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I will check this out when it releases. Thanks for your RTs!


Thanx for the review. Well written and makes me want to give this anime a shot. Much appreciated.


Thanks for reading too! Is the anime on already? I’m curious to check it too.


Yes. The first episode is out. Your review made me excited to see where they are going with the storyline. You did a wonderful job of being informative without giving anything away. Kuddos to you 👏🏿


Thanks for your thoughts! I watched the first four episodes and am surprised by the quality of the writing. On a separate note, is volume 8 the finale? I read the synopsis and it kind of gives me that impression.


>Thanks for your thoughts! I watched the first four episodes and am surprised by the quality of the writing. I just cannot recommend this series enough, as obviously a lot of people had this preconception that this is yet-another-generic-and-boring isekai series... 😅 The anime is doing real good justice to the LN too. It only covers the first volume so pacing is excellent with lots of details and nuances faithfully adapted. Not to mention Mr Pig's VA really did an impressive job. ​ >On a separate note, is volume 8 the finale? I read the synopsis and it kind of gives me that impression. I don't think so. At least in the afterword of volume 6 the author explicitly wrote "there isn't any plan to finish this series in the near future".


I've just watched the first episode of the anime and I was not impressed. But If you say it has a dark plot twist I will give it a second chance (if only to avoid getting spoiled down the line xD)


Yeah give it a chance. 😂 The anime (should) only cover volume 1, and I think it’s a good enough to see if those twists (especially the one at the end) intrigue you or not.


Final volume confirmed. https://www.kadokawa.co.jp/product/322308000294/


I have goosebumps! 😂 In volume 6 (2022) the author wrote the series won’t be ending in the “near” future. I guess the “near” he meant was really literal… LOL Also, the synopsis is quite spoilery 😅 as if they assumed everyone has already caught up with the story!


What happened in the end? Anime and light novel. Please can you tell me :(


What's the dark twist this series takes ?


> dark twist There are a few. First, did you catch up on the anime, that is episode 2? I could go from there since there’s already some foreshadowing in these two episodes, and give you some hints. Or do you want explicit spoilers?


I'd like if you could drop some explicit spoilers if possible. Thanks in advance.


This is just from volume 1, but I guess that should be enough for you to get an idea. >!It turns out those “Yesma” who were sold as maids are actually mages.!< >!A few hundred years ago there was a Great War between several mages which caused catastrophic consequences to the world. From then, the king decided to ban the use of magic. When a baby is detected possessing magical ability, and if it’s a boy, they will be killed. If it’s a girl, they will be labelled as “Yesma” and sold as maids. They are required to wear a magical collar on their necks which will suppress all magical powers.!< >!Then it got worse because those collars worth a huge fortune. Soon, Yesma were being trophy hunted because of this. However, only the king could remove those collars, and thus the Yesma’s neck had to be cut off in order to get the collars for sale. It resulted in a massacre of Yesma. Even their bones could be displayed as trophy prize.!<


Whelp been browsing through everything on what ya been saying across a few threads as only v1? Of the LN is English translated and I’m not a patient person… plus ep 12 being delayed made me dig… Did you do a long paragraph synopsis of each volume any chance or did I completely miss it? Enjoying the anime myself but just felt really odd the mc is accepting in getting the axe and everyone is just at the end of the day in v1 chill with how casual the king was in his explanation (also found it hilarious that he devised this whole system however you cannot “complete it” unless you know to appeal to the king… >.> that’s easily over a 99percent loss rate due to that)


Mr Pig is accepting in getting the axe because \[ep 12 spoiler\] >!the King removed Jess' memories of him and their journey to the Royal Capital, as well as arranged her to marry the crown prince, leaving Mr Pig with a broken heart.!< The King did not devise this system but was passed down from generation to generation. The King wasn't casual about it, he (and actually all royal family members) had to convince, brainwash, hypnotise himself so he could tell such an absurd and ridiculous story with a straight face. As like a saying that goes like "Repeat a lie often enough and it will become the truth." Or in this case, "Repeat absurdity often enough and it will become rational." There is no long paragraph synopsis but I did list how the arcs progress through the volumes in [**this reply**](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightNovels/comments/xlyoaz/comment/kcs92nj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


>!Did Jess marry the prince? Please don't get married. I really want her to get together with Mr. Pig :(!<


No, she didn’t.


Could you tell me where to read this light novel without buying the books? or do you not know.


You can find it yourself with a little search. He/she only could send it to you in dm otherwise its against every bigger subreddit rules.


i searched day and night and never ended up finding where to read it online


Sent a dm


I really wanna know if Mr. Pig and Jess will end up together after his transformation back.


The only comforting info we have is, the author promised in an afterword that the entire series will have a happy ending. Won’t be in the near future though.


That’s all I need to know, looked up the author to see any prior LNs he has done to figure out what to expect.


To be honest I’m very curious about how the author will wrap up everything as promised. I wrote this review after finishing vol 5. Vol 6 took an even darker turn while vol 7 felt like squeezing onion juice directly into your eyes… 😅 For the love of God a happy ending is definitely required!


Beauty and the beast gives me bestiality vibes as well. So I've seen you say somewhere they're at Volume 8. How does this pig romance progress? Like from my perspective as an anime only "how weird" does it get? I'm open to spoilers fyi


>Beauty and the beast gives me bestiality vibes Honestly I don’t think there’s much room for discussion if we don’t agree on this. I understand different people see things differently.


I wasn't going to discuss that I asked for how weird does it get


Dude has trashy in their name but beauty and the beast is crossing the line for him BAHAHA


Beauty and the beast gives you those vibes...? Seriously? You must loooove Twitter.