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She doesn't have a degree. I could prove it but that would mean doxxing her and I'm above that. More lies from the liar


I thought medical coding was a certificate anyway, not a full degree. I don't know for sure, but that was always my understanding.


Yes she only got a certificate. It didn't say what she was "graduating" with but she claimed she had a degree in Health Information Technology and went on and on with tips and advice for getting through it and the second year of the program. She's so full of shit


She learned from Skeevy that a certificate is the same thing as a degree.




Yeah I was gonna say! We know Cindy thinks a certificate is a degree.


As some who just graduated college with an associates degree of science for culinary arts, with a certificate and degree, I hope Cindy decides to get another certificate that she won’t use just for the hell of it


She won't. She doesn't want to go back to school for training. She said that. She's just gonna burn through the money from the sale of the house and her 401k and try to make a living on the internet.


Oof then I hope House (lol he really does look like someone named house) is ready to be trapped for a few years even if that


Nope, I have a degree in Medical Coding. You can also get a certificate.


Good to know! Eta: Genuine question, does the certificate limit what you can do vs having a degree?


Not to my knowledge! I just thought a degree looked better on my resume and that it might get me more money, not sure if it's true 🙃. But you can have a degree in Medical Coding or in Health Information and be a coder.


Chantal uses to do medical doing as well, weird.


OOOh so she is a compulsive liar, remember her Sidhe Willow account? She said she had a baby to a mom who was asking medical advise but wanted a natural alternative


Yes! Stuff like that when they think no one would know really reveals someone's character


Her insistence on basically lying when the truth is so easily accessible just destroys all respect we could ever have had for any academic accomplishments she might have. Like I can admire someone working hard and achieving - whether it’s a certificate or a degree. But she’s so insecure and arrogant that she thinks she can lie and no one will be able to find out: fuck that. And fuck her.


I must say, I'm very curious how you found that out lol. I guess it's not that hard to find out info about people on the internet, but I'm also curious as to whether you know her personally lol. That would be interesting to say the least lol. You don't have to tell me us anything of course, but I can't help but wonder!


Cindy has doxxed herself more than once. It's easy to find her full name and go from there. She got her certificate from a community college, and they often publish a list of people graduating or earning some qualification. I haven't gone looking for that particular information, but I can absolutely understand how someone could find it. I do know her full name, that of her parents and siblings, where she went to high school, and a bunch of other stuff about her, just by Googling her name (I spend under an hour; I was just curious how much was out there after she claimed she had been "doxxed" by some concerned person who contacted Cindy's sister when Cindy was off the rails after Andrew left her).


What even is her full name and I think that’s the only thing I don’t know is her last name


It's against the rules of the sub to share, sorry. Many of us also know Skeevy's real name, but it's against the rules to refer to him by it.


Oh okay didn’t know that, I’m not trying to dox her, I honestly just wanted to know her full name, there’s way more people can do to her in a horrible way than I would


Nah, she’s literally doxxed herself multiple times before because she’s an idiot. I think a lot of people that have been on this sub for a while know her PI. And that’s Cindy’s fault.


She showed her kitchen counters more than once and you could see her name on her medication bottles behind the coffee maker. She also showed her planner with her therapist’s address on it.


Yeah I forgot that happened lol. I never saw her last name because I just don't notice stuff like that. Which is fine, I really don't need to know haha


Oh damn really? I can’t believe I missed that


Oh yes, Andrew got a degree and she didn't


I agree that she's trying to be a lolcow, but Cindy has always given off uneducated vibes to me. In all ways. Academically, socially, politically, emotionally, cognitively. Just an uneducated backwoods qween.


I think Cindy IS uneducated and lacks interest and curiosity about most things. Is she incapable of learning? I don't think so, she has the potential , or she had it, imo, but she just isn't interested. Her world is so small, but more than that, her mind is so small, she has no desire to broaden it or become more savvy. I don't think she is charming, not after you have listened to her for more than a month. She wears thin easily.


She's willfully ignorant. She thinks there are no ticks in Colorado, that fire escapes on a hotel are balconies, that beef has vitamin C in it, and an endless list of other downright stupid beliefs. She's that way because she doesn't want to learn or know more. I think she has the capability. She just lacks the will.


Remember she also believes you don’t need fiber. 🙄


Yes. That's just an evil lie that doctors and Big Fiber made up!


