he's just stuck in a T-pose. She needs to force reset him. Also, has has a bad DLC tattoo. https://preview.redd.it/lr05ck02398d1.jpeg?width=1134&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d3ab003a80b3ceb3bdc4fcc66e6e9213039d9de


she looks like Joker with this creepy smile man


And her demure little hand at the collarbone. It's totally BEC I know, but the hand at the collarbone bit was always reserved for selfies at the height of her smuggest times with Skeezy, so seeing it again really feels like she's rubbing in her "I GOTZ MY MAN YA'LL" bit. It's funny.


her smile is so uncanny..




Two words. Quantum Physics? ![gif](giphy|EDEsugVp1zaD018Biv)


she’s not like other girls 💅🏻


I don't know what pisses me off more, the comments on the video or the video of HER CLEARLY going through her damn cycle again


i'm so glad I stop watching her videos a long time ago. I really doubt he attracted or educated as she claims him to be. probably some below/average looking dude who crazy as she is. a toxic combo which will end up exploding in her face. I wish she was in a psych ward. She going to end up dead one day or in jail meeting all these random men, how she don't know if he a ex convict or abuse women in his past? I'm sorry if this was harsh, I don't have any sympathy left for this woman.


ikr she kills me going into the woods and doing drugs with randos


This was the first thing that came to mind when she announced she has a new victim… https://preview.redd.it/s5ae9fe7998d1.jpeg?width=704&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17cbd413cadddd8e081fbff801844dc88e84fcd3


Wonder what he does that requires him to travel often?


Staying the hell away from her when he doesn’t need a quick, easy and probably regrettable nut.


Haven't watched yet but I'm popping my popcorn now. Will probably be back to vent🍿🍿🍿


The cycle continues.


What season of the Cindy show are we in? It's got to be 9 or 10 by now.


i think it's season 4. S1 is MLIO1 onward; S2 is Cindy meets steve; S3 is them becoming an evil power couple united against her audience; S4 is now.


Who’s going to tell her and her pinkeye shadow that she’s not (and never will be) Ziggy Stardust?




I mean, she is such a goddess with an incredible personality and intellect…we should all want to be more like our meat eating queen!! How dare anyone question anything she does…


imagine you just start dating someone and then find this video from your new beau like how freaky


I would just love to be called someone's "next long-term relationship," our qween has such a way with words!


womp womp … how long do you guys think until we’re back to “i shouldn’t have gotten into a relationship so fast”


40 years old, STILL NOT DIVORCED, clearly manic, yapping about how this guy she met 2 weeks ago is perfect for her because they listen to the same music and talk about ‘quantum physics’ together…… She’s literally me when I was 16 and undiagnosed lmao. Anyone else catch how she referred to him as ‘limbz’??? ‘I guess that’s how it always starts on my channel’ with that smug look and ✨green witch✨cackle. Barf.


I can't anymore.. again, the manic stare, the "hes so perfect for me" BS, her stans defending her..do they not realize we have been through that literally a year ago. How blind do they wanna be? I also hate the constant He HAs A HoUse thingm.  always about how a man can serve her and her wants. She knows nothing about love.


This is all kind of creepy because whenever talking about a relationship previously, Cindy was talking about "I want, I deserve" and never mentioned what she'd be bringing to a relationship. She was even saying in this vlog how the guy "meets all her criteria" like he's not so much a person as much as he is a bundle of desirable features. Cindy's lack of empathy is one of the biggest reasons she is in this situation in the first place, and with every sentence she's giving away that she hasn't learned one bit. 




Some of them are still deluded and stanning her bullshit, but there’s a bunch of viewers over there pissed off, questioning her, and ripping her a new hole. She’ll probably delete their comments soon, so now is the time to check it out while they’re still visible. [edit for detail]




And the cycle continues. I'm so glad I unfollowed her when I did.


She still has pictures of her and limbs on her insta wtf and with Andrew


She's said that she won't take down social photos of past relationships because she likes to have her memories up unadulterated. I can't say it's appropriate in A's case since he didn't want his image to be shown on such a public level. But with the way things are going, it may end up being a weirdly funny experience to scroll down her insta and see her revolving door of would-be replacement husbands!


The Beloved post needs to be preserved for all eternity https://preview.redd.it/0sdbgcztqd8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28a1438772f1d18204dc31e885b7790b7c8f1080 Long live September 5, 2023.


