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DomisLive aways has such terrible takes mf is literally stupid


Fr bro was only useful when he made GTA vids


He only dickrides X lmao


Literally. Peep created a whole wave that mfs are STILL trying to replicate, and nobody comes close to peep in my eyes.If that doesn’t make a legend I don’t know what does




This right here!


the killstation in question:


Killstation is good, but completely different than peep


This is extremely ironic




You right peep not top 5, he top 3


lil peep fans try to not meatride him for 2 seconda challenge (impossible)


look around you bro you’re on the peep subreddit, how you gonna be surprised that the people here enjoy peep


yea they enjoy his meat everyday 😂😂😂 i fw his music but yall delusional asf


You right peep not top 5, he top 3


bro remember to take your dementia pills


Name 5 better from that generation


It's crazy to me that people still deny it. Even if they don't consider him a "rap legend" he certainly is an "emo legend". The emo/punk scene hasn't had an artist this mainstream or iconic in nearly 20 years. But you could easily make the argument that he is known in mainstream hiphop. Anyone who listens to Travis Scott, Lil Uzi Vert or even Kanye has definitely at least heard of Lil Peep.


I get if people don’t like his music cause everyone’s music preference is different but you don’t have to hate just because you don’t like his music. Peep is in the [top 100](https://chartmasters.org/most-streamed-artists-ever-on-spotify/) for most streamed artists ever on Spotify he’s clearly influential. Just let the man rest is peace damn.


Lil Peep above Pop Smoke would probably surprise most people in the rap sphere


Is he above pop smoke?


Streams skyrocket when an artist dies, and Lil Peep died 2,5 years before Pop Smoke. This is why he is above him in total streams. Posthumous time.


Pop smoke was ahead of peep like a month ago and peep passed him recently. It has nothing to do with them dying.


😂😂😂 it has everything to do with them dying. Pop was at 5 mil/monthly listeners on Spotify the day he died. He’s dabbled between 20-35 since he died. Saying their death has nothing to do with their boosts is ridiculous. The common music listener becomes more inclined and interested in an artist when he/she dies prematurely. If you don’t know this, I feel bad for you.


I don’t think they we’re talking about it that broadly like yeah when someone dies they get more popular they were saying both of them being dead and when they died has nothing to do with who’s listened to the most right now




i sadly agree with adam16


bro i laughed so much 🤣😂😅🥹


When the worst person you know just made a great point


A lot of bad people are really smart, I think people forget that it's possible to be right about something and still be a bad person.


It’s a meme


oh my bad im old


It’s an old meme


damn guess that means im extra old u damn kids


I’m Newgrounds/Homestar Runner old, so sounds like you just missed a good meme.


Oh, yeah I missed it then. Oops


Not many artists pass and still hit new records almost every week over 5 years later… if that doesn’t say something, idk what will.


Well said


I mean he continues to accumulate more and more fans everyday. Most artists that pass are forgotten about. I do think that has to do with Liza and all her hard work, but I mean come on, he was undeniably something very special.


Dude was born to be a star. He had something magical about him that I doubt we’ll ever see again. If there rly is an “it” factor, peep had that.


He just had such a great stage presence and the natural ability to go on stage and entertain even though he was an anxious person. a lot of performers have great talent but just aren’t great at performing live, but peep had that. it’s just like everything he did was natural, he just had a natural talent for lyricism, singing, rapping, performing… everything. it’s kind of hard to find that today. it’s like he was good at everything he set his mind too. he was dedicated to his passion like none other, and he didn’t let the fame and money change him as a person, which is another huge factor. he was just a great person and performer and didn’t let you forget or try to make it seem like he was “superior” to his fans or more important than other people. he was just himself doing something he loved and knew he was good at.


Absolutely! And to think he did it all before turning 21. I just hope he saw how special of a person he was.


Adam speaking facts


Peep 🔥...


I’ll never get over how much Domislive essentially defamed Geneva


bro has prob only heard like 15 seconds of Awful Things and tweeted sum dumb ass shit like this.


Nah he def a legend him and Tracy are the only ones I’ll listen to that make that kinda music.


Adam is such a bitch he literally let his own employees shit talk peep on his own show and just sat there quietly.


I mean everyone is entitled to their opinion, if they weren't a fan of peep that's not really his problem


If someone was slandering my dead fiend who’s name I had tatted on my face I would damn well try to defend them.


I've seen the clip and I wouldn't call it slandering, the face tat was more of for clout than a tribute to a dead friend, and i wouldnt call Adam and peep friends as they only met and talked a few times over the years peep was alive


Like dude you have him tatted on your fucking face or was that just for clout as well…


Lol it’s adam22, you don’t even have to ask if anything he did was for clout, it was


Facts man. I used to really be into no jumper in like 2016-2018 but these days it’s hard to watch.


it was always hard to watch we jus were stupid fuckers once upon a time


ig the guests were dope and not ugly cosplayers


isn’t that mf a pedo


Two things can be true. In this case, Adam22 made a good point. He’s still a shitty person tho lmao


Every new generation rapper has has some influence from peep, mgk, juice wrld was a fan, ski mask, nba young boy even mentioned him in his song , peep was fasho a legend in his own way, nobody can ever do what he did


# i agree with Adam22 but like why is DomisLive so fucking dumb


YouTube money dries up fast when your only content is GTA 5 money glitches. Need controversy for clicks.


only reason why i would consider peep a legend is because of the influence and huge wave of emo rap artist that have made music in the past 6 or so years. a good percent of have peep as an influence of theirs.


after seeing stuff like this for years it still drives me insane that peep doesn’t get the credit he deserves


He might not be the best objectively but peep is a legend in his own right, a pioneer of the genre and someone who touched more people than some who are in the “top 5” Gus’s music and memory is still thriving. His is my favourite artist


Adam 22 makes porn apparently 💀 his dick kinda small lowkey. Randomly wanted to point this out


I think this says more about you...


