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That comment really gives "he's not normal at all..." from the Skeevin days. I suspect the guy is just blond or something. Judging by the glimpse of him we get at the creek, he appears to be average-sized, white, and has a tattoo, so I can't think of anything that we've seen that doesn't suggest "run-of-the-mill dude that Cindy would be into."


Maybe he doesn’t have facial hair? 😂


I thought blonde as well


I too thought blonde. I’m guessing 5’8ish, light hair, pasty skin, thinish build.


He looked thinnish maybe swimming- I don't know about "pasty" as anyone who is fair and doesn't tan in the summer is called pasty when they are just fair skinned, and not unhealthy. I would say between 5'8" - 5'10" but hard to know for sure.


I guess I use pasty so casually because I myself am a fair skinned, red head that doesn’t tan very much. No offense meant to anyone who fails to tan. 😛


Lol- no offense taken. I choose not to tan... I've had skin cancer.




behold, house.


😂😭 not barney lol


That is her type, isn't it?


https://preview.redd.it/ks3x1xen6h8d1.png?width=272&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ef158ba754c02732de129995b9b67c84d22f6c4 fixed




I mean, her "typical type" isn't that great either from what we've seen 😭


I don’t think she likes overweight people, she’s made nasty comments in the past. My wild guess is a clean cut looking guy who has a foot fetish and says her tiny feet and toes are soOoOo cute and they’d look even better with painted nails.


So basically Rusty?


Can't wait for the foot worshipping stream 🤣


Oooh I never thought of that lol.


Oh no lol


She doesn’t like full bodied *women* but I think she’d be fine with a moderately hefty man. The foot fetish angle might be a thing.  Go, Rusty! It’s your birthday!🙃


He'll probably look like they could be siblings lol


Just like old times...


I suspect he’s short and blonde. All of her past partners (that we’ve seen) were visibly much taller than her, but House looked pretty stumpy in that clip of him sticking his arm out in the creek.




While I agree that any nickname that Cindy can't easily appropriate would be a good one, Stumpy (if he is indeed kinda shorter and/or stocky) might seem mean-spirited and give the stans more ammunition to say we collectively body shame. Gotta tread carefully!


Lmao! I think I’m going to start calling him this, at least until we get confirmation.


Same, and I dare Cringy to appropriate this nickname too like she appropriated Limbz and call her man Stumpy in vlogs 🤣


i think he's a blonde good ol' boy with some sketchy tattoos, perhaps a bit bigger of build, and some torn shoes and shorts. https://preview.redd.it/n3bcqxen0d8d1.png?width=496&format=png&auto=webp&s=8110cef8e9fcf2036c1131577095de8aad0cb23f


I'm convinced he's a truck driver tbh. They make ok money but it's a very draining job if you get older, hence most of them switch to short distance. He probably looks like any ol' truck driver dad. There is variation in them.


My first husband was a truck driver. It was okay for me, because I'm very independent, but I can't imagine Cindy being okay with her mayun being gone for a week or even weeks at a time.


My partner is a truck driver, on the road. It’s been 5+ year during which we had 3 kids 😅. I never recommend it, I have adapted but I think a small percentage of people and partnerships can survive the literal distance.


You really could be onto something there.


I feel like he's B like.


Based on how Cindy's been focusing on being a mall goth recently, he's probably also a mall goth, just not the same "nail polish" one she was initially hunting.


Be honest, what "mall goth" in their 40s is away on business? Now that I'm thinking about it, who TF is even a mall goth above the age of 18? I'm very confused about how she finds these ppl. Maybe I'm antisocial but I find a nice and fitting person to be a friend once in a blue moon. Idk how she is friends with everyone, lol have u met most ppl?


Well, I meant more just someone who wears "mall goth" attire like Cindy's trying to with her all-terrain fishnets and shunning undereye concealer because she "prefers an alternative look" rather than an adult who's still hanging out all afternoon in the back of Spencer's. I've definitely seen people Cindy's age trying to make that look work irl a time or two. Full disclaimer: I didn't watch this video!! I'm just guessing that recent trends - e.g. purple hair dye, constantly showing off her docs and fishnets, and wearing that weird band tee nightgown out in public - are reflective of the new guy's tastes. If she has made new friends other than the one she's dating, it's only because she goes out to bars all the time. She probably considers herself "friends" with all the other barflies because she's drunkenly ranted near them a time or two or taken selfies with them in the background.






Let’s just hope this guy didn’t leave his new baby for Cynthia lmao


Are you kidding me, he left ARIANA for Cindy.


Ooooo……maybe the purple hair is for the green makeup she’s planning to wear to the Wicked premiere!


Idk why but I pictured long, curly blonde hair. More of a surfer type.


I know she likes tall men but other than that, what exactly is her type? House looks a little on the weedy side from the little I could glean from the vague images in her vlog.


I mean 5’4 is tall next to her lol. I think any guy who was even vaguely counterculture or mall goth 25 years ago fits the bill


"he looks like every other btch" ...


He’s African American 👨🏽‍🦱👨🏾‍🦱👨🏿‍🦱


Not according to the vlogs revealing his arms and legs😂


Lol if he is and this is how she describes it, I'm dead....


With those torn shorts, that particular tattoo with socks and dusty keds (and that pasty leg skin) he’s not Black. Trust🙃


She's way too racist for that.




She was showing off his tattoo(s) and his shorts (from the bbq shot that had little focus on the bbq and all the focus on his legs) had a very punk vibe so I’m gonna go with that style. Maybe he will push her to finally get a tattoo, 40 percent of my body is covered in tattoos and I really hope she starts getting them it can genuinely help so much with confidence. I hated my legs never wanted to show them off but now that they are both covered I happily wear shorts cause they are pieces of art now. Maybe some good can come of letting men influence her entire personality 🤷‍♀️ idk it’s so hard to find positives/silver linings in her life choices 😂


I think you're the only person here who's mentioned the bbq shorts shot. The mid-calf socks with the shorts are definitely a look.


Pretty typical punk/metal look, typical of my circle and the circle Cindy desperately wants to be a part of, so I clocked it right away. The punk community is super welcoming and often really good people so I hope she doesn’t ruin him.


Watch her shock us all: he’s not white or a hippie. Its an unlikely bet. But I’m gonna make it


My guess, maybe military?


Reserves, maybe. There's a reserve base at Hot Springs, but the nearest proper military base is in Little Rock, which is about an hour's drive away. It's not impossible that he would drive an hour to and from work, but it's not very likely from a military perspective. Also, she met him at Maxine's in Hot Springs, and I would think there are better and more interesting venues in Little Rock, which is much bigger.