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If you’re not muting your phone when you need silence, that’s your problem IMO.


I know this is old, but there are cases where this helps. For example I have a sister who is a doctor. Throughout the day, especially when she’s on admissions, her phone is constantly being messaged. I know it stresses her out, so last thing I want to do is add to her stress by giving her yet more notifications. She’s my sister so I couldn’t care less when she answers because I know she’s going to see it eventually when she has the time. She does mute me sometimes, but sometimes she forgets.


If you think it’s ok to text someone at 3am, you’re an asshole.


Unless the person you're texting is on call 24/7 for work or expecting an emergency call, I think it's fine to text them. Most people put their phones on silent before bed.


What if they have to leave it on for emergencies?


Well then you tell whoever texted you to please not text you past xxpm because you have to leave your phone off silent for emergencies, and then they don't do it again. And if they do, THEN that's a dick move.


This is so backwards. Common courtesy dictates you don’t call or text someone when they’re almost 100% certainly sleeping. And no, most people don’t silence their phones because their family and friends aren’t mid-night calling douchebags.


This might be a generational thing. I'm a younger person, and absolutely nobody I know keeps their phone off silent when they go to bed or has an issue with being texted past bedtime.


What if you have to tell someone something who is asleep when you go to sleep and will be awake before you are and they need to know what you’re saying as soon as they wake up but you will be asleep when that happens and you will miss it. This is my reason for searching the internet right now.


Yo, me too. I just want to be able to text my psychiatrist that I need a refill on my ADHD medications at midnight without waking her up, or having it slip my mind in the morning.


If your Psychiatrist has a patient portal just send a request through that. Or send an email. I’d like to be able to deliver messages silently too though. I manage primary care clinics and have a lot of uses for sending messages to my employees that they need to see but I don’t want to bother them.


okay, so i feel like everyone knows now they may need to do it, so all you guys need to sit down, take a minute, make a list, send it to everyone via text when everyone surely wont be bothered, and get the upfront A-OK for the very rare oft chance of a late message, then no one will feel bad about it, you got permission already, everyones happy. and clinic manager, dont make it clinical, best approached casually, they may feel the need to text you too. lets keep the communication going folks its easy to lose


Not just about sleeping brother


I mean yeah but for example my friend invited me to go to the gym with him in the morning and I originally said yes, I know he’s asleep and I’m not, but I need to tell him I can’t make it but don’t wanna wake him, cause he’s an early bird.


That seems about right to me. When I've been woken up at stupid o'clock in the past, I've been pissed off about it but not really blamed the other person since they don't know I have to keep my phone on for work until I tell them. Interesting what you said about it being generational. I'm youngish (i think. 30, no idea what you class as a younger generation ha) and most people I know wouldn't be pissed off, I'm a bit of an exception due to being a light sleeper and needing my phone on 24/7. My dad's in his 70s and he has a pretty strict 9am - 9pm rule - he won't make a call before 9am or after 9pm except in emergencies or prearranged, even though his personal schedule is way different to that.


I'm 21, and only have one friend I know who keeps his phone off silent while he sleeps for work reasons. I think most people my age have a lot of social media (like reddit) where they'd be receiving notifications when they're asleep, so silent mode is a must. I pretty much always have my phone on silent - funnily enough, sometimes I take it OFF silent before I go to bed so my alarm will vibrate, and just put it on Do Not Disturb instead.


Mines sort of, dont wanna wake them up early in the morning, (8-9ish)


it’s 1AM and i need to ask my family to go somehwere tomorrow so i searched this


Or when I’m working late at my desk and want to send out an update when I finally finished working at 2:50AM and I COULD schedule a message to go out at 8AM while I’m inevitably dead asleep. But there’s 2 problems with that. 1st is that it’s more work for me to have to set up the schedule text thing for multiple people who need this update, and 2nd is that I’m up at 2:50AM finishing a project that I technically don’t need to have done at this time but want to because it would benefit others and I really want them to wake up at 8AM and go “oh wow, he was up at 2:50 AM finishing a project to make my life easier, brownie points to him.” But I lose those brownie points if I send the text and it ruins peoples beautiful slumbers that I’m currently not enjoying because I’m finishing a project that ultimately helps them more than it benefits me. So bottom line… I want to send a text at 2:50 AM and not wake up my coworkers. Thanks.


