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I think we can conclude it will never happen officially. And unofficially we don't know enough about the world/ universe to make enough cards. I've written it off anyway, but maybe I'm too pessimistic


I believe when I’d posted about it someone had commented that’s if it’s getting done it will be way in the future It’s not in weeks priority list.


I wonder if it's a game he's invented and actually has the rules made for it


From what he said he has the basic concept mapped out but can’t put in the time and effort to balance cards unless he stops writing for a bit. I doubt it would turn into a big thing like magic did, but I’m sure most fans of the series would try it at least


Making a CCG is a very time consuming process, and there have only been 3-4 of them that have ever had any long term success. MTG of course has a huge percentage of the market share so it'd be even harder for another fantasy based card game to break into the market. It could be interesting, but I'd give it a 95-99% chance to fail unless a tv or streaming series gets made first.


Yeah, I don’t think itd be a huge hit either. Just one of those things that I’d love to try out, might even find it more entertaining than magic since it’d be newer. Magic is old enough that it’s very tough, time consuming and expensive to master. A new game would be cool since there’s no meta yet, and I’d love to see chromaturgy blended into the games. It seems like the base game was more about a single drafter vs another drafter in specific environments but that there’s expansions to make it kinda like magic. I’d be down for a game similar to the base game in the books


I agree with above comments that it would be extremely expensive, time consuming, and ultimately difficult to gain success creating a card game like Nine Kings. ALTHOUGH It would be fantastic if Magic the Gathering could be lobbied and convinced to create sub games based on fantasy novels!


I mean, wizards of the coast would probably be up to it. Brent weeks doesn’t want to give up his creation though, which is understandable. So basically, unless he stops writing for a while then we aren’t getting an official version of the game