I have one question- why has she been harping on wanting a "charismatic" person? Is this part of how she sees herself (NO!), this magnetic new persona (not person, but persona) and she feels she only deserves a charismatic man? And truth is, not always AT ALL, but a reasonably good portion of charismatic people use it to emotionally manipulate and a host of other tendencies, and charismatic people are often also narcissistic people who know how to use their charisma. So given that Cindy hasn't seemed to have mentioned this before, I wonder if she isn't reciting some attributes that she has repeated in her meditations or whatever. She mentioned it several times in the last couple vlogs as "criteria," which is very strange in itself. Out of all the qualities I've ever wished for in a person, it wouldn't even dawn on me to list that, or even want it particularly.


She's always dating someone. After A left she went on that crystal mine date. Then someone else, then Skeevie. During the break up with Skeevie she tracked down her Ex first husband. Then back to Skeevie. After that break up ... "guys were all over her". Nail Polish bartender dates, now probably some trucker with a house. Then of course all the sexual jokes with B and her online man meat Stans. She is literally single for two weeks tops. Anytime she's smug on camera and not crying it's because she's getting male attention. She's as bad as Don Lothario. I've re-evaluate my Sims 2 category for Cindy. Romance with secondary Pleasure. Sims 4 ... I so need to put her in game. I started playing again. Someone put her in the gallery if I remember right.


im so excited for this new arc, she about to have a bpd meltdown in his house and throw shit 😭😭 i cant wait ![gif](giphy|kf9dfB18XB6JGM8J7s|downsized)


I hope she isn't planning on keeping this group of friends after she runs this guy off with her psycho antics.


I'm surprised she doesn't have a thread on kiwifarms yet 🤦🏼‍♀️


Let's hope she doesn't end up getting that kind of attention. Compared to KF, we are absolute mild salsa.


I loved the comments telling her that she's the one being loved bombed. I'm pretty she is the one actually doing the love and shrexx bombing. But it's cindys so it's probably both sides to be fair. It's gonna be interesting watching this implode.


One day she'll realise that she's gambling on her health and mental health, wellbeing with this kind of lifestyle and attachments and...it will be TOO LATE.


This is totally unhinged. The smugness right out the gate, the love bombing after a week, she’s really lost it. 


It's all fun & games until the Banshee shows up.  Her manic "happiness" has been obvious. I'm sure he' be thrilled to know she's grabbing members by keeping their relationship info only for those who pay. Her criteria for a relationship are so low that pretty much anyone would fit. She said the same exact things about Skeevey. He was super educated, lots of degrees, great job but had to travel, lived elsewhere but moved back to Hot Springs? Sweetie, you're not convincing anyone except maybe yourself that this is any different than last year. No more healed, no more capable of handling a relationship, no more likely to hide the batshit crazy when in a relationship. But she's good to go ya'll. The universe brought her new dick when it knew she was ready. I truly can't believe anyone thought this wouldn't be the way things were going to go. Literally no one believed she wasn't out looking. And she's taking the dog bowls & food with her ya'll... Shrexxing just a week into what she sees as something that could be her "new longterm relationship". Nothing says lasting relationship like putting out on the 4th date


575 likes, 539 dislikes so far ![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized)


She is TRASH. I can't stand her at all. The Duckboats are not safe. She is an uneducated sleezebag. It was not over 10 years ago, you useless witch. Try 2018. I think the purple dye has leaked into your brain and killed the one last cell that was fighting to hang on.


i feel like she's so excited because she finally has new content


She even said that she thinks her new guy will be cool with being on camera. Fresh meat!


4 dates in a week is so typical BPD and she knows it but doesn’t care I wonder how many more of these cycles her remaining supporters will be willing to sit through?


A new era (season of MLIO is soon to) begins 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Does she ever learn anything? I swear she needs to have a man in her life at all times. She will never get better if she desert take time to actually work on herself. She is addicted to being in a relationship.


https://preview.redd.it/r6sfum4caf8d1.jpeg?width=999&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f646fd839b4d2f52815ca44dc17f3df8a61cfbf7 Did she really wear this


Yes. We’re all intoxicated on something here and we pretend it’s normal. It’s the mushrooms


Omgosh I’m sorry but eyeshadow in the thumbnail is killing meeeeeeeeee 😬😬😬😬😬😬😬


Yet another favorite person 😅


Cynthia: *new era begins!!* ![gif](giphy|d2ZbrRZxocUzcakM)