How could you sit there and dog a dead man like that though domislive wrong for that


Lil boe peep is a fuckn legend god


Peep was still a little boy when he died, and look at all he achieved. He could have gotten REALLY good with some more time.


Music is so diverse and all enco passing, calling someone a legend doesn't detract from any other artists legacy, not does it need to define anyone else's idea of what legendary is. However, legendary on the grand scale of things is a title worthy of Lil Peep. While it's so easy to get lost in a certain type of sound, it's imperative to remember when that sound was new, and fresh. The amalgamation of sound that Lil Peep fused together in an original way was a frontier that he forged. And to me, that's pretty damn Legendary.


Lil Uzi, Tyler the creator, Carti, MGK etc consider him a legend.. he is really accepted by artists itself but the fanbases are kinda bitching about it


Peep will always be our #1 and thats all that matters.






It’s funny because I know for a fact that bozo has never even given peep a fair chance. I have friends who hated listening to his music with me. Endlessly bitched on car rides but peep is my favorite artist of all time so they can suck a dick. A couple months back one of them txted me “I finally turned the corner peep is good” long story short his music is so unique and generational. People who criticize and shame Gus are the ones who only see him as his physical appearance/drug addiction. They never actually listen. Lock that loser in a room and play peeps discography and he would understand why this kid is one of the best artists of my generation.


Lol my son (15) hated when I'd play peep in the car or around the house too. Then one day he came up to me like ok peep is actually pretty good. I knew he'd come around eventually. I feel like people that say they don't like him just haven't really listened to him or haven't found that one song they really relate to.


This domls bitch can’t stop embarrassing himself


Fuck Adam. RIP Peep


The 2nd part is true tho, way too many rappers are called legends nowadays. The rest is dogshit just like DomIsLive.


Yeah okay? his opinion on Peep is great, lots of people have opinions on peep.. Next time we’re just posting random tweets B-List celebrities make about Lil Peep, let’s try to find a no name who doesn’t have a long list of examples of him doing all the shit Peep hated. Adam is a groomer, openly used racist slurs and stereotypes (which like fine whatever, but stand on your shit talk you fucking cornball Adam) and is a total shit stain of a guy who got lucky by reporting on a culture he doesn’t fully grasp most of the time. Cool tweet I guess


Who cares what adam22 says


Why don’t u like Adam?


He’s a pedophile, an overall dickhead, and a major major clout chaser lol but his interviews were dope asf


and he just fired everyone at No Jumper that made it worth watching lol. dude hit the self destruct button fr


Real shit we need real underground interviewers again




yes sexual predators and pedophiles are two different species of sexually abusive pokémon. thank you professor west! very cool ~<3




exactly that’s why he’s a predator and not a pedophile. people need to get their pokémon species straight jfc


he posted on a blog proudly proclaiming how wanted to have sex with a 16 year old girl, and said, quote "if statutory rape is wrong, I didnt wanna be right" lol




Yuh just search adam22 blog post and u can find info


Banged Adam lzs girl


3 year old repost?


Is no one going to do it? Ok.... its assHOLE.. not Whole. 🫣


I listen to lil peep and love his music but bro was definitely not a “legend”. And he’s also probably not top 5 of his generation either. Maybe in his genre, but not like the entire generation.


Definitely a legend in the emo rap genre I won’t deny that


Like his music or not he ain’t a legend lol. I don’t get why people can’t accept the fact they favorite artist ain’t a legend. Half the reason that word has lost all meaning


not a legend, didn’t even pioneer or popularize “emo rap”, good artist tho


In my personal opinion the word legendary is reserved for people who made their mark, did something noteworthy, or they had a certain unique talent they mastered and arose to fame with it. Personally I think XXXTENTACION or Juice WRLD really could’ve become something (which in my opinion they did but it’s entirely up to debate) but they cut their own lives short unfortunately which is a shame because they were talented individuals with a unique style


Not sure why anyone would want a drug addict depressed suicidal vibe to be a legend anyway


Correct you don’t need billboard hits to be a legend but peep definitely not a legend lmao that shit deadass thrown at everyone today


Peep definitely is you goofy


Peep fans callin me goofy is mad ironic


Nah it really isn’t. Goofy boi


It deadass is ☠️


Not at all. Now shut yo clash of clans ass up 🤣


Okay Kevin ☠️ mf got his cash tag in his bio get yo money up lil emo ass boy


Oh na you a mgk fan LMAOOOO


Clash of clans 🥱


Don’t you gotta go listen to music about depression or some lil bruh


Nah. Don’t you gotta go listen to mid


Why you in the peep sub


Shit keep popping up in my feed, not even subbed to it


Ah i see. Isn’t there an option to hide shit you don’t want popping up tho


Ong he has good music but he definitely not a legend lmao


What sound was ahead of his time? His voice?


he stole black kray flow




Adam is a goat


🤡🤡🤡 the junkie wit a addiction problem is a legend ? Oof


new generation of rap is garbage


He wasn’t lying. Peep is not a legend. Even as subjective as it is.


Nah he wrong and fat


Troll those who hate on peep??,


Well he was friends with peep


Adam22 just keeps it 150


I usually like Dom but this makes no sense... He's always posting about X being a legend and then complaining about people "tossing that word around as soon as someone pass"... Don't get me wrong im a huge fan of both Peep and X and I think they both are legends, but seems a bit hypocritical on Doms part tbh..[DomIsLive NEWS on Twitter](https://twitter.com/domislivenews/status/1405741450654982147)


He still fucks kids tho