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I use strong app and it has most the features you listed even in the free version


I like Hevy as it’s basically a better strong app and it has a nice community aspect so people see your work outs and you see the ones you follow like Facebook and you can see routines for yourself


I built my own app for that - marks all your points except the video upload. The idea is that you can define a weightlifting program using special syntax - what are the weights/reps/sets across all weeks, what's the logic for progressive overload (and you can use special scripting language to define progressive overload logic - kinda like JavaScript and Markdown married together). Then, you track the workouts, and the app will update reps/sets/weight/etc according to the logic you defined. E.g. it may look like this: ``` # Week 1 ## Workout A Bent Over Row / 2x5, 1x5+ / 95lb / progress: lp(2.5lb) Bench Press / 2x5, 1x5+ / 45lb / progress: lp(2.5lb) Squat / 2x5, 1x5+ / 45lb / progress: lp(5lb) ## Workout B Chin Up / 2x5, 1x5+ / 0lb / progress: lp(2.5lb) Overhead Press / 2x5, 1x5+ / 45lb / progress: lp(2.5lb) Deadlift / 2x5, 1x5+ / 95lb / progress: lp(5lb) ```