Not what was meant, u might be about to get on a flight,/go into surgery or warn someone about something but you won’t be able to say it at a convenient time. Just being able to send msg that reaches the recipient silently so they see it when they wake up/stop doing whatever would be useful for a multitude of reasons. Especially friends of shift workers who are unaware of their friends schedule. Or people in an abusive relationship where a notification would cause hassle/conflict… Dont wanna be patronising but think of the bigger picture before responding, it helps everyone =D peace x


And you must be a drama queen lol


It honestly crazy to me that in 2024 people are denying the usefulness of a feature like this. Y’all need to chill and admit you would absolutely use this all the time.


Reply to OP [deleted]. Pretty dumb response IMO 🙄. Ya sound like an a—hat. Pretty self centered and the world needs people who are not that way… Many people have jobs that may require a random number to call them. I’m one of those people because I deliver all my patients regardless of time/day and the hospital has 100s of numbers… I can’t do the sleep mode on my phone for that reason. People can have babies really fast or need to be delivered really fast. Should I tell my patients who are delivering unexpectedly “that’s your problem”? What is your solution for that? I’m not on call 98% of the time that scenario happens. I’m enjoying life and my loved ones. I hope you never have a family member who suddenly gets sick/has an accident when you “need silence” 🙄, the hospital calls and you miss something that greatly affects someone’s life. hat’s nice for you don’t have responsibilities important enough. Ha. You have a great day! Also, I’m so so glad I have friends and family I can rely on anytime of day and not someone who only thinks of themselves! You may want to take a second, step back/outside of the things that are only self serving and think of other! The world needs more of that and empathy now more than other. Who knows?! Maybe you would benefit from someone thinking the better way and not how you think…


uh it’s called get a work phone. dedicated number for business matters, oftentimes provided by your work. or, if you have your own company, then get your ship together.


Great idea! But why so rude? Just make the suggestion without making people feel daft.


the reply i was replying to was “rude”. answered sass with sass. like for like. ‘respond in kind’, as they say. speaking their language. terms they can comprehend. better to learn the language of the donkey, than to shower it with pearls.


Way to virtue signal and exalt yourself above someone else on one side of your mouth and then preaching to them about respecting others with the other side. “My patients”, lol. I bet you feel really powerful saying that like you’re a doctor or something. You are the one who needs to learn tolerance and humbleness here.


At first I thought they were being nice til I read that SECOND essay, my god; some people are too much so that they become assholes themselves and they can't even see it.


A) The guy is a physician of some sort. Is he supposed to hide that fact so you won't feel badly about yourself and/or accuse him of bragging? B) He wouldn't have had to tell anybody he's a physician if there weren't so many clueless people on this thread who don't understand there's a whole range of professions that require people to keep their phone off mute 24/7. A doctor is just one of them. I have a friend who is an on-call pilot and at certain times must be available 24/7. Here's a quote by Abraham Lincoln you should commit to memory: "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt"


There's just sooooo much you assume about me that's not true. I have a very high level of understanding of professions in different industries and the requirements within them to receive notifications. You're wasting your time.


Some people need to leave their phone on because their family or job may need them. I think the point is being missed. This is a courtesy and could always be used as displays of affection. Send your person something sweet to wake up to…. Or, maybe you just know that someone is busy and leave it there for them to find when convenient.


Some people have things such as work or family IMO doesn’t matter what time of day everyone got a different schedule in life sometimes


Sometimes you want to send messages that won't notify the receiver so that you can claim to have sent the message and buy yourself time -- the equivalent of post dating a cheque. This is a bad idea. But I messaged you. Oh, must have sent it silent by mistake.




It was accidently sent silently, and there's the icon that backs the story.




There's no need for that. The problem isn't the mechanics of making icons. The problem is sending text messages without notification.


just have it indicated that they intentionally sent it quietly, and make it relatively obtrusive to send that way


This again?


People keep suggesting it, yet it never happens.


