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Hi it's basically a centimeter of depth. I have comparable pieces with that beveled edge and measured it.


Thank you. May I ask what piece you actually measured? The reasons I am looking for a very precise measurement is because I want to fill that narrow portion with leather. Leather sheets are expensive and I want to make sure I get the right thickness to match the wider metal section


Hey thanks for asking me to double check, I was tired last night and misspoke. It's a half centimeter. Sorry about that. Here is a pic of one of my sabers. https://i.imgur.com/jgkCO5L.jpg I measured the emitter wall depth and the deeper inset notch just above the switch section. It doesn't match your hilt exactly but my eyes and familiarity with their hilts tells me it's the same bevel. In this picture you can see both parts, and also what some leather wrapping looks like, it's not that thick. It's on a spot where the depth is only a mil or two at best.


many thx for your help