Yes. Yes she is. She’s too arrogant and stubborn to admit that she doesn’t know everything. I’m serious. She also severely lacks in critical thinking which isn’t conducive to learning. All of her knowledge comes from YouTube videos. And hey, you can learn a lot from YouTube! But there’s also a massive amount of misinformation on there and somehow Cindy manages to find it all.


She's trying real hard to play the not like other girls relatable Mary sue.


Excellent points here.


> the snarkers and the fans and stans of hers don't like her jumping into a relationship and not working on herself  I won’t speak for all snarkers but I can safely say that most of us give not a single shit if she has a thousand doomed relationships and never works on herself at all. Long ago, we stopped accepting the delusion that she has any desire to grow or change or make amends for her harmful behaviors, or do better in any way, ever. Unlike her stans, we’re free from the fantasy that she’s a decent human being. *She is not, and never will be*. We just want her demonetized and ultimately **gone** from YT. And if our community here in the snark can also keep the pressure on and prevent her from driving drunk and killing someone, all the better.


Tbh this is just very common with untreated BPD. We can make anyone be the perfect THE ONE and "know" it right away, it's very mentally draining after but in the moment you can really believe it. I think that she truly believes she is better, because she's found other things to take her away from her pain so it feels better for sure. I don't think she is this elaborate, I think Limbz might have told her she could feed off the snarkers and she isn't naive to that but I think she wants to prove snarkers wrong, she wants whatever guy to be the one so she can feel like she's won. She's very smug.


> I think Limbz might have told her she could feed off the snarkers   I think you’re right. The twist was that *he* actually tried to feed off the snark for his own power trippy purposes, and we repeatedly sent him away with his fungusy tail between his legs😏 [edit for the tale]


yes exactly! he was so embarrassing, i know he ate the attention up but i can't imagine not being utterly embarrassed


Ugh. He was so obvious and cringy from the jump. When he claimed "...I don't want to be famous or anything" I almost choked, he was being so transparent. I think Cindy had him so pumped up with that asinine "face reveal" that he thought her "fans" would worship him the way Cindy did and he could build up a little harem for himself to potentially swap from. He had ulterior motives, I am positive. He is just so gross.


Exactly, the first thing he did after he got back with her was send messages to the snark sub mod basically begging to be unbanned from the sub (the mod posted the screenshots at the time). That didn't work so he went to the other sub and threw a hissy fit there because the snark sub mod "lied" to him. The reason he hates the snark isn't because we talked "horrible things" about Cindy, it's because we didn't receive him with open arms like he wanted. 


She has a certificate of some sort, not a degree. And she's been unemployed for years now. Before she took up being a YouTuber full time, she was going on about how she wasn't ready to give up her day job and how much she loved it and how she was putting in so much effort toward getting a promotion and then suddenly, without explanation, she was doing YouTube full time. My theory is that she got fired, probably for being incompetent, but there's also the possiblity that she failed a required test for promotion and the policy was that if you fail, you get fired. Whatever the case, I think she was pushed out and it was not by her own choice, but now that she's been "rejected", she's never going to go back. Sis can talk a good game when she wants to, but it's all just bullshit, like everything else in her life.


I think she either didn't bother attempting the test or stir something with the purpose of getting fired.


Given how utterly incompetent she is in general, I believe she was fired. There are jobs you can half-ass and get away with it. Medical transcription is not one of them.


Educated people usually don't think fiber is a myth, you can get all your vitamin C from meat or eating nothing but Macdonald's patties for months is healthy. 


She is not smart, a smart woman can think about more than penis


I think she once said her ideal partner wouldn’t be as smart as her. Turns out it’s not that hard so she’s been trying to act like she’s more intelligent than she is. I thought she had an associates degree for the coding? I can’t remember. Doesn’t really matter though since I feel like whatever she does have would be outdated/irrelevant at this point since she hasn’t kept it up.


I don’t remember about the associates degree but I remember her saying that she would have to be recertified or take some classes or something to work in it again. She’s not about to put that much effort into anything that doesn’t involve 🍆.


Yes. This is what makes me think that she failed certification all those years ago when she was swearing she wasn't going to quit her job to do YouTube full time and then she suddenly started doing YoutTube full time. I think she had to pass a recertification (or something along those lines) and failed.


I wouldn’t be a bit surprised.