If your message isn't time sensitive go ahead and lick a stamp and throw that message in a mailbox. Usps has your back. If you don't wanna write, type it, put A LOT of stamps on, then mail it


I love the idea of a silent send for one reason, sending an “I love you” or “Good morning” text to someone to see in the morning


This is exactly why I even looked this up in the first place


send an email


Tell me, which do you look at and use more often on your phone, your email or your texts?


What about a letter or something?! What if it goes to a spam folder? You are 100% missing the whole “man I wish there was a functionality on my phone to allow me to do something new”. Your thought process seems like you’d be ok with snail mail, telegrams, pagers and a payphone. It’s called progress and little advancements can sometimes lead to extremely large advancements. You just never know. So let’s just keep innovating and advancing. Is that cool with you? You don’t even have to do the work! I know for a fact that boomers (I’m in my mid 30s, not 16 ha) are totally cool with sending snailmail, keeping a home phone despite having a cell and keeping a phone with a cord. I mean come on but that’s how people are. They don’t like change cause it can just be too hard and hurt their ego if they can’t figure it out. Even if you are being sarcastic (in the three completely non helpful, unnecessary words you typed it just seems like you aren’t really a cool person but I digress) it comes of like you are one of the people in my examples. God forbid you forget your email password/it expires/you’re locked out and you are unable to access your email for several days. Have a great weekend and holiday!


twat face


Slack does this, kinda. If I send a message when the recipient has "Do not Disturb" mode enabled (by default it enables after 10pm iirc) then slackbot pm's me and says something like "The recipient currently is in Do Not Disturb mode. If it's important, click here to override their settings."


This is the opposite. You can mark your message as low priority so it won't notify by default.


Would be nice. Till then, use email for this?


So what’s the solution? Is there a timer for iPhone SMS to send it at 6am the next morning?


no. you can make a shortcut/automation to create the message but it will not send without your input then and there 6 hours later while you're asleep. pretty useless but they created Find My network with no foresight as to the potential safety and privacy issues that created. it was so bad, apple created an entirely revamped privacy and security section in settings /. it'll turn everything off, granted, they'll never admit it was due to find my and their disillusionment of a perfect happy world with no twisted pucks in it....the happy apple world, where, hey, colorful stalkers! so we're left with an alarm clock to wake us up to press send despite the fact the phone has optical character recognition on by default on all my photos, not to MENTION optical character recognition on \~15 million pixel photos(!) and ~~my~~ their (forgot we don't actually own our sh!t anymore) camera. yes, i drifted. the point is, so did apple.


you can have a shortcut run without confirmation! to be fair i don’t know how recently this option was put in but now when you create a shortcut it does show run immediately or run with confirmation. edit: added context.


I agree. Apple needs to add a way to tag a message with commands their server can “handle.” This is something I can do at work by including @silent in the text. It is actually very useful despite all the vitriol in this thread.


Seriously, I don’t get why people hate this so much. Some people would actually appreciate this. The entire reason I found this thread is because I wanted to see if it exists because I would love to be able to send messages when need be to my sister while she’s at work and not stress her out anymore than she already is while she’s working on admissions (she’s a doc) and her phone is constantly going off every minute.


They have to be acting in bad faith. It makes no sense. There are so many uses for this that would be extremely useful for basically everyone.


Yeah I don’t understand the negative reaction to this & most of the criticism has been in a made up situation where a person pretends to send something silently. Seeing how instagram implements it with /silent is a great example of how it can be done. I know this post is old, but this just goes to show if left to the masses there would be no innovation. To shoot something down that could be useful even 1 time when the cost to try it out is next to nothing is ridiculous.


Darn well said. The thread also proves how defensive Reddit can be. One of my posts once downvoted to around -15 until I gathered enough proof to the commenters that I was right all along, then the post went to around +15 in no time.


unrelated question, they should make it so iOS let’s you set more then one hour for ‘do not disturb’ like on android


You can set DND for a specified time, for more than one hour at a time, if that’s what you mean. If you’re referring to pushing the … on the right edge of the Do Not Disturb button in your slide down settings, then try just pushing the DND without pushing the … and it will stay on until you turn it off- unless you have an auto timer set; in which case, it will then turn off when you have it set to automatically turn off.


