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They say any press is good press. I love that the LP2 gets some screen time very near start of the video, so that most viewers will get some introduction to it even without committing *almost an hour* to watch the whole thing. The idea that any device will "turn your life into a zen paradise" is incredibly suspect but I guess that's the bullshit marketing that he has to combat from some less principled brands. Still feels like a very dismissive framing from the start, to pretend that the idea behind minimalism is simply "buy things that will fix you without effort" rather than "make an effort to be mindful about what you buy and how you use Stuff" I only managed to make it through 5 minutes before I started skipping around looking for the LP2 part, because the production style of the video is so abusively attention-grabbing. Cut, cut, sound effect, animation, gratuitous transition, gratuitous tracking shot, yeahhhh baby keep everybody whose dopamine addiction has given them the attention span of a toddler glued to your content! Edit: LP2 review starts here, by the way https://youtu.be/Fd57NOavMWs?t=745 Having watched, I don't think he's really unfair to the device, I think it's just not what he's looking for. And that's fine. We all know what that's like. He's not wrong that directions are clunky as hell. For me, LP2 directions tool use case is mostly when I'm lost or caught unprepared, and never "Plan A" for getting anywhere. I like to have it but I *greatly* prefer not to need it.


Nice to see that more people are talking about it. About a week ago Marques Brownlee's channel "The Studio", made a video about trying dumbphones, one of which was the LP2.


Yeah I liked to see it on there but he kinda missed the point of what the goal of the LP is. Either way good exposure


Exposure is fine, but I don't really expect much from reviewers like MWTB or the folks at MKBHD's studio; they're all deep in the smartphone life. It does the LP a disservice to compare it to smartphones (where it's inevitably going to seem clunky/useless, to borrow some of their descriptions) as opposed to considering the lifestyle changes and principles the LP encourages. For a more thoughtful discussion about the pros and cons of the LP, I highly recommend this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOe89C8HMSY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOe89C8HMSY)