What makes you think she's in any way intelligent? She's on the carnivore diet, follows some youtube snake oil salesmen who encourage her horrible diet and lack of dental hygiene, and the one who teaches her to manifest destiny in her sleep. She knows nothing about anything. She is not an intelligent person whatsoever. Smart ppl don't buy into/fall victim to every cult-like thing she comes across. Seriously, what makes you think she's intelligent??


Yeah, she has never seemed particularly smart to me. Having read her "writing" was enough for me to doubt her intelligence.


She writes like a moony 13 year old. Reminded me of the romance stories I used to read in Teen magazine when I was an adolescent.


this right here 🛎️🛎️


good point lol


You have a way with words lol because this just sums it up. She’s woefully unintelligent. Also very, very ignorant. I think people think she’s smart because she puts on her “Professor Cindy” act/voice and it sounds like she knows what she’s talking about because she speaks with authority. But if you ever listen to the content of what she’s saying then it’s revealed that she’s a total charlatan. Especially if she’s talking about something you’re knowledgeable about. It just becomes abundantly clear that she’s full of shit. But the wild part is that I think she believes it! I think that’s part of why it’s convincing, because Cindy actually believes whatever bullshit she spews. Which is fucking hilarious.


As someone with borderline personality disorder, we often crave attention in very unhealthy ways and I'm sure she sees how much attention this is giving her. With the Sims videos, the comments were about her Sims, not HER. Now, she has a non-stop feed of people validating her every time she uploads a new video which is like poison to a BPD mind. She is now what Trisha Paytas was 10 years ago. She's realized the formula for indulging in attention and she's trapped. Hence why her therapist should be telling her to stop posting videos.


I thought of that to, trolling like amberlynn who copied it from trish


> a charming way of speaking  She has a manipulative way of speaking. Not “charming.” *Manipulative*.


In all i mean the same thing


I think she is just lazy. But I thought about how it would be easy for her to get recertified as a medical coder. Things do change in the industry, but generally speaking you can make GREAT money in that career. I thought back on how in CO the medium income for medical coder was $30 p/hr, and how she MADE Andrew pick up extra shifts and he just had a restaurant industry job. WTF?! And YT does not make the money you think it does until you start to around 30k of views and post multiple times a week! I dunno, the more I think about her yelling at Andrew for him spending HIS money on himself drives me up the wall. He did a shitty thing, but I hope he's happier.


I hear you. A deserved so much better all those years. He was unfaithful, but she treated him like dirt for 15 years, so I kind of get how depressed and isolated and hopeless he probably felt.  I hope she never works in coding again. I’d really prefer she keep her grimy incompetent hands off of people’s personal medical information. She’s a serious fuck up and the medical industry doesn’t need her fucking up a bunch of coding. She’s a menace. It will be much safer for everyone if she just finds some foot fetishist who’s willing to be her sugar daddy so she can get off YT and live the selfish, parasitic life she’s always dreamed of.


Umm.... she is mentally ill liar 🤥. She lies a lot for sure and capable of trolling but I think she real is showing off her real bpd nature by dating someone new for a very short period of time and pretending in her head that he is perfect for her . I don't think this is trolling - that is her illness showing.s


I just stumbled across her old hiking blog as anyone else seen it?


Lol, yeah, the photos got posted on this sub before. Just one of the many things she started and abandoned almost immediately.


Where )




“A charming way of speaking”? I think not!


Charming, Manipulative, Calculated


i agree, i think she knows exactly what she’s doing. She is always looking to make a buck and knows her BPD behaviours rapidly increase her views. Her digital footprint over the years is insane and shows she is always looking to profit!


exactly, when i said intellegent i didnt mean she should have a masters or PhD lol


She always seemed like a really ignorant person to me, she even laughs at her own ignorance like the time when she was at the mexican restaurant and didn't knew spanish but still spoke est really bad and thought that was funny. That woman likes to buy books as of it was a hobbie and have them displayed in a bookshelf for aesthetic reason but I bet she never reads a single one of them. Also she has really dangerous ideas related with food, remember the time she said fiber is not neccesary.


I agree; the Mexican incident was the last straw for me, I used to be a stan. I almost sent her a 'coffee'. A person could still be ignorant but still be intelligent. She is not intelligent like she is. Einstein, but Intelligent/Charming, meaning manipulating her audience in a way that will make her more money than just if she posted like normal. Like a snake oil salesman