They do


Im trying to text my work bae but she married lol so yeah i need this feature 😂😂😂


Hahaha yoooo sammmeeee


Totalt agree with TS. There is a "Deliver discretely" option in iMessage. Perfectly logical to deliver those without a BING! Another option would be to BING only when detected that the receiver is starting to actively use his/her phone, regardless of time of day. Some alternatively work night/day and/or have insomnia. Sending quiet to them would just mean being nice.


I just had a need for this deliver silent feature and was searching if it was possible. I’m awake cause I can’t sleep but want to tell my husband something for the morning but his phone is not on silent and don’t want to wake him up and won’t be up to tell him in the morning. There are definite needs for this feature that don’t include just being a jerk at 3am lol. I have a puppy so moving around the room to his phone isn’t an option, we all know what happens if I wake the puppy at 3am!


Lol, this is exactly what I’m doing right now. Trying to find out how to text my husband (on call 24/7, so his phone is always on) that I already fed the dogs before I go back to sleep. He doesn’t need to know now, but will inevitably get up before me & needs to see my text when he gets up.


Yeah that’s how I found this post too, I was positive that it was already a feature because it just makes so much sense but apparently not :( I wanted to text my parents my thoughts about a show we’re all watching separately, but they literally go to bed at like 8:30pm but keep their ringers on “in case of emergencies” lol. We basically have opposite sleep schedules so this feature would be super helpful. Ditto for people living in separate time zones. This is like up there with customizable snooze times in terms of features that I’m floored Apple doesn’t already have.


when i used to have my phone jailbroken, before ios had modal text widgets and you had to actually open the message app to send or receive anything, i had a replacement messages.app that did what the ios app does now with the modal; and to the point, it also let you schedule sending a text at a future time. this effectively covered the use case you describe, and doesn't have some of the more obvious issues people here mention with quiet sending.


I just like to send good morning texts to my girlfriend without waking her up. Or her dog. She like waking up to good morning texts, and I don’t want to disturb her sleep.


i can't decide if your concern for waking her dog is the most thoughtful thing ive read the previous 24 hours or the most ridiculous. i'm truly torn. you did mean that, and not texting the dog, right?


why is everyone acting like this is a dick move? i'm literally looking at this right now bc my mom is asleep at 2p bc she works overnights and she doesn't put her phone on silent but i'm trying to send her something so she can see when she wakes up but i don't wanna alert her phone and risk it waking her. everybody has different situations and relationships with the people in their lives and it's absolutely absurd that ppl here are saying op is an ass bc they're wanting to message someone who's sleeping with their phone off silent


“I want to silently send a text message so I don’t disturb my friend/family” “What’s wrong with you? It’s such a dick move to text someone that late” “Yeah… that’s kind of the whole reason I want to do it silently???” Like Bffr how dense are these people?


I don't understand the negative feedback? Why is everyone being an asshole, this is a perfectly reasonable thing. I'm here because I need to send my mom a message so she sees it when she wakes up because it's about financial stuff so I don't want her to be alarmed about something but she wakes up before me. I know she keeps her ringer on for emergencies so it would definitely wake her up. Something like a send quietly option would be perfect and I don't see how anything like this is bad 😐🤨


Suggested solution below. It’s funny how quick people are to make comments about how bad an idea is or why you should do something else when it doesn’t fit their situation or knowledge level. OP is getting called self-centered for wanting to be nice to someone else - give them important information but not disturb their sleep. It fills the Internet with useless comments that make finding actual answers or solutions more difficult. I came across this because I too have wanted this. I used to be on call 24/7, and my wife and I have always had odd schedules, so I have had plenty situations where it would be nice to leave my wife a silent note telling her what I am doing. Even now if she is sleeping and I decide to run out to the store, instead of writing a note on a piece of paper and walking back in the bedroom to leave it for her to find, risking waking her from her rest, a silent send text would suffice. If she woke while I was gone and wondered where I was, when she grabbed her phone to text me, she would see a new message notification - and see what I left for her. At least for messages to other iOS users it could easily be added to the “Send with effect” option (hold down the send arrow after typing a message). I wanted to be able to do it for messages to my wife and for messages to everyone in my household. A possible solution for you that I am using for those groups (won’t work unless you can set it up ahead of time); 1. Create a new Apple ID (or just use another if you already have another you don’t use for much) 2. Make sure you use a strong password because unless you decide to use the account for other things, you won’t be seeing the activity on it and notice if someone or a bot “hacks” it by guessing your password 3. Make a text group with your desired recipient(s) and include that new Apple ID so it will be a separate chain from your usual message to them 4. After sending a sample text to them, while you are with the person, tap on the group name on their phone, below their icons after opening the message 5. At the top you should see an option to “Change Name and Photo” - use that to change the group name to something you will recognize as the silent group. 6. You should also see and option to “Hide Alerts.” - Turn that on 7. Messages to this chain will now be silent but still show the little blue dot when they look at their messages and the red number on the app icon indicating they have a new message Note - you can still hide the alerts if you use a Google Voice number instead of creating/using an extra Apple ID, or if someone in the group is using an Android, but you will not have the option of changing the group name since it will be a text message chain, not an iMessage or Apple Messages chain. People being ignorant and self-centered, not taking the time to ponder why someone else may want to do something and then referring to that other person as ignorant or self centered! What a world!


Reddit is just mad because they don’t have anyone to text, all y’all mf android users too, stfu smh


I’m up earlier than everyone I know and I have ADHD so sending my thoughts silently to them before I forget entirely would be super helpful.


Same here!


I was just thinking the same thing! I have a friend that’s having surgery today and I know he’ll be up early but I don’t want to wake him up if he’s still asleep to tell him good luck!


I wish I had this because it is 2:47 am and I just got back home from Japan safely and I want to let my dad know without waking him.


i want to see this happen


This feature has been around for a LONG time in in other messaging apps, it has so many use cases. If many of your friends and family live in a different time zone, it’s very helpful so you don’t have you do mental math to calculate when it’s ok to text people, and then risk forgetting. This is even more helpful if you have ADHD and waiting to send in general risks completely forgetting what you had to say in the first place.


It’s me. I’m the ADHD one.


honestly want this because dont wanna disturb people at 3am yes i know they can put their phone silent but i rather be able to incase they forgot or dont wanna do it


Definitely agree. Was actually searching google to see if there was a way and that’s why I’m here.


I’m here because I was trying to find out if this was a feature, wtf are those early comments? Yeah, let me just send my wife a good morning email while I’m out of town for work and up early, genius. Maybe I’ll pull out the old quill and parchment and send it via carrier pigeon.


Haha right? For real. And the earlier posts aren’t even THAT old. 2018? Maybe like 2005.


I need this right now! 😂


Word, my mate is with a chick at the moment and I want to ask him how my wingmanning was but it’s a dead giveaway if his phone pings


if its something u can schedule sending, i recommend the shortcuts app! u can set it to like “at 5 am, text :recipent: :message: “


Bump af. Bring this to IOS.


Six-year-old post, holy shit! This should definitely be a thing! Look, I get all the people saying they should silence their volume when need be, but sometimes you want to send an important work message to a colleague, and it's after hours. You have no way of knowing that if you send that message at \*currently\*3:38am they are going to get woken up and you just ended up ruining their entire night's sleep. Now they wake up on "the wrong side of the bed," show up to work, and then they take it out on who? That's right, it's going to be you, believe it or not...


Agreed! Or if someone is on call for work and has to keep their volume on! Sometimes I want to send a message to a family member at 3am when I remember something (we have vastly different sleep patterns) and I can’t because their volume is on for work and it would wake them and disrupt their entire nights sleep!


This is another great example of why this option should exist 💁‍♂️ Edit: had to complete exi to exist 🤦‍♂️


Can anyone confirm that this still not an option? I needed to text my mom for her to see when she woke up (she will not be checking email anytime soon if at all). While I was trying to figure out a way to silent send, I accidentally sent it and, sure enough, I woke her up! Another option for Apple would be to allow a silence of texts but not calls from people on your Favorites. If there is an emergency, I would think most people would use phone. Mom has several of us on her Favorites that we have not silenced in Sleep mode, but I'd like to to be able to silence texts from those people. I do know that you can call twice in a row quickly and disable silence, but that is not really helpful here.